A85 Hoof Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A85 Hoof Care


A85 Hoof Care Introduction The old adage no hoof no horse is very true. As a horse owner, you should pay close attention to the care and maintenance of your horse s ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A85 Hoof Care

A85 Hoof Care
  • The old adage no hoof no horse is very true.
  • As a horse owner, you should pay close attention
    to the care and maintenance of your horses

  • The external structures of the equine foot can be
    divided into five major areas the hoof wall,
    sole, white line, coronary band, and frog.
  • Each of these structures play an important role
    in maintaining a healthy foot.
  • Beneath many of these areas are sensitive
    structures that provide the blood supply, nerve
    sensation, and growth of the hoof.
  • In this lesson we will cover general ideas on
    what is normal and how to keep these structures
    healthy and functioning properly.
  • A short description on proper trimming and
    shoeing will be given.

Parts of the Hoof
The Hoof Wall
  • The hoof wall is the hard outside covering of the
    foot that bears most of the horses weight.
  • It is attached to the underlying sensitive
    structures and coffin bone by interlocking with
    the sensitive laminae or "leaves."
  • The sensitive laminae are located between the
    coffin bone and the hoof wall. It has small
    vertical grooves where the horny hoof wall can
    interlock. This system allows the hoof wall to
    still grow downward, yet still be attached to the
    underlying structures like the sensitive laminae
    and the coffin bone.

The Hoof Wall
  • This is a picture of the horny hoof wall from a
    horse. The white arrow identifies a vertical
    groove of horny lamina that interlocks with the
    sensitive lamina.

The Hoof Wall
  • When the sensitive laminae become inflamed,
    laminitis/founder results.
  • The area where the sensitive laminae and the
    horny laminae from the hoof wall meet at the
    bottom of the foot is called the white line.

Hoof Anatomy
Hoof Growth
  • The hoof wall grows downward at a rate of 1/4 to
    3/8ths of an inch per month.
  • Things such as nutrition, breed, age (increased
    growth in younger animals), and season of the
    year all influence the rate of growth.
  • The hoof wall has the ability to stretch and flex
    as different forces are placed on the foot.
  • It also acts as a cushion, along with other
    structures, to the weight bearing forces placed
    on the limb.
  • The hoof wall should be hard, yet experience some
    expansion, particularly in the heels, as the
    horse bears weight.

Hoof Strength
  • Studies have been done to evaluate the strength
    and moisture content of different colored hooves.
  • The studies showed that the color of hoof on the
    same horse had no bearing on its strength or
    moisture content.
  • Studies did show that differences did occur among
    horses, and that some animals with lighter feet
    tended to have more problems.
  • This is genetic in origin and does not relate to
    the actual color of the foot. The same genetics
    that cause a horse to have weak hooves may also
    cause those hooves to be light in color.

Hoof Moisture
  • The moisture content of the hoof wall comes from
    internal sources (80) and from the environment
  • This means that keeping a horse properly
    hydrated, adequately exercised (helps to move
    fluid into the cells of the feet), and on a
    balanced diet are the most essential parts of
    maintaining healthy feet.

Hoof Moisture
  • The other 20 of hoof moisture comes from the
    ground the horse is standing on.
  • Horses lose hoof moisture through the surface of
    the hoof wall or out the bottom of the foot.
  • In environments that are dry and sandy, more
    moisture is lost.
  • The surface of the hoof wall has a natural thin
    layer of hoof "varnish" that comes from the
    periople (a structure just above the coronary
    band) and is carried down as the hoof wall grows
  • Because of environmental conditions, this
    "varnish" wears off in almost all horses to some
    degree. With the loss of "varnish" comes an
    increased moisture loss through evaporation.

Dry Hooves
  • The foot in this picture shows signs of neglect
    and excessive drying. These problems often
    result in cracks forming in the hoof wall.
    Special shoeing and care are often required to
    treat many of these cracks.

Dry Hooves
  • The following suggestions for treating and
    preventing dry feet in a horse focus on
    environmental moisture loss, restoration, and
  • To help prevent excessive water loss from a
    normal foot, many farriers recommend some type of
    sealant be applied to the surface of the hoof
    wall. This helps to reduce evaporation losses
    from the hoof wall surface. Most recommendations
    state that these sealants should be applied about
    once a week.

