Chhattisgarh - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... 63192 7255.27 87153 9353.37 74478 8845.12 224823 25453.76 PROCESSING AND VALUE ADDITION Sl. No. Unit established No. of unit Name of district Capacity 1. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chhattisgarh

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Chhattisgarh Profile
Agro Climatic Zones
Northern Hills Zone
  • Falls under eastern plateau and Hills Zone
    sub-divided into three agro climatic zones.
  • Geog. area 137.90 lakh ha.
  • (4.15 of the country)
  • Net sown area 47.70 lakh ha.
  • (35 of its geog. area)
  • 57 soil is medium to light.
  • Forest cover 63.55 lakh ha.
  • (46 of its geog. area)
  • Average rainfall 1325 mm.

Chhattisgarh Plains Zone
Bastar Plateau Zone
Agro Climatic Zone Characteristics
Agro Climatic Zone Districts Included Total Area Soil Type Irri.
Northern Hills Sarguja, Koria, Jashpur Dharamjaigarh Tehsil of Raigarh Districts 28.47 lakh ha. (21) Entisol 13 , Alfisol 29 , Inceptisol 28 , Vertisol 28 , Alliuvial 2 7
C.G. Plains Raipur, Mahasamund, Dhamtari, Durg, Rajnandgaon, Kabirdham, Bilaspur, Korba, Janjgeer, Raigarh a part of Kanker Districts (Narharpur Kanker Block) 68.49 lakh ha. (50) Entisol 36 , Alfisol 21 , Inceptisol 22 , Vertisol 18 , Alliuvial 3 40
Bastar Plateau Jagdalpur, Dantewada and the remaining part of Kanker Districts 39.06 lakh ha. (29) Entisol 26 , Alfisol 25 , Inceptisol 34 , Vertisol 10 , Alliuvial 5 5
Chhattisgarh - An Overview
  • Farm families 32.55 lakh (33 ST, 12 SC).
  • 54 Marginal Farmers own 15 land
  • 22 Small Farmers own 19 land.
  • 24 Others own 66 land.
  • Average land holding 1.6 ha
  • Rice is a major kharif crop which occupies 75
    of the total kharif cropped area (47.80 lakh
    ha.). Other cereals 2, Pulses 9, Oilseeds 7
    Other crops 7.
  • Area under Rabi crops 16.14 Lakh ha. which
    constitutes only 34 of the net sown area.
  • Net irrigated area 12.82 lakh ha (27 )
  • Cropping intensity 134 .

76 Small / Marginal Farmers own 34 land
Source wise Irrigation
(Area in Lakh ha.)
Agro Climatic Zones
Canals 8.87 70
Tanks 0.52 4
Tube-wells 2.24 17
Wells 0.35 3
Other Sources 0.84 6
Total 12.82 100
Net Irrigated Area - 27
Northern Hills Zone
Chhattisgarh Plains Zone
Bastar Plateau Zone
State vis-à-vis National Average
Particulars Unit National 2006-07 State 2008-09
Crop Intensity 135 134
Irrigation 42 27
Double Cropped Area Lakh ha. 467.80 (33) 16.20 (34)
Fertilizer Consumption (Kharif) kg/ha 113.26 75
Tractor per 1000 ha. Nos. 18 9
Productivity State vis-à-vis National
Crop National Productivity 2006-07 Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh
Crop National Productivity 2006-07 2008-09 (Est.) Proposed 2009-10 At the end of XIth Plan (2011-12)
Rice 2619 1592 1734 1910
Maize 1938 1580 1700 1828
Arhar (TUR) 675 470 600 700
Soybean 1073 1195 1250 1300
Wheat 2671 1210 1340 1360
Gram 808 998 1050 1070
Mustard 1117 500 550 600
Seed Replacement Rate of Major Crops
Particulars National 2006-07 State State
Particulars National 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Paddy 20 7.65 13.80
Maize 30 11.50 12.00
Urd 23 1.36 3.20
Arhar 9.52 1.85 6.80
Groundnut 8 1.70 3.00
Soybean 27 37.62 46.90
Wheat 14 9.50 22.50
Gram 11 7.00 11.00
Achievement during Last Three Years Proposed
Kharif Crops Area Coverage
Unit-000 Ha.
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
1 Rice 3573.02 3568.06 3610.47 1 3537.00 -2 3530.00 -2
2 Maize 173.89 178.97 174.04 -3 189.20 9 208.00 20
3 Kodo-kutki 101.66 84.13 71.50 -15 56.80 -21 52.00 -27
Total Cr. 3848.57 3831.16 3856.01 1 3783.00 -2 3790.00 -2
4 Arhar 163.63 164.72 154.09 -6 170.00 10 205.00 33
5 Moong 31.42 34.39 34.95 2 40.00 14 50.00 43
6 Urd 173.64 180.93 191.99 6 220.00 15 250.00 30
7 Kulthi 62.71 64.02 55.82 -13 65.00 16 70.00 25
Total Pl. 431.40 444.06 436.85 -2 495.00 13 575.00 32
8 Groundnut 55.82 61.89 62.98 2 65.00 3 110.00 75
9 Til 48.08 48.85 52.82 8 55.00 4 83.00 57
10 Soybean 101.93 112.68 120.96 7 125.00 3 150.00 24
11 Ramtil 103.27 106.21 90.67 -15 97.00 7 134.00 48
  Total Oil 310.30 332.06 328.53 -1 344.00 5 480.00 46
  G. Total 4544.27 4769.22 4781.07 0 4784.00 0 4845.00 1
Achievement during Last Three Years Proposed
Kharif Crops Production
Unit-000 MT
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
1 Rice 5091.55 5566.17 5477.08 -2 5836.05 7 6354.00 16
2 Maize 215.80 282.59 278.46 -1 325.61 17 384.80 38
3 Kodo-Kutki 20.94 22.04 21.45 -3 18.91 -12 20.02 -7
Total Cereal 5326.42 5926.80 5772.45 -3 6151.16 7 6753.78 17
4 Arhar 67.91 85.82 87.83 2 102.00 16 164.00 87
5 Moong 9.11 10.11 11.01 9 14.00 27 22.00 100
6 Urd 54.87 56.99 67.20 18 88.00 31 115.00 71
7 Kulthi 23.27 21.00 20.77 -1 26.00 25 31.78 53
Total Pulses 155.30 174.07 186.97 7 270.77 45 345.00 85
8 Groundnut 63.80 76.87 85.02 11 87.75 7 154.00 81
9 Til 15.05 14.95 17.96 20 19.80 10 34.86 94
10 Soybean 103.97 135.67 144.55 7 156.25 8 198.60 37
11 Ramtil 27.26 19.01 20.22 6 24.25 20 54.00 167
Total Oilseed 201.70 248.38 268.74 8 316.14 18 474.24 76
  G.Total 5682.50 6471.83 6229.73 -4 6735.87 8 7466.15 20
Achievement during Last Three Years Proposed
Kharif Crops Productivity
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
 1 Rice 1425 1560 1517 -3 1650 9 1800 19
2  Maize 1241 1579 1600 1 1721 8 1850 16
3  Kodo-Kutki 206 262 300 15 333 11 385 28
Total Cereal 1384 1547 1497 -3 1626 9 1782 19
4  Arhar 415 521 570 9 600 5 700 23
5  Moong 290 294 315 7 350 11 400 27
6  Urd 316 315 350 11 400 14 460 31
7  Kulthi 371 328 372 13 400 8 454 22
Total Pulses 360 392 428 9 547 28 600 40
8  Groundnut 1143 1242 1350 9 1350 4 1400 4
9  Til 313 306 340 11 360 6 400 18
10  Soybean 1020 1204 1195 -1 1250 5 1300 9
11  Ramtil 264 179 223 25 250 12 300 35
  Total Oilseed 650 748 818 9 919 12 988 21
  G.Total 1188 1357 1303 -4 1408 8 1541 18
Achievement during Last Three Years Proposed
Rabi Crops Area Coverage
Unit-000 Ha.
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan incr. over 08-09
1 Wheat 149.25 163.35 165.12 1 170 3 180 9
2 Maize 18.48 21.81 19.39 -11 20 3 35 81
3 Paddy (Rice) 166.25 162.27 170.23 5 170 0 185 9
  Total Cereal 333.98 347.43 354.74 2 360.00 1 400.00 13
4 Gram 274.66 304.81 297.57 -2 310 4 360 21
5 Pea 26.40 46.47 42.76 -8 50 17 80 87
6 Lentil 24.41 26.18 21.82 -17 30 37 55 152
7 Moong 17.25 15.6 20.36 31 25 23 45 121
8 Urd 14.80 21.1 10.87 -48 20 84 35 222
9 Kulthi 32.13 34.34 26.2 -24 37 41 50 91
10 Lathyrus 449.64 481.49 389.43 -19 480 23 480 23
  Total Pulses 864.10 935.59 813.70 -13 952.00 17 1110.00 36
Rabi Crops Area Coverage
Unit-000 Ha.
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
11 Mustard 142.65 152.04 147.97 -3 160 8 210 42
12 Linseed 105.00 112.52 90.94 -19 115 26 120 32
13 Safflower 7.71 9.97 6.84 -31 10 46 15 119
14 Til 2.44 2.85 1.52 -47 5 229 10 558
15 Groundnut 6.84 14.66 15.8 8 16 1 25 58
Total Oilseed 294.11 324.86 285.51 -12 326.00 14 400.00 40
16 Sugarcane 21.90 23.61 14.51 -39 35 141 50 245
17 Vegetables 133.61 151.74 146.23 -4 150 3 200 37
  Grand Total 1647.70 1783.23 1614.69 -9 1823.00 13 2160.00 34
Note- 33 Tehsils of 8 districts were drought
affected during 08-09. Adversely affected area
and production.
Achievement during Last Three Years Proposed
Rabi Crops Production
Unit-000 MT
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
1 Wheat 157.91 180.99 199.80 10 227.80 14 244.80 23
2 Maize 25.17 25.65 27.15 6 30.00 11 59.50 119
3 Paddy (Rice) 420.78 486.81 544.74 12 595.00 9 740.00 36
  Total Cereal 603.86 693.45 771.68 11 852.80 11 1044.30 35
4 Gram 229.07 266.40 296.97 11 325.50 10 385.20 30
5 Pea 9.35 16.73 15.39 -8 25.00 62 48.00 212
6 Lentil 7.88 8.72 7.20 -17 12.75 77 27.50 282
7 Moong 3.98 3.68 4.80 31 8.13 69 20.25 322
8 Urd 3.77 5.49 2.72 -50 7.00 158 14.00 415
9 Kulthi 9.64 10.34 7.86 -24 13.88 77 22.50 186
10 Lathyrus 236.06 277.82 200.56 -28 288.00 44 312.00 56
  Total Pulses 499.76 589.17 535.51 -9 680.25 27 829.45 55
Rabi Crops Production
Unit-000 MT
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
11 Mustard 67.90 61.12 73.99 21 88.00 19 126.00 70
12 Linseed 26.88 45.01 33.01 -27 48.88 48 60.00 82
13 Safflower 1.73 2.34 1.57 -33 2.50 59 4.50 187
14 Til 0.86 1.01 0.59 -41 2.00 237 4.40 646
15 Groundnut 7.59 16.35 17.70 8 18.40 4 31.25 77
  Total Oilseed 104.97 125.83 126.86 1 159.78 26 226.15 78
  G. Total 1208.58 1408.45 1434.04 2 1692.83 18 2099.90 46
Achievement during Last Three Years Proposed
Rabi Crops Productivity
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
1 Wheat 1058 1108 1210 9 1340 11 1360 12
2 Maize 1362 1176 1400 19 1500 7 1700 21
3 Paddy (Rice) 2531 3000 3200 7 3500 9 4000 25
4 Gram 834 874 998 14 1050 5 1070 7
5 Pea 354 360 360 - 500 39 600 67
6 Lentil 323 333 330 -1 425 28 500 52
7 Moong 231 236 236 - 325 37 450 91
8 Urd 255 260 250 -4 350 40 400 60
9 Kulthi 300 301 300 - 375 25 450 50
10 Lathyrus 525 577 515 -11 600 17 650 26
Rabi Crops Productivity
S. No. Crop At the end of Xth Plan (06-07) Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. over 07-08 Target 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan Incr. over 08-09
11 Mustard 476 402 500 24 550 10 600 20
12 Linseed 256 400 363 -9 425 17 500 38
13 Safflower 225 235 230 -2 250 8 300 30
14 Sunflower 415 377 500 32 550 10 700 40
15 Til 352 354 390 10 400 3 440 13
16 Groundnut 1110 1115 1120 0 1150 3 1250 12
  1. Higher average rainfall (1325 mm. per annum)
  2. Varied soil types suitable for various crops.
  3. Adequate electricity.
  4. Availability of labour force.
  5. Rich in biodiversity.
  6. Availability of natural resources perennial
    river and nalas.

