Title: Child Growth and Development
1Child Growth and Development
- Module 1 Principles of Child Growth and
2Growth Development
- We defined growth as specific _______________
and increases in the childs size. During the
first year of an infants life, babies can grow
______________ ______ and triple their birth
weight. After the first year, a babys growth in
length slows to _____ inches a year for the next
two years and continues from age two or three to
puberty at a rate of two to three inches each
year. A major growth spurt occurs at the
- Girls generally enter puberty between ages ___ to
___ years of age. - Boys usually enter puberty at ages ___ to ___
years of age.
4Similarities in Growth
- Growth proceeds from the __________________
- and from the center of the __________________
______________. - Children gain control of the ________ and _______
first, then the arms and finally the legs. - At birth, the brain, heart, and spinal cord are
______ _________________ to support the infant. - As children grow, the ______ and _______ muscles
- develop followed by the finger and
toe muscles.
5Differences in Growth
- Children _______________ in their growth. Some
children are taller, some shorter. Some children
are smaller, while others are larger. - These differences are completely normal. Normal
growth is supported by good _________________,
adequate ________________ and regular
____________________. - Children do not grow at perfectly
______________________ throughout childhood. - Children will experience weeks or months of
slightly slower growth followed by
________________________________. - Difference in the amount of growth can be a
source of ____________________ for some children.
It is important to help the children in your care
understand that these differences are
_______________, that each child is special, and
to help children develop a sense of
6Key Point
- ____________ is defined as specific body changes
and increases in the childs size. Growth
proceeds from the _________ downward and from the
____________ of the body outward. Children differ
in their growth.
7Key Point
- ________________ typically refers to an increase
in complexity, a change from relatively simple to
more complicated. _____________ usually involves
a progression along a continuous _____________
pathway on which the child acquires more refined
knowledge, behaviors, and skills. The ___________
is basically the same for all children however,
the ___________ varies.
8Principles of Child Development
- 1. Developmental Sequence _____________
________________________________ - 2. Development Proceeds from __________
_______________________________ - 3. Development is ____________________
- 4. Development Proceeds _______________
_______________________________ - 5. All Areas of Development are
91. Development Sequence is __________for All
-children develop in ___________________________ -
there is a _______________________ of dev that
occurs as a child grows -while the sequence is
___________ and the behaviors or skills emerge in
the same order, children can take more or less
________ with each behavior or skill -they can
move forward, ______________ for a short time,
then move forward again -some children may
______________ a behavior or skill as they move
102. Development Proceeds from ______________
-dev progresses from a beginning point moving in
a ______________________________ -just as growth
of an infant proceeds from the ________ down and
from the _________ of the body to the limbs, dev
of behaviors and skills moves from general to
specific -as children mature, their bodily
changes occur in a sequential order and give
children new _______________ -as the brain and
nervous system develops, a childs thinking
______________ skills and motor physical skills
113. Development is _______________
-in children who ______________ normally,
behaviors and skills they have already acquired
become the basis for new behaviors and
skills -there is _________________ from one phase
of dev to the next -children continue to add
_________ behaviors and skills as they perfect
their ability to walk, to write or draw and to
speak. -continuation of dev can easily be seen in
children as they _______________ from age two to
age twelve. Holding a
pencil develops into writing and drawing
124. Development Proceeds at_________________
-each child is different, and the __________ at
which individual children develop are
different -although the ________________ for dev
are usually the same for all children, the rates
at which individual children reach each stage
will be different -some children will ___________
at 10 months and others at 18 months -dev is
never uniform, but is ______________
135. All Areas of Development are ______________
-areas of development, called ___________
____________________________________________ -when
one area of dev is _____________, one or more
other areas of dev are also involved
14Key Point
- There are certain periods of time when children
are especially ____________ to their surroundings
and interactions with other people. These periods
of time are tied to brain development and
readiness for learning. Both will directly affect
the ________________ of developmental milestones.
15Basics of Brain Development
-there are ___________ brain cells at birth, but
there is minimal wiring between them -a
____________ is the connection between two nerve
sells. Synaptic connections are being formed
throughout the brain throughout life. -early on,
these new pathways are simple, vulnerable
growing rapidly. Later, the brain begins to
surround them with a kind of _____________
(myelin) that offers some protection to the
connections. -messages between synapses are sent
______________________ -stimulation
____________________ determine what connections
are initially formed -_________________ that are
encountered early often, as well as
the childs successful responses, get
wired into the brain
16Basics of Brain Dev cont.
