Title: Urban Life
1Chapter 15
2Colonial Villages 1565-1800
- The period of 1565-1800 was one of tiny villages
- Small in size with no more than a few hundred
residents at first - Walking villages-mostly pedestrian traffic
- People knew one another
- These early settlements grew slowly
3Westward Expansion 1800-1860
- Westward migration
- Followed new transportation routes
- National Road
- By 1860 about 20 of the population was living in
4The Industrial Metropolis 1860-1950
- Civil war and industrial and urban expansion
- Industrial metropolis
- Cities grew in population
- Expanded outwards around the development of new
urban forms of transportation
5The Industrial Metropolis 1860-1950
- Immigration and Anti-Urban Bias
- Cities were synonymous with immigrants
- Ethnic prejudice and the anti-urban bias
- Cities were synonymous with social problems
- Early part of the twentieth century urban living
was very difficult
6Postindustrial Cities and Suburbs 1950-Present
- Post WW II and migration to the suburbs
- Suburbs-urban areas beyond the political
boundaries of cities - Postindustrial developments-information
technology made possible the economic development
of the suburbs - Decentralizing population from the central cities
7Fiscal Problems
- Movement of populations and industry from the
central city led to some fiscal problems in the
1970s - Corporate mergers and downsizing and loss of jobs
in the city - Poor were left behind along with an increase in
demand for city services
8Fiscal Problems
- The postindustrial Revival
- Postindustrial economic growth and the
revitalization of cities - Immigrants and population growth
9Urban Sprawl
- Cities and outward expansion
- Government policies
- Interstate highways
- Low cost housing
- The emergence of the megalopolis-urban region
containing a number of cities and their
surrounding suburbs
10Urban Sprawl
- Urban sprawl-rapid,unplanned, and low-density
development at the edge of urban areas - Urban sprawl
- The numbness of urban sameness
- Consumption of land
- Auto-gridlock and pollution
11Urban Sprawl
- Edge Cities business centers located some
distance from the old downtowns - Mostly commercial developments
- Most major cities contain several edge cities
- Urban decentralization has increased the plight
of the poor - Loss of city jobs to edge cities
- Migration of city jobs to the suburbs and
elsewhere and the concentration of poverty in
cities - Disadvantaged minorities
- Lack of economic opportunities
13Housing Problem
- The Horror of the Tenements
- Immigrants and tenement housing in the early part
of the twentieth century - Poorly constructed
- Crowded living conditions
- The 1930s and the New Deal saw improvement in
14Housing Problem
- Inner-City Decline
- Post WW II and the migration of city dwellers to
the suburbs - Decline of the city
- Govt., passed the Urban Housing Act of 1949
- Urban Renewal an attempt to revitalize urban
areas - Urban renewal and the regeneration of slums
15Housing Problem
- Public Housing
- Urban renewal and the emergence of public housing
- Public Housing-typically high density apartment
buildings, constructed with government funds to
house poor people
16Housing Problem
- Public Housing
- Concerns and Criticisms of public housing
- Liberals saw it as a band aid approach to the
housing problem - Conservatives objected to government getting into
the housing business and interfering with
free-enterprise - Poor objected to the cultural stigma associated
17Housing Problem
- Oscar Newmans study
- High-rise buildings and higher crime rates
- Most crimes occurred in public parts of the
buildings - Reason
- -High-rise living breeds anonymity
18Racial Segregation
- Race, poverty and residential segregation
- Hypersegregation-entire districts of a city
racially segregated - Minority/poor urbanites are
- -Spatially isolated
- -Socially isolated
- Approximately 500,000 people are homeless on any
given day - Largely an urban problem
- Poverty puts people at risk of becoming homeless
- Family conflict and becoming homeless
- Decline in affordable rental/housing units
- Solution to homelessness
- Supportive housing-program that combines
low-income housing with on-site social services - Build more low-income units
21Snowbelt and Sunbelt Cities
- Population transfer from snowbelt cities to the
sunbelt - Change in political influence and power from
snowbelt to sunbelt
22Cities in Poor Countries
- About 75 of the population of rich nations live
in cities - About 25 of the population in poor countries
live in cities - Urban population is increasing globally
- -Rural to urban migration and the emergence of
23Structural-Functional Analysis A Theory of
- Ferdinand Tonnies Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
- Gemeinschaft-type of social organization by which
people are closely bound by kinship and tradition - -Rural villages
- Gesellschaft-type of social organization by which
people interact on the basis of self interest - -urban communities
24Structural-Functional Analysis A Theory of
- Emile Durkheim Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
- Mechanical solidarity-social bonds based on
common feelings and shared moral values - -Rural villages
- Organic solidarity-social bonds based on
specialization and mutual interdependence - -Urban communities
25Structural-Functional Analysis A Theory of
- Louis Wirth Urbanism as a Way of Life
- Urban life shaped by large dense, and socially
diverse populations - Increase in secondary ties and encounters
26Symbolic- Interaction Analysis Experiencing the
- George Simmel Urban Stimulation and Selectivity
- Urbanites and a blasé attitude
- Blasé attitude of survival do to over stimulation
- Leo Srole Mental Health in the Metropolis
- Studied urban life and mental health
27Social-Conflict Analysis Cities and Inequality
- Urban Political Economy
- Economic and political structure of the of the
society shape the city - David Harveys study of Baltimore
28Conservatives The Market and Morality
- Market economy should shape the city
- Conservatives support creating
- -Enterprise zones- inner city where government
tries to attract new business with the promise of
tax relief
29Liberals Government Reform
- Problems of cities stem from social inequality
- Liberals favor government intervention into
solving the problems
30Radicals The Need for Fundamental Change
- Problems of the city are function of
inequality,class, race, and gender - Solutions to the problems of the city would
require a major overhaul of society and the
economic and political order