  1. Dominance of SC / ST / Small and marginal
    economically weaker families.
  2. Fragmented land holding.
  3. Erratic rainfall.
  4. Low irrigation (27 ).
  5. Light soils having low fertility and water
    holding capacity.
  6. Broad cast method of sowing.
  7. Low adoption of farm mechanization.

  1. Positive and helping attitude of Central
    State Govt. towards Agriculture Sector.
  2. Vast scope for crop diversification.
  3. Area expansion under assured irrigation.
  4. Scope to Improve SRR.

  1. Drought and erratic rainfall.
  2. Diversion of agri. land to non agricultural
  3. Depleting ground water.
  4. Crop menace by stray cattle and wild animals.

Road Map for Balance Period - Strategies
Area Additional target Kh. 0.64 R 5.68 6.50
lac ha. (9.5 )
  • Not much scope for horizontal expansion durirng
  • However, Thrust on utilization of land.
  • Emphasis on diversion of upland rice with
    suitable pulses oilseeds.
  • Utilization of rice bunds for growing Arhar
    Sesamum (Til).
  • Intercropping of Arhar, Moong, Urd with
    traditionally grown minor millets (kodo-kutki)
  • Additional area under assured irrigation
    2,34,400 ha.

Production Additional target Kh. 12.36 R
2.94 15.30 lac MT. (25
  • Quality Seed Production Distribution

Unit-in Qtls.
Particulars Base year 01-02 At the end of Xth Plan 06-07 Inc. Year 07-08 Year 08-09 inc. year 07-08 Target for 09-10 Inc. over 08-09 Target at the end of XIth Plan
Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.) Area under Seed Production (Ha.)
Kharif 2448 9161 274 13114 22,504 72 30,000 33 40,000
Rabi 13 2542 19554 5346 6,891 29 10,000 45 15,000
Total 2461 11703 376 18460 29,395 59 40,000 36 55,000
Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds Production of Foundation Certified Seeds
Kharif 27633 115079 316 151310 261110 73 350000 34 4,50,000
Rabi 170 9120 5365 27895 55000 97 75000 36 1,35,000
Total 27803 124199 347 179205 316110 76 425000 34 5,85,000
Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds Distribution of Foundation Certified Seeds
Kharif 53749 109897 104 148605 255445 72 350000 37 5,00,000
Rabi 12376 18146 47 38696 64000 65 100000 56 1,50,000
Total 66125 128043 94 187301 319445 71 450000 41 6,50,000
  • Seed Replacement Rate of Major Crops