-practice __________ help determine the
strength and durability of a
connection -there are times in a childs growth
that are referred to as _________________________
_________. These are certain periods of time
when children are especially receptive to their
surroundings and interactions with other
people. -these periods of time are tied to brain
dev and _____________ for learning that will
directly affect the achievement of developmental
milestones. For example, language skills depend
on hearing other people speak. -if there is not
adequate _________ stimulation in the first years
of life, language skills, especially grammar
pronunciation, are negatively affected -this is
critically important for young children since the
window of opportunity for
learning language skills begins to close around
5 yr old.
17Experiences and Environmental Influences that
Impact Brain Development
- _________________ you do in the child care
setting has an effect on the childs development
and learning. - How you diaper, ____________, and put to sleep
- The way you __________, and the way you comfort
- The amount of ___________ the child has to play
in, and the ambient lighting - The _____________ you sing
- The toys you provide
- The ______________ you serve
- These things and more
18Implications for Learning
- Why should child care professionals learn about
principles of child development? - Care and the environment can ____________
___________________________________ - The knowledgeable caregiver can __________
___________________________________ - When a child is struggling with a new skill,
___________________________________ - The knowledgeable caregiver can detect
indicators of possible delays, and __________
19Key Point
- All of your interactions with a child have an
____________ on the childs development and
learning. It is important to be ____________ of
what the child is learning while in your care.
20- As a child care provider you should always be on
the lookout for signs of _____________________
and be aware of appropriate methods of dealing
with children experiencing developmental delays. - You may use the knowledge about the Principles of
Child Growth and Development to spot the child
who is not yet showing the ______________________
_________ we would expect in a certain age range. - Certain aspects of development may be ________ or
non-existent, depending on the child. - Just because a child may be ________________
___________ in an area, it is important to
continue to help the child develop as much as
possible in the area in which he is delayed.
21- Developmentally ______________ practices for this
child may differ from those expected for the
childs age. - Include the child in all activities in which he
can ____________ participate. - Increased supervision or attention may be
required to ensure safety and well-being. Such a
child may also be in need of professional help
such as ___________________________________
________________________ - It is important to remember that you should ___
_______________________. If you have any concerns
regarding the growth and development of a child,
the concerns should be presented to - the appropriate party.
22Key Point
- The ___________ and _______________ generally
typical for children at a certain age range may
not be possible for some children who are
developmentally delayed.
23What is a _____________ Disability?
- Developmental disability
- Appropriate support in the 1st three years of
life of a child with special needs is called
early intervention, the sooner intervention
services begin the better. - Two specific developmental disabilities that you
may see are - Autism
- Down syndrome -
- The ________________________________, or ADA, a
federal law, requires child care programs to
comply with specific accessibility guidelines to
support children with developmental disabilities.
Achieving inclusion may require special training
for staff members, enhanced learning
opportunities for children, or adaptive or
modified materials, toys, and equipment. - The _________________________________, also known
as IDEA, ensures that children with disabilities
ages 3 to 21 receive a free appropriate public
education that early intervention services are
provided to eligible infants toddlers. - When child care programs fully support children
with developmental disabilities, they are said to
be inclusive. - A child care program can be inclusive by
- - __________________________
______________________ - - establishing a routine
and schedule - - __________________________________
______________ - - nurturing language development
- - ________________________________
________________ - - assisting families in meeting
their childrens needs
25Positive Behavior Supports
- The best way to guide the behavior of children
with developmental disabilities is to use
__________________________________ while
providing developmentally appropriate
individualized care. - Prevention, redirection, and positive
reinforcement are three types of positive
behavior supports. -
- Prevention
- Redirection
- Positive reinforcement
26Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA
- Passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) in 1990 sent a clear message to the
American people that children and adults with
____________ are entitled to the
___________________________ that others enjoy. - This means that children with disabilities are
legally entitled to ___________________ to
community-based child care settings. - However, a legal mandate by itself is not
sufficient to make available ___________________
and responsive child care options for children
with disabilities. - Although the picture is improving, families
continue to have ____________ finding inclusive
child care programs for their children.
27How would you address the special needs of each
of these children?
-a child who is physically-challenged -a child
who is socially-challenged -a child who is shy
or emotionally-challenged -a child who is
gifted -a child who is mentally-challenged
28Key Point
- Children with disabilities are ________________
____________ to equal access to community-based
child care settings.
29A Day in the Life
Single working parent who works 8 to 5 job and
has one child in child care wake up time? time
to drive to center? pick up time? dinner
time? bath time? bedtime? How much time does
this child spend in interaction with a parent?
