Title: The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and some of Her images
2The Black Madonna- Czestochowa,Poland
- Belief
- painted by St Luke the evangelist
- on a cedar wood table worked by Jesus.
- Kept in Jazna Gora (Bright Hill).
- Protected the city from invasions.
3Guadalupe (1530)
Saint Juan Diego
The signal Castilla roses for bishop Zumarraga
John Paul II Juan Diegos canonisation 2002
Mexicos independence banner
5Paris, 1830. The Miraculous Medal
Catherine Laboure
6La Salette, France (1846)
If my people shall not obey I shall be compelled
to loose my Sons arm
Maximin Giraud Melanie Mathieu
7Lourdes, France (1858)
I am the Immaculate Conception
Bernardette Sobirous canonized in 1933
8Fatima, Portugal (1917)
Jacinta and Francisco Marto, beatified 2000 Lucia
dos Santos, deceased February 13, 2005
9Beauraing, Belgium (1932)
Andree Degeimbre Fernande Voisin Gilberte
Degeimbre Albert Voisin Gilberte Voisin
Offer yourself up for me! I shall convert the
10Banneaux, Belgium (1933)
Mariette Beco (with brother Julian)
I am the Virgin of the Poor
11Betania, Venezuela (1984)
Maria Esperanza de Bianchini
Passions and thirst of power and material goods
have turned mankind cold and selfish.
12Apparitions with partial approval
13Akita, Japan (1973)
Message approved by Cardinal Ratzinger upon
completion of canonical investigation
If men do not repent and better themselves the
Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all
14San Nicolas, Argentina
Gladys Quiroga de Motta
Message in full agreement with the Scriptures
Jesus Christ will win the great battle
15Apparitions without churchs final decision
16Garabandal, Spain
Sacrifice, fast, penance. Visit the Eucharistic
Mari Loli Mazon, Jacinta Gonzalez, Mari Cruz
Gonzalez, and Conchita Gonzalez
17Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina
Faith, prayer, fasting, reconciliation
Ivan Dragievic Vicka Ivankovic Marija Pavlovic
Lunetti Ivanka Ivankovic Elez Mirjana Dragicevic
Soldo Jakov Colo