Humanoid robots help autistic children - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Humanoid robots help autistic children


Humanoid robots help autistic children Outline Motivation of the creators Autistic disorders A survey of the research Why robots might help The field of research ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Humanoid robots help autistic children

  • Humanoid robots help autistic children

  • Motivation of the creators
  • Autistic disorders
  • A survey of the research
  • Why robots might help
  • The field of research
  • Conclusions

  • Research in Human-Robot Interaction
  • Looking for a killer application
  • advertisement, receptionists, multi-media kiosks,
  • theatre and installations,
  • help elderly and disabled adults,
  • normal child supervision
  • toys
  • Better How can we use robots to help people?

Autistic Disorders
  • 1 of 300 children diagnosed with autism with
    rates rising
  • To compare with other ilnesses
  • 1 of 800 children diagnosed with Down syndrome
  • 1 of 450 children diagnosed with juvenile
  • 1 of 333 children will develop cancer by age 20
  • Diagnosis currently made through behavioral
  • no blood test or genetic screening is available
  • there is evidence of a genetic link, so may be
    tests will arrive

Autistic Disorders What are their
Characteristics ?
  • Inability to relate to other people
  • Little use of eye contact with other people
  • Difficulty understanding gestures and facial
  • Difficulties with verbal non-verbal
  • Difficulty understanding others intentions,
    feelings, and mental states

Why Use Robots for children with autism?
  • Most children, including children with autism,
    are attracted to robots.
  • This natural affinity is exploited, and the robot
    is used as an interactive toy.
  • Robots may provide a less threatening environment
    than interacting with people.
  • Robots can provide a repetitive and more
    predictable environment.
  • This safe environment can gently push a child
    with autism towards human interaction.

Here tell about my personal experiences with
autistic kids in our lab and the president of
Intel story
There is a connection of autism to imitation
  • One theory Autism may be caused by early
    impairments in imitation and shared attention
    (Rogers Pennington, 1991) (Baron-Cohen, 1995)
  • Imitation is a format of communication, a means
    to express interest and engage others in
    interaction (Nadel, 1999)
  • Idea Use a doll-like robot to engage children
    with autism and teach basic imitative interaction
  • From K. Dautenhahn, and A. Billard, Games
    Children with Autism Can Play With Robota, a
    Humanoid Robotic Doll, Proc. 1st Cambridge
    Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive
    Technology, 2002

Development of Robota robots for autistic
1. Research from Switzerland, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology
A six-year old autistic boy playing with Robota.
He seemed curious about Robota's head movements
and so he touches the doll. From K. Dautenhahn,
and A. Billard, Games Children with Autism Can
Play With Robota, a Humanoid Robotic Doll, Proc.
1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and
Assistive Technology, 2002
Imitation Using Robota
  • Robota allows the child to understand that
    the dolls movement originates from his own
    movement (sense of agency)
  • It helps to understand that the dolls movement
    is limited to a restricted category of movement
    (enhances intentional action)
  • From J. Nadel, Early Imitation and a Sense of
    Agency, Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Epigenetic
    Robots, 2004

An autistic child playing chasing games with
the mobile robot From K. Dautenhahn, and A.
Billard, Games Children with Autism Can Play With
Robota, a Humanoid Robotic Doll, Proc. 1st
Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and
Assistive Technology, 2002
Joint Attention Using Robota
Robota is controlled via teleoperation by the
From B. Robins, P. Dickerson, and K. Dautenhahn,
Robots as Embodied Beings Interactionally
Sensitive Body Movements In Interactions Among
Autistic Children and a Robot, Proc. RO-MAN 2005
Investigator remotely encourages interaction and
immitation by children
Two autistic children Note Andys gaze at Jack.
The investigator encourages the children to show
each other how they can interact with the
robot. The robot will not move unless the
children show the same movement, i.e., they must
work together.
Andy and Jack touch each other to balance
themselves while each raising a leg.
Adam shows no interest in his classmates and
usually tries to avoid the rest of the children.
But Adam is interested in Robota.
Adam takes Robs hand to show him how to interact
with Robota.
The new prototype of Robota
  • The current prototype of the doll-shaped humanoid
    robot Robota is presented here.
  • The use of the robot Robota as part of studies
    with disabled children sets a number of
    constraints on its design.
  • In particular, it requires that the robot bears a
    human likeness both in its body features and in
    the kinematics of its motions.
  • The current design consists in a 23 degrees of
    freedom upper body, including a 3 DOFs spine, two
    7 DOFs arm, a 3 DOFs pair of eyes and a 3 DOFs

