Jean-Paul Sartre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jean-Paul Sartre


By Dennis Stapleton Jean-Paul Sartre Sartre, the Father of Existentialism Existentialism-A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre
  • By Dennis Stapleton

Sartre, the Father of Existentialism
  • Existentialism-A philosophy that emphasizes the
    uniqueness and isolation of the individual
    experience in a hostile or indifferent universe,
    regards human existence as unexplainable, and
    stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for
    the consequences of one's acts.
  • Sartre's introduction to his philosophy is his
    work Existentialism is a Humanism (1946).
  • Sartre finds the essence of human existence in
    freedom in the duty of self-determination and
    the freedom of choice and therefore spends much
    time describing the human tendency toward "bad
    faith," reflected in humanity's perverse attempts
    to deny its own responsibility and flee from the
    truth of its inescapable freedom.

  • Besides existentialism writings, Sartre also
    wrote about Marxism.
  • Marxism-the synthesis of philosophy and political
  • Any political practice or theory that is based on
    an interpretation of the works of Marx and Engels
    may be termed Marxism.

Sartres Philosophical View
  • In his philosophical view atheism is taken for
    granted the "loss of God" is not mourned. Man is
    condemned to freedom, a freedom from all
    authority, which he may seek to evade, distort,
    and deny but which he will have to face if he is
    to become a moral being. The meaning of man's
    life is not established before his existence.
    Once the terrible freedom is acknowledged, man
    has to make this meaning himself, has to commit
    himself to a role in this world, has to commit
    his freedom. And this attempt to make oneself is
    futile without the "solidarity" of others.

  • Jean Paul Sartre was born in Paris on June 21,
  • He was a dramatist and screenwriter, novelist and
  • Sartre entered the École Normale Supérieure in
    1924 received first place in the agrégation of
    philosophy in 1929.
  • There, he met Simone de Beauvoir, who studied at
    the Sorbonne and later went on to become a noted
    thinker, writer, and feminist. They became
    inseparable and lifelong companions.
  • Sartre took a teaching job at a Lycée in Le
    Havre. There he wrote his first novel, Nausea in
  • In 1939 Sartre was drafted into the French army,
    where he served as a meteorologist. German troops
    captured him in 1940 in Padoux, and he spent nine
    months as a prisoner of war.
  • While a prisoner of war, his first theater piece
    Barionà, fils du tonnerre, a drama concerning
  • After the war Sartre abandoned teaching,
    determined to support himself by writing. He was
    also determined that his writing and thinking
    should be engagé.
  • Sartre suffered from detrimental health
    throughout the 1970s. He died of a lung ailment
    in April 15, 1980.

  • His first novel, Nausea (1938), narrates the
    feeling of revulsion that a young man experiences
    when confronted with the contingency of existence.

Being And Nothingness
  • In Being and Nothingness (1943), he places human
    consciousness in opposition to being
    consciousness is nonmatter and thus escapes all

The Roads to Freedom
  • Besides the obvious impact of Nausea, Sartre's
    major contribution to literature was the The
    Roads to Freedom trilogy which charts the
    progression of how World War II affected Sartre's
    ideas. In this way, Roads to Freedom presents a
    less theoretical and more practical approach to

Simone de Beauvoir
  • Jean and Beauvoir challenged the cultural and
    social assumptions and expectations of their
  • Beauvoir wrote about him in her autobiography,
    The Prime of Life (tr. 1962).
  • She is best known for her two feminist books, The
    Second Sex and Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter.
  • In 1929, Beauvoir also became the youngest person
    ever to obtain the agrégation in philosophy.
    Sartre was first that year, but she was a close
  • After Sartre died, Beauvoir published his letters
    to her with edits to spare the feelings of some
    people in their circle who were still living.
    After Beauvoir's death, Sartre's adopted daughter
    and literary heir Arlette Elkaïm would not let
    many of Sartre's letters be published in unedited

Sartres Works
  • L'imagination (), 1936
  • La transcendance de l'égo (The Transcendence of
    the Ego) 1937
  • La nausée (Nausea), 1938
  • Le mur (The Wall), 1939
  • Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions (Sketch for a
    Theory of the Emotions), 1939
  • L'imaginaire (The Imaginary), 1940, lit. "The
  • Les mouches (The Flies), 1943 - a modern version
    of the Oresteia
  • L'être et le néant (Being and Nothingness), 1943
  • Réflexions sur la question juive (Anti-Semite and
    Jew literally, Reflections on the Jewish
    Question), 1943
  • Huis-clos (No Exit), 1944
  • Les Chemins de la liberté (The Roads to Freedom)
    trilogy, comprising
  • L'âge de raison (The Age of Reason), 1945
  • Le sursis (The Reprieve), 1947
  • La mort dans l'Âme (Troubled Sleep, title
    formerly translated as Iron in the Soul,
    literally "Death in Spirit"), 1949
  • Morts sans sépulture (Deaths without burial aka
    The Victors), 1946
  • L'Existentialisme est un humanisme
    (Existentialism is a Humanism), 1946
  • La putain respectueuse (The Respectful
    Prostitute) 1946
  • Qu'est ce que la littérature? (What is
    literature?), 1947
  • Baudelaire, 1947
  • Situations, 1947 1965
  • Les mains sales (Dirty Hands), 1948
  • "Orphée Noir" (Black Orpheus), introduction to
    Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et
    malgache. edited by Léopold Sédar Senghor, 1948
  • Le diable et le bon dieu (The Devil and the Good
    Lord), 1951
  • Les jeux sont faits (The Game is Up), 1952
  • Saint Genet, Actor and Martyr, 1952
  • Nekrassov, 1955
  • Existentialism and Human Emotions, 1957
  • The Problem of Method, 1957
  • Les séquestrés d'Altona (The Condemned of
    Altona), 1959
  • Critique de la raison dialectique (Critique of
    Dialectical Reason), 1960
  • "Preface" to Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the
    Earth, 1961
  • Search for a Method (English translation of
    preface to Critique, Vol. I) 1962
  • Les mots (The Words), 1964 - autobiographical
  • L'idiot de la famille (The Family Idiot),
    19711972 - on Gustave Flaubert

  • Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature
    in 1964, but he declined it.
  • He refused the Legion of Honor awarded him by the
  • Participated in the founding of the Rassemblement
    Democratique Revolutionnaire (RDR), but he later
    on became disaffected with the group and left it
    the following year.
  • Served in the French army during World War II.

The End
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