Title: Lombroso Criminal Features
1Lombroso Criminal Features
2Can you look at the features of an individual and
from what you see decide if they are a criminal
or not?Try this test and see how good you are
at spotting the criminal
- http//www.malevole.com/mv/misc/killerquiz
3Sheldon Somatotypes
- Endomorph
- Ectomorph
- Mesomorph
- Abnormal chromosome pattern XYY
- Hormones and Neurotransmitters
- a)Testosterone high levels associated
with aggression - b) Serotonin low levels associated with poor
impulse control
5Psychoanalytic Approach
There are 3 parts to the mind
The Id Resides in the unconscious mind Contains
basic instincts and desires. Is totally selfish
6The Super Ego
This acts as our conscience. It expects us to
behave unselfishly all the time even when this is
totally unrealistic It resides partially in the
unconscious mind
7The Ego
This resides in the conscious mind It must
balance pressure from the Id and the Superego It
decides how we will behave
8- Poor development of the super ego could lead to
criminal behaviour. - Problems with relationships in childhood leads to
problems in adulthood life.
- This could occur
- when parents provide poor role models or the
relationship between parent and child is poor - For example Bowlbys Theory of Maternal
9Learning Theories
- Social Learning We copy behaviours we see
others performing. The influence of the media
could be important here
10Differential Association Model
- The advantages and disadvantages of obeying the
law or performing criminal behaviour are weighed
up -
- Which ever behaviour appears to have the most
advantages or fewest disadvantages to it is the
behaviour performed
11 Eysenck Personality
12Criminal Personality
These individuals have high scores for
extraversion, neurotocism and psychoticism
Extraverts take less notice of the opinion of
others and are harder to condition
High scorers for neurotic react emotionally and
have difficult to deal with stress
High scores for psychoticism could mean the
person is cold and cannot empathise with others
13Offender Profiling