Chap' 9 PublicKey Cryptography and RSA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chap' 9 PublicKey Cryptography and RSA


Equivalent to factoring. n = pq, (n) = (p-1)(q-1) p2 (n (n) 1)p n = 0 ... RSA factoring challenge. Sponsored by RSA Labs. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chap' 9 PublicKey Cryptography and RSA

Chap. 9Public-Key Cryptography and RSA
Public Key Cryptography
  • Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems
  • The RSA Algorithm

Public Key Cryptography
Principles of PKC
  • Radical departure from conventional cryptography
  • Asymmetric, or two key, cipher
  • Public key for encryption
  • Private key for decryption
  • Based on mathematical functions rather than on
    substitution and permutation
  • Misconceptions concerning public-key cryptography
  • Public-key cryptography is more secure than
    symmetric cryptography
  • Public-key cryptography is general-purpose
    technique that has made symmetric cryptography
  • Key distribution is trivial when using public-key
    cryptography, compared with the rather cumbersome
    handshaking involved with KDCs for symmetric

Public-Key Cryptosystems
Principles of PKC
  • Concept of public-key cryptography evolved from
    an attempt to attack two of the most difficult
    problems associated with the symmetric encryption
  • Key distribution
  • Digital signatures
  • Diffie and Hellman first publicly introduced the
    concepts of public-key cryptography in 1976
  • Public-key algorithm rely on one key for
    encryption and a different but related key for
  • Requirement
  • It is computationally infeasible to determine the
    decryption key given the encryption key
  • Optional feature
  • Either of two related keys can be used for
    encryption, with the other used for decryption

Public-Key Encryption
Principles of PKC
Public-Key Authentication
Principles of PKC
Conventional and Public-Key Encryption
Principles of PKC
  • Conventional (Symmetric)
  • Same algorithm and key used
  • for encryption and decryption
  • Parties share algorithm and key
  • Key must be kept secret
  • Cipher must be strong
  • Plaintext/ciphertext pairs must
  • not weaken the security of the key
  • Public-Key (Asymmetric)
  • Same algorithm but different keys
  • used for encryption and decryption
  • Parties share algorithm but each has
  • one key from a matched pair
  • One key must be kept secret
  • Cipher must be strong
  • Plaintext/ciphertext pairs plus one of
  • the keys must not weaken the other
  • key

Principles of PKC
PKC Secrecy
PUb Bs public key PRb Bs private key
Principles of PKC
PKC Authentication
No protection of confidentiality
Principles of PKC
PKC Secrecy and Authentication
Requirements for PKC
Principles of PKC
  • By Diffie and Hellman, in 1976
  • Key pair generation is computationally easy
  • Encryption is computationally easy
  • Decryption is computationally easy
  • Computationally infeasible for an adversary to
    determine private key given public key
  • Computationally infeasible for an adversary to
    recover plaintext given public key and ciphertext
  • Encryption and decryption functions can be
    applied in either order

One-way and Trap-door Functions
Principles of PKC
  • One-way function
  • Y f(X) easy (polynomial time)
  • X f-1(Y) infeasible (non-polynomial time)
  • Trap-door one-way functions
  • Family of invertible functions, one for each k
  • Y fk(X) easy, given k and X
  • X fk-1(Y) easy, given k and Y
  • X fk-1(Y) infeasible if Y is known but k is

RSA Algorithm
RSA Algorithm
  • Developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and
    Len Adleman
  • Block cipher block size is log2(n), for some
    integer n
  • Encryption C Me mod n
  • Public Key PU e, n
  • Decryption M Cd mod n Med mod n
  • Private Key PR d, n
  • Requirements
  • Find values of e, d, and n s.t. Med ? M (mod n)
    for all M lt n
  • Relatively easy to compute Me (mod n) and Cd (mod
  • Infeasible to determine d given e and n

RSA Algorithm
  • Need to find a relationship of the form
  • Med ? M mod n
  • Can use the corollary of Eulers theorem
  • Given two primes p and q, and two integers, n and
    M, s.t. n pq and 0 lt M lt n, the following
    relationship holds
  • Mk?(n)1 ? M mod n
  • where ?(n) is the Eulers phi function
  • ?(n) ?(pq) (p-1)(q-1)
  • Can achieve the desired relationship if ed
  • Equivalent to saying that ed ? 1 mod ?(n) or d ?
    e-1 mod ?(n)
  • That is, e and d are multiplicative inverses
    modulo ?(n)
  • This is true only if d (and therefore e) is
    relatively to prime to ?(n)

