1e Alexopoulos 1952 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1e Alexopoulos 1952


1e Alexopoulos 1952 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1e Alexopoulos 1952

1e Alexopoulos 1952 2e Alexopoulos 1962 3e
Alexopoulos and Mims 1979 4e Alexopoulos, Mims,
and Blackwell 1996
  • 1e Alexopoulos 1952
  • Life cycle drawing
  • Few photographs
  • Actinomycetes included in text
  • Phyla for slime molds
  • Series, e.g. uniflagellate, biflagellate, and
    classes, e.g. ascomycetes, used for higher taxa

  • 2e Alexopoulos 1962
  • Bacteria omitted
  • First time inclusion
  • Labyrinthulales
  • Hyphochytriomycetes
  • Trichomycetes

  • 3e Alexopoulos and Mims 1979
  • Electron micrographs first used
  • Slime mold groups within Fungi --separated in a
    different subdivision
  • Oomycetes and chytrids in a separate subdivision
  • Deuteromycotina distinct from but equal to
    zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes

  • 4e Alexopoulos, Mims, and Blackwell 1996
  • Molecular phylogenies based on SSU rDNA -- many
    unresolved trees
  • Monophyly of Fungi was established with four
  • Chytrids firmly within Fungi
  • Oomycetes, labyrinthulids and
  • slime molds excluded from Fungi
  • Asexual taxonomy deemphasized

  • 4e Alexopoulos, Mims, and Blackwell 1996
  • Many unresolved questions
  • Is Basidiobolus a zygomycete or a chytrid?
  • Are smuts and rusts each monophyletic?
  • Do animals represent the sister group of fungi or
    is the relationship more obscure?
  • Many more questions since 1996
  • Sister group of Fungi?
  • Microsporidia in Fungi?
  • Times flagellum loss in Fungi?
  • Monophyly of Zygomycota?
  • Leaves of the tree?

5e Blackwell, Mims, and Spatafora 2009?
In need of a classification phylogeny
Research Coordination Networks
A Phylogeny for Kingdom Fungi
Meredith Blackwell (PI) - Louisiana State
University Joey Spatafora (Co-PI) - Oregon State
University John Taylor (Co-PI) - UC Berkeley
(No Transcript)
  • Introduction
  • Dating the origin of Fungi
  • Evolution of morphology
  • 21 articles on multigene phylogenies of most
    major groups

(No Transcript)
AFTOL Classification
  • Organized by David Hibbett
  • Initiated at the Deep Hypha 2005 meeting
  • Ordinal level and above
  • Participants
  • Centraal Bureau voor Schimmelcultures
  • Dictionary of the Fungi
  • GenBank
  • Introductory Mycology
  • Myconet