The prototype of arm
  • The current prototype of arm is a 6 DOFs arm with
    a 1 DOF gripper. It is 26 centimeter long for
  • The motors were dimensioned so as to carry an
    external load of up to 200 gr.
  • The different DOFs were designed to be
    reversible, in order to provide an interface for
    teaching the robot by demonstration. The first
    three degrees of freedom are placed in the
    shoulder. The three rotation axes cross at the
    same point.
  • This implies that the elbow moves on a sphere. We
    have one DOF in the elbow and two DOFs in the
  • The gripper is composed of 3 fingers actuated by
    one single DOF. To have an absolute measure of
    the position of each joint, we have placed
    potentiometers on each axis.
  • We can, thus, measure the absolute position of
    the arm when the arm is switched on, and, hence,
    initialize the motor encoders without having to
    send the motors to the reset position.
  • This ensures minimal risks when the robot
    interacts with children, by preventing any
    involuntary motion if the robot should reset

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The prototype of eyes
  • A prototype of a 3 DOFs pair of eyes has been
  • One DOF drives the horizontal rotation of the two
    eyes and the two other DOFs drive the vertical
    rotation of each eye.
  • Thus, the robot can wink but not squint!
  • In each eye, we have placed one ''mobile phone''
    CMOS camera.
  • The principal constraint in this project is the
    aesthetic of the robot.
  • We use then real doll eyes that we modify to
    insert the cameras, by drilling a tiny hole
    through the pupil, making sure that the iris
    remains intact.
  • The volume of the eyes is, however, too small to
    contain the electronic board (that proceeds to
    the digital conversion of the image).
  • Thus, the sensor must be connected to the board
    through a flex cable in such a way that the cable
    is not impeding the movement of the eyes.

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The prototype of neck
  • For the prototype of Robota's neck, we have 3
    DOFs (lace, pitch and roll).
  • These are placed in series, starting with lace,
    and, then pitch and roll.
  • The system has been designed to support a load of
    400gr, so that it could still drive the head of
    the robot in any position.
  • Pitch and Roll are controlled by transmission
    through a set of cables and pulleys, while Lace
    is controlled by a direct drive from the motor.
  • Using direct drive and cable transmission
    minimizes the chance of encountering backlash

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The prototype of spine
  • The current prototype of spine drives two DOFs
    for front-back and left-right bending
  • The third DOF of the torso, supported by the
    spine, drives the horizontal rotation of the
  • The spine is about 200mm high for a diameter of
  • It weights about 1Kg and supports a load of 2Kg
    located at 80mm on the spine.
  • This corresponds to the estimated mass of the
    current prototypes and position of the mass
    center of the two arms and the head. To obtain
    a smooth curvature along the spine, we have used
    a low pressure hydraulic system.
  • Four pistons are placed at each level of the
    spine (there are four levels), two for each DOF.
  • To move the spine, we have two motors placed in
    its base.
  • Using a reduction gear, each motor transmits the
    movement to an endless screw that moves two
    pistons working as a pump.

