Title: Amnesty International
1Amnesty International
2Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand
- The global voice of human rights
3What is Amnesty International?
- Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand
(AIANZ) is part of a worldwide movement of more
than 2.2 million people who contribute their
time, money and expertise to the promotion of
human rights.
- Amnesty members campaign against some of the most
horrific violations of those rights, such as
torture, killings, and imprisonment for who
people are or what they believe.
- Amnesty has over 10,000 supporters in New
Zealand, including over 100 school groups, 5
University groups and 14 Youth groups
4What is Amnesty International?
- Amnestys vision is of a world in which every
person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
other international human rights standards.
Amnesty Members from Auckland University
5How Does Amnesty Work?
- Amnesty's international network of volunteer
members and professional staff generate thousands
of appeals on behalf of individuals and
communities at risk. These appeals often take
the form of letters, faxes and e-mails sent to
governments and political groups responsible for
abusing these individuals and communities human
rights. - Amnesty also holds protests and vigils in support
of human rights
- We also feed a constant stream of information to
the media, governments, the United Nations and
others, urging them to take action where human
rights abuses are occurring.
6Does Amnesty Work?
- In over 30-40 of Urgent Action cases Amnesty
undertakes a difference is made. - This can be as dramatic as preventing an
individual from being stoned to death, to the
conditions for a prisoner-of-conscience
improving. - We know we make a difference because the people
we have been trying to help tell us that our
pressure has had an effect.
- Many people say that support from AI members
gives them hope and strength.
7Good News Stories
NIGERIA - Amina Lawal
- Amina is a Nigerian woman who was sentenced to be
stoned to death under Sharia law for having a
baby out of wedlock - Amnesty members campaigned on her behalf by
writing letters and emails, signing petitions and
lobbying the Nigerian government - Due to public pressure, Aminas conviction was
overturned by the Sharia Court of Appeal
- She was released from custody on the 25th
September 2003, and now lives in Nigeria with her
8Good News Stories
GERMANY/GUANTANAMO - Murat Kurnaz released
- Thank God, I am well, but only God who created
us knows when I will come back. - Murat Kurnaz wrote these words to his family from
Guantánamo in March 2002. His dreams of returning
home to Germany took more than four years to
- Released from Guantánamo on 24 August 2006, Murat
Kurnaz had been held for four years and eight
months without charge or trial.
- In a statement, his lawyer said "He is now again
in the circle of his family. Their joy at
embracing their lost son again is indescribable.
- Murat's mother, Rabiye Kurnaz, dedicated these
past years to campaigning for her eldest sons
release. It was only after intense lobbying from
his family, lawyers and AI members around the
world, that the German authorities began to act
on his behalf, finally paving the way for his
9Amnesty Internationals Beginnings
10How did Amnesty begin?
- In 1960, two Portuguese students raised their
glasses to freedom in a Lisbon café.
- Because of this innocent act they were arrested
and sentenced to seven years in jail.
11How did Amnesty begin?
- A British lawyer named Peter Benenson read about
this in his morning paper and decided to take
- On 28 May 1961, in an article in the British
newspaper The Observer, he asked members of the
public to demand the release of prisoners of
- Thousands of people, from London to Uruguay,
offered their help and the human rights
campaigning movement Amnesty International was
12Peter Benenson
- Mr Benenson started as a student described by his
college school principal as having revolutionary
- He was a student activist who began his activism
days protesting about the poor quality of food at
his school.
"The candle burns not for us, but for all those
whom we failed to rescue from prisons, who were
shot on the way to prison, who were tortured, who
were kidnapped, who disappeared. Thats what
the candle is for."
- He continued to support human rights throughout
his life, especially the human rights of student
- Peter died on 25 February 2005
13Amnestys Work
14Prisoners of Conscience
Amnesty works on behalf of prisoners of
conscience people who are imprisoned for their
beliefs, who they are and what they say
General Gallardo, reunited with his family after
8 years imprisonment in Mexico
They are often human rights defenders
They have never advocated or practiced violence
15The Death Penalty
The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman
and degrading punishment.
