Title: On swarm robotics. A beginner
1On swarm robotics. A beginners view
- LuboÅ¡ PopelÃnský
- Knowledge Discovery Lab
- Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno
- popel_at_fi.muni.cz, http//www.fi.muni.cz/kd
- 1. Introduction to swarm intelligence
- 2. Swarm robots Perception and communication
- Swarm robotics control algorithms
- 3. Temporal logic formal specification of
emergent behaviours - in swarm robotics systems.
- Temporal and spatiotemporal refinement
operator -
- Appendix 1 Learning when to auction and when to
3Swarm intelligence
- based on the collective behavior of
decentralized, self-organized systems - population of simple agents interacting locally
with one another and with their environment - follow very simple rules
- It leads to the emergence of complex global
behavior - Bee hive, ant colonies, bird flocking, animal
herding, bacterial growth, and fish schooling - Bonabeau E. Thrauluz G. Dorigo M. Swarm
Intelligence Oxford University Press 1999 - Introduced by Gerardo Beni and Jing Wang in 1989,
in the context of cellular robotic systems.
- Beehive metaphor
- Foraging, randomly at the begining
- or
- Learning in the hive dancing floor and auditory
- Web search
- Schultze, S.J. A Collaborative Foraging Approach
to Web Browsing Enrichment. InProc. CHI 2002,
ACM, 2002, 860-861. - Lorenzi F. Sherer dos Santos D. Bazzan A.L.C.
Negotiation for task allocation among agents in
case-based recommender systems. In IJCAI-05 Ws on
Multiagent IR and Recommender Systems
5Ant colony and source allocation
- Without a control center
- Without direct communication between ants
- An ant is building a path
- If succeeds to find a source,
- follows the same path back and
- sign it with a pheromone.
- The shorter path, the higher level of pheromone
- positive feedback
- Consequence more and more ants follow the most
promising - pathes
6Ants colony and source allocation
- How it correspond to classification?
- source learning examples from the same class
- path
- between nodes ltattributevaluegt
- result classification rule
- A1v1 A2v2 Anvn gt class
7Swarm robotics
- multirobot system which consist of large numbers
of simple physical robots - A key-component communication between the
members of the group that build a system of
constant feedback - local communication - wireless, e.g. bluetooth or
8Related fields
- Multi-agent systems
- Swarm intelligence
- Robotics
- Sensor networks
- But new
10More two
11And more
12Why do we need microrobots?
- can provide accurate handling of micro and nano
parts - exempt humans from tedious and very lengthy tasks
- can be used in hazardous environments
- can be cheaper to build than equipment currently
used - provide flexible and programmable systems for
microassembly - 'encourage' the development of novel manipulating
13Swarm robotics algorithms
- Dispersion in indoor environments
- Distributed localization and mapping
- Mobile formation
- Cooperative hole avoidance
- Don Miner, Swarm Robotics Algorithms (2007)
14Dispersion in indoor environments
15Dispersion in indoor environments
- Uniform dispersion
- Wall nodes, frontier nodes (both do not move),
interior nodes - Disperse robots uniformly
- Generate vectors away from N particular
neighbors - Explore boundaries
- Frontier node send a message so that each node
knows a number of hops from a frontier - Then an interior node moves towards the lowest
numbered neighbor (fastest path to the frontier)
16Distributed localization and mapping
17Distributed localization and mapping
- Main idea
- robot-beacons - are broadcasting position
information - Move in general direction
- IF num. of beacons goes below a threshold
- THEN become beacon
- IF num. of dependent nodes goes below a threshold
- THEN stop being a beacon, return to (1.)
18Mobile formation
19Mobile formation
- Moving a large number of robots while maintaining
connectivity - Model
- newtonian physics Forcemassacceleration and
Lennard-Jones (LJ) forces - (modelling crystalline formation, liquids,
gases) - Results
- with LJ performed much better
20Cooperative hole avoidance
21Cooperative hole avoidance
- Clearance sensors - to detect holes
- Traction sensors - to detect movements of other
S-bots - Evolutionary algorithm used
- Drawbacks
- evolutionary algorithms are very slow
- -learing is done in simulation, not work in real
environment - robots would fall in holes
- Local communication
- A robot usually represented by a finite state
automaton - Easy to represent in first-order logic
- A robot a context (neighbors)
- Probabilitic automata, e.g. Markov chains ?
- Temporal, spatiotemporal logic?
23Temporal logic and swarm robotics
- Temporal logic for formal specification (and
proving) emergent behaviour of a robotic swarm - Allan Winfield,, Michael Fisher. On Formal
Specification of Emergent Behaviours in Swarm
Robotic Systems, Intl. Journal on Advanced
Robotic Systems Vol 2., p. 363-371
24Basic algorithm
- Range-limited wireless communication
- rw - radius for communication
- ra - collision avoidance radius
- ? - number of neighbors threshold
- Default forward moving, transmitting I am
here - If num.of neighbors lt ? (moving out of the
swarm) - Then turn 180?
- If num.of neighbors gt ? (regained)
- Then execute a random turn
25Finite state machine
26A linear time temporal logic
- Discrete time, linear ordering
- s0, s1, s2, s3, s4,
- Finite past, infinite future
- Modalities
- NEXT ltformulagt
- SOMETIMES ltformulagt
- ALLWAYS ltformulagt
27Simplified algorithm
- Robots move in a grid world
- to N(orth), E(ast), S(outh), W(est)
- Can turn before making a move
- 90? right, 90? left, 180? back
- Robots always move ? units
- Avoidance state is omitted
- ? 1
28State transition
- Forward state, connected -gt move forward
- Forward state, not connected -gt
- turn 180?,
- change state to Coherent
- Coherent state, not connected -gt move forward
- Coherent state, connected -gt
- perform random turn (90? right, 90? left),
- change state to Forward
29Temporal logic and beyond
- Specification expressed in First-order temporal
logic (FOTL) - mapping to monodic FOTL (max. 1 free variable)
- TeMP - resolution-based theorem prover for FOTL
- Refinement operator for temporal logic exists
- even for spatiotemporal logic
- (Blaták, PopelÃnský, ECML04 WS)
30 31Learning when to auction and when to bid
- Market based approach
- frequently used for multi-robot coordination
- taskgood, robots bid in auction for these goods
- Communication cost
- number of messages needed for running the
auctions - Computational cost
- cost of running the auctions
- Here learning to reduce communication and
computation cost - Learning the probability of whether a given bit
may win an auction - D. Busquets, R. Simmons (CMU) DARS06
32Learning when to auction and when to bid II
- Usually bidders respond to all the tasks being
announced - Here
- Compute Prob, probability of a bid being awarded
in an auction - Generate R, a random number.
- IF IR lt Prob THEN bid
- Similar for the tasks auctioned
- Off-line learning
- To characterize a set of rocks at different
locations - 3 settings
- NP (no probability), AuP (auction), AllP
(auction and bid) - AuP Num. of rocks same, much better performance
- auctions 1394 -gt 350
- AllP Num. of rocks slightly smaller, much lower
cost - messages 13606(8608) -gt 3814
- Challenge on-line learning