RSA Algorithm
RSA Algorithm
RSA Algorithm
RSA Example
  • Select two primes, p 17 and q 11
  • Calculate n pq 17 ? 11 187
  • Calculate ?(n) (p-1)(q-1) 16 ? 10 160
  • Select e s.t. e is relatively prime to ?(n) and
    less than ?(n) in this case, e 7
  • Determine d s.t. de ? 1 mod 160 and d lt 160. The
    correct value is d 23 (7 ? 23 161 160 1)
  • PU 7, 187, PR 23, 187

RSA Algorithm
Computational Aspects
  • Encryption and Decryption
  • Both require modular exponentiation
  • Can use the following efficient algorithm to
    compute ab mod n
  • Square and multiply
  • Key Generation
  • Determining two prime numbers, p and q
    (Miller-Rabin Test)
  • Selecting either e or d and calculating the other
    (Extended Euclid)
  • Modular-Exponentiation(a, b, n)
  • d ? 1
  • let bkbk-1b0 be the binary representation of b
  • for i ? k downto 0 do
  • d ? (d ? d) mod n
  • if bi 1 then d ? (d ? a) mod n
  • return d

Efficient Encryption
RSA Algorithm
  • Encryption uses exponentiation to power e
  • The smaller e, the faster exponentiation
  • Often choose e 65537 (216 1)
  • Also see choices of e 3 or e 17
  • But, very small e (e.g., e 3) can be vulnerable
  • Encrypt the same message M with three different
    moduli n1, n2, n3
  • C1 M3 mod n1, C2 M3 mod n2, C3 M3 mod n3,
  • where n1, n2, and n3 are pairwise relatively
  • By CRT, one can compute M3 (mod n1n2n3), where M3
    lt n1n2n3
  • Need to only compute the cube root of M3
  • Can be countered by padding a unique pseudorandom
    bit string
  • If e fixed, must ensure gcd(e, ?(n)) 1
  • i.e., reject any p or q not relatively prime to e

Efficient Decryption
RSA Algorithm
  • Decryption uses exponentiation to power d
  • This is likely large, insecure if not
  • Can use the CRT to compute mod p q separately,
    then combine to get desired answer
  • Vp Cd (mod p-1) mod p, Vq Cd (mod q-1) mod q
  • Xp q ? (q-1 mod p), Xq p ? (p-1 mod q)
  • M (VpXp VqXq) mod n (by CRT)
  • Approximately 4 times faster than doing directly
  • Only owner of private key who knows values of p
    q can use this technique

Attacks on RSA Algorithm
RSA Algorithm
  • Brute force (Key space search)
  • Try all possible private keys
  • Use large keys
  • Mathematical Attacks
  • Several approaches, all equivalent to factoring
  • Timing attacks
  • Based on the running time of the decryption
  • Chosen ciphertext attacks
  • Exploit properties of the RSA
  • e.g., multiplicative property f(xy) f(x)?f(y)
    for all x, y

Mathematical Attacks on RSA
RSA Algorithm
  • Factor n into p and q
  • Allows calculation of ?(n), which allows
    determination of d e-1 (mod ?(n))
  • Determine ?(n) directly from n
  • Equivalent to factoring
  • n pq, ?(n) (p-1)(q-1) ? p2 (n ?(n) 1)p
    n 0
  • Determine d e-1 (mod ?(n)) directly
  • Seems to be as hard as factoring
  • Factoring from the decryption exponent
  • Las Vegas algorithm with probability at least 1/2
  • If run m times, n will be factored with
    probability at least 1- 1/2m

Factoring from (e,d)-pair
RSA Algorithm
  • Based on the following fact
  • X2 ? 1 (mod p) has exactly two solutions, X ? 1
    and -1 (mod p)
  • X2 ? 1 (mod n), where n pq, has four solutions
  • (trivial solutions) two of these are 1 and -1
    (mod n)
  • (non-trivial solutions) the other two solutions
    they are negatives of each other modulo n
  • Example
  • p 13, q 31 ? n 13 ? 31 403
  • X2 ? 1 (mod 403)
  • X2 ? 1 (mod 13) ? X ? 1 (mod 13)
  • X2 ? 1 (mod 31) ? X ? 1 (mod 31)
  • X ? -1 (mod 13), X ? 1 (mod 31) ? by CRT, X ? 92
    (mod 403)
  • X2 ? 1 (mod 403) but X ? 1 (mod 403)
  • gcd(93, 403) 31, gcd(91, 403) 13

Factoring from (e,d)-pair
RSA Algorithm
  • RSA-FACTOR (n, e, d)
  • Comment we are assuming that ed ? 1 mod ?(n)
  • Write ed 1 2sr, r odd
  • Choose w at random such that 1 ? w ? n-1
  • x ? gcd(w,n)
  • if 1 lt x lt n
  • then return (x) / x is a factor of n /
  • v ? wr mod n
  • if v ? 1 (mod n)
  • then return (failure)
  • while v ? 1 (mod n) do
  • v0 ? v
  • v ? v2 mod n
  • if v0 ? -1 mod n
  • then return (failure)
  • else x ? gcd(v01, n)
  • return (x) / x is a factor of n /