Particulars National 2006-07 State State State State State
Particulars National 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Paddy 20 7.65 13.8 16 20 25
Maize 30 11.50 12 17 20 30
Urd 23 1.36 3.2 10 15 20
Arhar 9.52 1.85 6.8 12 15 25
Groundnut 8 1.70 3 10 15 25
Soybean 27 37.62 46.9 50 50 50
Wheat 14 9.50 22.5 25 30 35
Gram 11 7.00 11 20 25 30
Proposed Interventions Unit Achie. 08-09 Proposed Target Proposed Target Proposed Target
Proposed Interventions Unit Achie. 08-09 2009 2010 2011
iii) Seed Treatment Lakh ha. 16.10 26.00 35.00 40.00 148
  • Seed Availability - Kharif 2009

Unit-in Qtls.
S. No. Crop Distri-bution. 2008 Demand 2009 Availability till date Availability till date Availability till date Expected Additional Availability Expected Additional Availability Expected Additional Availability Total Avail. (Actual Expected) Avail. against target
S. No. Crop Distri-bution. 2008 Demand 2009 SSC Pvt. Total SSC Pvt. Total Total Avail. (Actual Expected) Avail. against target
1 Paddy 199474 286654 256872 35266 292138 12680 10000 22680 314818 109
2 Maize 3039 5000 554 1913 2467 - 2587 2587 5054 101
Total Cr. 202615 291859 257848 37179 295027 12680 12592 25272 320299 109
4 Arhar 2118 3500 2251 817 3068 - 437 437 3505 100
5 Urd 943 2000 911 199 1110 640 281 921 2031 101
6 Moong 640 1500 655 146 801 352 384 736 1537 102
Total Pl. 3701 7200 3817 1162 4979 1192 1102 2294 7273 101
7 Soybean 45392 46823 47662 11490 59152 - - - 59152 126
8 G.Nut 1547 2500 863 107 970 154 1389 1543 2513 100
Total Ol. 47456 50206 49079 11695 60774 254 1534 1788 62562 124
9 Others (Sunhemp Dhencha) 1672 735 750 - 750 - - - 750 102
G.Total 255445 350000 311494 50036 361530 14126 15228 29354 390884 111
  • Allocation of Seed Minikit During Kharif 2009

Unit- in Nos.
S. No. Crop Distribution 2008 Demand Kharif 09 Allocation Received from GOI Minikit Received
1 Paddy 51000 45000 45000 18000
2 Maize 15000 16000 5000 -
Total Cereal 66000 61000 50000 18000
3 Arhar 10000 15000 11000 -
4 Moong 7000 13000 5500 -
5 Urd 250 15000 12000 -
Total Pulses 17250 43000 28500 -
6 Soybean 22795 175000 24675 -
7 Groundnut 4900 23000 6750 -
8 Til 3200 12500 3500 -
9 Castor 2850 7500 3750 -
10 Sunflower 2000 5000 2500 -
Total Oilseed 35745 223000 41175 -
Grand Total 118995 327000 119675 18000
Unit-000' MT
Proposed Interventions Unit 2008 Proposed Target Proposed Target Proposed Target over 08
Proposed Interventions Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 over 08
i) Emphasis on balanced use of fertilizer Av. Consumption per ha. K-75 R-65 K-88 R-66 K-89 R-69 K-90 R-70 K-20 R- 7.5
Year Area Lakh ha. N P K Total Nutrients Consump-tion (kg./ha.) Comp. Ratio
2001 46.36 165.18 64.92 16.93 237.54 51 1141
2006 47.44 218.03 86.68 35.84 340.55 71 6.62.61
Increase - 131 34 112 43 72
2007 47.69 216.82 91.57 42.56 350.96 74 521
2008 47.81 212.56 100.55 47.23 360.34 75 4.421
over 07 - -2 10 11 3 1
2009 Proposed 47.84 250.14 121.50 53.37 425.01 88 4.72.31
over 08 - 18 20 13 18 89
2010 Proposed 48.31 246.00 123.00 61.50 430.50 89 421
2011 Proposed 48.45 250.00 125.00 62.50 437.50 90 421
Fertilizer Availability Distribution Kharif 2009
Particulars Urea DAP/ MAP NPK MOP SSP TSP Others (AS/CN) Total
Distribution Kharif 2008 381.50 126.90 81.00 62.90 87.50 6.06 10.00 755.86
Target Kharif 2009 450.00 140.00 113.00 65.00 130.00 10.00 4.00 912.00
Balance on 01.04.09 72.20 51.55 11.50 16.00 30.30 2.30 4.40 188.50
New Arrival from 01.04.08 to 23.05.09 72.00 39.50 16.40 17.80 26.40 0 0 172.11
Total Availability 144.30 91.00 27.90 33.90 56.70 2.40 4.40 360.60
Avai. against target 32 65 25 52 43 24 110 40
Req. for June 144.50 42.70 32.90 18.00 37.50 5.00 0 280.60
Credit in Agriculture Sector
Unit-Rs. In crore
Sector Achievement Achievement Achievement Target 09-10 increase over 08-09
Sector 06-07 07-08 08-09 Target 09-10 increase over 08-09
Co-operative Banks 457 588 786 1300 65
Total Agriculture Credit (CCBRRBComerical Bank) 1975 3197 Target 3861 - -
Assured Irrigation
Proposed Interventions Unit Achie. 08-09 Proposed Target Proposed Target Proposed Target Proposed Target Proposed Target
Proposed Interventions Unit Achie. 08-09 2009 2010 2011 increase irrigated area over 08
Area expansion under irrigation Area expansion under irrigation Area expansion under irrigation Area expansion under irrigation Area expansion under irrigation Area expansion under irrigation Area expansion under irrigation
i) Drilling of tube wells No. 7770 15000 15000 15000 1,08,000 479
ii) Digging of New Wells No. 1095 900 1000 1000 1200 165
iii) Shallow Tube Wells installation of No. 425 1575 2000 2000 2200 1212
a) Irrigation pumps No. 11794 10000 10000 10000 15000 154
b) Sprinkler Sets No. 16758 20000 20000 20000 1,08,000 258
Soil Health
Proposed Interventions Unit 2008 Proposed Target Proposed Target Proposed Target over 08
Proposed Interventions Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 over 08
1. Distribution of Soil health cards Lakh Nos. 0.48 1.00 1.25 1.50 212
2. Soil Treatment 2. Soil Treatment 2. Soil Treatment 2. Soil Treatment 2. Soil Treatment 2. Soil Treatment 2. Soil Treatment
i) By Lime Ha. 1155 52500 60000 60000 -
ii) By Zipsum Ha. 27663 28000 30000 30000 218
3. Promotion of 3. Promotion of 3. Promotion of 3. Promotion of 3. Promotion of 3. Promotion of 3. Promotion of
i) Green Manuring 000' Ha. 1.10 2.00 2.50 3.00 173
ii) Organic Manure Lakh Ton 20.68 25.00 30.00 35.00 69
Soil Health
Proposed Interventions Unit 2008 Proposed Target Proposed Target Proposed Target over 08
Proposed Interventions Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 over 08
4. Bio-fertilizer Lakh Packet K- 6.40 R-4.67 7.50 5.00 9.00 5.50 10.00 6.00 K- 56 R - 28
5. Increase in area under i) Line sowing Lakh ha. 2.56 2.80 3.30 3.50 37
ii) Transplantation with special emphasis on SRI (lakh ha.) for Rice Lakh ha. 8.10 8.50 8.75 9.00 11
6. Kisan Credit Card Nos. 1,87,794 300000 300000 300000 379
Consumption of Pesticides
Unit-MT (Tech.Grade)
S. No. Year Kharif Rabi Total
1 2006-07 370 180 550
2 2007-08 380 190 570
3 increase over 06-07 3 6 4
4 2008-09 395 170 565
5 increase over 07-08 4 -6 -1
6 2009-10 Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application. Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application. Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application.
7 2010-11 Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application. Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application. Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application.
8 2011-12 Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application. Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application. Emphasis on IPM and FFS, need based pesticide application.
Unit- No.
Particular Year 06-07 (Achi.) Year 07-08 (Ach.) Year 08-09 (Ach.) Year 09-10 (Target) Year 10-11 (Target) At the end of XIth plan (2011-12) over 08-09
Tractor (Dept. Scheme) 131 160 179 200 225 250
Others 7669 7340 8544 8500 8550 8600
Total 7800 7500 8723 8700 8775 8850 1.4
Power Tiller (Dept. Scheme) 30 299 505 600 625 650 28
Power Driven Implements (Dept. Scheme) 653 1633 1610 2000 2125 2275 41
Live demonstration of Agri. Machines 759 2632 2168 2500 2500 2500 15
Agriculture Infrastructure Development
S. No Name of Structure Nos Year Amount (Rs. Lac) Remarks
1 Fertilizer Testing Lab at Raipur 1 2007-08 90 Under Construction
2 Establishment of Agriculture Implement Testing Unit at Raipur 1 2007-08 65 Under Construction
3 Establishment of New Farmers Training Centre at Durg 1 2007-08 35 Under Construction
4 Block Level Multipurpose Farmers Service Centre 36 2008-09 55 each Under process
5 Establishment of New Seed Testing Lab 3 2008-09 130 each Under process
6 Seed Grading Machine /Shed/ Seed Godown at Govt.Farm. 6 2007-08 55 Each Completed
7 State Pesticide Testing Lab. 1 2007-08 45 Completed
8 Hostel for State Agriculture Training Academy (SATA) 1 2008-09 175 Under Construction
9 Input Godown at PACS 200 2008-09 6.5 each Under process
Existing STL - 4, FTL - 1, PTL - 1, SATA - 1,
FTC - 3, Govt.Farm-17
Component Achievement 2008-09 Programme for 2009-10
Agricultural Exhibition 5 34
Field days 28 300
Trainings 1535 638
Demonstrations 6991 2904
Exposure Visits 67 311
Farm Schools 434 394
Mobilization of Farmer Groups - 450
Special Initiatives taken by Chhattisgarh Govt.
  • Crop loan _at_3 per annum through co-operative
    banks .
  • Additional Bonus _at_Rs. 220/- per quintal for
  • Bonus _at_Rs. 25/- per quintal to sugarcane
  • Farm Mechanization
  • VAT exempted on Agriculture Implements.
  • 25 additional subsidy for agricultural
  • Irrigation
  • Assistance up to Rs. 50,000/- per pump for
  • Additional 30 subsidy for SC / ST and 10
    for others under MIP.
  • Seed
  • Budget provision of 10.52 crores to promote
    production and distribution of quality seed.
  • Other
  • Khalihan Agni Durghatna Rahat Yojna-
    assistance up to Rs. 10,000

