Title: Geothermal Resources
1Geothermal Resources
Lisa Shevenell Director, Great Basin Center for
Geothermal Energy
Dixie Valley, NV
2What is geothermal?
- Areas where energy can be tapped due to high heat
flow in the near-surface part of the crust (upper
5 km) - Uses of geothermal various types of space
heating, aquaculture, food dehydration,
electricity production
3Why geothermal?
- Earth is losing heat continuously to space
- Thermal energy produced by decay of radioactive
elements makes mantle hot, crust hot - Geothermal areas result from high heat flow in
upper part of crust where it can be utilized - Normal geothermal gradient is 25?C/km
- Elevated geothermal gradient in some areas
- Magmatism, thin crust
4The Earth
Outer core
Inner core
5Plate Tectonic Processes
Spreading Center
Continental Plate
Plate tectonics provide a focusing mechanism for
heat loss
6Velocities cm/yr
7Plate Boundaries
Ring of Fire
8Geothermal Power Plants
fractured rocks
10Types of Systems
- Conventional hydrothermal systems
- Extensional
- Magmatic
- Higher T (gt100C) Power
- Lower T (lt100C) Direct Use
- Geopressured systems (Oil Gas Fields)
- Hot dry rock (HDR or EGS)
- Magma (Long Valley)
11Characterization of Natural Geothermal Resources
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Warmer colors indicate greater dilational
(extensional) strain, as measured by movement
between permanent GPS stations located in the
Great Basin.
Dilational strain map of the Great Basin.
Looking ENE
15Formation of Extensional Geothermal Systems
Cold Groundwater
Cold Groundwater
Heated Groundwater
16CASE 1 Geothermal water follows range front
fault to the surface
Upwelling geothermal fluids
17CASE 2 Geothermal water gets entrained in
surface groundwater
Upper SB
Lower SB
Upwelling geothermal fluids
18Effects of extensional tectonics in Nevada
Fault scarp from 1915 Pleasant Valley quake,
Nevada range front fault
- As the crust thins, hot rocks get closer to the
surface, increasing heat flow - Extension produces copious faulting and
fracturing that serve as conduits for hot water
to reach the surface - Creates conditions where rhyolite magmas and
magmatic geothermal systems can form
19Engineered Systems
- Hot Dry Rock 1970s and 1980s
- Enhanced Geothermal Systems after 2000
20Hot Dry Rock
21Resource Size and Distribution
- Typically 50-200 MW per site
- Conventional development in Western US
- USGS 1978 estimate 150,000 MW (W US)
- USGS 2006 estimate just beginning
22Hottest Known Geothermal Regions
Plate Boundaries - Hot Spots - Rifts
23Estimated Temperature at 6 km Depth
24U.S. Geothermal Potential (1999)
252005 Projected MW
26Geothermal electricity generation- base load
First geothermal ? power plant Larderello,
Italy, 1904 Modern cooling tower, Larderello,
Italy, today ?
27Operation and Equipment
28Nevada geothermal power plants, thermal springs
and wells
29Production Well
Injection Well
Steam entry
Coiled wire cylinder
Electrical generation is similar to other power
plants steam-driven turbines
Turbine blades
Magnetic field
Steam outlet
Turbine Generator
31Three types of power plants Dry steam Liquid
flash plants Binary plants
32Geysers power plant, built 1962
33Three types of power plants Dry steam Liquid
flash plants (gt150ºC) Binary plants
Flash Tank
Condensed Steam (Water)
Hot Water
Separated Water
34Nevada Flash Power Plants
Plant Year Output Temp (MW) (C) Beowaw
e 1985 16.7 199 Bradys 1992 21.1 186 Upper
SB 1988 14.4 236 Desert Peak 1985 9.9 205
Dixie Valley 1988 66 250
35Upper Steamboat Power Plant
36Brady Power Partners
37Binary Power Plants
- Organic Rankine Cycle
- Kalina Cycle
38Three types of power plants Dry steam Liquid