Dry Hooves
  • Another very common recommendation, used with or
    without the sealants, is to occasionally have a
    horse stand in a puddle of water. A water trough
    that is purposely overflowed can provide such an
    environment. The water will be absorbed into the
    foot, replacing necessary moisture. If a sealant
    has been applied, most of the moisture will be
    absorbed through the bottom of the foot.
  • It is always a good idea to clean a horses feet
    on a regular basis, picking out any dirt and
    debris. Cleaning all parts of the foot, then
    rinsing with water from a hose will also increase
    the amount of moisture the foot can absorb.

Dry Hooves
  • A third method, which is often controversial,
    involves applying a moisturizing cream or oil.
  • The downside to these products is that many of
    them should be applied daily and may require that
    a boot be placed over the foot to get the proper
  • General ingredients that can help keep the foot
    moist are pine tar, lanolin, fish oils, and olive
    oil. Select products in which these are the
    active ingredients.
  • Pine tar products seem to be the most effective
    and generally cost the least.
  • Other ingredients like ketones, toluene, acetate,
    and alcohols are commonly used, but are not as
    effective and probably should be avoided.

Dry Hooves
  • Outside of the topical products that are so
    common, keeping the horses stall somewhat moist
    can also help.
  • Excessive moisture is detrimental, so there is a
    fine balance between too much moisture where
    thrush can be a problem and a very dry
    environment where dry feet are a problem.

Essential Nutrients, Vitamins, and Minerals
  • The hoof is mostly made up of protein and
  • Some reports indicate that certain parts of the
    foot can contain as much as 50 moisture.
  • The following are also found in the hoof carbon,
    sulfur, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus,
    zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper.
  • Studies indicate that vitamin A is essential for
    normal hoof growth.
  • Providing a horse with a complete and balanced
    ration is essential to maintaining sufficient
    levels of the above substances in the horses

The Sole and White Line
  • The sole is found on the very bottom of the foot.
  • It is firm and ranges in thickness from about
    1/4 to about 3/8ths of an inch. The sole actually
    grows and then is sloughed off or worn away with
  • This makes the very outer most surface of the
    sole flaky and dry. The main purpose of this
    outermost surface is to protect the underlying
    sensitive sole that is found between the coffin
    bone and the sole.
  • It is not designed to bear weight and should not
    receive consistent pressure from the ground or a
    shoe. Injuries to this area result in bruising,
    abscesses, and lameness.
  • The area where the sensitive laminae and the
    horny laminae from the hoof wall meet at the
    bottom of the foot is called the white line.
  • It is usually about 1/8th of an inch thick and
    may be yellow in color.

The Sole
  • The black arrow indicates an area of dry, flaky
    sole in this foot that is in desperate need of a
    thorough cleaning and trimming.

Clean Sole White Line
  • This is the same foot from the previous slide
    after being cleaned and trimmed.
  • Notice the smooth, glossy surface to the sole and
    the white line (black arrow).

The Coronary Band
  • The coronary band is located just above the hoof
    and is the junction between the hoof and skin.
  • The sensitive portion of the coronary band
    provides most of the growth and nutrients for the
    hoof wall.
  • Damage or injury to the sensitive coronary band
    will cause defects in the hoof to appear below
    the injured area.
  • Evidence of nutritional and other problems can
    also be seen as horizontal lines or as changes to
    the hoof growth

Care Nutritional Problems
  • This is a neglected foot where excessive growth
    has caused the hoof wall to dish and the heels to
    be underslung.
  • Notice the abnormal horizontal line (white
    arrows) in the hoof wall indicating nutritional
    disturbances or other problems.

The Frog
  • The frog is the v-shaped structure found on the
    under side of the foot.
  • It helps with weight bearing and absorbing
    compressive forces placed on the foot.
  • A healthy, normal frog is usually the consistency
    of a rubber eraser.
  • An unhealthy frog becomes dry, hard, or shrinks.
    It is not uncommon for the entire frog to
    completely sluff off two or more times during the
  • This most often occurs in feet that are not
    trimmed or cleaned on a regular basis.

When to Trim
  • Many horse owners wonder when and how often they
    should have their horses feet trimmed or shod.
  • The answer to this question is not the same for
    every horse.
  • How often the horse needs foot work depends on
    the hoof wall rate of growth, the season of the
    year, the wear on the foot, and how much
    corrective trimming/shoeing is needed to maintain
    proper balance.
  • The average horse needs to be trimmed about every
    6 weeks. The following list identifies ways to
    determine if a horse needs trimming or

When to Trim
  • The shoe is loose or the nails are loose.
  • The foot is out of balance.
  • There is excessive hoof growth that can over hang
    the shoe.
  • Excessive wear is found on the shoe. If more than
    half the thickness of the shoe is worn away, the
    shoe needs to be replaced.