National Resource Management watershed development
(1) NWDPRA - 10th Plan period up to 2006-07
1 No. of selected watersheds 185 185 185
2 Treatable Area 130697.00 ha. 130697.00 ha. 130697.00 ha.
3 Financial Target 5797.40 lakh 5797.40 lakh 5797.40 lakh
4 Treated Area up to 2006-07 117120.00 ha. 117120.00 ha. 117120.00 ha.
5 Financial Achievement 5639.11 lakh 5639.11 lakh 5639.11 lakh
6 No. of Saturated watersheds 177 177 177
IMPACT IMPACT Base Year 2001-02 Year 2006-07 Increase
1 Additional area brought under cultivation 79028 ha. 88414 ha. 12
2 Increase in Double Cropped Area 12062 ha. 18493 ha. 53
3 Increase in Cropping intensity 109 127 -
4 Increase in irrigated area
Kharif 10639 ha. 18740 ha. 17
Rabi 3387 ha. 8926 ha. 163
5 Average increase in ground water table 7.83 m. 6.85 m. 14
National Resource Management watershed development
11th Plan period up to 2006-07
1 No. of selected watershed 184
2 Treatable Area 133100.00 ha
3 Financial Target 15126.10 lakh
4 Progress during 2007-08
Physical 10081.00 ha.
Financial 604.12 lakh
5 Progress during 2008-09
Physical 8177.33 ha.
Financial 989.40 lakh
River Valley Project/Flood prone River
Particulars Physical Financial
Progress during 2006-07 11080.00 ha. 602.96 Lakh
Progress during 2007-08 10118.48 ha 602.666 Lakh
Progress during 2008-09 1811.54 ha. 92.40 Lakh
Issues for consideration
  • Under ISOPOM GOI released Rs. 887.77 lakhs as
    against the approved work plan of Rs. 2120.91
    lakh (Rs. 1575.68 lakh Central Share Rs.
    545.23 lakh State Share) during year 2008- 09.
    Rs. 244 Lakh (Central Share) is required for
    pending payments.
  • Unit Cost fixed by GOI under MIS should be
    revised according to the prevailing market rate.

Thanks .
  • Thrust Area -
  • Thrust on production and distribution of quality
    seeds to increase SRR.
  • Thrust for line sowing instead of rainfed
    broadcast paddy.
  • Promotion for transplantation and SRI method in
    irrigated areas.
  • Seed Treatment Campaign.
  • Use of Lime in acidic soils Zinc sulphate in
    deficient areas.
  • Promotion for use of Green Manuring, Organic
    Manure, Bio-fertilizers Balance fertilizer.
  • Farmers Field School.
  • Area expansion under hybrid and mid duration
    varieties to promote double cropping.

Rice - Area, Production Productivity
Year Area (000'ha) Area (000'ha) Area (000'ha) Production (000'mt) Production (000'mt) Production (000'mt) Productivity (kg/ha.) Productivity (kg/ha.) Productivity (kg/ha.)
Year Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Average
2006-07 3573.02 166.25 3739.27 5091.55 420.78 5512.33 1425 2531 1474
2007-08 3568.06 162.27 3730.33 5566.17 486.81 6052.98 1560 3000 1623
2008-09 3610.47 170.23 3780.70 5477.08 544.74 6021.82 1517 3100 1592
2009-10 3537.00 170.00 3707.00 5836.05 595.00 6431.05 1650 3300 1734
2011-12 3530.00 185.00 3715.00 6354.00 740.00 7094.00 1800 4000 1910
Incr. over 06-07 -1 11 -1 24 75 28 26 58 29
  • Thrust Area -
  • Promotion for use of Hybrid and H.Y. varieties.
  • Summer maize in place of summer paddy.
  • Thrust on use of balance fertilizer,
  • Line sowing and inter culture operation.

Year Area (000'ha) Area (000'ha) Area (000'ha) Production (000'mt) Production (000'mt) Production (000'mt) Productivity (kg/ha.) Productivity (kg/ha.) Productivity (kg/ha.)
Year Kh. Rb. Total Kh. Rb. Total Kh. Rb. Total
2006-07 173.89 18.48 156.37 215.80 25.17 240.97 1241 1362 1541
2007-08 178.97 21.81 200.78 282.59 25.65 308.24 1176 1579 1555
2008-09 174.04 19.39 193.43 278.46 27.15 305.61 1400 1600 1580
2009-10 189.20 20.00 209.20 325.61 30.00 355.61 1500 1721 1700
2011-12 208.00 35.00 243.00 384.80 59.50 444.30 1700 1850 1828
Incr. over 06-07 19 89 55 78 136 84 24 49 18
  • Thrust Area -
  • Utilization of rice bunds for growing Arhar.
  • Use of Rhizobium culture and Seed Treating
  • Use of H.Y. quality seed.

Year Area (000 ha.) Production (000 MT) Productivity (kg/ha.)
2009-10 170 102 600
2010-11 185 120 650
2011-12 205 164 700
Moong, Urd
  • Use of yellow mosaic resistant HYV.
  • Seed treatment and use of Rhizobium culture.
  • Seed treatment and use of bio-fertilizer.
  • Promotion of NPK as basal dose.

