Title: Public Key Cryptography
1Public Key Cryptography
2by William M. Faucette
- Department of Mathematics
- State University of West Georgia
3The RSA Cryptosystem
4The RSA Cryptosystem
- The granddaddy of all public key cryptosystems,
the RSA cryptosystem is named for its creators,
Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. - RSA was first described in 1978.
5A Little Number Theory
- In order to describe the RSA crypto- system, we
first need to get a little background in some
elementary number theory.
6Relatively Prime Numbers
7Relatively Prime Numbers
- Two natural numbers n and m are relatively prime
if n and m have no common factor greater than 1.
8Relatively Prime Numbers
- For example, 24 and 25 are relatively prime, as
are 2310 and 2873.
If you dont believe me, factor them!
9The Euler Phi Function
10The Euler Phi Function
- For any natural number n, the Euler phi function
of n, denoted ?(n),is the number of natural
numbers less than or equal to n which are
relatively prime to n.
11The Euler Phi Function
- For example, we have
- ?(1)1 since 1 is relatively prime to 1
- ?(2)1 since 1 is relatively prime to 2
- ?(3)2 since 1, 2 are relatively prime to 3
- ?(10)4 since 1, 3, 7, 9 are relatively prime to
12The Euler Phi Function
- If p is a prime number, then ?(p)p-1, since
every number less than p is relatively prime to p.
13The Euler Phi Function
- Similarly, ?(pk)pk-pk-1 pk-1(p-1).
- This is easy to see since the only prime factor
of pk is p, so the only numbers which have a
common factor with pk are the multiples of p.
14The Euler Phi Function
- Since one out of every p numbers is a multiple of
p, the number of multiples of p less than or
equal to pk is pk-1. - So, ?(pk)pk-pk-1 pk-1(p-1).
15The Euler Phi Function
- Although its not at all obvious, the Euler phi
function is multiplicative. That is, if n and m
are relatively prime, then - ?(nm) ?(n) ?(m)
16The Euler Phi Function
- One proof of this result uses the Chinese
Remainder Theorem to show that there is a
one-to-one correspondence between numbers less
than or equal to the product nm which are
relatively prime to nm and ordered pairs of
numbers which are (1) less than or equal to n and
relatively prime to n and (2) less than or equal
to m and relatively prime to m.
17The Euler Phi Function
- We wont prove this result.
- If youre interested, consult pages 2122 in the
book A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography
by Neal Koblitz
18The Euler Phi Function
- In particular, if n is the product of two prime
numbers p and q, we have
19The Euclidean Algorithm
20The Euclidean Algorithm
- The Euclidean Algorithm allows the efficient
computation of the greatest common divisor of two
natural numbers. - This algorithm is easily implemented on
present-day computers even with extremely large
21The Euclidean Algorithm
- Suppose we wish to compute the greatest common
divisor, denoted gcd, of two natural numbers, a
and b, with blta. - First, you divide a by b, getting a quotient q1
and a remainder r1.
22The Euclidean Algorithm
- Next, you divide b by r1, getting a quotient q2
and a remainder r2.
23The Euclidean Algorithm
- From now on, you divide rn-1 by rn, getting a
quotient qn1 and a remainder rn1.
24The Euclidean Algorithm
- Since 0rn1ltrn, eventually the remainder is 0.
The last nonzero remainder in this process is the
greatest common divisor of a and b.
25The Euclidean Algorithm
- In fact,
- so that this algorithm works exponentially
quickly. -
26Repeated Squaring Method
27Repeated Squaring Method
- The repeated squaring method allows the efficient
computation of the modular exponentiation of a
large number to a large power. - This algorithm is easily implemented on
present-day computers even with extremely large
28Repeated Squaring Method
- Algorithm We wish to compute bn mod m
- First, write n as a natural number in base 2.
- Here, each ni is either 0 or 1.
29Repeated Squaring Method
- Algorithm We wish to compute bn mod m
- Set a1 if n00 and set ab if n01.
- Square b and set b1???b2 mod m.
- If n11, multiply a by b1 and reduce mod m.
- Square b1 and set b2??? b12 mod m.
- If n21, multiply a by b2 and reduce mod m.
30Repeated Squaring Method
- Algorithm We wish to compute bn mod m
- At the jth step, you have computed bj
??b2j mod m. - If nj1, multiply a by bj.
- After the (k?1)-st step, a bn mod m
31Finding Large Prime Numbers
32Finding Large Prime Numbers
- In order to implement the RSA algorithm, we must
have a technique for finding large prime numbers.
33Finding Large Prime Numbers
- Since the security of the RSA algorithm itself is
based on the fact that it is computationally
infeasible to factor large numbers, we must have
some other method of determining whether a large
number is prime.
34Primality Tests
35Primality Tests
- According to Fermats Little Theorem, if p is a
prime number and a is a number relatively prime
to p, then
36Primality Tests
- If n is not prime, it is still possible that the
equation - holds, but not likely, for a relatively prime to
n. - If this equation holds, we say that n is a
pseudoprime base a.
37Primality Tests
- Theorem If, for a given n, Fermats Little
Theorem fails for a single base a, then it fails
for at least half of the possible bases a in
38Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- Take a large odd integer n.
- Choose a random a with 0ltaltn.