How much opportunity does the parent get to
observe the childs growing repertoire of skills?
30Key Point
- Child care professionals may spot ______________
________________ before the parents do. This is
why it is important to _______________ the basic
child growth and development principles.
31Child Growth and Development
- Module 2 Child Development Theories
32What is a theory?
33Maslow and the Hierarchy of Needs
- Maslow developed a hierarchy of __________
______________. - In a hierarchy, one set of things is
_____________ on the next, both of which are
dependent on the next, and so on. - Maslows hierarchy has ____ levels, is pictured
as a pyramid and goes from bottom (human need
number 1) to top (human need number 5). - Like a _____________, it builds one level upon
the level below. - Satisfying the needs on the second level depend
on - the _________ level needs being
- ______________ and ready to be built
34Maslows Hierarchy Level 5 ____________________
________ Level 4 _______________________________
____ Level 3 ___________________________________
_______ Level 2 ________________________________
_______________ Level 1 ________________________
35Key Point
- Maslows Hierarchy of Needs include
__________________, ________________________,
________________________, ________________________
, ________________________.The lowest levels of
needs must be met before higher needs can be
accomplished. Successfully meeting the needs at
each level results in fulfilling ones life with
purpose and meaning.
36Erik Erikson
- Erikson is recognized as a ____________
psychologist who can be compared to
________________ because of his theory that
humans develop in stages. - He developed ____ psychosocial stages through
which humans develop throughout their entire
lifetime. - Individuals must go through each of these stages,
called __________. - Moving successfully through these conflicts
develops a strong _________ and ____________ life.
37 38(No Transcript)
39Key Point
- ___________ theory on emotional and personality
development describes eight conflicts that must
be resolved at stages of throughout life. During
the childhood years, encouraging ___________,
_________________, _________________ and industry
can resolve conflicts and create a resilient
social and emotional life.
40Jean _______
- He is most known for his work on the psychology
of __________________. - Piaget was interested in learning how children
develop an ____________________ of the world. - His theory was based on the concept of
__________________ structures. - Cognitive structures are patterns of ___________
or _______________ action that underlie acts of
intelligence and correspond to stages of child
development. - According to Piaget, children develop the ability
to learn in _____ basic stages. - In each stage, development focuses around
acquiring a different set of related
______________________ and - __________________.
________ _______ 0-2 yrs -________________________
___________________________ -understand world
by physically manipulating objects -trial
error problem-solving -_______________________
_________________ Stage 2
_______________ 2-7 yrs -_________________________
___________________________________ -uses
symbols to mentally represent objects -increas
e development of language concepts -________
__ -egocentric thought processes Stage 3
_________________ 7-11 yrs -_____________________
______________________ -are able to make
realizations about why things happen -understa
nd how things relate to one another Stage 4
_________________ 11 yrs -_______________________
____________________________________ -begin
to think about thinking -think in abstract
terms -_______________________________________
42Key Point
- Piagets four stages of ___________________
explain how children interact with their
environment to construct knowledge. Each stage
represents a change from one type of thought or
behavior to another and builds on the stage
43Lev __________
- He developed the _____________________ theory of
learning. - Children acquire _______________ through culture.
- Children learn through _______________________
experiences shared with a knowledgeable adult or
peer. Initially, the person interacting with the
child assumes more responsibility for guiding the
learning. As the child learns, the responsibility
is gradually transferred to him. This is an
instructional technique called ________________. - A child can perform a task under adult guidance
or with peer ____________________ that could not
be achieved alone. Vygotsky called this the
_______________________________________ - and claimed that learning occurred
in this zone.
44Vygotskys theory for learning
- _____________________ must be developed
- where children play an active role in their own
- education as well as the education of their
peers. - In ________________, the adult provides children
- with the opportunity to extend their current
skills and knowledge. - Reciprocal teaching ___________________________
- _________________________________________.
- The process has four main strategies for success.
They are - ___________ a question for understanding
- ___________ that they are understanding what they
are reading - Stopping to _____________ from clues what they
think will happen in the learning material and - _________________ what they have learned.
45Key Point
- _______________ socio-cultural theory of
_________________ development focuses on the
connections between people and the culture in
which they interact. The culture that surrounds
children and their social interaction leads to
continuous step-by-step changes in their learning
and behavior.
46Child Growth and Development
- Module 3 Influences Affecting Child Development
47How old? Does the child sound typical? If not,
what sounds atypical why does it concern you?
