1960s - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... musical fascination in Britain, the Beatles, are introduced by Ed Sullivan. ... 74 million people were watching the 'Ed Sullivan Show' that night (3 times the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1960s

  • By James, Paul, and Helen

  • World Events

Amazing Facts of the 60s
  • Population 177,830,000
  • Unemployment 3,852,000
  • National Debt 286.3 Billion
  • Average Salary 4,743
  • Teacher's Salary 5,174
  • Minimum Wage 1.00
  • Life Expectancy Males 66.6 years, Females
    73.1 years
  • Auto deaths 21.3 per 100,000
  • An estimated 850,000 "war baby" freshmen enter
    college emergency
  • living quarters are set up in dorm lounges,
    hotels and trailer camps.

Important Historic and Cultural Events
  • U.S. Postal rates go up to five cents for the
    first ounce.
  • ATT introduces touch-tone telephones.
  • There are 2.5 million federal employees in 1963,
    twice the number there were in 1940. Not
    surprisingly, there are now 50 million people
    paying income taxes there were only 4 million in
    1940. See the connection?
  • "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan marks
    the beginning of the feminist movemen
  • Dr. Michael DeBakey uses an artificial heart to
    take over the functions of the heart during
  • During a visit to West Berlin in June, President
    Kennedy warms his audience with the words, "Ich
    bin ein Berliner."
  • June Pope John XXIII dies he is succeeded by
    Pope Paul VI.
  • The Supreme Court rules that reading verses from
    the Bible in public schools is unconstitutional.
  • The Yankees are in the World Series once again
    but this year they lose to the Dodgers in four
  • The USS Thresher, a nuclear powered submarine,
    sinks off the coast of Cape Cod, killing all 129
  • President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas two
    days later, his accused killer, Lee Harvey
    Oswald, is shot and killed by Jack Ruby.
  • New York renames its Idlewild airport in memory
    of the assassinated president.
  • The Academy award for Best Picture goes to "Tom

  • February 13 France detonates its first Atomic
    device becoming the fourth nation with atomic

1960 (cont.)
  • March 30 Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa
    50 killed during Apartheid protest
  • April 21 Super-modern looking Brasilia becomes
    the capital of Brazil
  • May 23 Adolph Eichmann captured in Argentina by
    Israeli agents. Later he is convicted and then
    hung on May 31, 1962.

1960 (cont.)
  • July 21 Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike becomes the
    first woman premier of a modern parliamentary
    nation Ceylon.
  • September 9 Representatives of Iran, Iraq,
    Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela vote to
    establish the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting
    Countries (OPEC),

  • March Soviet Union places a spacecraft carrying
    a dog in orbit around the Earth
  • April 12 Soviet Union puts first man in space.
    His name was Yuri Gagarin
  • April 25 Bay of Pigs landing in Cuba fails.
    Helps to solidify Castros power.

  • August 31 Berlin Wall constructed to keep East
    German citizens inside their own city.
  • December 22 James Davis became the first US
    soldier killed in Vietnam

  • March 7 The British Royal College of Physicians
    concludes that cigarette smoking is a cause of
    lung cancer.
  • July 3 After years of bitter fighting France
    ends 132 years of colonial rule over Algeria.
  • October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

1962 cont.
  • October 11, 1962 Pope John XXIII convenes
    Vatican II, which will address church adaptations
    to changing conditions.
  • 1962 The Earths population is 3.1 billion
    roughly one half of what it is in 2000

  • June 19 Soviets put first woman into space
    Lt. Valentina Tereshkova
  • June 30 Paul VI becomes pope
  • September 19 A British-French report favors the
    building of a channel tunnel between the two

  • October 16 China explodes its first atom bomb
  • October 17 Brezhnev becomes the First Secretary
    of the Soviet Unions Communist Party, replacing

Ooh la la!

  • May 13 President Johnson has 14,000 troops in
    the Dominican Republic to prevent a communist
    take over
  • July 20 British House of Lords approves a ban
    on the death penalty for murder.
  • September 28 India and Pakistan begin a minor
    war over Kashmir.
  • December 30 Ferdinand Marcos inaugurated the
    Philippine president.