RSA Algorithm
  • For a large n with large prime factors, factoring
    is a hard problem -
  • RSA factoring challenge
  • Sponsored by RSA Labs.
  • To encourage research into computational number
    theory and the practical difficulty factoring
    large integers
  • A cash prize is awarded to the first person to
    factor each challenge number

Progress in Factorization
RSA Factoring Challenge
RSA Algorithm
  • Latest result is RSA 200 (663 bits)
  • Reported May 2005
  • Factored with Lattice Sieve
  • 55 years on a single 2.2GHz Opteron CPU
  • Matrix step 3 months on a cluster of 80 2.2GHz
  • Sieving began in late 2003 and matrix step was
    completed in May 2005

RSA Factoring Challenge
RSA Algorithm
Numbers are designated RSA-XXXX, where XXXX is
the numbers length in bits Challenge Number
Prize (US) Status RSA-576 (174
Digits) 10,000 Factored (Dec 2003) RSA-640
(193 Digits) 20,000 Factored (Nov 2005) RSA-704
(212 Digits) 30,000 Not Factored RSA-768
(232 Digits) 50,000 Not Factored RSA-896 (270
Digits) 75,000 Not Factored RSA-1024 (309
Digits) 100,000 Not Factored RSA-1536 (463
Digits) 150,000 Not Factored RSA-2048 (617
Digits) 200,000 Not Factored RSA-704 Decimal
Digits 212 74 03756 34795 61712 82804 67960
97429 57314 25931 88889 23128 90849 36232
63897 27650 34028 26627 68919 96419 62511
78439 95894 33050 21275 85370 11896 80982 86733
17327 31089 30900 55250 51168 77063 29907
23963 80786 71008 60969 62537 93465 05637
Constraints on p and q
RSA Algorithm
  • Suggested constraints on p and q (by RSA
    inventors and researchers)
  • Length of p and q should differ by only a few
  • Both p-1 and q-1 should contain a large prime
  • gcd(p-1, q-1) should be small
  • d gt n1/4 (Wieners low decryption exponent attack)

Timing Attacks
RSA Algorithm
  • Big integer multiplication take a long time
  • Assume that the target system uses the following
    modular exponentiation algorithm for decryption
  • By observing the time taken for modular
    multiplication, it is possible to infer bits in b
  • If bi is set, d ? (d ? a) mod n will be executed
    (Will be much slower than the case of bi 0)
  • By varying values of a (ciphertext), and
    observing the execution (decryption) times
    carefully, values of bkbk-1b0 (private key) can
    be inferred
  • Modular-Exponentiation(a, b, n) / Compute ab
    mod n /
  • d ? 1 / let bkbk-1b0 be the binary
    representation of b /
  • for i ? k downto 0 do
  • d ? (d ? d) mod n
  • if bi 1
  • then d ? (d ? a) mod n
  • return d

Timing Attack Countermeasures
RSA Algorithm
  • Constant exponentiation time
  • Ensure that all exponentiations take the same
    amount of time
  • Simple fix, but degrade the performance
  • Random delay
  • Add a random delay to the exponentiation
    algorithm to confuse the timing attack
  • Blinding
  • Multiply the ciphertext by a random number before
    performing the exponentiation
  • RSA Data Securitys blinding method
  • Generate a secret random r, 0 lt r lt n-1
  • Compute C Cre mod n, where e is the public
  • Compute M (C)d mod n with the ordinary RSA
  • Compute M M r-1 mod n (Cre)dr-1 mod n Cd
    mod n
  • 2 to 10 performance penalty

Chosen Ciphertext Attack
RSA Algorithm
  • RSA is vulnerable to a chosen ciphertext attack
  • Choose ciphertexts gets decrypted plaintext
  • Exploit properties of RSA to provide information
    to help cryptanalysis
  • A simple example of a CCA against RSA
  • EPU(M1) ? EPU(M2) EPU(M1 ? M2)
  • Can decrypt C Me mod n using a CCA
  • Compute X (C ? 2e) mod n
  • Submit X as a chosen ciphertext and receive back
    Y Xd mod n
  • Y Xd mod n (C ? 2e)d mod n Cd ? 2 (mod n)
    2M (mod n)
  • Y is even, then M Y / 2
  • Y is odd, then M (Y n) / 2
  • To counter such CCAs, the plaintext requires
    random padding such as OAEP(Optimal Asymmetric
    Encryption Padding) prior to encryption

Encryption Using OAEP
RSA Algorithm
Chapter 9 Homework
  • Prob. 9.9, 9.10, 9.14, 9.15, 9.18
  • Due by June 9, 2006
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