flash plants Binary plants (lt150ºC)
Binary Vapor
Binary Liquid
Heat Exchanger
Cooled Water
Hot Water
39(No Transcript)
40Nevada Binary Power Plants
Plant Year Output Temp Empire 1987 3.6 151
Soda Lake 1 1987 3.6 182 Soda Lake
2 1991 13 182 Steamboat (I,Ia) 1986 7.1 170
Steamboat (II,III) 1992 48 170 Stillwater 1
989 13 158 Wabuska 1 1984 0.6 107 Wabuska
2 1987 0.6 107
41Binary generation at Empire Farms (3.6 MW)
42Soda Lake Binary Plant (13 MW)
43Steamboat II, III (48 MW)
44NV Binary Working Fluids
- Soda Lake Plant 1 isopentane
- Plant 2 pentane
- Steamboat I, I-A, II, III isopentane Galena
I isopentane - Stillwater isopentane
- Wabuska isopentane
45New Plant 2005
- Galena 1 (Richard Burdette) at Steamboat
- first Plant in gt10 years
- first Plant built after RPS passed
- to produce 20 MW, net, to the grid
46History of Kalina Cycle (ammonia/water working
1988 Invention of technology, formation of
Exergy 1990 Start of construction of 6.5 MW
Canoga Park 1991 Startup of Canoga Park (6.5 MW
DOE/Boeing Rocketdyne demo project) 1992-97
Canoga Park Testing (CEC funded) 1999 First
commercial Kalina Cycle Plant operational,
Sumitomo (Japan) 2000 First Kalina power plant
in Iceland, Húsavík
47(No Transcript)
48Combined Cycle Power Plants
49View of Bradys Power Plant and fumaroles from a
distance. Photo Mark Coolbaugh. 2-Nov, 2004
View of Bradys Power Plant and fumaroles from a
distance. Photo by Mark Coolbaugh. 2-Nov
50Other Known Areas - Current Work
Animas Valley (NM) Ormat Blue Mountain Noramax
Corp Fallon NAS Navy Fish Lake
Valley California Energy Pyramid Lake Paiute
Tribe Rye Patch Presco Energy Salt Wells Amp
Resources Steamboat Ormat Tuscarora Earth
Power Resources, Inc. Lake City (CA) Lake City,
51Power Cycle Performance
- Output depends on
- Initial Fluid T
- Flashing conditions (P and T)
- Turbine efficiencies
- Condensing temperatures
- Hi-T steam or direct flash most efficient
- Most binary will be air cooled to minimize water
use can be 20-30 less efficient in summer
53- Stu Johnson at Ormat
- sjohnson_at_ormat.com
- (775) 356-9029
54Size Question from Monday Aerial Resistivity
160 m
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56Steamboat Hills (from Skalbeck, 2001)
57Bradys-Desert Peak area color-shaded Interferogram
Period Nov 4, 95 to Sep 24, 00. Each color band
represents 1.6 mm range change over the
interferogram period. Production wells
magenta Injection wells blue Roads thin white
Desert Peak Field
58 Geothermal Anomalies Average Day
Night TIMS band 5 radiance from 5 km with
subtraction for slope aspect albedo With Topo
Shading Anomaly Strength red
strong yellow-green moderate blue
weak (Image courtesy of Mark Coolbaugh) 1
Steamboat, NV
59Scaling without inhibitors
60Worldwide Geothermal Direct Use
- Direct uses of geothermal water supply over
11,000 thermal megawatts in over 40 countries - Another 35 countries use natural hot springs for
bathing but have not yet developed their
geothermal reservoirs for commercial use.
61Space heating Beppu, Japan
62Balneology Mammoth Lakes, CA
63Geothermal agriculture
64Alligators in Idaho!
Farming uses fish, prawns, even alligators
65Direct use for district heating
66- This is a "plate type" heat exchanger which
passes hot geothermal water past many layers of
metal plates, transferring the heat to other
water passing through the other side of each
- Principles of a heat exchanger
- Why not just use the hot water directly?
67States Currently Using Geothermal Resources
(direct use, heat, and power)
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Florida Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
68Nevada direct use geothermal facilities.
