James Naismith - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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James Naismith


High School / College Years. From A Minister To A P.E. Teacher To An Inventor. Basketball is born ... Attended Presbyterian College (Montreal), religion degree ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: James Naismith

James Naismith
By Austin
Table Of Contents
  • Title
  • Table Of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Childhood
  • High School / College Years
  • From A Minister To A P.E. Teacher To An Inventor
  • Basketball is born
  • 7. The 13 original rules
  • The Naismith memorial Hall-of-Fame
  • How many people are in the Hall-of-Fame
  • Time Line
  • Conclusion

  • Dr. James Naismith was probably one of the most
    famous basketball players of all time. Thats
    because he created basketball!

  •       He was born on November 6, 1861
  •       He was born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada.
  •    James was the oldest son of John and
    Margaret Naismith. In 1869, James moved with his
    family to Grand Calumet. James became an orphan
    at age 10, when his parents caught typhoid fever.
    James and his brother and sister spent the next
    two years in Bennie's Corners living with their
    grandmother. When their grandmother died in 1873,
    the Naismith children, Annie, James and Robbie,
    were left under the care of their uncle, Peter
  • Mr. Thomas B. Caswell, James' grade school
    teacher, instructed him in reading, writing,
    arithmetic, as well as advanced mathematics,
    Latin grammar and other subjects. Although not
    the smartest kid in the school, he was a leader
    among his age and in all physical activities. He
    showed signs of becoming a fine athlete.

High School / College years
  • Attended Almonte High School (1875-77, 1881-83)
  • Attended McGill University (Montreal), philosophy
    degree (graduated 1887)
  • Attended Presbyterian College (Montreal),
    religion degree (graduated 1890)
  • Attended YMCA Training School (Springfield, MA),
    physical education degree (graduated 1891)
  • Attended Gross Medical School (University of
    Colorado), medical degree (graduated 1898)
  •       Grades were poor, but he was one of the
    most athletic people in his schools.
  • He excelled at rugby and lacrosse

From a minister to a P.E. Teacher to a inventor
  • At first when James was in college, he wanted to
    become a minister. But instead he taught P.E. at
    a YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts. That was
    wear basketball was born.

Basketball is born
  •   Dr. James Naismith invented basketball on a
    beautiful autumn day. Baseball had just finished
    its season, and football was still a few weeks
    away. The athletes need a sport to keep them in
    healthy. In the late 1800's they did not have
    indoor tracks. It was to cold to do track events
    outside, so Dr. James Naismith needed to think up
    a new indoor a sport. James remembered a game he
    played as a child called "Duck on a Rock".
    Changing a few rules around, and then adding a
    few to to the sport, he came out with the sport
    basketball. It was a sport to be played inside
    during the winter months. Dr. James Naismith
    called this sport basketball, because it was
    played with two peach baskets and a soccer ball.
    A few days later, Dr. Naismith brought his
    supplies to school, planning to share his new
    discovery with his P.E. class. Because Dr.
    Naismith had 18 students in his P.E. class, he
    divided the teams up equally, having 9 kids on
    each side, and began to teach his class the new
    sport. James nailed two peach baskets to the
    walls on each end of the gym. Each team at that
    time, had a goalkeeper, 2 guards, 3 centers, 2
    wings, and a home-man. The kids had a lot of fun
    playing basketball. James made 13 rules for the
    game. Each team tried to toss a soccer ball into
    the peach baskets. Finally someone decided to cut
    the bottom out of the peach baskets so they
    didn't have to climb up a ladder each time they
    scored. In 1893 the metal rim was invented. A few
    years later, in 1895, the backboard was invented.
    It was invented to keep the fans from interfering
    with the game. The first backboards were made of
    wire, but the teams started grooving them to
    funnel the ball into their baskets. By 1904, wood
    backboards were mandatory. The glass backboard
    were permitted starting in 1909.

The 13 original rules
  • The ball may be thrown in any direction with one
    or both hands.
  • The ball may be batted in any direction with one
    or both hands, but never with the fist.
  • A player cannot run with the ball. The player
    must throw it from the spot on which he catches
    it, allowance to be made for a man running at
    good speed.
  • The ball must be held in or between the hands.
    The arms or body must not be used for holding it.
  • No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking or
    tripping in any way of an opponent. The first
    infringement of this rule by any person shall
    count as a foul the second shall disqualify him
    until the next goal is made or, if there was
    evident intent to injure the person, for the
    whole of the game. No substitution shall be
  • A foul is striking at the ball with the fist,
    violations of Rules 3 and 4 and such as described
    in Rule 5.
  • If either side make three consecutive fouls it
    shall count as a goal for the opponents
    (consecutive means without the opponents in the
    meantime making a foul).
  • Goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or
    batted from the ground into the basket and stays
    there, providing those defending the goal do not
    touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on
    the edge and the opponents move the basket, it
    shall count as a goal.
  • When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be
    thrown into the field and played by the first
    person touching it. In case of dispute the umpire
    shall throw it straight into the field. The
    thrower-in is allowed five seconds. If he holds
    it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any
    side persists in delaying the game, the umpire
    shall call a foul on them.
  • The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall
    note the fouls and notify the referee when three
    consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have
    the power to disqualify men according to Rule 5.
  • The referee shall be the judge of the ball and
    decide when it is in play in bounds, to which
    side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He
    shall decide when a goal has been made and keep
    account of the goals with any other duties that
    are usually performed by a referee.
  • The time shall be two 15-minute halves with five
    minutes' rest between.
  • The side making the most goals in that time shall
    be declared the winners.

The Naismith Memorial Hall-of-Fame
  •    Officially called the Naismith Memorial Hall
    of Fame, the institution was named in his honor
    and is located in Springfield.
  •    In order to get into the Naismith Memorial
    Hall-of-Fame, you must be retired for 5 years.
    You also have to be one of the best players ever.
    A referee, coach, player, contributor, or
    announcer may be entered into the hall.

How many people are in the hall of fame?
  • There are
  • 125 players
  • 69 coaches
  • 49 contributors (Including James)
  • 12 referees
  • And 5 teams in the Naismith memorial Hall-of-Fame
  • Total 260 people
  • James Naismith is a contributor in the

(No Transcript)
  • James Naismith is the most famous sport inventor.
    He made a lot of accomplishments such asInvented
    the game of basketball
  • Invented basketball
  • Developed basket ball's original 13 rules
  • Author of lots of articles and books
  • Physical education director, McGill University
  • Physical education instructor, Springfield
    College (1890-95)

The End
James and a baby
James Naismith
James Naismith and his wife
James Naismith
The first basketball team
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