JAVA Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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JAVA Programming


Standard for Java 2 Platform ... paint, repaint, update. Most GUI components extend the Component class directly or indirectly ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: JAVA Programming

JAVA Programming
  • GUI Components

  • Graphical user interface
  • User-friendly design of pictorial depictions for
    use of an application
  • Intuitive user interface components
  • Reduces time required to learn an application
  • Provides basic familiarity and ease of use
    without any instruction

GUI Components
  • Controls or widgets
  • Object with which the user interacts via the
    mouse, keyboard, voice recognition
  • Examples
  • Labels
  • Text fields
  • Buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • Comboboxes
  • Lists

Swing Package
  • javax.swing
  • Include classes for GUI components
  • Standard for Java 2 Platform
  • Can use classes to create a uniform look and feel
    across all platforms
  • Lightweight components (written completely in
    Java and do not take the complex GUI capabilities
    of an o/s into consideration)

Awt package
  • java.awt (Abstract Windowing Toolkit)
  • Focuses on the local platforms graphical user
    interface capabilities
  • Applications are displayed differently based on
    the operating system
  • Heavyweight components Rely on the local
    platforms windowing system to determine

Component Class
  • Defines the common attributes and behaviors of
    all subclasses of Component
  • paint, repaint, update
  • Most GUI components extend the Component class
    directly or indirectly
  • JComponent is the superclass to most Swing
  • Customizable look and feel on different o/s
  • Shortcut keys (mnemonics)
  • Common event-handling capabilities
  • Tool tips
  • Localization for different languages

  • Provide text instructions or information on a GUI
  • Subclass of JComponent
  • Displays a single line of read-only text, an
    image or both text and an image
  • setToolTipText specifies a tool tip displayed
    when the mouse is positioned over the label
  • setIcon Supports the display of icons on a label
  • getText retrieves current text displayed on a
  • setText sets the text displayed on the label
  • getIcon retrieves the current icon displayed on
    the label
  • setHorizontalTextPosition or setVerticalTextPositi
    on specifies the text position on the label
  • Fig 13.4

  • GUIs generate events when the user of the program
    interacts with the GUI
  • An event is sent to the program
  • GUI Event information is stored in an object of a
    class that extends AWTEvent

Event Handling Parts
  • Event Source
  • GUI component that the user interacts
  • Event object
  • Encapsulates information about the event that
    occurred with a reference to the event source and
    specific event information that may be required
    by the listener
  • Event listener
  • Object notified by the event source when an event
    occurs. Object is used to respond to the event

Programmers Work
  • Register an event listener for the GUI component
    expected to generate an event
  • Object of a class that implements one or more of
    the event listener interfaces from package
    java.awt.event and javax.swing.event
  • Implement an event handler method that is called
    in response to a particular type of event
  • Thus, when an event occurs, the GUI component
    with which the user interacted notifies its
    registered listeners by calling each listeners
    appropriate event handling method
  • Fig 13.6

  • Single-line areas that allow the user to enter
    text from the keyboard
  • When user enters data into JTextField and presses
    the Enter key, an action event occurs.
  • Class JTextField extends class JTextComponent
  • setEditable whether or not the user can modify
    the text
  • Fig 13.7

  • Component the user clicks to trigger an action
  • Command buttons generate an ActionEvent when the
    user clicks the button with the mouse
  • Inherits from class AbstractButton
  • Text on face of JButton is considered the button
  • Fig 13.10

JCheckBox and JRadioButton
  • Subclasses of JToggleButton
  • JRadioButton several buttons of which only one
    can be true at a time (mutually exclusive)
  • Two states selected and not selected
  • JCheckBox several buttons of which many can be
    true at the same time
  • Fig 13.11
  • Fig 13.12

  • Drop-down list of items from which the user can
    make a selection
  • Inherits from class JComponent
  • Elements in the list have a numeric index to
    track the ordering of items in the combobox
  • First item is added at index 0 (similar to
  • setMaximumRowCount set the maximum of elements
    displayed when the user clicks the JComboBox
    (determines when to display the scrollbar)
  • Fig 13.13

  • Displays a series of items from which user may
    select one or more items
  • Created with class JList which inherits from
  • Single-selection (allow only one item to be
    selected at a time)
  • Multiple-selection (allow any number of items to
    be selected)
  • Do not provide a scrollbar if there are more
    items in the list than the number of visible rows
    (must use JScrollPane)

JList Methods and Attributes
  • setVisibleRowCount determine the of items
    visible in the list
  • setSelectionMode
  • SINGLE_SELECTION (only 1 item can be selected at
    a time)
  • SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION (multiple-selection
    where several items in a contiguous range can be
  • MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION (multiple-selection
    where no restrictions are placed on the

Mouse Event-Handling
  • Mouse events can be trapped for any GUI component
    that derives from the java.awt.Component
  • MouseListener methods
  • mousePressed mouse button is pressed with the
    mouse cursor on the component
  • mouseClicked mouse button is pressed and
    released on a component
  • mouseReleased mouse button is released after
    being pressed
  • mouseEntered mouse cursor enters the bounds of a

MouseListener Methods
  • mouseDragged mouse button is pressed with the
    mouse cursor on the component and the mouse is
  • mouseMoved mouse is moved with the cursor on the
  • Fig 13.17
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