Arnis Kokorevics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Arnis Kokorevics


... to flexible working hours, part-time working, tele-working and sabbatical leave ... for discussions in scientific community, for discussion between ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Arnis Kokorevics

The Possible Ways of Mainstreaming Women in
Science The Policy of EU institutions
  • Arnis Kokorevics
  • Latvian Researchers Mobility Centre

Milestones (1)
  • 2000 - The Lisbon Strategyup to 700 000 new
    researchers in all sectors,
  • 2000 - The European Research Area (ERA)the
    sustainable European labour market for
  • 2001 - The ERA Researchers Career and Mobility
    Strategy the European dimension to scientific
    career a favourable environment to attract,
    develop and retain the human resources in
    research and innovation.

The problem regarding human resources - possible
  • enchaining of 3rd country researchers to work in
    research centres within ERA
  • facilitate of returning of the researchers' to
    ERA (mainly from USA)
  • make a profession of researcher more attractive
    for young people, the attracting of university
  • strengthen the participation of women researchers
    by helping to create the necessary conditions
    for more sustainable and appealing careers for
    them in RD
  • promote researchers mobility, overcome
    administrative and legal obstacles to
    geographical and intersectoral mobility.

Present situation EU-27 and selected
countries 2004 Percentage of female
researchers - all sectors,- business enterprise
sector, (EUROSTAT data, 2008)
(EUROSTAT data, 2008)
In 2006, the gender ratio in Germany, Luxembourg
and the United Kingdom was around four male
scientists or engineers to one female. (EUROSTAT
data, 2008).
Women account for a minority of the worlds
researchers. This is particularly the case in
higher-income countries. A more gender-balanced
workforce is found in Eastern Europe and the CIS,
Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as some
South East Asian countries. Source UNESCO
Institute for Statistics (UIS), 2006
NMP - Nanotechnologies and nanosciences,
knowledge-based multifunctional materials, and
new production processes and devices (EC, 2008)
Milestones (2)
  • Commission Recommendation of 11 March 2005 on the
    European Charter for Researchers and on a Code of
    Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
  • The political goal is to contribute to the
    development of an attractive, open and
    sustainable European labour market for
    researchers, where the framework conditions allow
    for recruiting and retaining high quality
    researchers in environments conducive to
    effective performance and productivity.
  • Close link between career and mobility.

  • Therefore proposed approach see gender equality
    in research and innovation spheres rather
    as economical category - optimal utilization of
    workforce and propose to make these spheres more
    attractive for potential groups of educated and
    highly skilled professionals,
  • but not directly as protection of the
    human rights and preventing of
  • But both approaches are not opposite, but rather
    are complementary to each other !
  • Similar approach regarding to promotion of
    researchers career and mobility will be apply
    also concerning to other groups, which
  • - are worry about adequate evaluation of its work
    results within career evaluation/appraisal
    systems and therefore also about its career
    development - have problems to work within
    classical working schedulefull staff, full
    day at definite working place, ...parents,
    double career couples, peoples with disabilities
    ... .

The aims (and main dilemma !!!)
  • Non-discrimination
  • Employers and/or funders of researchers will not
    discriminate against researchers in any way on
    the basis of gender, age, ethnic, national or
    social origin, religion or belief, sexual
    orientation, language, disability, political
    opinion, social or economic condition.
  • Gender balance
  • Employers and/or funders should aim for a
    representative gender balance at all levels of
    staff, including at supervisory and managerial
    level. This should be achieved on the basis of an
    equal opportunity policy at recruitment and at
    the subsequent career stages without, however,
    taking precedence over quality and competence
    criteria. To ensure equal treatment, selection
    and evaluation committees should have an adequate
    gender balance.

Solutions (Exhaustive or particular ???) (1)
  • Working conditions
  • Employers and/or funders should ensure that the
    working conditions ...- provide where
    appropriate the flexibility deemed essential for
    successful research performance, - to provide
    working conditions which allow both women and men
    researchers to combine family and work, children
    and career, - particular attention should be
    paid, inter alia, to flexible working hours,
    part-time working, tele-working and sabbatical
    leave ...
  • Career development
  • ... should draw up ... a specific career
    development strategy for researchers at all
    stages of their career, regardless of their
    contractual situation, including for researchers
    on fixed-term contracts.

Solutions (Exhaustive or particular ???) (2)
  • Value of mobility
  • ... must recognize the value of all kinds of
    mobility as an important means of enhancing
    scientific knowledge and professional development
    at any stage of a researchers career. ... should
    build such options into ... career
    progression/appraisal system.
  • Evaluation/appraisal systems
  • Such evaluation and appraisal procedures should
    take due account of their overall research
    creativity and research results, e.g.
    publications, patents, management of research,
    teaching/lecturing, supervision, mentoring,
    national or international collaboration,
    administrative duties, public awareness
    activities and mobility, and should be taken into
    consideration in the context of career
  • (take into accout all roles of researchers
    in modern society)

Solutions (Exhaustive or particular ???) (3)
  • Judging merit
  • .. focusing on outstanding results within a
    diversified career path and not only on the
    number of publications. ... bibliometric indices
    should be properly balanced within a wider range
    of evaluation criteria, such as teaching,
    supervision, teamwork, knowledge transfer,
    management of research and innovation and public
    awareness activities
  • Variations in the chronological order of CVs
  • Career breaks or variations in the chronological
    order of CVs should not be penalised, but
    regarded as an evolution of a career, and
    consequently, as a potentially valuable
    contribution to the professional development of
    researchers towards a multidimensional career

  • At present moment there are not a ready-to-use
    recipes or formulas to mainstreaming women or
    provide gender equality in science both in Latvia
    or in EU, ERA or global scale
  • There are rather recognition of obstacles and
    starting point for discussions in scientific
    community, for discussion between stakeholders
    and with public authorities
  • The main conclusions Science need women
  • and it will basis to gender

Thank You for Attention !
Arnis Kokorevics Latvian Researchers Mobility
Centre, Latvian State Institute of Wood
Chemistry 27 Dzerbenes str., Riga, LV1006,
Latvia E-mail , Tel.
  • The presentation has been prepapared within
    project RESMOB-LATVIA.
  • The project RESMOB-LATVIA operate based on the
    financial support received from the European
    Communitys Sixth Framework Programme and the
    Latvian Ministry of Education and Science.
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