- Kierra has learned how to scribble with a crayon
from her big sister. She can stand on her
tiptoes. When she starts to sing the ABC song,
she usually winds up with lines from
Twinkle-twinkle Little Star. She has become
pretty good at following simple instructions. She
gets frustrated when she has trouble doing
something. Only about half of what she says is
understandable by strangers and many of her words
are a mixture of Spanish and English.
48How old? Does the child sound typical? If not,
what sounds atypical why does it concern you?
- 2. Julie doesnt sleep at nap time anymore. She
is very friendly and adores her older sister. She
likes playing with dolls and changing their
clothes. She has started to admonish the younger
children, reminding them of the rules. She does
not yet reliably count to ten, getting scrambled
with random teens.
49How old? Does the child sound typical? If not,
what sounds atypical why does it concern you?
- 3. Teddy can stand and can walk while holding
onto an adults fingers. He recognizes and
responds to his own name about half the time, but
cannot hear well. He can babble, but hasnt yet
said his first really intelligible word. He gets
very focused when he plays with blocks and cups.
He is still drinking from a bottle, and doesnt
yet have the hang of a sippy-sup.
50How old? Does the child sound typical? If not,
what sounds atypical why does it concern you?
- 4. Tina will look at you when you talk to her,
and she can ask for something by pointing and
saying please. She has a vocabulary of about 12
words that are clearly understandable. She gets
anxious for a little while when one of her
parents drops her off in the morning. She gets
frequent stomachaches. She can pull herself up on
furniture and can take a step or two before
sitting down. She can pull off her hat, but not
her socks.
51How old? Does the child sound typical? If not,
what sounds atypical why does it concern you?
- 5. Vaughn has a large vocabulary and talks almost
non-stop. He really enjoys being your helper.
He asks a lot of questions. He likes to play tag,
but changes the rules on the spot to his own
advantage. He can write his name, but uses a lot
of space. He can remove his own clothes and put
on his pajamas. He can brush his teeth without
help. If offered a piece of candy, he will
request that his younger brother receive a piece
52How old? Does the child sound typical? If not,
what sounds atypical why does it concern you?
- 6. Jose usually prefers to play with other boys
rather than the girls. He knows his left from his
right, and can tie his own shoelaces. He tattles
on other kids. He can balance on one foot, and
can ride a bicycle without training wheels. He
likes knock-knock jokes, and knows the days of
the week and the months of the year.
53Key Point
- Children develop at _____________ _______.
Internal and external factors have a great
influence on the development of children and the
_____________ you make as a childcare
professional in ______________ for their learning
and care.
54 Favorite Childhood BookTitle? Why
your favorite?
55Five Environmental Influences
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- __________________________________________________
____ - __________________________________________________
____ - __________________________________________________
56Key Point
- __________________ influences such as nutrition,
exercise levels, daily routines in physical
activities and learning and relationships with
adults and other children are important for
childrens ______________________________________
57The Influence of Heredity on Child Development
58- Temperament is different from ______________.
- _______________ is a prevailing or dominant
quality that characterizes a person. - _____________ is the totality of a persons
attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns,
emotional responses, social roles and individual
traits that endure over long periods of time. - While the childs _________________ may stay the
________, he/she can become more outgoing
(personality) as he/she learns to trust and work
with others.
59- Temperament also differs from __________.
- For example
60Key Point
- ____________ is the blend of physical and
temperamental characteristics inherited by a
child from the birth parents. Inherited
characteristics may have ______________ or
______________ ______________ on a child.
61Meet the Children
- Kierra-
- Julie-
- Teddy-
- Tina-
- Vaughn-
- Jose-
62The Influence of Birth Order
- Facts on _______________________
- -________________ affects a child by determining
how he sees himself. - -Research shows that generalizations can be made
as to the typical characteristics of placement. - -_____________ children are more likely to go to
college. - -_____________ children seem to have the
strongest feelings of neglect by parents, often
feeling that they were squeezed out by other
siblings. - -____________ may be more pampered
- and creative.
63Only Child
- Feel __________ because adults are more capable.
- Be the center of ______________ often enjoys
______________ may feel special. - Rely on service from others rather that own
efforts. - Feel unfairly treated when he doesnt get his own
way. May _______________ to cooperate. - Play divide conquer to get his own way.
- Have __________ peer relations as child but
better relations as adult. - Please others only when he wants to.
- Be ______________.
