The Jeremiad and Mary Rowlandson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Jeremiad and Mary Rowlandson


... condemn a society for it's wickedness and thus prophesize its downfall ( John Winthrop describes it as a sermon that seeks to unify people by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Jeremiad and Mary Rowlandson

The Jeremiad and Mary Rowlandson
  • August 14, 2008

What is Jeremiad?
  • Literary Dictionary Jeremiad is either
    a prolonged lamentation or a prophetic warning
    against the evil habits of a nation, foretelling
  • Is usually found in moralistic texts that condemn
    a society for its wickedness and thus prophesize
    its downfall (
  • John Winthrop describes it as a sermon that seeks
    to unify people by creating tension between ideal
    social life and its real manifestations
  • In other Words
  • we commit sins because of societys bad habits
    and the morals that it has (I.e social moral
    evils). Jeremiad is thus a lamentation of
    societies doom, which is seen as a just
  • -can either be in prose, captivity narratives
    such as Rowlandson, or any other form of poetry.

More on Jeremiad
  • The jeremiad works when one recognizes the
    tension between the public ideal (the sins we
    have committed because of society) and their
    individual efforts (what we do to repent those
    sins) and seeks to purify themselves to improve
    the community
  • And we try to comprehend jeremiad because it
    has a role in the construction and critique of
    public life, that is, in the society that we live
    in (http//
  • The term derives from the prophet Jeremiah and
    Book of Lamentations.
  • In fact, Puritans strongly believed in
    following/worshipping what was commanded to them
    in the Bible. They were not swayed by idolatry
    (worshiping of images, idols, etc.)

  • What elements of the jeremiad do you see in Mary
    Rowlandsons account?

Jeremiad Structure
  • Doctrine/Biblical text
  • People are pursued for their sins, review of
  • Typological interpretation
  • Covenant
  • Announcement of laws and reasons
  • lessons
  • Uses
  • Describes how doctrine related to New England way
    of life
  • Proposed scheme for reformation
  • Threatened more judgment if the listeners/readers
    failed to follow the advice

Jeremiad Structure, cont.
  • Increase Mathers wrote several sermons in
    jeremiad fashion. He also edited Rowlandsons
  • There are several examples in the text which
    evoke elements of the jeremiad
  • P. 67 Lots Wife comparison
  • P. 82 Daniels Story comparison

History of Jeremiad
  • Ceremonial of the fast day
  • Ministers gave sermons that called for reform as
    they identified sins and the following terrors if
    the people did not repent
  • Election sermons
  • In the spring when officers were sworn into
    office and oaths taken
  • Ministers would give a sermon as a review of
    recent afflictions and the possibility of new
    growth (Miller, The New England Mind)
  • 2nd Generation (1660-1690) thought of jeremiad as
    a distinct form
  • Ministers reputation based on the skill with
    which he could devise prognostications of a
    mounting disaster (Miller)
  • Circulation of jeremiads in print during
  • virtually the only works for which there was a
    domestic sale (Miller)

Notable Jeremiads
  • Trace the forming of the jeremiad as early as the
    late 1640s with the writings of Thomas Shepard
    (preacher) and John Cotton (scholar)
  • Theme first fully set by Michael Wigglesworth in
    1662, in poetry, Gods Controversy with
  • Samuel Danforth in 1671, A Brief Recognition of
    New England Errand into the Wilderness
  • Increase Mathers in 1676, A Brief History of the
    Warr with the Indians in New-England
  • Synod gathering of churches in 1679, Result
  • Digest of previous inventories
  • Construed as the climax of an emerging ritual
  • Admitted in its existence that the form had
    become a stereotype
  • First indication during 1680s that that
    listeners were getting bored with jeremiad form

  • What contemporary examples of the jeremiad can
    you think of?

Ronald Reagan
  • Ronald Reagans February 5th Address to the
    Nation on the Economy
  • Looking back
  • I regret to say that we're in the worst economic
    mess since the Great Depression.
  • What's happened to that American dream of owning
    a home?
  • Covenant breaking
  • That didn't bother us. But if we look back at
    those golden years, we recall that even then
    voices had been raised, warning that inflation,
    like radioactivity, was cumulative and that once
    started it could get out of control.

Ronald Reagan, cont.
  • Maintaining hope
  • But rather will try to explain where we are, how
    we got there, and how we can get back.
  • It's time to recognize that we've come to a
    turning point. We're threatened with an economic
    calamity of tremendous proportions, and the old
    business-as-usual treatment can't save us.
    Together, we must chart a different course.
  • American Exceptionalism
  • We will restore the freedom of all men and women
    to excel and to create. We will unleash the
    energy and genius of the American people, traits
    which have never failed us.
  • Puritan Ideals and Repentance
  • We can leave our children with an unrepayable
    massive debt and a shattered economy, or we can
    leave them liberty in a land where every
    individual has the opportunity to be whatever God
    intended us to be.
  • http//
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