  • January 19 Indira Gandhi selected as Prime
    Minister of India
  • May Chairman Mao launches the Cultural

  • March 10 The first confirmed octuplets are born
    in Mexico City.
  • June 15 Start of the Six-Day War between Israel
    and several Arab neighbors.

1967 (cont.)
  • December 3 South African surgeon Christiaan
    Barnard performs the first hear transplant
    operation. The patient lives 18 days.

  • Februrary 4 France is awarded extensive oil
    drilling rights in Iraq
  • May violent protests erupt throughout France as
    students all over the country protest the
    government of Charles deGaulle. deGaulle will
    call for new elections the Gaullists win in a

1968 (cont.)
  • July 1 sixty-one nations, including the United
    States and Soviet Union, sign a nuclear
    nonproliferation treaty.
  • July Direct commercial airline traffic begins
    between the United States and the Soviet Union

  • January The Ninth Chinese Communist Party
    Congress ends the Cultural Revolution.
  • January 10 Sweden becomes the first Western
    government to recognize the government of North

1969 (cont.)
  • January 24 General Francisco Franco imposes
    martial law in Spain in response to student
  • February 3 The Palestine Liberation
    Organization elects Yasser Arafat as chairman.

1969 (cont.)
  • February 15 English doctors complete the first
    in vitro fertilization of human egg cells
  • March 2-15 Soviet and Chinese forces clash on the
    Manchurian border, a disputed frontier.
  • April 28 French president Charles deGaulle
    resigns following rejection of his constitutional

1969 (cont.)
  • June 5-17 - Delegates from 75 countries attend
    the World Communist Conference in Moscow
  • September 1 Colonel Moamer al Khaddhafi leads a
    coup and military takes over Libya.

1969 (cont.)
  • October 1 The French-British supersonic
    airliner Concorde makes its first supersonic
  • November 11 The United Nations General Assembly
    rejects the admission of communist China for the
    20th time.

Vietnam War1961-1969
  • December 11, 1961
  • First United States troops arrive in South

Gulf of Tonkin
  • August 2,1964
  • The U.S. destroyer Maddox is attacked off North
    Vietnam, in the Tonkin Gulf, by North Vietnamese
    torpedo boats. On August 4 the Maddox and the
    destroyer C Turner Joy are attacked.
  • The Tonkin Gulf incident moves the United States
    Congress to authorize President Lyndon Johnson to
    undertake all necessary measures to repel any
    armed attack against forces of the United States
    and to prevent further aggression.

  • February 8 1965 ?
  • U.S. aircraft bomb North Vietnam following
    Vietcong attacks on U.S. areas in South Vietnam.
    This begins a pattern of regular U.S. bombing of
    North Vietnam known as Operation Rolling Thunder
    or Operation Flaming Dart.

  • March 8, 1965
  • Two battalions of U.S. Marines, 3,500 soldiers,
    land to defend Danang airbase in South Vietnam.
    These are the first combat troops to enter the
  • July 1965
  • President Johnson announces that he will
    increase the number of U.S. troops in South
    Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000. He also doubles
    the monthly draft quota from 17,000 to 35,000.

  • October 1965
  • Opponents of the war in Vietnam organize
    protests across the United States. Some burn
    draft cards one is arrested for doing so, under
    a new federal law.
  • March 1966
  • Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara
    announces that 215,000 U.S. troops are now in
    South Vietnam. Some 20,000 more are scheduled to
    join them.

  • March 8, 1966
  • Australia triples its forces supporting the
    South Vietnamese to 4,500
  • September 23, 1966
  • The United States announces that it has been
    using defoliating agents in territory around the
    demilitarized zone between North and South
    Vietnam to deprive North Vietnamese infiltrators
    of protective cover.

  • January 1968
  • Former Truman advisor Clark Clifford succeeds
    McNamara as secretary of defense. McNamara had
    alienated President Johnson by questioning the
    administrations escalation of the Vietnam War.

  • January 30-February 29
  • The Vietcong launches the Tet offensive against
    South Vietnamese. They atttacked more than 100
    cities and towns in a series of coordinated
    attacks throughout South Vietnam. The Vietcong
    failed to capture any towns or cities and were
    ultimately driven back from most of the positions
    they had gained.
  • North Vietnam lost up to 85,000 men.
  • The Americans lost about 2,500 men.