64First Child
- Be used to being ___________ of attention as the
only child until another is born into family. - Believe he must gain hold ________________ over
other children. - Respond to birth of 2nd child by feeling unloved
_____________. - Strive to keep or regain parents caregivers
_____________ through conformity. If this failed,
he may choose to misbehave. - Develop competent, ______________ behavior or
become very discouraged. - Sometimes strive to ____________ help others
- accept responsibility.
- Strive, or feel pressured, to ___________.
65Second Child
- Never have parents _____________ attention.
Always has sibling ahead whos more advanced. - Act as if in a __________, trying to catch up or
overtake first child. If first child is good,
second may be labeled bad. - Develops abilities first child doesnt _________.
If first child successful, may feel uncertain of
self abilities. - Be _____________. Often doesnt like this
position in family. - Feels squeezed if third child is born. May
___________ other siblings.
66Third or Middle Children
- Have neither rights of oldest nor ____________ of
youngest. May feel life is unfair. - Feel _______________, left out, squeezed
- Feel he doesnt have a place in family
- Become _______________ and a problem child. May
elevate himself by pushing down other siblings. - Be _______________. May learn to deal with both
oldest and youngest sibling. - Feel less _____________ than the oldest child to
meet parents expectations.
67Youngest Child
- Behave like an _______ child. May feel that
everyone is bigger more capable. - ___________ others to do things, make decisions,
take responsibility. - Feel smallest weakest. May not feel that they
are taken _______________ - Become ____________ of the family in getting
service his own way. - Develop feelings of inferiority or becomes an
______________ overtake older siblings - Remain the baby. If youngest of 3, often allies
with the ___________ against ___________ - child.
68Key Point
- _______________ affects a child by determining
how he _______ himself. Research shows that
generalizations can be made as to the
____________ characteristics of placement.
69The Influence of Health Status
- A child in _______________ has a better
opportunity to grow with fewer _____________
challenges than an unhealthy child. - Being ____________ generally happens when a child
eats well, gets plenty of physical activity
exercise, gets sufficient rest, has a healthy
weight, practices oral hygiene, exhibits
appropriate emotions, behavior responses to
discipline, etc - Growing health issue children _____________.
- What to do??
70Key Point
- ________________ is a critical influence on the
growth and development of a child from the
pre-natal period through each age and stage. A
child in good health has a ___________
opportunity to grow with ___________
developmental challenges than an unhealthy child.
71The Influence of Dev Obstacles
- Developmental _______________ vary widely but all
affect dev. - Multiple _______________ may progress more slowly
than a child with only one obstacle. - Overcoming or reducing the effect of obstacle
requires ________________ between child, parents
and caregiver/teacher. - _______________________ (federal law) including
children with special needs, side by side, with
their non-handicapped peers. This allows
children to learn from each other.
72Identifying Children with Special Needs
- Refer to page 372
- Possible__________________________________________
73How would you address the special needs of each
of these 4-yr old children while you are teaching
them to correctly complete a 20 piece puzzle?
- 1. Child is physically challenged
- 2. Child is socially challenged
- Child is shy or emotionally challenged
- 4. Child is gifted
- 5. Child is mentally challenged
74Key Point
- _______________________ vary widely but all
affect development. Prenatal problems, trauma
during birth, accidents, illness, disease, a lack
of parent and child interaction, or poor
nutrition damages the ________ and/or the
________ and may disturb or delay normal
development. Overcoming or reducing the effect of
developmental obstacles requires ____________
between the child, parents, and the childcare
75Key Point
- Knowledge of developmental __________ and
___________ on a child is crucial in making your
decisions as a childcare professional.
76Child Growth and Development
- Module 4 Developmental Characteristics, Part 1
77- As a child care professional, you have the
responsibility of choosing ____________
______________ that are both age ______________
and challenging. You must have an understanding
of - -typical ___________ abilities of children at
certain ________ - - what children should know be able to do from
birth through ______________.
78Key Point
- A child care professional who is
_________________ of the typical behaviors and
abilities of children can __________ learning new
skills and detect ___________.
79Age Ranges, Domains and Learning to Read the
Domain Charts
- Childrens development progresses in
______________. - It is quite normal for there to be
__________________ in the patterns and timing of
growth and development rather than a smooth
progression. - __________________ is unevenchildren dont
progress in all skills at the same time. - A child grows and learns ____________________,
not in pieces. - Skills such as sitting up, grasping, or walking
are examples of increasing ______________________.