Fungi Eumycota mushrooms, sac fungi, yeast,
molds, rusts, smuts, etc. Meredith Blackwell,
Rytas Vilgalys, Timothy Y. James, and John W.
Phylogeny modified from James et al., 2006a,
2006b Liu et al., 2006 Seif et al., 2005
Steenkamp et al., 2006
Other outreach
Review of textbook chapters and websites for
fungal phylogeny content
From Meredith Blackwell mailtomblackwell_at_lsu.ed
u Sent Sunday, November 11, 2007 421 PM To
undisclosed-recipients Subject Phylogeny of
Fungi --update I am one of a group of
mycologists currently involved in NSF-funded
studies of fungal biology, systematics, and
ecology. Attached are two papers of the papers
that might be of help in updating fungal
phylogeny for teaching at all levels.
Blackwell, M., D. S. Hibbett, J. W. Taylor, and
J. W. Spatafora. 2006. Research Coordination
Networks A Phylogeny for Kingdom Fungi (Deep
Hypha). Mycologia 98(6)829-837. This is a first
paper of a journal issue providing a new
phylogenetic tree the entire Mycologia issue,
the Deep Hypha issue is devoted to updated
discussions and phylogenies of all major groups
of fungi Hibbett, D. M., M. Binder, J. F.
Bischoff, M. Blackwell, P. F. Cannon, O.
Eriksson, S. Huhndorf, T. Y. James, P. M. Kirk,
R. Lücking, T. Lumbsch, F. Lutzoni, P. B.
Matheny, D. J. McLaughlin, M. J. Powell, S.
Redhead, C.d L. Schoch, J. W. Spatafora, J. A.
Stalpers, R. Vilgalys, M. C. Aime, A. Aptroot, R.
Bauer, D. Begerow, G. L. Benny, L. A. Castlebury,
P. W. Crous, Y.-C. Dai, W. Gams, D. M. Geiser,
G.h W. Griffith, D. L. Hawksworth, V. Hofstetter,
K. Hosaka, R. A. Humber, K. Hyde, U. Kõljalg, C.
P. Kurtzman, K.-H. Larsson, R. Lichtwardt, J.
Longcore, A. Miller, J.-M. Moncalvo, S. Mozley
Standridge, F. Oberwinkler, E. Parmasto, J. D.
Rogers, L. Ryvarden, J. P. Sampaio, A.
Schuessler, J. Sugiyama, J. W. Taylor, R. G.
Thorn, L. Tibell, W. A. Untereiner, C. Walker, Z.
Wang, A. Weir, M. Weiss, M. White, K. Winka ,
Y.-J. Yao, N. Zhang. 2006. A Higher-Level
Phylogenetic Classification of the Fungi.
Mycological Research 542409-2429. This paper
elaborates on the phylogenetic classification
accepted by most of the mycological community and
based on multigene analyses and includes
typification of all taxa In addition to the
papers attached, we offer our services for
reviewing textbook chapters that include
information on fungal biology, ecology, and
systematics. The offer is made as part of our
outreach for several NSF-funded projects (see
below) in order to make new information available
as quickly and widely as possible. Research
Coordination Networks in Biological Sciences A
Phylogeny for Kingdom Fungi. NSF- 0090301.
2001-2007. 499,183. (M. Blackwell, PI, J. W.
Spatafora and J. W. Taylor, CoPIs).
Research Coordination Networks in Biological
Sciences Fungal Environmental Sampling and
Informatics Network (FESIN). NSF. 500,000
2006-2011. (Thomas D. Bruns, PI M. Blackwell,
one of several steering committee members)
Collaborative Proposal Assembling the Fungal
Tree of Life. Resolving the evolutionary history
of the Fungi. NSF 3,000,000 (275,000 for
Blackwell), (PIs, David Hibbett, David
McLaughlin, Meredith Blackwell, Joseph Spatafora
(lead PI), Rytas Vilgalys, François Lutzoni).
lthttp//www.aftol.org/gt My personal experience
with biology textbooks includes 25 years of
college teaching at the introductory level,
contributing to the Tree of Life web project
lthttp//tolweb.org/Fungi/2377gt, and coauthoring
the most recent edition of the Alexopoulos
mycology textbook. We hope that you will help us
to spread the word about fungi. Please contact
me in you have questions about our offer or have
teaching materials that need to be
reviewed. Sincerely, Meredith Blackwell
Glenn Branch branch_at_ncseweb.org wrote Dear
Meredith, Thanks for your e-mail, and apologies
for the delay in responding -- last week was a
busy one for us here at NCSE, with Judgment Day
being nigh. (I refer to the PBS documentary on
Kitzmiller v. Dover, of course.) We very much
appreciate your concern about keeping science
education up to date and your interest in helping
to do so especially with regard to fungal
phylogenies. We'll keep your papers on
file. NCSE has a small project in which we put
textbook publishers in touch with qualified
scientific reviewers. Unfortunately, this hasn't
been particularly active in recent years, in
large part because it's hard to get the
publishers' sustained attention. Still, I'd be
happy to add you to the database, and I'll let
you know if there's an opportunity. Two other
possibilities for putting your expertise to work
in the service of improving science education
come to mind. One is by contributing to
Understanding Evolution, the UCMP/NCSE web
resource http//evolution.berkeley.edu It looks
as though there is little about fungi there (only
seven hits when searching for "fungus" or
"fungi"), and perhaps they'll want to remedy that
lack. I've dropped someone there a note, and
I'll put you in touch if there's an interest on
their part. The other is by contributing to
NCSE's journal, Reports of the NCSE -- it's a
small journal, but with a good circulation among
people concerned about evolution education. You
can see more about it on-line at
http//www.ncseweb.org/newsletter.asp. I'd be
happy to send you a sample copy, together with
some information about NCSE and its activities,
if you would like. Deputy Director National
Center for Science Education 420 40th Street
Suite 2 Oakland, CA 94609-2509 ncseoffice_at_ncseweb.
DeepHypha Research Coordination Networks in
Biological Sciences A Phylogeny for Kingdom
Fungi (NSFRCN) AFTOL Assembling the Fungal
Tree of Life (NSFToL) FESIN Fungal
Environmental Sampling and Informatics
Network (NSFRCN)
Fungal Environmental Sampling and Informatics
  • Development of rapid identification methods for
  • Creation of a cyber-infrastructure to retrieve
  • types of biological information on fungal taxa
  • Stimulation of educational outreach
    opportunities in
  • fungal ecology

(No Transcript)
David Hibbett Manfred Binder
A Brief History of Fungal Systematics
Morphology, physiology ultrastructure DNA
Morphology, some physiology
Whittaker (1958)
Ultrastructure (1950s)
Animals Plants
Bacteria Animals Plants
Bacteria Animals Fungi Plants Protista
Archaea Eubacteria Animals Plants
Fungi Straminipila Myxomycetes, etc. Some
Trichomycetes Other lineages
AFTOL Classification
  • 7 phyla
  • 10 subphyla
  • 35 classes
  • 12 subclasses
  • 129 orders

Thanks, Meredith! This is very useful,
interesting, and a good idea. Peter Peter H.
Raven, President Missouri Botanical Garden P.O.
Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA
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