  • March 1968-
  • President Johnson appears on national television
    to discuss the war. He also announced that I
    shall not seek, and I will not accept, the
    nomination of my party for another term as your

  • March 16, 1968
  • U.S. soldiers massacre 450 men, women, and
    children at the village of My Lai, in South
    Vietnam. The news of this event will surface
    almost two years later. The soldiers insist that
    they were following orders.

  • May 10
  • United States and North Vietnamese negotiators
    begin peace talks in Paris, France.
  • July 3
  • General William C. Westmoreland relinquishes
    command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, after losing
    President Johnsons confidence. Westmoreland is
    succeeded by General Creighton W. Abrams.

  • April 1969
  • United States B-52s drop an estimated 3,000 tons
    of bombs, a new record, on Vietcong positions
    near the Cambodian border in South Vietnam.
  • August 1969-
  • President Nixon announces the withdraw of 25,000
    U.S. troops from South Vietnam
  • September 1969
  • 35,000 more troops withdrawn.

  • Hair and Fads

The Fabulous Fads of The 60s
  • Go-Go Boots A Foot-First Jump into the Wacky
    World of Mod Footwear
  • As skirtlines rose in the 60's, so did the height
    of footwear.
  • Fashion was meant to accentuate the leg during
    the 60's,
  • and boots were the arrow that pointed the way.
    The shorter
  • the skirt, the taller and tighter the boot!
  • For most of the 20th century boots had been worn
    only in
  • inclement weather were once again being worn for
  • The earlier, shorter boots, mainly worn by
  • reflected a very space-age look. The lunar white
  • boots -which were calf-high - were very
  • reminiscent of astronaut boots. They were also
  • more comfortable than spike-heeled dress shoes,
  • were popular at the time and made dancing for
  • periods of time quite easy. Adopted by teen
  • and first seen en-masse on afternoon discotheque
  • television shows, the boots were quickly named
  • boots" after the go-go dancers who wore them.

This Provided A Real Day At The Beach
  • One Piece Ocean Wear

Twiggy in own-range clothes 1967
The 60s Version of Singing In The Rain
  • My version of an umbrella

Hair By Vidal Sassoon
  • The top name in hairdressing during the Sixties
    was undoubtedly Vidal Sassoon whose customers
    included Mary Quant, Jean Shrimpton and Mia
    Farrow who he famously flew to America for, when
    she wanted her hair styled, while she was on set
    making ' the film Rosemary's Baby'. He had worked
    for 'Teazy Weazy' Raymond until 1955 and by the
    time the swinging Sixties arrived he had his own
    salon in Bond Street. Creations of his included
    the 'bob cut', and the 'five point geometric

Kennedy with Cuban Exiles
  • United States President John F. Kennedy
    meets with Cuban exile leaders Jose San Romàn,
    Manuel Artime, and Colonel Eneido Oliva in Palm
    Beach, Florida, in December 1962. The failure of
    the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 seriously
    embarrassed the Kennedy administration, which was
    blamed by some for not giving it adequate
    support, while others criticized Kennedy for
    allowing it to take place at all.

Space Race
  • Mercury Spacesuit- John Glenn, Friendship 7
  • This spacesuit was worn by John Glenn during the
    first orbital flight of a U.S. astronaut. The
    flight took place on February 20, 1962 and lasted
    for 4 hours and 55 minutes, during which time he
    traveled 75,679 miles and orbited the earth three
  • The spacesuit was developed by the B.F. Goodrich
    Company from the U.S. Navy MK-IV full pressure
    suit, and was selected by NASA in 1959 for use in
    Project Mercury.

  • Entertainment

What was happening
in the 1960s?
One of the biggest nights in music
  • February 9, 1964, the newest musical
    fascination in Britain, the Beatles, are
    introduced by Ed Sullivan. The Beatles never
    looked back.
  • It has been estimated that 74 million people
    were watching the Ed Sullivan Show that night
    (3 times the amount of people who watch
    Survivor today). This night was recently
    ranked 1 on VH1s Top Rock Moments on TV.