Hoof Care
  • Each hoof should be cleaned on a regular basis
    with a hoof pick and sometimes a hoof knife.
  • The foot should be kept clean of caked on mud,
    rocks, and foreign debris.
  • Normally, very little of the sole or frog should
    be removed with the hoof knife. Exceptions would
    be the removal of any area of dry, flaky sole or
    frog. Generally, the sole should be removed until
    a smooth, glossy surface is found.
  • After cleaning, it is a good idea to wash the
    foot with water. This helps the foot gain back
    necessary moisture.

Hoof Balance
  • Just as your shoes will wear unevenly over time,
    the same is true for a horses feet.
  • Keeping the foot in balance is one of the most
    important considerations when it comes to
    trimming and shoeing the foot.
  • Notice that an equal amount of hoof wall can be
    found on either side of the middle of the foot
    and pastern region.

Hoof Balance
  • The side view shows a balanced foot where the
    slope of the pastern and hoof wall are about 50
  • The angle of the hoof wall also matches the
    pastern angle.
  • Angles that are steeper or more sloping will
    cause abnormal hoof growth and balance problems.

Picking Up a Front Leg
  • Quietly approach the horse from its head. Place
    the inside hand on the shoulder region.

Picking Up a Front Leg
  • With the outside hand, move from the top of the
    limb down to the fetlock/pastern region.

Picking Up a Front Leg
  • Push the weight of the horse off the limb with
    the hand on the shoulder, and at the same time,
    pick up the foot.

Picking Up a Front Leg
  • Once the foot is picked up, it can be placed
    between the knees. Crouching and turning your
    toes in will help hold the limb

Picking Up a Hind Leg
  • Start slowly from the mid-back region. Maintain
    at least 3 points of contact (hand, arm,
    shoulder, and side if possible). With 3 points of
    contact, any sudden movement from the horse will
    push the person picking up the foot out of the
    way. Move the outside hand smoothly from the rump
    area and down the back side of the leg.

Picking Up a Hind Leg
  • The outside hand can be used to rub and calm the
    horse while progressing to the mid-cannon region.
    The inside hand should be brought to the point of
    the horses hip and can be used to push away from
    the horse if necessary.

Picking Up a Hind Leg
  • With the outside hand on the cannon region of the
    leg, the limb can be pulled towards the person
    lifting the leg. The person can then step forward
    and place the horses foot in their lap.

Picking Up a Hind Leg
  • The inside arm can then be brought down to help
    control the limb.

Picking Up a Hind Leg
  • The foot can be cradled in your lap by turning
    your toes in and resting the horses leg on your
    inside thigh and outside knee.

Common Horse Shoeing Tools
A Shoeing Hammer
Hoof Knife
Hoof Pick
Hoof Rasp
Adding a Shoe
  • After the foot is properly trimmed, a shoe can be
  • In most cases, the shoe should be made to fit the
    foot, not the foot made to fit the shoe.
  • Using hoof nippers to remove hoof wall and then
    rasping the hoof into balance are usually the
    final steps before placing the shoe.
  • Adjustments should be made to the shoe to help it
    match the foot. The nails should exit the hoof
    wall approximately 1 inch above the shoe
    Variations to this depth can occur in weak hooves
    or in special cases.
  • If corrective or specialized shoeing is required,
    variations to the above recommendations are often

Removing a Shoe
  • The first step is to remove the clinches using a
    pair of nippers or clinch cutter and hammer.

Removing a Shoe
  • The foot can be held comfortably if you crouch
    slightly and turn your toes in. This will force
    your knees together and allow the foot of the
    horse to be held securely.

Removing a Shoe
  • Start at the heel region of the shoe and pull
    down toward the toe and toward the center of the

Removing a Shoe
  • This same action can be performed on the quarter
    and toe regions of the shoe.

Removing a Shoe
  • Once one branch of the shoe is loosened, the
    opposite branch can be worked on.

Removing a Shoe
  • Once both branches are loosened, the shoe can be
    removed. After the shoe has been taken off, make
    sure that all the nails are completely removed.
    The foot can now be trimmed and/or examined.