80Domain Definitions
- Physical Health
- Motor Development
- Social Emotional
81Domain Charts
Domain charts cover childrens ages, birth to 12
years old. Under each age column are the typical
growth, _____________ or skill expectancies
within each ____________________ at the given age
Characteristic Birth to 8 months
Shows characteristics of appropriate health and development Sitting with support Rolling over back to front Teething
typical growth, behavior or skill expectancies
Remember, it is the _______________ of growth and
development, not the ________ that is the
important factor in evaluating a childs progress
summary statement common to the items in that row
These charts are guides - they should ___________
be used as a checklist.
82Key Point
- By knowing the typical growth, behavior or skill
_____________ found in the domains and
understanding the age ranges where these
expectancies may occur prepares the child care
professional to set up the ___________________,
design the curriculum and learning strategies and
assist parents in _______________ their
childrens progress.
83Physical Health Domain
- Involves typical ________ ________,changes in
weight height, general health safety,
visual________,hearing understanding the roles
of health care professionals. - 1st year most rapid changes during lifetime ie
- ____________ control most of a newborn childs
movements, while an eight-month old may already
be pulling up on furniture and taking his first
deliberate steps. - The newborn does very little at first. Most of
his movements are reflexive, that is, they occur
_______________. - Each infant is born with a set of reflexes that
allows response to the _____________ even before
he has had a chance to learn. - Most of these reflexes begin to
___________ - after a few months.
84- Refer to the Physical Health Domain Chart in
the Appendix, pp. 427-430
85Physical Health Domain
- To ensure the children in your care are healthy
well nourished, it is important to - ________________their eating patterns and bodily
functions. - Provide _______________ opportunities for them to
be physically active. - Encourage good hygiene __________________.
- _________________ and practice safety rules.
- _________________ hand-washing and tooth-brushing
on a regular basis. - _________________ children to exercise by
jogging, walking, jumping, running and dancing. - _________________ nutritious snacks and meals.
- _________________ with parents about regular
medical care, immunizations, symptoms of illness
86Key Point
- The ______________ domain involves typical
growth patterns, changes in weight and height,
general health and safety, visual perception,
hearing and understanding the roles of health
care professionals. Some children are able to do
_________ with their bodies at an earlier age
than others. Children may have great variation in
their _____________ between areas of physical
87Motor Development Domain
- Refers to a childs ability to _________
- _______________________________ ie, grasping,
rolling over, hopping on one foot, etc. - Instruction in ___________ of motor skills is
effective only after the appropriate
______________ development has occurred. - Refer to Motor Dev chart in appendix
88Key Point
- _____________ development refers to a
childs _________ to move about and control
various body parts. Motor skills are developed
only after the ___________ physical development
has occurred.
89Social Emotional Domain
- Broad area that focuses on how children ____
about themselves - their relationships with others their
individual behaviors responses to play/work
activities, ____________ to parents caregivers,
relationships with siblings friends, and
pro-social behavior. - Encourage toddlers to try _____________ however,
be sure to set limits when needed. - Children _______________ that take into account
their particular stage of development and
capabilities. - It is also during this time that you may first
hear children use the word, ____! This can
sometimes seem like a toddlers favorite word. - A child who, previously, was very easy and
adaptable, may now run from you when you try to
dress him or refuse to pick up his toys when
asked. Dont assume that the child is trying to
annoy you. - This is all a _____________
part of the childs - attempts to become
independent. - A toddlers job is to __________ because
he can.
90- Children are not born knowing how to form
___________, nor do they come into this world
understanding the rules their society has
established. They learn by ______________________
__. - Modeling appropriate ____________ behaviors is a
very important tool for teaching children how to
get __________ with others. (a good indicator of
a childs __________________________). - Pro-social behavior in adults children
represents the most _____________ - attributes of society. (acts of
91Pro-Social Behavior
- People once believed that if we were taught to
think about the needs of others, corresponding
___________________ would follow. Unfortunately
this is not true. - Implications of the social emotional domain of
the child care professional - ___________________ feelings of attachment and
help the infant build a close, trusting
relationship with his/her caregiver. - ___________________ separations.
- ___________________ independence and sense of
92Key Point
- Social ____________ development is a broad
area that focuses on how children feel about
_____________ and their relationships with
others. It refers to childrens individual
_____________ and responses to play and work
activities, attachments to parents and
caregivers, relationships with siblings and
friends and _______________ behaviors.
93Importance of Routines
- A routine is
- Through routines, children develop
- A sense of ____________ and self-esteem (My
needs will be met. I am worthy of this persons
attention.) - A sense of time and ____________ (Toys go here.