Other Popular Musical Acts
  • Bob Dylan
  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Debut album released in 1962 that consisted of
    many folk and blues songs covers. He released a
    second album of all original songs entitled The
    Freewheelin Bob Dylan. He grew to be a hero to
    folk music lovers across the country. However,
    in 1965, Dylan recorded an electric guitar-backed
    album and performance that was met by boos and
    groans from his fans and the crowd. Dylans
    Like a Rolling Stone broke the traditional time
    for a pop song (3 minutes) at 6 minutes total and
    was the number 2 song in the country.
  • Electric guitar pioneer and performer
    extraordinaire, Hendrix had a brief four year
    superstar reign before his death in 1970. He was
    responsible for turning many peoples ears with
    his innovative guitar riffs and ability to sing
    the blues. His popular hits consist of Purple
    Haze, Foxy Lady, Hey Joe, and a cover of Bob
    Dylans All Along the Watchtower.

Other Popular Musical Acts
  • Simon Garfunkle
  • This duo was the most successful folk rock group
    of the 1960s. The group was hailed for their
    harmonic singing and acoustic and electric guitar
    work. Their first number one song was Sounds of
    Silence in 1966. Another popular song
    recognized today by many people who were not even
    alive in that time period was Mrs. Robinson.
    This song, along with many other Simon
    Garfunkle songs, was featured in one of the
    1960s best films, The Graduate.

Three Days of Peace, Love, and Music
Woodstock - 1969
  • Woodstock was a 3 day, 2 night music festival
    featuring performances from the following rock
    stars of that time period
  • Joan Baez The Band Blood, Sweat, and
  • Canned Heat Joe Cocker The Paul
    Butterfield Blues Band
  • Arlo Guthrie Grateful Dead Country Joe and
    the Fish
  • Tim Hardin Keef Hartly Creedence Clearwater
  • Richie Havens Jimi Hendrix Crosby, Stills,
    Nash, and Young
  • Janis Joplin Quill Incredible String Band
  • Santana Ravi Shankar Jefferson Airplane
  • John Sebastian Sha Na Na Melanie Mountain
  • Bert Sommer Sweetwater Ten Years After
  • The Who Johnny Winter Sly and the Family

At the Drive In
1960 Psycho starring Janet Leigh and Anthony
Perkins 1961 The Absent Minded Professor
starring Fred MacMurray 1961 101 Dalmations
a full length cartoon from Disney based on a
classic childrens tale 1962 Dr No starring
Sean Connery as the still active James Bond 1963
From Russia with Love starring Sean Connery
in the 2nd Bond film 1964 Mary Poppins
starring Julie Andrews in a Disney movie about a
magical nanny that combined live action and
cartoon action 1965 The Sound of Music
starring Julie Andrews and won 5 Oscars,
including Best Picture and Director 1966
Batman starring the original Batman Adam West
in the first movie of the popular series
At the Drive In
1967 Bonnie and Clyde starring Faye Dunaway
and Warren Beatty 1967 The Producers
starring Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder 1967 You
Only Live Twice starring Sean Connery is the
5th Bond film in 5 years 1967 The Jungle Book
animated classic from Disney about a boy raised
by animals in the jungle 1967 Planet of the
Apes starring Charlton Heston was the leading
sci-fi movie of the era 1968 Yellow
Submarine an animated movie featuring the
Beatles versus the Blue Meanies to the tunes of
albums Rubber Soul, Revolver, and Sgt.
Pepper 1968 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang starring
Dick Van Dyke and car that can fly and float
Or Television?
The Tonight Show began the 1960s with Jack
Paar as its host and was known as The Jack Paar
Tonight Show. The show ended in 1962 as Johnny
Carson became the new host of The Tonight Show.
The show was filmed earlier in the day before it
would air at night. The show began playing at
1115 p.m. with a
15 minute monologue. This segments time was
eventually handed over to Ed McMahon and Skitch
Henderson in February 1965. On January 2, 1967,
the shows opening time slot from 1115-1130 was
dropped and began the 90 minute format to the
show. The show had several comedic bits that
ranged from original pre-taped skits to live
action bits to spoofs of commercials, movies,
news stories, and other television shows. Johnny
Carson retired in the 1990s, being replaced with
Jay Leno, after 30 years of hosting the late
night success.
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