  • There are many different reasons why a horse
    becomes lame. Because of this, even the
    professionals struggle at times with a diagnosis.
  • However, there are a few basic tips, that if
    understood, can help even the most casual horse
    owner become fairly adept at detecting a lameness

Tip 1
  • Studies show that most lameness problems are
    associated with the foot, therefore, the foot
    should be the first area of focus.
  • Realize that 60-65 of the horses body weight is
    carried on the front legs, resulting in more
    problems occurring in the front legs and feet.

Tip 2
  • Conformation (how the horse is put together)
    plays a major role in lameness problems.
    Initially, the following observations should be
  • Is the horse base-narrow, base-wide, toed-in,
    toed-out, or a combination of the above?
  • Does the horse have calf, bucked, knock, or bench
  • Are the horses pastern angles upright or
  • Is the horse sickle or cow hocked?

Base Narrow
Toed Out
Tip 3
  • Observe the horse at rest. Look and feel for heat
    or swelling or the way the horse is holding a
    suspect limb. These little hints will help narrow
    the possibilities.

Tip 3
  • Feel the fetlock joint and sesamoids for heat or

Tip 3
  • Feel the flexor tendons for swelling.

Observe the Horse
  • Tip 4 - Observe the horse at exercise.
    Initially, this can be done first at walking
    speeds, then at a trot or gallop, if necessary.
    Choose a hard surface to maneuver the horse in
    straight lines and then in circles.
  • Tip 5 - Observe the horse from behind, side, and
    front. As each foot hits the ground, listen for
    differences in sound on impact. Look for
    interfering, overreaching, and scalping.

Lameness on the Front
  • Tip 6 - A horse that is lame on a front limb
  • Drop its head when the sound leg hits the ground,
    and raise its head when the lame leg hits the
  • While working the horse in a circle, the animal
    will generally carry its head to the outside of
    the circle if the lame leg is on the inside, and
    carry its head to the inside of the circle if the
    lame leg is on the outside.
  • Realize that the horse uses its head to help take
    weight off the lame limb.

Lameness on the Rear
  • Tip 7 - A horse that is lame on a hind limb
  • Drop its head when the lame leg hits the ground,
    and raise its head when the sound leg hits the
    ground. Again, this allows the horse to shift
    more of its body weight to the front and off the
    lame limb during weight bearing.
  • When observing the horse from behind, watch the
    gluteal muscle region of the suspect limb. This
    area will often show a "hip hike" since the
    animal tries to spend as little time as possible
    on the lame limb, and will throw its weight
    quickly off the lame limb.

Lameness on the Rear
  • The circle indicates the gluteal muscle region.

Final Diagnosis
  • After a specific limb is determined to be the
    problem, various other techniques can be utilized
    to help localize the specific area that is
    causing the lameness. These include the
  • Using hooftesters. 

Final Diagnosis
  • Flexing the suspect joint.
  • Placing pressure on the suspect area or tendon.
  • Performing local nerve blocks (should be reserved
    for a veterinarian).
  • Radiographs (X-rays), nuclear scintigraphy and/or
    ultrasound (see figures 6 and 7).
  • Joint taps.

Radiograph or X-Ray
  • The arrow indicates a chip fracture.

Using Hoof Testers
  • There are many reasons to use hoof testers.
  • They can help detect abscesses, stone bruises,
    hot nails, navicular disease, and many other

Using Hoof Testers
  • The foot should be thoroughly cleaned before
    using hoof testers.

Using Hoof Testers
  • Start in the heel region of the foot. When
    testing for a "hot nail," place one arm of the
    hoof tester on the inside of the shoe and the
    other just above the clinch of that nail on the
    outside of the hoof.

Using Hoof Testers
  • The horse will react by trying to pull its leg
    away when a painful area is tested.
  • Move to areas of the quarter, trying to apply
    equal amounts of pressure to each location.

Using Hoof Testers
  • The hoof testers can then be moved to various
    areas of the toe. These are common spots for
    bruises and abscesses.

Using Hoof Testers
  • The same procedure should be performed on the
    opposite side of the foot.

Using Hoof Testers
  • Place one arm of the hoof tester in the middle of
    the frog and the other arm in the middle of the
    quarter or heel region. Pressure here will test
    for navicular problems.

Using Hoof Testers
  • On the opposite side of the foot, perform the
    same procedure.

Using Hoof Testers
  • Place one arm of the hoof testers over the middle
    of the frog and the other on the hoof wall region
    of the toe. This will also test for navicular

Using Hoof Testers
  • Place each arm of the hoof testers over the heel
    region of the hoof. Try to place each arm of the
    hoof testers over the ends of the navicular bone.
    This is a third test for navicular bone problems.
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