This is when we have a snack.) - Feelings of _________________ and competence (I
can do this by myself.) - Cognitive and ______________ skills (Pants go on
before shoes. I can ask for something I want.)
94Importance of Routines
- Routines for older infants and toddlers should
take into account the childs efforts to become
___________________. - Toddlers are quickly learning to do things for
themselves such as, ____________________,
_____________________, and _____________________. - Try to let them do as many things as they can by
____________. - Toddlers can be quite cooperative one minute and
running from you the next. As a result, routines
should be carried out in a way that is open and
_______________, yet there is a _______________
sequence to the routine. - In any routine, making a smooth _______________
from one activity to the next can help minimize
the stress. - Let children know what will be happening next
with statements such as, In a few minutes, we
are going to stop, and Im going to change
your diaper. This helps children feel safe and
95Key Point
- A routine is a _________ sequence of steps or
_______________ that are performed to complete a
task. A routine is based on the childrens
____________ level and skills and helps them feel
secure and comfortable by letting them know what
to ____________.
96Child Growth and Development
- Module 5 Developmental Characteristics, Part 2
97Birth to School AgeGrowth Development
- Young children are developing in all the domains
______________ - Each domain is equally __________ to the growth
and development of a child - Not only are the developmental domains equally
important, but they are also __________ - Rapid physical growth leads to increased and more
refined ______ development - The ________ health domain is interconnected with
the _____ development - The social emotional domain is linked to the
development of the _________
98Domain Definitions
- 4. ______________________ refers to a childs
eagerness to learn. It includes curiosity,
persistence, creative problem solving and the
ability to create and complete long-term
projects. - 5. _______________________ refers to the childs
ability to communicate with others. It involves a
childs ability to see, hear, speak, read and
write and construct an understanding of things
around them. - 6. ___________________________________ refers to
the childs intellectual or mental abilities. It
involves exploration, discovery, concept and
memory formation, problem solving and creative
expression. It includes knowledge of mathematics,
scientific thinking, awareness of social studies
and the arts.
99Key Point
- The time in a childs life from birth until he
enters school is a time of remarkable _______.
Young children are developing in all the domains
____________. Each domain is equally important to
the growth and development of a child. It is
essential that the child care environment sustain
a childs _________ and creativity, evolving
language and communication skills, and growing
knowledge about the world.
100Approaches to Learning
Refers to a childs __________ to learn. Includes
curiosity, ___________, problem solving and the
ability to create and complete long-term
projects. As a child care professional, you must
_________ and _________ these habits in your
101Approaches to Learning
- Young children are most likely to strengthen
their natural interest in learning by ___________
with the adults in their lives. As we assist
children in the learning process, we should
encourage them to make sense of their
environment. They need to - Observe and investigate (__________ and
_________) - Record and represent (persistence)
- Explain and draw conclusions (__________ and
102Approaches to Learning
- Approaches to learning requires child care
professionals to be alert to _____________ to
seize the moment when observing children
demonstrating persistence, intellectual curiosity
and creativity. - The habits and attitudes in this domain are not
learned only through formal instructions but are
__________ in children by being around people who
exhibit them. - As the child care professional, you need to
acknowledge a child when you see her completing a
task or being __________ in continuing to work at
solving a problem. - You can help support eagerness and curiosity,
persistence, problem solving and creativity with
effective ________ by adults and praise
given to children when they exhibit use of
these habits and attitudes.
103- Refer to Developing Questions That Help Children
Think on page 396 of your DCF Manual.
104Key Point
- The Approaches to Learning Domain involves a
childs _________ to learn. It includes
curiosity, persistence, creative problem solving
and the ability to create and complete long-term
105Language Communication
- Young infants are able to see at a distance of
approximately _____ inches. Objects held at this
distance are most clear. Since this is the
distance you typically hold or feed a young
infant, your face is one of the objects that an
infant will see. - Young babies like looking at the _____ face and
find it very interesting. - Babies are born with the ability to hear. This
ability begins to develop in the ____. - Long before a baby is born, he is hearing sounds
such as his mothers voice and his mothers
106Language Communication
- Before babies utter their first word, they are
preparing for ________ in many ways. - It should be noted that hearing matures to
_________. Infants hear sound in their
environment. As they grow, they begin to listen.
They begin to attach meaning to words and other
sounds. - The same process occurs with _______. Infants see
objects in their environment. As they mature,
they construct an understanding of the things
around them that they see so that their vision
becomes a window to understanding the world.
107Key Point
- An infant begins a _____ process of developing
language and communications skills before birth.
