Title: Space Qualified NDE
1Space Qualified NDE HM Technology
December 6, 2005
NextGen Aeronautics Dr. Shiv Joshi University of
South Carolina Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu
2Presentation Outline
- Current projects
- Objectives and goals for space application
- Applications and innovations
- Commercialization
- Technical approaches and challenges
- Structural health monitoring (SHM) with
piezoelectric active wafer sensors (PWAS) - Impedance acquisition module miniaturization
- PWAS durability and survivability
- SHM demonstration on complicated space panel
- Composite materials
- Thick structures
- EUSR and phased array advances
3Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
- Passive SHM records flight parameters, loads,
strain, environment, vibrations, impacts,
acoustic emission from cracks, etc. - Active SHM detects damage, cracks, disbonds,
delaminations, etc. (embedded ultrasonic NDE) - Research Aim Develop embedded NDE sensors for
active SHM
(Giurgiutiu, V. Zagrai, A. N. Bao, J.
Piezoelectric Wafer Embedded Active Sensors for
Aging Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring,
Structural Health Monitoring An International
Journal, Sage Pub., Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2002, pp.
41-61 )
4Current Health Monitoring Projects
5Space NDE HM Goal
Assurance of Structural Integrity for Space
applications with minimal weight and cost impact
- Development of resilient space qualified
non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and
health-monitoring technologies for on-orbit
inspection and maintenance of aerospace systems - Validate sensor technologies through space
qualification tests - Validate weight/cost impact using selected
application - Identify certification barriers and risk
mitigation strategies for commercialization
Strategy built on concepts developed during the
last decade in smart materials and structures
area, especially by PIs from NextGen and the
Southern Carolina University (SCU)
- Potential Applications
- Adhesives, sealants, bearings, coatings, glasses,
alloys, laminates, monolithics, material blends,
wire insulating materials, weldments - Thermal protection systems
- Complex composite and hybrid structural systems
- Low density and high temperature materials
- Aging wiring
Near-term Applications Applications targeted for further development
Detection of cracks, corrosion and disbonds Detection of cracks under bolts Real time and in situ monitoring Micro-meteor impact damage assessment Damage characterization for durability and life prediction Planetary entry aeroshell validation Electronic system/ wiring integrity assessment Early detection of damage
8Innovative Concepts
- There are three distinct innovative concepts
incorporated in the our technology.
- Excitation of preferential Lamb/Rayleigh wave
modes, - Utilization of phased array concepts,
- Utilization of software algorithms rather than
hardware for beam forming and signal analysis.
These concepts make it possible to develop an
ultra light, small footprint, low energy
consuming, reliable and low cost structural
health monitoring system.
9Space HM Overview
Phase II Development Testing
Integration Flight Testing
Certification Marketing
- Development of PWAS NDE methods on complex
structure - Development of phased array(reduces quantity of
- NDE HM system for specific structural
application - Space certification testing
- Validate weight/cost savings
10Path to Commercialization
- Develop NDE HM system using PWAS technology for
a selected space application - Validate PWAS technology by space certification
tests - Validate weight/cost impact using selected
application - Identify certification barriers and recommend
risk mitigation strategies for commercialization
Space Station
ReusableLaunch Vehicles
11Technical Approach
- Space Qualification Testing
- Coupon Tests for Design Environment
- Subcomponent Testing under Loads
- Design curves for minimal sensor placement
Space Application Results
Phase II
- System Integration Test
- Lockheed Martins X-34composite LO2 tank
composite LH2 tank with integrated TPS
12Technical Challenges
Challenge The reflection/scattering from a crack
is superposed on reflections/ scattering from
geometric irregularities, bonding and mechanical
fasteners. This results in noisy
signal. Solution It could be resolved by using
differential signal method. In this approach, the
signal from the pristine structure is subtracted
from the signal received in the present state of
the structure. Challenge Assessment of the
severity of damage. Solution Near-field
Damage Correlation Coefficient Deviation (CCD)
damage matrix Far-field Damage Probabilistic
Neural Networks (PNN)
13Other Issues
Durability USC performed durability and
survivability tests. Thermal cycle loading to
check the interface between PWAS and structure.
