Title: Food Safety Tips for Cross Contamination
1Food Safety Tips for Cross Contamination
KY Tech Health/Food Tip 47
Thanksgiving is fast approaching and we all
need to remember a few food safety tips to keep
us healthy during our holiday cooking. In
order to prevent cross contamination
gtwash your hands each time you begin a new task
gtkeep your work area clean and
sanitized gtcleaning removes dirt
(use soap and water) gtsanitizing
kills germs (use 1 Tbs bleach per 1 gallon
water) gtkeep raw meat away from other
foods gtdont use the same plate for
cooked meat that you used for raw meat or the
same fork/spatula to serve the cooked meat that
you used to turn the raw meat gtkeep a
drip pan under raw meats that are in the
refrigerator and store raw meats in the bottom of
the refrigerator so that juices wont drip onto
other foods gtkeep hair pulled back and
wear a minimum amount of jewelry to keep germs
out of the food being prepared.
November 7, 2005
Ruth GrayCulinary Arts InstructorCaldwell Co.
ATC E-mail DonnaR.Gray_at_ky.gov