- It violates the right to life.
- It can be inflicted on the innocent.
- It does not deter crime more effectively than
other punishments.
Today over half the countries in the world have
abolished the death penalty in law or practice
However places like China, Iran, Viet Nam and the
USA still practice the death penalty.
Amnesty calls for the abolition of the death
penalty in all cases
- Torture or any other treatment that is cruel,
inhuman or degrading, is both immoral and illegal
- Torture is widely condemned and prohibited by the
UN Convention Against Torture, but is still
- In the War on Terror, governments are not only
using torture and ill-treatment, they are making
the case that this is justifiable and necessary
Amnesty International opposes torture under all
17AIANZs Campaigns
18Stop Violence Against Women
Violence Against Women is the greatest human
rights scandal of our times.
Up to 70 of female murder victims are killed
by their male partners.
1 in 3 women have been beaten, coerced or
otherwise abused in their lifetime.
In New Zealand one woman is killed by her
partner or ex-partner every 5 weeks.
About 120 million girls worldwide are genitally
19Stop Violence Against Women
In the home and in the community, in times of war
and peace, millions of women and girls, every
year, are beaten, raped, mutilated and killed
with their perpetrators going unpunished.
In 2006 thousands of women and girls all over New
Zealand were subjected to severe physical,
emotional and sexual abuse. Violence against
women should never be tolerated. Until we as New
Zealanders realize the extent of this problem,
thousands more women and girls will be subjected
to violence in our country.
20Stop Violence Against Women
How can I take action?
- Visit www.standbyme.org.nz Amnestys Stop
Violence Against Women webpage, and click on the
Take Action link.
- Support the numerous New Zealand organizations
working to end domestic violence against women.
- Organise an event to mark International Womens
Day on 8 March, or take part in Amnestys 16
Days of Activism beginning on 25 November.
21Crisis campaigning in Sudan
"The Janjawid entered the school and caught some
girls and raped them in the classrooms. I was
raped by four men inside the school. When they
left they told us they would take care of all of
us black people and clean Darfur for
good." Testimony of a schoolgirl from Tawila,
North Darfur, Sudan, February 2004. Today, she is
looking after the baby she had as a result of the
22Crisis campaigning in Sudan
In 2003, Amnesty International alerted the world
to the human rights crisis unfolding in the
Darfur region of Sudan. The response of the
international community was silence.
We continued to speak out. In 2005 the UN
Security Council finally recognized that war
crimes and crimes against humanity were being
committed in Darfur. Yet the killings, rapes and
forced displacements continue today, and have
spread to neighbouring Chad.
An injured Sudanese refugee
23Crisis campaigning in Sudan
- Since 2003
- Thousands of women and girls have been raped
- 2 million people have been forced to flee from
their homes - 200,000 refugees are camped in Chad
- An unknown number of civilians have been killed
- The vast majority of these abuses have been
committed by Janjawid militia groups armed and
funded by the Sudanese government
AIUK members demonstrate in support of sending UN
Peacekeepers to Darfur
24Child Soldiers
Amnesty is a member of the Coalition Against the
Use of Child Soldiers
This coalition works to
- prevent the recruitment of child soldiers
- secure their demobilisation
- ensure their rehabilitation and reintegration
into society
Despite progress achieved over the last decade,
large numbers of children continue to be
exploited in war and placed in the line of fire.
Amnesty continues to campaign on behalf of child
soldiers, providing our student groups with
information and actions in ACTIVE, our termly
student newsletter, and giving them the
opportunity to join the Childrens Rights Network.
25Child Soldiers
- There are 250,000 child soldiers in the world
- As part of their initiation, children are often
required to kill a member of their family or
- These children are forced to fight in armed
- They can be as young as 5 years old
- They often live in harsh conditions and are
frequently beaten and tortured
- Girl soldiers are frequently raped and abused at
the hands of their male captors
26How can we make a difference?