Exposure to outdoor environment (rain, snow,
etc). Submersion in various liquids (salt water,
hydraulic fluid). Various adhesives, coatings,
and wire combinations were tested. Strain USC
performed PWAS response of structure under
mechanical static and fatigue loading. Hardware U
se wireless sensors and miniature IC
chips. Software Signal conditioning, continue
development of EUSR, Correlation Coefficient
Deviation (CCD) damage matrix, Probabilistic
Neural Networking (PNN) Curvature USC performed
tests on panels with various curvature. Composites
Composite panel tested in Phase I.
14Conventional Ultrasonic Methods
Pulse-echo signals
Pitch-catch (acousto-ultrasonics)
15Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWAS)
Conventional ultrasonic NDE transducer
PWAS array
Lamb wave
16How are PWAS Used in SHM?
Propagating Lamb waves
Standing Lamb waves (E/M Impedance)
17PWAS for SHM State of the Art
- Chang et al. (Stanford)
- Inman et al. (Virginia Tech)
- Yuan et al. (NC State)
- Cesnik et al. (Michigan)
- Adams et al. (Purdue)
- Kessler Spearing (MIT)
- Cawley, Soutis, Culshaw, et al. (UK Imperial
College, Sheffield) - Boller et al. (Germany EDAS ? UK Sheffield)
- Balageas et al. (France ONERA, CNAM, INSA, )
- Galea, Ye et al. (Australia)
- Giurgiutiu et al. (South Carolina)
18Overview of Test Panels
19NASA Spacecraft Panel 1
Panel 1
20Pitch-Catch Detection Panel 1
21Disbond Detection with Pitch-Catch Method
Pitch-catch signals
Damage index
22P-E Instrumentation Layout Panel 1
23Pulse-Echo Detection Panel 1
24Disbond Detection with Pulse-Echo Method
Signal received at PWAS a7 has echo from the
disbond DB2. Signals for PWAS a8 a20 are
25EMI Instrumentation LayoutPanel 1
26E/M ImpedancePanel 1
27Disbond Detection with E/M Impedance
Resonant frequencies spectrum showing increased
amplitude for the signal received at the sensor
located on the top of disbond DB1 (PWAS a2)
28E/M ImpedancePanel 1
29Corrosion Detection with E/M Impedance
Resonant frequencies showing shifted peaks for
corroded area CR1 (PWAS b30) vs. undamaged area
(PWAS b31)
30E/M ImpedancePanel 1
31Crack Detection with E/M Impedance
Resonant frequencies of the sensor close to the
crack CK1 (PWAS a30) and the sensors in a
pristine area (PWAS b29 and b34)
32CB1 Detection with Pitch-Catch Method
Pitch-catch signals
PWAS pair b16 and b15, b18 and b17 pitch-catch
signals are pristine pitch-catch signals.
33CB1 Detection with Pulse-Echo Method
Pulse-echo signals
34CB1 Detection with E/M Impedance Method
E/M impedance spectrums
35Impedance Miniaturization Objectives
- Design and develop a miniaturized, field portable
impedance analyzer
The overview of the entire development of the
proposed miniaturized impedance analyzer
36Proof-of-Concept System Architecture
A miniaturized E/M impedance analyzer will have 3
Impedance measurement circuit
- Reference signal generation
- Voltage (V) and current (I) measurements
- Digital signal processing for calculating the
amplitudes and initial phases of the voltage and
current - Integration method
- Correlation method
- Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) method
Signal Generator
Desktop with DAQ card
Zoom in circuit
To DAQ card channel 1
To DAQ card channel 2
Calibrated resistor
From function generator
37Integration Method
The input signal S is multiplied by a sine signal
and a cosine signal respectively, and then the
results are integrated over a time duration of T
( T is the period of the signal S).
38Correlation Method
?Definition of Cross-correlation function
Consider two signals of the form
39Discrete Fourier Transform Method
Consider signal
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of x(t)
Where q the number of cycles of signal x, N is
the number of samples.