Hearing _______ to listening. The same
process occurs with seeing. They attach meaning
to words and other sounds and to what they see in
the environment.
108- __________ development occurs in gradual steps
as the child ages
109Key Point
- ______ is the first way that an infant has of
communicating. Around 2 months infants begin to
make vowel-like noises, called ______. Consonants
are added at around 6 months when ________
begins. Young toddlers will use Mama and Dada
with meaning by about 11 months. Around 12 to 24
months, most babies begin to use _____. The
progression of skills related to speaking is very
rapid once children reach the age of 3 years old.
- It is never too early to start _______ to
children. - Studies show that the more children ______ the
better readers and writers they become. - When children become good ________ in the early
grades, they are more likely to become better
learners throughout their school years and
beyond. - Daily reading is _________!
- __________ is also important.
111Key Point
- It is never _________ to start reading to
children. It is critical that child care
professionals and the learning environment
nurture the emergent literacy of infants,
toddlers, and preschoolers. Studies show that the
____ children read, the _______ readers and
writers they become. Daily reading is essential!
112- Reading and writing skills develop in children at
the same time. Development - Writing
113Key Point
- Daily ________ in the skills of writing is
essential for children to develop their writing
ability. _____ day, time must be devoted for
children to practice writing at their
level-scribbling, making letter-like shapes,
writing letters and connecting them into words
and connecting words into meaningful sentences
and, eventually, paragraphs, stories and other
114Language Communication Domain
- It is important to
- _____ a joy of reading and writing with the
children. - ______ a high quality library of books for Read
Aloud and individual reading. - _________ the parents to read aloud to their
children and have books available in the home. - Create a __________ environment with art, books
related to lessons, vocabulary strips and signs,
maps and posted alphabet signs. - Use the ________ with children to find stories,
learning activities and games that can become
part of daily lessons.
115Language Communication Domain
- Remember the cardinal rules of Read Alouds
- _______ the material.
- Practice reading with plenty of __________.
- The younger the child, the ________ the book.
- Choose books with ________ that will interest
children. - Stories and poems that ______ appeal to
116Key Point
- The Language Communication Domain involves a
childs ability to __________ with others. It
involves a childs ability to see, hear, speak,
read and write and construct an understanding of
things around them.
117Cognitive Development General Knowledge Domain
- Refers to the childs _________ or _______
abilities. Involves exploration, discovery,
concept memory formation, problem solving,
creative expression, etc.
118Cognitive Development General Knowledge Domain
- Use ____ and _______ vocabulary words when
appropriate. - Look for read aloud books that reinforce math,
science, social studies and art and music. - Use positional vocabulary and refer to maps and
location charts. - Organize an ___ and _____ learning center or
station with appropriate supplies and tools. - Involve childrens creativity in and connect
their creative experiences to concepts there are
exploring. - Provide children with classroom activities,
materials and discussions that address the wide
range of _________. - Teach children about _____ and have appropriate
rules - for childrens safety and learning.
119Key Point
- The _________ Development General Knowledge
Domain involves the childs intellectual or
mental abilities. It includes exploration,
discovery, concept and memory formation, problem
solving and ________ expression. It includes
knowledge of mathematics, scientific thinking,
awareness of social studies, and the arts.
120Weekly Block Plan Chart
121Weekly Block Plan Chart
122Key Point
- Child care professionals need to ____ a variety
of activities and materials for each day. Use a
planning tool like the Weekly Block Plan chart to
insure that learning is central to the activities
experienced by the children.
123Child Growth and Development
- Module 6 Developmentally Appropriate Practices
124Developmentally Appropriate Practices
- Child care professionals who use Developmentally
Appropriate Practices make decisions about the
education and the well being of children based on
three important sources - What you know about how children _______ and
_____. - What you know about the strengths, _____, and
interests of individual children. - What you know about the ______ and cultural
contexts in which their children live.
125Developmentally Appropriate Practices
- Developmentally Appropriate Practices are ____
____________. - Developmentally Appropriate Practices are
_____________________. - Developmentally Appropriate Practices are
________ and __________ appropriate.
126Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Elements needed for creating developmentally
appropriate programs
127Selecting Appropriate Activities for Age Groups
- Refer to page 412 in your DCF Manual. Write your
answers on the next slide.
128Developmentally Appropriate Practices
129Key Point
- _______________ Appropriate Practices (DAP) are
age appropriate, individually appropriate, and
socially and culturally appropriate. DAP are
valuable general guidelines to ________
childrens learning.
130DAP for Children with Special Needs and