69Nevada Direct Use Facilities
Ash Springs spa Baileys HS spa Bowers
Mansion pool Bradys vegetable
dehydration Caliente spa, pool, space
heating Carson City pool, spa Darroughs
HS spa
70Nevada Direct Use Facilities, Contd
Elko pool, space heating Moana space
heating San Emidio Desert vegetable
dehydration Steamboat spa, space
heating Walleys HS spa Wells geothermal heat
71Other types of geothermal
- Geothermal aquifers heat pumps
Heat pump in winter
Heat pump in summer
Heat is collected from the building
transferred to the ground
- Meet the needs of the present generation w/o
compromising needs of future generations (300 yr
perspective) - Dependent on initial quantity, rate of generation
and consumption - Duration of natural hydrothermal systems
- 5,000 1,000,000 yrs
- Age of waters often old (10,000 yrs in NV)
- Exploitation that exceeds natural recharge
greatly reduces lifetimes - Reinjection is key
74System Longevity
- Output Power
- Well Density
- Injection Strategy
- Initial Reservoir Pressure
- Initial Fluid Temperature
- Permeability
75Deleterious Environmental Impacts
76Major Environmental Issues, Geothermal Development
- Visual impacts, noise, construction
- Cessation of spring discharge
- H2S pollution of atmosphere
- Brine pollution of environment
- Hydrothermal explosions induced boiling
- Reservoir drawdown, subsidence, interference,
induced seismicity - Landslides catastrophic and creeping
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78Brine Chemistry (mg/kg)
79SBG - 1986, 1992, 2005 CPI - 1988
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81Aquifer WL recovery
Drought 1986-94
50 m from Sage Hill Road Fault
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83Prior to Production
Close to Fault
84Farther from Fault
85Mixing Varies Seasonally
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87lower thermal water in fall (gtrecharge from
summer irrigation), greater thermal water in
- Changes (and static conditions) in waters can be
a function of interplay of several variables - Geothermal production
- Injection increased geothermal
- Production decreased geothermal, drying of
springs - Drought
- Changes in municipal production
- Changes in irrigation
- Geologic isolation of different waters
89Dixie Valley, Nevada
- Increased fumarole activity, new thermal
features, dead zone, subsidence during late
90Dixie Valley, Recent Fractures
91Subsidence, Wairakei, 1970-1980
92Cumulative Subsidence, Wairakei
932005 Seismic Activity at the Geysers
- Two quakes over 4.0 on May 8 and 9
- Three between 3.0 and 3.99
- Multiple quakes lt 3.0, often several per day
94Induced Seismicity SE Geysers
95Induced Seismicity, SE GeysersHypocenter Cross
96Zunil Fault, Alteration
- Severe hydrothermal alteration (silica, clays,
low-T oxides) and fumarolic activity in faulted
andesite - Drill pad and roads in fault zone destabilize
97Zunil Landslide, 1991
- Slide occurs at night buries 35 people alive
- Decapitates 260C geothermal well requires 14
months to complete repairs - Locals believe slide caused by well explosion or
volcanic eruption
98Prevention and Mitigation
- Collection of pre-development background data
- Monitoring of important parameters during
production (air, water, - thermal activity, P/T declines, seismicity,
subsidence, drawdown, etc.) - Perseverance required
99Beneficial Environmental Impacts
100Freshwater Consumption
101Particulate Matter
102CO2 Emissions
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105Status of Technology
106High Drilling Costs
- High temperatures need high density muds
- Larger diameters than oil/gas slim holes
- Harder rock than oil/gas advances in drill bits
- Lost circulation is common foams
107Lower Gradient Greater Drilling Depths
Greater Costs
108Status - Power Plants
- Improvements in size of plants to make them less
visible - Kalina Cycle
109Growth in U.S. Geothermal Power
110Nevada Geothermal Graph
1112004 World Power Production
- United States 2,544 MW
- Philippines 1,931 MW
- Mexico 953 MW
- Indonesia 797 MW
- Italy 790 MW
- Japan 535 MW
- New Zealand 435 MW
- Iceland 202 MW
- Costa Rica 163 MW
- El Salvador 151 MW
- Total for Asia 3,291 MW
- Total for EU members 822 MW
- Total geothermal power production 54.7 TWor 0.3
of worlds electricity
112Capacity Factor(The ratio of the net electricity
generated, for the time considered, to the energy
that could have been generated at continuous
full-power operation during the same period. )
- Technology Capacity Factor
- Geothermal 97
- Biomass 80
- Wind 26 40
- Solar 22 32
113Advanced Systems
- Primarily HDR / EGS
- Could potentially be applied nation-wide
- Current demonstration projects
- Coso
- Desert Peak
- Long term solution not short term
114R D Needed - HDR
- Improved knowledge of rock mechanics
- Creating fractures
- Keeping fractures open
- Improved assessment of the systems
- Locating and drilling into fractures
115R D Needed - Conventional
- Drilling most expensive part of development
- Identifying productive faults locally
- Reservoir management strategies
- Improved efficiencies in energy conversion
- Improved efficiencies in air cooling of working
116Competing in Energy Markets
- Power purchase agreements
- Renewable energy portfolio standards (RPS)
- Production tax credits
- Reduced risk in drilling needed
- Transmission lines
- Increased fossil fuel costs
117Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS)
- Nevada ( Renewables)
- 2003 8 (met)
- 2013 15
- National ( Renewables)
- 2008 1
- 2009 2
- 2010 3
- 2027 and thereafter 20
118Steamboat Hills in the distance from Geiger
Grade, looking west toward Mt. Rose Photo by
Mark Coolbaugh. 5/17/2003