Title: Robotics Courses For Kids - SV Robotics Academy
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2 Looking For Robotics Courses For Kids Online?
3Why Choose us!
As you know that the 21st century is the era of
innovations therefore, it demands the next
generation to be technocrats. In the present
educational system, there is more focus on the
theoretical part as compared to the practical one
hence, it requires making changes in the current
education system so the next generation can stand
for the future job market.
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5One thing that is gaining momentum is robotics
because, with robotics, the students will not
only step into engineering but will learn to
build the hi-tech programs while doing the
studies. Therefore, include robotics in the
curriculum as it makes your children updated with
the technology. There are many robotics courses
for kids available online and offline that can
help them build their future. SV Online started
with the idea of learning through real-world
experiences. Our story begins in Toronto, Canada.
Our team of instructors was mentored by Dr
Vijayakumar, a University of Toronto professor.
He inspired the vision of learning through doing.
After his passing, we decided to carry on his
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7Learn complex coding with Fun!
It is challenging to imagine life without
innovations in technology. As in this era,
technology has a lot to offer from mobiles to the
internet, so start preparing the present
generation to meet the future requirements. Get
them enrolled in robotics not only enhances their
critical thinking but lets them learn various
skills of working in a team. There are that
train children to be many robotics classes for
beginners future engineers. Get robotics included
in the school curriculum as it adds enhancement
to their skills.
8Get in Touch With us!
SV Robotics Academy https//www.svrobotics.ca/
374-180 Talmadge RdEdison, NJ 08817, USA CA
202-1200 Bay St, Toronto Ontario CA 300-169
Enterprise Blvd, Markham Ontario 1866-490-5209 i
nfo_at_svrobotics.ca https//twitter.com/svroboticsac
a https//www.facebook.com/svroboticsacademy/ http