Year Area (000'ha) Area (000'ha) Area (000'ha) Production (000'mt) Production (000'mt) Production (000'mt) Productivity (kg/ha.) Productivity (kg/ha.) Productivity (kg/ha.)
Year Kh. Rb. Total Kh. Rb. Total Kh. Rb. Total
2006-07 205.06 32.05 237.11 63.98 7.75 71.73 312 242 302
2007-08 215.32 36.70 252.02 67.10 9.17 69.27 312 250 302
2008-09 226.94 31.23 258.17 78.21 7.52 85.73 344 240 332
2009-10 260.00 45.00 305.00 102.00 15.13 117.13 392 336 384
2011-12 300.00 80.00 380.00 137.00 34.25 171.25 456 428 450
Incr. over 06-07 46 149 60 114 341 138 46 76 49
  • Thrust Area -
  • Use of quality seed and Rhizobium culture, seed
  • Timely sowing and need based plant protection.
  • Proper drainage and timely weed control .

Year Area (000 ha.) Production (000 MT) Productivity (kg/ha.)
2009-10 125 156 1250
2010-11 142 181 1275
2011-12 150 199 1300
  • Encouraging timely sowing of wheat.
  • Adoption of the high temperature tolerant
    wheat verities.
  • Balanced use of fertilizer and soil
    amelioration (Gypsum).

Year Area (000 ha.) Production (000 MT) Productivity (kg/ha.)
2009-10 170 228 1340
2010-11 175 236 1350
2011-12 180 245 1360
  • Early sowing in Kharif fallow sloppy fields.
  • Emphasis on multi resistance high yielding
  • More emphasis on use of trichoderma verdi,
    balance use of fertilizer, micro nutrient
  • Emphasis on IPM practices, Farmers Field
    School, Farmer Training.

Year Area (000 ha.) Production (000 MT) Productivity (kg/ha.)
2009-10 310 325 1050
2010-11 330 350 1060
2011-12 360 385 1070
  • Promotion for sown crop instead of Utera.
  • Use of new released HYV-Ratan, Mahatiwra.
  • Seed treatment and plant protection.

Year Area (000 ha.) Production (000 MT) Productivity (kg/ha.)
2009-10 480 288 600
2010-11 480 300 625
2011-12 480 312 650
  • Timely sowing of multiple resistance high
    yielding verities.
  • Use of sprinkler irrigation before flowering
    for higher productivity.
  • Use of gypsum as a source of sulpher for higher
    oil percentage.

Year Area (000 ha.) Production (000 MT) Productivity (kg/ha.)
2009-10 115 49 425
2010-11 118 53 450
2011-12 120 60 500
  • ? Establishment of Board 23 Dec. 2000
  • ? Notified Agriculture Produce Marketing
  • A Grade 12
  • B Grade 17
  • C Grade 30
  • D Grade 14
  • ----
  • 73
  • ? No. of Sub - Yards 108
  • ? Existing storage capacity - 2008-09 - 97400
  • Targeted capacity up to 2011-12 - 298100

Particulars 10th Plan 2006-07 2007-08 over previous year Achieve. 2008-09 over 2007-08
2 4 6 7 9 10
Paddy ('000 MT) 5434 5836 7 6760 16
Total Cereals 5648 6061 7 6940 15
Gram 30 31 3 47 52
Total Pulses 67 51 -24 66 29
Soybean 74 87 18 82 -6
Total Oilseeds 78 90 15 86 -4
Others 141 169 20 133 -21
Total produce 5934 6371 7 7225 13
Status of Implementation of Schemes of the Dept.
of Agriculture Year 2008-09
Unit-Rs. In crore
Scheme Sanction by GOI Sanction by GOI Sanction by GOI Fund Released Fund Released Fund Released Utilization
Scheme GOI State Total GOI State Total Utilization
Macro- Manage. 2170.00 241.11 2411.00 2287.35 254.15 2541.50 2372.46 93
ISOPOM 1575.68 545.23 2120.91 887.77 315.92 1203.69 1198.27 99
ATMA 770.88 85.65 857.00 549.00 61.00 610.00 600.05 98
RKVY 14737.54 0.00 14737.54 12155.31 0.00 12155.31 8204.31 67
NFSM (RICE) 3151.60 0.00 3151.60 3151.60 0.00 3151.60 1966.45 62
NFSM (PULSE) 4842.46 0.00 4842.46 4842.46 0.00 4842.46 3368.07 70
Status of Implementation of Schemes of the Dept.
of Agriculture Year 2008-09
Unit-Rs. In crore
Scheme Sanction by GOI (Rs. Crore) Sanction by GOI (Rs. Crore) Sanction by GOI (Rs. Crore) Sanction by GOI (Rs. Crore) Sanction by GOI (Rs. Crore) Fund Released Fund Released Fund Released
RKVY Dept. 07-08 08-09 Total - 07-08 08-09 Total
RKVY Agri. 2904.87 4312.85 7217.72 - 0.00 5285.61 5285.61
RKVY Horti 1043.00 2368.86 3411.86 - 0.00 3024.36 3024.36
RKVY Mandi 795.00 1126.00 1921.00 - 0.00 1824.35 1824.35
RKVY Seed Co- 410.00 1776.96 2186.96 - 0.00 2020.99 2020.99
RKVY Fisheries 390.00 1242.00 1632.00 - 0.00 1409.56 1409.56
RKVY Veterinaries 1195.46 2783.43 3978.89 - 0.00 3305.71 3305.71
RKVY Total 6738.33 13610.10 20348.43 0.00 0.00 16870.58 16870.58
Status of Implementation of Schemes of the Dept.
of Agriculture Year 2008-09
Unit-Rs. In crore
Scheme Utilization Utilization Utilization Utilization
Scheme Dept. 07-08 08-09 Total
RKVY Agri. 0.00 2984.61 2984.61 56
RKVY Horti 0.00 2074.36 2074.36 69
RKVY Mandi 0.00 1724.35 1724.35 95
RKVY Seed Co. 0.00 1420.99 1420.99 70
RKVY Fisheries 0.00 809.56 809.56 57
RKVY Veterinaries 0.00 2105.71 2105.71 64
RKVY Total 0.00 11119.58 11119.58 66
Note- Rs. 23.01 crore released on 31.03.09 by
Different Activities under ATMA (2006-07 to
S. No. Activities 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09
S. No. Activities Target Achiev. Target Achiev. Target Achiev.
1 Training of Farmers 182 182 173 194 25400
2 Organizing demonstrations 712 712 2638 1473 1914
3 Exposure visits of farmers 20 20 87 35 9100
4 Mobilization of Farmers Groups-FIG/WIF/Fos/ COs/FCs - 125 125 60 41 250
5 Rewards/ incentives to best organized groups 0 0 8 3 25
6 Farmer Awards 0 0 21 8 135
7 District level exhibition/ kisan melas/ fruit/ vegetable shows 9 9 10 5 10
8 Farmer- Scientist Interaction 10 7 10 6 10
9 Organization Field Days and Kisan Goshties to strengthen R-E-F linkages 56 56 60 26 116
10 Farm School 0 0 0 0 22
  Total 1114 1111 3067 1791 36982  
Note- Due to model code of conduct for Assembly
Parliament Election and late release of fund
(Feb. March, 09) activities could not under
taken during 08-09
Proposals / Strategy for remaining period of the
Plan under ATMA (2009-10 to 2011-12)
S. No. Activities 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12
S. No. Activities Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin. Phy. Fin.
1 Training of Farmers 272 130.00 1190 526.35 1190 526.35
2 Organizing demonstrations 414 16.56 13470 538.80 13470 538.80
3 Exposure visits of farmers 242 86.55 515 231.45 515 231.45
4 Mobilization of Farmers Groups - FIG/WIF/Fos/COs/FCs - 325 16.25 1037 51.85 1037 51.85
5 Rewards/ incentives to best organized groups 65 13.00 80 16.00 80 16.00
6 Farmer Awards 368 36.80 518 51.80 518 51.80
7 District level exhibition/ kisan melas/ fruit/ vegetable shows 24 24.00 34 34.00 34 34.00
8 Farmer- Scientist Interaction 26 5.20 36 7.20 36 7.20
9 Organization Field Days and Kisan Goshties to strengthen R-E-F linkages 184 44.10 292 43.80 292 43.80
10 Farm School 167 85.17 129 65.80 129 65.80
  Total   457.63   1567.05   1567.05
Fertility Status Based on Soil Analysis
Nitrogen - Low - Raipur, Mahasamund,
Dhamtari, Durg, Kabirdham, Kanker
Dantewada. Medium - Sarguja, Bilaspur,
janjgir, Korba, Raigarh jashpur. Phosphorous
- Low - Raipur, Mahasamund, Dhamtari,
Rajnandgaon, Kabirdham, Jashpur, Jagdalpur,
kanker Dantewada. Medium- Durg, Bilaspur,
Janjgir, Korba, Rajnandgaon, Koriya, Surguja.
Potash - Low - Jagdalpur, Kanker,
Dantewada Medium - Raipur, Mahasamund,
Dhamtari, Durg, Rajnanadgaon, Kabirdham High
- Bilaspur, Korba, Janjgir, Rajnandgaon,
Jashpur, Koriya, Surguja
  • Zinc - More than 50 of soil in Raipur,
    Rajnandgaon, Janjgir, Dhamtari, Kabirdham
    Korba are deficit in zinc.
  • Other Micro Nutrients-
  • More then 35 soil samples from surguja
    districts showed deficiency of copper, ferrous
  • 29 Soil samples from Durg, 10 from Raipur,
    14 from korba 12 from Rajnandgaon showed
    deficiency of Ferrous (Iron)
  • pH- 64 samples from Raigarh , 27-35 samples
    from Bastar Division 15 samples from
    Raipur, Mahasamund, Surguja, Dhamtari showed
    an acidic trend.