40Experimental Results Real part
Comparison of measurement of real part of
impedance spectrum of a free PWAS with different
41Impedance Spectrums for Disbond Detection
- Real part impedance spectrums of PWAS a1, a2 a3
measured by HP4194A impedance analyzer. - Real part impedance spectrums of PWAS a1, a2 a3
measured by low-cost impedance analyzer using
freq. swept signal source. - Impedance spectrums from PWAS a1 and a3 located
on area with good bond are almost identical. - The impedance spectrum fro PWAS a2 located on the
disbond DB1 is very different showing new strong
resonant peaks. - Both of the low-cost impedance analyzer and
HP4194a impedance analyzer can detect the
presence of disbond DB1.
- Explore the durability and survivability issues
on PWAS associated with various environmental
conditions and fatigue - Improve properties, layer deteriorates in time
under environmental attacks (temperature,
humidity, etc.). - Improve properties, layer deteriorates in time
under fatigue effects
PWAS-structure bond layer
43PWAS Durability under Thermal Cycling
44Damage Index
- Development of suitable damage metrics and damage
identification algorithms - The damage index is a scalar quantity that serves
as a metric of the damage present in the
structure. - RMSD
45Bonded PWAS Impedance Spectrum under Outdoor
- Settling in effect.
- Significant change has been recorded.
- Damage index shows the impedance changes.
46PWAS submersion tests
- Distilled water
- Saline solution
- Hydraulic fluid MIL-PRF- 83282 Synthetic
hydrocarbon - Hydraulic fluid MIL-PRF- 87257 Synthetic
hydrocarbon - Hydraulic fluid MIL-PRF- 5606 Mineral
- Aircraft lube oil MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3 Turbine
engine synthetic - Aviation kerosene
- RESULTS 60 weeks without failure except in
saline solution which failed after 15 weeks
47PWAS Impedance Spectrum Under Submersion Exposure
- A little impedance changes in distilled water
- The PWAS submerged in saline solution survived
only a little over 85 days due to the detachment
of the soldered connection - The corrosive effect of the saline solution.
48Large-Strain PWAS Testing
- Minimal changes up to 4000 me (0.84Y)
- Failure at 7300 me (1.13Y)
Failed PWAS _at_ 7300 ??
49PWAS Fatigue Survivability Tests
Stress concentration
50Composite Plate
- Material A534/AF252 Uni Tape density 1.54 g/cm2
- 16-ply quasi-isotropic composite plate
(0/45/90/-45)2S - Average axial Young modulus of the plate E
206GPa - 2.25 mm thickness 1236 mm 1236 mm size
51Square PWAS Experiments
- 7-mm square PWAS, 0.2-mm thick
- Rectangular pattern
- 250 mm distance
- Parallel and perpendicular to surface fiber
52Fiber Direction and Frequency Effects On
Pitch-Catch Transmission
- Fiber direction 0o a) S1 transmitter, S2
receiver b)S1 receiver, S2 transmitter. - Fiber direction 45o a) S1 transmitter, S3
receiver b)S1 receiver, S3 transmitter. - Fiber direction 90o a) S3 transmitter, S2
receiver b)S3 receiver, S2 transmitter. - Fiber direction 90o tune burst amplitude is the
maximum at every frequency. - Fiber direction 0º tone burst amplitude is at
its minimum. - Maximum difference between received amplitude at
90º and the other directions is at the lower
53Data Collection For Thicker Structures With
Complex Geometries
54Tuning for Thick Structures (Old Method)
55Tuning for Thick Structures (New Methods)
240 kHz
56Phased Array Technology
- Phased array physical characteristics
- Typically now a 50 mm long array of 10 square
PWAS - th 0.15 mm
- Extremely light weight
57Motivation Phased Array Technique
- Phased array concentrates the waves in certain
direction and scans target range - Scanning without mechanical movement
- High inspection speed
- Flexible data processing capability
- Improved resolution
- PWAS phased array techniques
- Delay-and-sum beamforming (Johnson and Dudgeon
1993) - Using guided waves for structural health
monitoring - Using Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensor (PWAS) to
generate/receive Lamb waves
58Generic Beam Forming Formulation
- Delay-and-sum beamforming
- If a propagating signal is present in an arrays
aperture, the sensors outputs, delayed by
appropriate amounts and added together, reinforce
the signal with respect to noise and waves
propagating in different directions.
