Title: Non-destructive Evaluation NDE
1Non-destructive EvaluationNDE
- Dept. of Physics and Materials Science
- City University of Hong Kong
- References
- H.E. Davis, G.E. Troxell, in chapter 16 of The
Testing of Engineering Materials, 1982. - J.S. Ceurter et al., Advanced Materials
Processes (April 2002), p.29-31. - T. Adams, Advanced Materials Processes (April
2002), p.32-34.
2Various Purposes
- Locate defects (Why ?)
- Determine dimension, physical, or mechanical
characteristics - Determine Residue Stress (XRD)
3Advantage of Knowing the defects
- Defects are usually stress raiser
- Stress raiser can cause pre-mature failure?Over
design to overcome pre-mature failure?Bulky/heavy
design - Catastrophic/sudden/unpredicted failure?loss of
lives and money - Quality control
- Better design
4Better design (example)
- Consider a rectangular bar 10mm x 5 mm which will
be used to support some load. The steel chosen
had yield strength, tensile strength and fracture
toughness being 600MPa, 900MPa and 40MPa?m. If
the corresponding design safety factors are 1.2,
1.6 and 1.5 respectively. What is the allowable
load? - Yielding failure (gt25 kN)
- Tensile fracture (gt28.1 kN)
- Fracture toughness (crack size dependant)2 mm
16.8kN 1mm 23.6kN 0.1mm 75.2kN
5Yield strength (plastic deformation)
- area 10 mm x 5 mm 50 x 10-6 m2
- max. load
- (yield strength x area) ? safety factor
- (600MPa x 50 x 10-6 m2) ? 1.2
- 25 kN
- (plastic deformation at load gt 25 kN)
6Tensile strength (Catastrophic failure)
- area 10 mm x 5 mm 50 x 10-6 m2
- max. load
- (tensile strength x area) ? safety factor
- (900MPa x 50 x 10-6 m2) ? 1.6
- 28.1 kN
- (tensile fracture at load gt 28.1 kN)
7Fracture Toughness (require information of crack
- KIC ? ? ?(?a)
- Assume geometric correction factor, ? 1
- ?max KIC /?(?a)
- Max load
- ? x A ? (safety factor)
- KIC /?(?a) x A ? (safety factor)
- 40MPa?m /?(3.1416 x a) x 50 x 10-6 m2 ? (safety
factor) - When a 2 mm, max load (2000 ? 0.07927)/1.5
16.8 kN - When a 1 mm, max load (2000 ? 0.05605)/1.5
23.6 kN - When a 0.1 mm, max load (2000 ? 0.01772)/1.5
75.2 kN
8NDE methods for location of defects
- Surface defects detection
- Visual inspection
- Liquid penetrant test
- Magnetic particle method
- Internal defects detection
- Magnetic particle method
- Radiographic methods
- Electromagnetic methods
- Eddy current method
- Barkhausen Noise Inspection
- Principle
- Material defects (grinding damage, re-tempering
burn, Re-hardening burn, residue stresses - Acoustic methods
9Visual inspection
- It should never be omitted.
- Use low-power magnifying glass or microscopes
(remember to take permanent photographic record) - Surface roughness
- Touch inspection using finger along the surface
(2-3 cm/s.) - Light reflection method
- No-parallex method
- Penetrant test
10Penetrant test
- Suitable for locating surface discontinuities,
such as cracks, seams, laps, laminations in
non-porous materials. - Applicable to in-process, final, and maintenance
inspection. - ASTM E 165
- General procedure
- Thoroughly clean the surface
- Apply penetrant on the surface
- Liquid penetrant enter small openings by
capillary action - Remove liquid completely and apply developer (dry
or wet) - The penetant bleed out onto the surface showing
the location of the surface defect
11Enhancing the penetrant test
- Strike the part to force the liquid out of the
defect - Fluorescent-penetantdepth of surface defects may
be correlated with the richness of color and
speed of bleed out - Filtered-particle inspection-This method
depends on the unequal absorption into a porous
surface of a liquid containing fine particles in
suspension.-Preferential absorption causes the
fine particles in the solution to be filtered out
and concentrated directly over the crack,
producing a visual indication. - Cracks on Non-conducting materials-A cloud of
fine electrically charged particle is blown over
the surface, causing a buildup of powder at the
12Magnetic Particle Test
- Use to locate the defects at or near the surface
of ferromagnetic objects. - The magnetic particles tends to pile up and
bridge over discontinuities. - A surface crack is indicated by a line of the
fine particle following the outline of the crack. - A subsurface defect by a fuzzy collection of the
fine particles on the surface near the defect. - Fatigue crack in an airplane gear.
- Orientation of cracks
- Some cracks are more difficult to detect.
- DC current is often employed, since it permit
deeper defects detection.
13Permanent magnets with soft iron keepers
14Fixture for yoke induction of longitudinal
magnetic field
15Leakage Flux
16Fatigue cracks in airplane gear detected by the
magnetic-particle method
17Orientation of magnetic fields
18Some cracks are more difficult to detect
19Threshold indications of near-surface cavities
20Radiographic methods
- X-rays method (Exograph)
- Gamma rays (Gammagraph)
- Neutron
- Infra-red (FT-IR) imaging
21X-ray method (ASTM E 94)
- High energy photon (short wavelength, high
frequency) can penetrate materials better - Formation of the radiograph
- X-ray source
- Arrangement for radio graphing a welded joint
- Xeroradiography static electricity, fine
powders, specially coated Al plate, image
available in seconds - On-line Soft X-ray scanning low energy X-ray
- Influence of size of source and sharpness of
image - Interpretation of the radiograph (e.g.