Fertilizer Delivery System
Manufacturer / Importers (25)
Markfed DMO H.Q. (16)
Apex Bank CEO H.Q. (06)
Whole Saler / Retailer (2026)
Double Lock Centre (105)
P.A.C.C.S. (1333)
S. No. Particular Unit Govt. S.S.C. Farm Govt. S.S.C. Farm Govt. S.S.C. Farm Govt. S.S.C. Farm Govt. S.S.C. Farm Govt. S.S.C. Farm
S. No. Particular Unit Ava. 06-07 Avg. 07-08 Ava. 08-09 Dmd. 09-10 Dmd. 10-11 Dmd. 11-12
1 Seed Grading Machine Nos. 19 - 6 2 5 5
2 Seed Godown Nos. 11 - 6 10 13 14
3 Threshing Floor Nos. 27 - 0 0 10 17
4 Tube well Nos. 51 17 40 20 10 15
5 Tractor Nos. 27 6 7 9 4 5
6 Reaper Nos. 0 - 23 4 2 2
7 Fencing RMD 0 - 7898 19582 25000 35000
Unit Nos.
Year Tube- well Shallow Tube- well Minor Irrigation Tank Shakam- bhari Shakam- bhari MIS (Ha.) MIS (Ha.)
Year Tube- well Shallow Tube- well Minor Irrigation Tank Shakam- bhari Shakam- bhari Sprinkler Drip
Year Tube- well Shallow Tube- well Minor Irrigation Tank Pum Well Sprinkler Drip
2007-08 Achi. 8835 - 239 9892 1101 26733 36
2008-09 Achi. 7770 425 207 11794 1095 16758 19
2009-10 Target 15000 1575 300 10000 900 20000 -
2010-11 Target 15000 2000 320 10000 1000 20000 -
2011-12 Target 15000 2000 340 10000 1000 20000 -
  • Chhattisgarh comprises of 3 Agro climatic zones
    - (i) Chhattisgarh Plans (CP)
  • (ii) Bastar Plateau (BP)
  • (iii) Northen Hilly Region (NHR) of
    Chhattisgarh .
  • On the basis of Rainfall, Soil type, depth of
    soil slope ACE's may be further divided into
    19 (CP) 7 (BP) 14 (NHR) Agro ecological zones

  • Soils of the state are categorized under 5
    Broad classes. Local names, their scientific
    classification and area coverage are-

No. Local Name of Soil Scientific classification Soil Texture Area ()
1 Bhata Entisol Sandy loam 20
2 Matasi Entisol Inceptysol Loamy sand 27
3 Dorsa Entisol Inceptysol Sandy Clayey loan 28
4 Kanhar Inceptysol Entisol Clayey Loan, clay 22
5 Kachhar Alluvial sol Loamy clayey 3
Expansion of soil analysis facility A. Four
New Soil Testing Laboratories in Durg, Janjgir,
Dhamatari Ambikapur have been sanctioned
under RKVY. B. Project for preparation of
Digital soil map, on the basis of samples from
every village of districts Dhamtari Janjgir,
has been sanctioned under RKVY. C. Proposal of
4 stationery 7 Mobile Soil Testing labs (for
NGO) has been sent to GOI under "National
Project on management of Soil Health
  • Post of RAEO as on 2000-01 2421
  • Post of RAEOs increased from 2421 to 3758
    (increase 1337)
  • Post filled up as on dt. 2478
  • Krishak-Sangi-Krishak Bahini New programme to
    be launched to assure active participation of
    innovative / progressive farmers/Women
  • Temporary substitution of vacant RAEO post 750
    Sangi-Bahini in 750 clusters will be entrusted
    extension works on honorarium basis.
  • Approx 5 lakh farmers of 7000 villages will be
    enlightened during Kharif Campaign (Krishak
    Pakhwada) 21st May to 7 June 2009.

  • Development of Ideal Market Yards 05 markets viz
    Dhamtari, Kurud, Kawardha, Rajnandgaon, Durg
    Mungeli are under taken as pilot projects, with
    total financial outlay of Rs. 38.99 crore under
    scheme "Development/Strengthening of Agricultural
    Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and
    Standardization" of G.O.I. These are in final
  • Development of Fruit and Vegetable Market Yards
    06 markets viz Raipur, Bilaspur, Raigarh, Durg,
    Rajnandgaon Pakhanjur are under taken in first
    phase with total financial outlay of Rs. 64.28
    crore are under scheme "Development/
    Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing
    Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization" of
    G.O.I., out of which 3 markets are in final
  • Development and improvement of infrastructures in
    30 Hatt Bazars and 14 sub market yards of Tribal
    districts of Chhattisgarh are under taken with
    total financial outlay of Rs. 210.00 lacs and
    483.00 lacs respectively under R.K.V.Y.
  • Cont. ..


  • For improvement of quality of agri produce 25
    Grading Machine are been established in
    identified market yards with R.K.V.Y. and own
    resources of State Marketing Board.
  • Expansion of Storage Capacity - To enhance the
    existing storage capacity of 97400 m.ton in
    market yards to the capacity of 298100 m.ton at
    the end of 2011-12, in phases. The construction
    of 13 Godowns in 2008-09 with total financial
    outlay of Rs. 390.00 Lacs are under construction
    by R.K.V.Y. and our own resources.
  • The old traditional tripod type weigh bridges
    existing in A.P.M.Cs are been replaced by the
    Electronic weighing machines in phases.

  • Improvement of information facilities by
    providing Electronic Display Boards in market
    yards linked with all important markets of India
    for depicting the prevailing market rates.
  • ? The establishment of various electronic
    marketing system in market yards itself as an
    alternative to the farmers and traders.
  • Establishment of Cold Storage and packing
    facilities in fruit and vegetable markets through
    private entrepreneurs.
  • Cont.

  • ? Establishment and development of Modern Hatt
    Bazar in tribal area.
  • ? Establishment and development of Separate whole
    sale fish and live spot markets in selected area.
  • Establishment of professionally managed Agri
    business development facility for horticulture
  • To improve the facilities in procurement centers
    of primary co-operation societies
  • To establish an export oriented special market
    for forest produces.