27Making a Difference
1. Stay informed!
- Keep up to date about social injustices
occurring in New Zealand and around the world.
- Check Amnestys website for up to date and
accurate information about human rights abuses
happening across the globe.
2. Take action!
- Sign an online petition on our website
- Write a letter using the Flame or Active for
- Join Amnesty with a 20 annual membership
- Start a school group or a Freedom Challenge
team at your school!
28What do Amnesty school groups do?
- Amnesty NZ has over 100 school groups, from
Auckland to Invercargill! - Our school groups usually meet weekly or
fortnightly, often getting together more
frequently before events such as Freedom
Challenge - They take action for human rights often by
facilitating group letter writing, petition
signing, or taking action on the Amnesty
International website
29What do Amnesty school groups do?
- School groups can also become part of the Urgent
Action Network, Freedom Writers Network, and
Childrens Rights Network by ticking the
appropriate boxes on their registration form. - Groups organise fundraising events such as
debates, guest speakers and movie showings. - Amnesty also requests a 20 minimum annual
membership fee, or funds from participation in
Freedom Challenge
- What is the Freedom Challenge?
- Freedom Challenge is a team challenge for Amnesty
school and youth groups in New Zealand to take
action for human rights around the world. It
takes place every year in early August. - How does it work?
- Each team stages an event or events to highlight
a pressing human rights issue. The aims are to - Raise awareness of the issue in your school or
community - Inspire others to take direct action of some kind
(such as signing a petition) - Raise money for Amnesty's work.
- In 2005 our Freedom Challenge teams took part in
Amnestys Control Arms campaign by collecting
photographs and signatures for the Million Faces
Petition. - The petition called for the creation of an Arms
Trade Treaty to better regulate the international
legal trade of small arms, which are responsible
for the death of one person every minute (see
www.controlarms.org for more information). - Our schools collected over 4000 faces more than
half of NZs total at that time. - In November 2006, 139 governments voted in favour
of a UN resolution to start work towards an Arms
Trade Treaty!!
- In 2006 our Freedom Challenge teams campaigned on
behalf of Human Rights Defenders The Real
- They held events ranging from speed-dating to
superhero fun runs in support of Amnestys three
defenders, got HEAPS of media coverage, and
raised over 29,000 in the process!
Human Rights Defenders
The Real Superheroes
Aorere College students gagged and blindfolded
Superheroes at Roncalli College
- In 2007 Freedom Challenge focused on the
Irrepressible Internet Repression campaign. - Our teams worked on behalf of two prisoners of
conscience a Chinese journalist imprisoned for
10 years for sending an e-mail and an Egyptian
student imprisoned for writing a blog criticising
his government. - They also collected over 50 signed gumboots to
send to Yahoo! in California as part of the Boo
Yahoo! campaign, asking it to reboot its
policies on repression of freedom of speech on
the internet.
Dont play games with human rights
- Last years FC theme was human rights in China
and the Beijing Olympics. - This campaign was part of a global campaign run
by Amnesty before and during the Olympics to
highlight the human rights abuses occurring in
China. - Amnesty International has broad human rights
concerns in China, but the Beijing Olympics
campaign focused on four clear issues - - the death penalty
- - detention, torture and the lack of fair
trials in China - - repression of human rights defenders
- - censorship of the internet, media and
35What can Amnesty do for you?
- Amnesty International provides you with the
opportunity to take part in real human rights
campaigning. Whether you become a member of an
Amnesty school group, Freedom Challenge team, or
take action online, you will be making a real
difference in ensuring that all human rights are
enjoyed by all people.
McAuley High School Students
36Amnesty International It is better to light a
candle than to curse the darkness.
37Contacts Page
Margaret Taylor Activism Support Manager Ph 09
303 3519 margaret.taylor_at_amnesty.org.nz
Youth Intern Freedom Challenge Coordinator Ph 09
303 4520 youthintern_at_amnesty.org.nz
Amnesty International Box 5300 Wellesley
St Auckland Ph 0800 AMNESTY Fax 09 303 4528