Radiograph of a 20 mm weld) - Quality of image
- Safety (Biology effect)
22Formation of a radiograph
23X-ray source
- X-ray method (seconds/minutes) is faster than
gamma-ray method (hours) - The quality of the image depends on the stability
of the high voltage electron tube and the
penetration power of the x-ray. - Industrial units (40-400kV)
- High resolution system (30-150kV)
- High energy system (gt400kV)
24Radio graphing a welding joint
25Interpretation of Radiographs
- Contrast due to difference in thickness, density,
composition. - Gas cavities and blowholes are indicated by well
defined circular dark areas. - Shrinkage porosity appears as fibrous irregular
dark region having an indistinct outline. - Cracks appear as darkened areas of variable
width. - Sand inclusions are represented by gray or black
spots of an uneven or granular texture with
indistinct boundaries. - Inclusions in steel castings appear as dark areas
of definite outline. In light alloys the
inclusion may be more dense than the base metal
and thus cause light areas.
26Influence of size of source on sharpness of image
27Radiograph of a 20 mm weld
28Quality of image
- The absorption increase rapidly with the
thickness exponentially - The longer the wavelength, the greater the
absorption. - Penetrameter a calibration device helps in
determining the smallest detectable defect
29Radiation Monitoring and Safety
- Observe the rules, regulation and monitoring
measures set by the local and international
nuclear and radiation monitoring bodies. - Be EXTREMELY careful, dont perform this in a
rush. - Once the operation manual have been set, the
engineers and technicians must follow it
STRICTLY. - Dont make arbitrary compromise.
- Get advices from the licensed radiographers.
- Select appropriate personal monitoring devices.
30Biological Effects
- Relaxation lengths of various shielding
materials. - Estimated radiation does to U.S. population
- Acute doses of penetration radiation.
31Relaxation lengths of various shielding materials
32Estimated radiation does to U.S. population
33Acute doses of penetration radiation.
34Neutron Radiography
- Brass bullet with gunpowder
- Steel airbag inflator with packets of fast-burn
pyrotechnic - 38 mm long turbine blade
- Turbine blade with flaw
35FT-IR imaging
Inclusion in polypropylene film
IR spectra showing impurities (1) ester and (2)
Red amide
Red ester
36Perkin-Elmer FT-IR imaging system
37FT-IR imaging
An image a flys wing
38Fingerprint image
39PCB sample
40Electromagnetic methods
- Magnetic measurement is sensitive to chemical
composition, structure, internal strains,
temperature and dimensions. - Limitations
- Magnetic properties cannot be simply related to
the mechanical properties - Sensitive to internal strains and temperature.
This is more significant when high frequencies or
low magnetizing forces are employed.
41Encircling Coils
- If the test coil moved over a crack or defect in
a metal plate, at a constant clearance speed, a
momentary change will occur in coil reactance and
coil current.
42Effect of similar inner and outer defects on flux
pattern and measurement
43Barkhausen Noise Inspection
44Barkhausen Noise (Principle)
- Magnetizing field causes the materials undergo a
magnetization change in ferromagnetic material - This change is a result of the microscopic
motions of magnetic domain walls within the
metal. - Domain wall movement? emit electrical pulse that
can be detected by a coil of conducting wire. - These discrete pulses are measured in a bulk
manner, resulting in a compilation of thousands
of electrical pulses referred to as Barkhausen
noise. - The amplitude of this signal ?magneto-elastic
parameter (MP).
45Acoustic Methods
- (Sonic methods)
- Ultrasonic methods
- Detection of defects by ultrasonic waves
- Oscilloscope screen of ultrasonic tester
- Ultrasonic Virtual Images
- 2-D image (C-scan)
- 3-D image
46Ultrasonic NDT methods (ASTM E 127, E478, Eb500)
- Frequency used 100k-20MHz (audible 20-20kHz)
- Produced by piezoelectric crystals, such as
quartz, in electric fields. An a/s voltage
produces mechanical oscillations - The divergence angle depends on the ratio of the
wavelength to the diameter of the source (e.g. In
steel a sound at 5MHz has a wavelength of only
1.25mm, a crystal lt25mm will have a small
divergence angle - Usually one crystal probe both sends and receives
sound - The probe is moved progressively along the
surface - Cracks parallel to the waves reflect very little
to the beam hence, 2 tests normal to each other
are required.
47Detection of defects by ultrasonic waves
48Oscilloscope screen of ultrasonic tester
492-D image (C-scan)single depth
3-D image Multiple depth (only the layer with
problem is shown)
50To determine dimension, physical or mechanical
- Thickness of paint and enamel
- Nickel coating
- Hardness tests
- Moisture content by electrical means
- Proof tests
- Surface roughness tests
- Concrete test hammer
- Sonic method for measuring thickness
51Enamel and paint coating thickness
- The reluctance of the magnetic circuit of the
sensitive gauge head when placed on a coated
steel surface varies with the thickness of
enamel/paint. - The gauge head is calibrated to read thickness
directly in thousands of an inch.
52Nickel coating thickness
- One type of instrument employs a portable spring
balance for test. - Thickness of nickel coating on nonmagnetic base
metals is determined by force required to detach
the magnet from the coating. - The greater the thickness of the nickel coating,
the larger the force required.
53Electronic device for measuring surface roughness
54Concrete test hammer
A NDT impact test for determining the hardness,
and the probable compressive strength of concrete
in a structure is by causing a spring-loaded
hammer inside the tube automatically to strike
the concrete.
55Ultrasonic tester for measuring thickness from
one side only.