fm(t) input signal from mth element ?m
delay for mth element signal wm weight for
mth element signal z(t) total output signals
of M element
? m
- Define Origin phase center
- Parameters vectors
- Near- and far-field
- Near field use exact traveling wave paths
- Far field assumption
60Wavefront at a Reflector P (r, ?0)
Near field
Far field
61Optimization Ratio of d/r
- Ratio d/r is used to show the effect of spacing
d. - It indicates if a reflector is located in near-
or far-field. - It can be expressed as
- D - the span of the array, D(M-1)d
- Conclusion the directionality is best in far
field with good mainlobe to sidelobe ratio.
M 8, d/? 0.5
62Optimization Number of Elements M
Comparison of the beamforming of M 8 and M
16 in far field at 45º
- Conclusion Better directivity for M 16. The
more elements the array has, the finer the
mainlobe will be with smaller sidelobes - Disadvantages limited available installation
space for large size array and wiring complexity
d/? 0.5, d/r 1/(M-1)5 (far field) at ? 45º
63Optimization Steering Angle ?0
- Effective steering range for 1D linear array is
0º180º. When directed to certain ?0, beamforming
differs from angle to angle.
- Conclusions
- Beamforming is symmetric about 90º
- Within 0º90º range, beamforming gets worse when
?0 becomes smaller - With ?0 increases, directionality is improved
with suppressed sidelobes - The array has an angle below which the
beamforming is bad. The critical angle becomes
smaller with larger M
64Future Work Mini-Array Design
- Optimization option
- smaller d/r
- Mini-array using scaled down elements
- If the size of PWAS shrinks to half, the size of
the array D will decrease by 2M - Therefore, ratio of d/r decreases to half since
- Frequency tuning the high frequency requirement
- Sweet triple point
Wave mode plot for Aluminum-2024-Ts, 3-mm thick
65Mini-Array Experiment
- Broadside hole detection
- Broadside hole 80-mm away from the arrays
- For comparison, using both 5-mm (mini-array) and
7-mm (regular) PWAS array - Conclusion mini-array can detect the damage
correctly and clearly
7-mm square
66SC Work Sample
Tensile specimen used in Crack Growth Imaging
67Fatigue Testing with PWAS(Durability and
- VG-1 was scanned at a frequency of 372 kHz
during 110,000 cycles with a cyclic load of 400
lbf to 4000 lbf - No signal could be seen without filter
- Signal could be seen with filter
68ASCU Filter Demonstration
69Crack Growth Imaging
- The data shown in these images was taken while
the specimen was cycling by the system to be
delivered to the AF - A filter developed the LAMSS team can be used to
remove cycling interference - 800 lbs to 8k lbs (r 0.1)
- 5 Hz cycling
- Note Echo received from the slit does not
overpower echo received from the crack
70Crack Growth Imaging
Baseline-30 mm-data taken while under cyclic
71Crack Growth Imaging
22k cycles-35 mm-data taken while under cyclic
72Crack Growth Imaging
30k cycles-40 mm-data taken while under cyclic
73Crack Growth Imaging
42k cycles-50 mm-data taken while under cyclic
74Crack Growth Imaging
48k cycles-55 mm-data taken while under cyclic
75Crack Growth Imaging
58k cycles-60 mm-data taken while under cyclic
76Future Work
- Perform sensor layout tests
- Adapt wireless sensors
- Miniaturize hardware
- Develop damage detection software
- Develop health monitoring software
- Perform durability and survivability tests
- Evaluate weight and cost Impact
- Perform structural subcomponent test
- Perform structural component test
- Plan technology transition