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Interacting with Keepon
2. Research from Japan
Keepon is controlled via teleoperation.
From H. Kozima, C. Nakagawa, and Y. Yasuda,
Interactive Robots for Communication-Care A
Case Study in Autism Therapy, Proc. RO-MAN 2005
Keepon is a robot that sees you and tracks you
Views from Keepons camera eyes
Attentive action
Emotive action
  • Keepon's kinematic mechanism.
  • Two gimbals are connected by four wires the
    lower gimbal is driven by two motors.
  • Another motor rotates the whole inner-structure
  • Yet another drives the skull downward for

Enabling Interaction
Joint attention Sharing the perceptual
Eye-contact Referring to each other's mental
Enables people to exchange intention and emotion
toward a target.
Dyadic and triadic interactions
Scassellati Using Robots for Autism Diagnosis
3. Yale University
From B. Scassellati, Quantitative Metrics of
Social Response for Autism Diagnosis, Proc.
RO-MAN 2005
Autism Diagnosis Methods
  • 1. Reaction to the ESRA robot with and without
    the face configuration

Can generate facial expressions using 5 servo
Two motors added for horizontal eye movement
Autism Diagnosis Methods
  • 2. Measure listening preferences to speech sounds

Autism Diagnosis Methods
  • Vocal prosody, i.e., how something is said

Features F24 vs. F1 Mean pitch energy vs. mean
Separation of two features used in a Bayesian
classifier distinguishes low energy categories
(neutral and soothing) from high energy
categories (approval, attention, and prohibition).
Autism Diagnosis Methods
  • 3. Position tracking relative to another person

Autism Diagnosis Methods
  • 4. Gaze direction and focus of attention

Red adolescents with autism Blue typical
  • Linear discriminant analysis of autistic (au)
    and typical (nc) gaze patterns.
  • Linear filters F(x) are trained to reproduce the
    gaze pattern G(x) of each individual x
  • and then applied to predict the gaze patterns of
    any other individual.
  • For example, F(au)G(self) indicates a filter
    trained on an individual with autism and tested
    on that same individual while F(nc)G(au)
    indicates a filter trained on a control
    individual and tested on an individual with
  • The mean performance of this data (y-axis) is a
    function of the response percentile of individual
  • Significant differences (all plt0.01 for a
    two-tailed t-test) are seen between the following
    classes (1) F(nc)G(self), (2) F(au)G(self),
    (3) F(nc) G(other nc), and (4) the three other

University of Sherbrooke Project for students
with double meaning
4. University of Sherbrooke
  • Project for engineering students
  • Design a robotic toy for an autistic child
  • Educational value
  • Real world problem
  • Students work together in a team
  • Students must first investigate autistic disorders

University of Sherbrooke student projects for
autistic children
Pushing Jumbo around the play area.
Rolling game with Roball.
From Michaud, F., Théberge-Turmel, C. (2002),
"Mobile robotic toys and autism", Socially
Intelligent Agents - Creating Relationships with
Computers and Robots, Kluwer, pp. 125-132.
University of Sherbrooke
Autistic kids do some actual robot assembly
Girl showing signs of interest toward Bobus.
Assembling the arms and tail of C-Pac.
From Michaud, F., Théberge-Turmel, C. (2002),
"Mobile robotic toys and autism", Socially
Intelligent Agents - Creating Relationships with
Computers and Robots, Kluwer, pp. 125-132.
Kids design big stuffed robots
Other robots of this kind - the Tiger Kitty
5. The iCat by Philips Research
The Field of Researchers
  • Francois Michaud
  • University of Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Kerstin Dautenhahn Ben Robbins
  • University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • Aude Billard
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
  • Jacqueline Nadel
  • French National Centre of Scientific Research

The Field of Researchers
  • Brian Scassellati and Bob Schultz
  • Yale University
  • Javier Movellan
  • University of California San Diego
  • Hideki Kozima
  • National Institute of ICT, Japan
  • Michio Okada
  • ATR, Kyoto, Japan

  • The use of robots for autism therapy and
    diagnosis is just beginning.
  • There is anecdotal evidence that robot therapy
    can help children with autism
  • Can we do something with Robot Theatre?

Dolls, monsters, or may be something new?
  • I believe that Halloween robot technology can be
    reused to build robot theatre with robots of
    natural size.
  • Inexpensive, after Halloween.

More examples of Halloween robots
We changed Crazy Scientist to Professor Niels
Bohr for Teenage Robot Theatre
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We converted Santa to Paekchong robot for Hahoe
Sources of slides and ideas
  • Brian Scassellati, Francois Michaud, Ben Robins,
    and Hideki Kozima Marjorie Skubic
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