(in M.Ton)

S. No Name/ Type of Produce Ravi (April 08 Sep. 08) Kharif (Oct 08 March 09) Total
1 Paddy 14,97,091.60 52,63,703.90 67,60,795.50
2 Soyabean 4,568.60 77,804.40 82,373.00
3 Other Oil Seeds 1,649.70 1,998.20 3,647.90
4 Pulses 41,468.70 24,135.00 65,603.70
5 Other Produce 1,28,234.50 1,84,594.90 3,12,829.40
Total Total 16,73,013.10 55,52,236.40 72,25,249.50
Information of Meeting on Dated 27.05.2009 at
New Delhi (In reference to letter of GOI
no.3-6/2009-RKVY dated 17.04.09)
  • I. Issues
  • Total cultivable land 65,52,000 ha.
  • Area under horticulture 7.39 (4,84,695 ha.) in
  • Within 5 years 100 increase in area.
  • Limited scope for further area expansion in
  • II. Approach
  • To increase in productivity of land and to lift
    up average yield of horticulture crop by genetic
    improvement and high application of inputs.
  • To increase in crop intensity.
  • If credit is not constraint CBR is in favor of
    crop diversification towards vegetables and
    fruits. If markets are brought closer to farm
    gate and post-harvest losses are minimized then
    CBR of horticulture is become more than CBR of
  • Production diversification and supply chain
    efficiency are key issues to reap the maximum
  • III. Status

Sl. No. Crops 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 age increased age increased
Sl. No. Crops Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production
Sl. No. Crops (in Ha.) (Tn.) (in Ha.) (Tn.) (in Ha.) (Tn.) (in Ha.) (Tn.)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1 Fruits 75401.09 643171.29 99696.20 680928.05 124664.00 932025.91 65.33 44.91
1 Fruits 75401.09 643171.29 99696.20 680928.05 (25.72) (22.10) 65.33 44.91
2 Vegetables 195617.10 2431520.60 236105.00 2339800.55 292562.00 2924605.50 49.56 20.28
2 Vegetables 195617.10 2431520.60 236105.00 2339800.55 (60.36) (69.34) 49.56 20.28
3 Spices 29054.60 168226.10 40556.90 198728.81 53614.25 288738.44 84.53 71.64
3 Spices 29054.60 168226.10 40556.90 198728.81 (11.06) (6.85) 84.53 71.64
4 Medicinal Arometics 2086.00 11890.20 10274.62 58565.33 11500.00 65550.00 451.29 451.29
4 Medicinal Arometics 2086.00 11890.20 10274.62 58565.33 (2.37) (1.55) 451.29 451.29
5 Flowers 1551.00 3302.30 2030.50 4304.66 2355.40 6912.52 51.86 109.32
5 Flowers 1551.00 3302.30 2030.50 4304.66 (0.49) (0.16) 51.86 109.32
 Total -  Total - 303709.79 3258110.47 388663.22 3282327.40 484695.65 4217832.37 --- ---
  • Data of 2008-09 is not available, survey is in
  • Diversification in the cropping pattern away from
    food grains towards horticulture and more towards
    vegetables and fruits.
  • Due to huge domestic demand (because absence of
    pulses in food bowl), in-spite of being one of
    the largest producer of vegetable, does not have
    much of marketable volume. Besides this there
    are supply constraints and huge post-harvest
    losses, which leads to lower actual available
  • Chili, Cabbage, Kundru (Coccinia indica), Banana
    Papaya are major crops of export to outside of

(in Mt. / Ha.)
Sl. No. Name of Crops Present Productivity Yield potential of State (S.A.U recommendation ) Yield Gap National Average
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. Mango 3.27 8 4.73 6.3
2. Litchi 0.53 6 5.47 6
3. Lime 6.01 8 1.99 9
4. Custard apple 2.97 4 1.03  
5. Banana 26.52 60 33.48 35.9
6. Papaya 18.37 70 51.63 33.4
7. Guava 7.04 16 8.96 11.1
8. Cashew 0.42 2 1.58 0.8
B. Spices - Spices - Spices - Spices - Spices -
1. Chili (Green) 6.01 17.5 11.49 1.6
2. Onion 15.58 20 4.42 15.1
3. Coriander 2.84 3 0.16 0.6
4. Turmeric 7.11 25 17.89 4.6
5. Ginger 7.83 20 12.17 3.5
6. Garlic 4.49 7.5 3.01 4.8
C. Vegetables - Vegetables - Vegetables - Vegetables - Vegetables -
1. Potato 11.17 25 13.83 19.3
2. Tomato 10.72 15 4.28 17.9
3. Lady finger 8.8 10 1.2 10.3
4. Cauliflower 15.17 20 4.83 18.1
5. Cabbage 15.72 25 9.28 22.2
6. Brinjal 14.66 20 5.34 17
7. Bottle guard 16.4 25 8.6  
8. Bitter guard 9.81 15 5.19  
9. Musk melon 8.83 17.5 8.67  
10. Water melon 10.47 25 14.53  
11. Pumpkin 11.16 20 8.84  
D. Aromatics - Aromatics - Aromatics - Aromatics - Aromatics -
1. Leman grass 13.34      
2. Patchouli 2.89      
3. Palmarosa 1.77      
4. Vitrever 14.59      
5. E. Citridora 5.71      
6. Aloevera 9.49      
(Fin. Tar Rs. in Lakhs)
Sl. No. Activity Unit 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 Total Total
Sl. No. Activity Unit Phy. Tar Fin. Tar Phy. Tar Fin. Tar Phy. Tar Fin. Tar Phy. Tar Fin. Tar
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. Establishment of Model Nurseries (public sector) Nos. 18 324.00 15 270.00 10 180.00 43 774.00
2. Spices production - Ha. 6720 756.00 9000 1012.50 8000 900.00 23720 2668.50
3. Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens - 
3. a. Perennial Fruit Crops Ha. 4980 540.77 6500 731.25 5500 618.75 16980 1890.77
3. b. Non-Perennial Crops Ha. 2230 334.50 3000 450.00 2500 375.00 7730 1159.50
4. Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops -  Flower Crops - 
4. a. Cut Flower Ha. 550 192.50 750 262.50 650 227.50 1950 682.50
4. b. Bulbulous Flower Ha. 1200 540.00 1600 720.00 1400 630.00 4200 1890.00
4. c. Loose Flower Ha. 500 60.00 700 84.00 600 72.00 1800 216.00
5. Aromatic Plants Ha. 2100 236.25 3000 337.50 2500 281.25 7600 855.00
6. Plantation Crop - Cashew Ha. 5000 281.25 6000 337.50 5500 309.37 16500 928.12
7. Rejuvenation of Old Orchards Ha. 250 37.50 400 60.00 300 45.00 950 142.50
8. Creation of Water Resources (Bore-wells) Nos. 500 350.00 600 420.00 700 490.00 1800 1260.00
9. Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation -  Protected Cultivation - 
9. a. Green house Nos. 2 6.50 10 32.50 5 16.25 17 55.25
9. b. Mulching Ha. 3000 210.00 4000 280.00 3500 245.00 10500 735.00
9. c. Shade net Nos. 10000 350.00 12000 420.00 11000 385.00 33000 1155.00
9. d. Plastic Tunnels Ha. 1000 50.00 2000 100.00 1500 75.00 4500 225.00
10. Promotion of IPM Ha. 5500 55.00 7500 75.00 6500 65.00 19500 195.00
11. Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming -  Organic Farming - 
11. a. Adaption of Organic Farming Ha. 650 65.00 1000 100.00 800 80.00 2450 245.00
11. b. Vermi compost units                  
11. i. Pucca tanka Nos. 250 75.00 400 120.00 300 90.00 950 285.00
11. ii. Portable HDPE bags Ha. 2600 780.00 3500 1050.00 3000 900.00 9100 2730.00
12. HRD Activities -Training at all levels Nos. 16000 345.00 25000 400.00 20000 350.00 61000 1095.00
13. Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management -  Post Harvest management - 
13. a. Establishment of Oil extraction units Nos. 6 7.50 15 18.75 20 25.00 41 51.25
13. b. Aloevera gel ex. Plant Nos. 11 27.50 15 37.50 20 50.00 46 115.00
13. c. Cold Storage Nos. 14 700.00 16 800.00 18 900.00 48 2400.00
13. d. Leaf root collection centre Nos. 11 27.50 13 32.50 15 37.50 39 97.50
13. e. Cashew low cast processing unit Nos. 20 2.50 25 3.12 30 3.75 75 9.37
13. f. Pack house Nos. 60 37.50 70 43.75 80 50.00 210 131.25
14. Rural market Nos. 17 63.75 20 75.00 25 93.75 62 232.50
15. Whole- sale market Nos. 3 799.75 4 1080.00 5 1350.00 12 3229.75
Total - Total - Total - 63192 7255.27 87153 9353.37 74478 8845.12 224823 25453.76
Sl. No. Unit established No. of unit Name of district Capacity
1. Tomato Grading Machine 02 Jashpur Durg 500 Kg./Hr.
2. Potato Grading Machine 02 Sarguja Raipur (State Vegetable Seed Production Farm, Bana) 500 Kg./Hr.
3. Fruit Vegetable Grading Plant 01 Raipur 500 Kg./Hr.
4. Banana Grading Waxing Plant 01 Raipur 400-500 Kg./Hr.
5. Cashew-nut Processing Machine 04 Bastar (03), Raigarh (01) 2.5 Tn./Day
6. Lemon Grass E.citridora Distillation Plant 12 Durg (03), Raipur (02), Raigarh (02), Bastar (02), Sarguja (02), Korba (01) 1.5 Ton. per batch
7. Aloevera Juice/Gel Extraction Unit 03 Dhamtari (02), Kanker (01) 200 Kg./Hr.
8. Tomato grading cum juice/puree processing plant 02 Janjgir-Champa 500 Kg./Hr.
Sl. No. Name of the crop Location Area of the crop (Ha.) Production (MT.) Proposed unit
1. Cashew nut Jagdalpur 7386 4000 Cashew processing unit.
1. Cashew nut Raigarh 7070 3345 Cashew processing unit.
Total - Total - Total - 14456 7345 -----
2. Banana Raipur 1500 82500 Banana fiber extraction unit.
2. Banana Durg 1043 76139 Banana fiber extraction unit.
Total - Total - Total - 2543 158639 -----
3. Papaya Raipur 1480 66600 Papain extraction unit Gem processing unit.
3. Papaya Durg 869 52140 Papain extraction unit Gem processing unit.
Total - Total - Total - 2349 118740 -----
4. Tomato Durg 6208 93120 Tomato pulp puree processing unit.
4. Tomato Jashpur 3350 67000 Tomato pulp puree processing unit.
Total - Total - Total - 9558 160120 -----
5. Ginger Raigarh 959 19180 Ginger paste processing unit.
6. Chili Jagdalpur 1120 5600 Chili powder processing unit.
6. Chili Rajnandgaon 1055 5275 Chili powder processing unit.
Total - Total - Total - 2175 10875 -----
Sl. No. Name of the Activity Unit Pre-NHM Period Post-NHM Period
1. Area of orchards - Area of orchards - Area of orchards - Area of orchards -
1. a. Perennial Ha. 40197.09 108670
1. B. Non Perennial Ha. 6050.14 15995
2. Establishment of Nurseries No. 111 119
3. Green Houses No. - 25
4. Shade net House No. - 251
5. Mist Chambers Hardening Yards No. - 11
6. Spices Production Ha. 28399 53614
7. Flower Cultivation Ha. 1508 2356
8. Plantation Crop- Cashew Ha. 4268 7167
9. Protected Cultivation - Distribution of Shade net No. - 12125
10. Promotion of INM / IPM Ha. - 40000
11. Organic Farming Ha. - 8350
12. Vermi Compost Units - Vermi Compost Units - Vermi Compost Units - Vermi Compost Units -
12. a. Pucca Tanka No. - 784
12. b. Portable HDPE Vermi beds Ha. - 5000
13. Post Harvest Management -      
13. a. Establishment of distillation units No. - 12
13. b. Tomato Grading machine No. - 2
13. c. Potato Grading machine No. - 2
13. d. Fruit Vegetable Grading Plant No. - 1
13. e. Banana Grading Waxing Plant No. - 1
13. f. Cashew nut Processing Plant No. - 4
13. g. Alovera gel / Juice Extraction unit No. - 3
13. h. Tomato Grading Cum Juice / Puree Processing Plant No. - 2
(Expenditure in Lakhs)
Sl. No. Activity Unit Phy. Increase Expenditure Output (Production in MT) Impact Remark
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  Establishment of New Gardens -  1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. A. Perennial crops -  A. Perennial crops -  A. Perennial crops -  A. Perennial crops -  A. Perennial crops -  1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. a. Mango Ha. 15150 1704.37 - 1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. b. Litchi Ha. 2680 301.50 - 1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. c. Lime Ha. 3250 365.62 - 1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. d. Aonla Ha. 1000 63.75 - 1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. e. Custerd Apple Ha. 1000 112.50 - 1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. f. Cashew Ha. 11200 630.00 - 1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. B. Annual Crops -  B. Annual Crops -  B. Annual Crops -  B. Annual Crops -  B. Annual Crops -  1- Fellow land brought under cultivation 2- Employment Generation 3- Support to ecosystem through plantation Crop is under gestation period
1. Banana Ha. 1196 179.40 31717 1- Annual income of the grower is increased. 2- Banana is exported to the other states from Chhattisgarh  
2. Spices crops -  Spices crops -  Spices crops -  Spices crops -  Spices crops -  1- Farmers fetched good prices from spices production now inclined to grow these crops in larger area at their own cost. 2- Chili is exported to the adjoining states from Chhattisgarh.  
2. Chili Ha. 20150 2266.87 120900 1- Farmers fetched good prices from spices production now inclined to grow these crops in larger area at their own cost. 2- Chili is exported to the adjoining states from Chhattisgarh.  
2. Onion Ha. 500 56.25 7500 1- Farmers fetched good prices from spices production now inclined to grow these crops in larger area at their own cost. 2- Chili is exported to the adjoining states from Chhattisgarh.  
2. Coriander Ha. 400 45.00 1136 1- Farmers fetched good prices from spices production now inclined to grow these crops in larger area at their own cost. 2- Chili is exported to the adjoining states from Chhattisgarh.  
2. Turmeric Ha. 2300 258.75 16353 1- Farmers fetched good prices from spices production now inclined to grow these crops in larger area at their own cost. 2- Chili is exported to the adjoining states from Chhattisgarh.  
2. Ginger Ha. 3800 427.50 29754 1- Farmers fetched good prices from spices production now inclined to grow these crops in larger area at their own cost. 2- Chili is exported to the adjoining states from Chhattisgarh.  
3. Community Bore-wells Nos. 1869 1308.30 - 1- 4500 Ha. (Approx.) Area is brought under irrigated area through bore-wells. 2- Productivity of crops increased due to assured irrigation.  
4. Organic Farming Ha. 8350 835.00 - Farmers are motivated to use traditional old techniques for production of crops.  
5. Vermi-compost units -  Vermi-compost units -  Vermi-compost units -  Vermi-compost units -  Vermi-compost units -  Use of vermi-compost is improving soil health and increasing production.  
5. a. Pucca Tanka Nos. 784 235.20 11760 Use of vermi-compost is improving soil health and increasing production.  
5. b. Portable HDPE unit Ha. 5000 1500.00 75000 Use of vermi-compost is improving soil health and increasing production.  
6. Establishment of Model Nurseries. Nos. 39 702.00 - 1- Plant production capacity of departmental Nurseries is increased. 2- 78 lakhs
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