- Compute gcd(a,n).
- If gcd(a,n)gt1, then n is composite.
39Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- If gcd(a,n)1, then raise a to the
(n?1)-st power. - If Fermats Little Theorem fails, then n is
composite. - If Fermats Little Theorem holds, then n might be
40Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- Next, choose k different bases a1, a2,
. . . , ak and suppose that n might be prime with
respect to each of these bases. Then by our
theorem, there is 1 chance in 2k that n might
still be composite.
41Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- This gives us a probabilistic method of choosing
large prime numbers, unless
42Primality Tests
- It is possible that, for a given n, Fermats
Little Theorem holds for all bases a. In fact,
such numbers exist. They are called Carmichael
numbers. - In 1992, it was shown by Alford, Granville, and
Pomerance that there are infinitely many
Carmichael numbers.
43Shameless Plug for my Alma Mater
- This result was proven while Alford, Granville,
and Pomerance were on the mathematics faculty of
The University of Georgia.
44Primality Tests
- So, we might want to look at a better primality
45Primality Tests
- Another primality test involves some quantities
called Jacobi symbols, and in order to define
them, we must talk about Legendre symbols.
46Legendre and Jacobi Symbols
- Let p be an odd prime number and let a be a
natural number. We define the Legendre symbol - to be 0 if p divides a, 1 if a is a square mod p,
and ?1 is a is not a square mod p.
47Legendre and Jacobi Symbols
- If n is not prime, we can factor n uniquely as a
product of primes p1?1 . . . pr?r. We
define the Jacobi symbol by
48Legendre and Jacobi Symbols
- Legendre and Jacobi symbols are easily computed
by present-day computers using the Law of
Quadratic Reciprocity. - For further information, consult any text on
elementary number theory.
49Primality Tests
- For a prime number p, it is known that
50Primality Tests
- Theorem If n is composite, the equation
- fails for at least half of the possible bases a
in (Z/nZ).
51Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- Take a large odd integer n.
- Choose a random a with 0ltaltn.
- Compute gcd(a,n).
- If gcd(a,n)gt1, then n is composite.
52Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- If gcd(a,n)1, then raise a to the
(n?1)/2-th power - Compute the Jacobi symbol (a/n).
- If these two numbers are not congruent mod n,
then n is composite. - If these two numbers are congruent mod n, then n
might be prime.
53Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- Next, choose k different bases a1, a2,
. . . , ak and suppose that n might be prime with
respect to each of these bases. Then by our
theorem, there is 1 chance in 2k that n might
still be composite.
54Primality Tests
- Algorithm
- This gives us a probabilistic method of choosing
large prime numbers.
55How Big is Large?
- Suppose we are using an N letter alphabet.
Choose natural numbers k and l with kltl so that
Nk and Nl have approximately 200 decimal digits.
56How Big is Large?
- Each user must choose his prime numbers p and q
so that npq is between Nk and Nl.
57How Big is Large?
- In this way, every k digit number in the N symbol
alphabet can be represented uniquely as a number
in Z/nZ.
58How Big is Large?
- Further, every number in Z/nZ represents a unique
l digit number in the N symbol alphabet.
59How Big is Large?
- In this way, we can use a k-graph technique to
convert groups of k letters in the plaintext into
a unique number in Z/nZ.
60How Big is Large?
- Then, using an l-graph technique, the ciphertext
numerical string can then be converted into a
unique sequence of groups of l letters.
61The RSA Algorithm
62The RSA Algorithm
- Alice and Bob wish to exchange messages through
the RSA Algorithm. - Alice chooses two large prime numbers, pA and qA.
She does this using the probabilistic primality
testing discussed earlier. - She then computes nA pA qA and
?(nA)(pA-1) (qA-1).
63The RSA Algorithm
- Alice next chooses a natural number eA which is
relatively prime to ?(nA). - To do this, take any number of the right size and
use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the gcd of
that number and ?(nA). If the gcd is 1,
stop. If not, increment the number by 1 and
repeat the process.
64The RSA Algorithm
- Since eA is relatively prime to ?(nA), eA has a
multiplicative inverse eA?1 in the quotient ring
Z/?(nA)Z. - Let dA eA?1. Then eA dA ????mod ?(nA).
65The RSA Algorithm
- Alices public enciphering key is then
KE,A(nA,eA). This key is published. - Alices private deciphering key is then
KD,A(nA,dA). This key is kept confidential.
66The RSA Algorithm
- Similarly, Bob chooses two large prime numbers,
pB and qB. He does this using the probabilistic
primality testing discussed earlier. - He then computes nB pB qB and
?(nB)(pB-1) (qB-1).
67The RSA Algorithm
- Bob also chooses a natural number eB which is
relatively prime to ?(nB). - Do this using the same algorithm Alice used.
68The RSA Algorithm
- Since eB is relatively prime to ?(nB), eB has a
multiplicative inverse eB?1 in the quotient ring
Z/?(nB)Z. - Let dB eB?1. Then eB dB ????mod ?(nB).
69The RSA Algorithm
- Bobs public enciphering key is then
KE,B(nB,eB). This key is published. - Bobs private deciphering key is then
KD,B(nB,dB). This key is kept confidential.
70Exchanges Using RSA
71Encoding using RSA
- In order to encode a plaintext message using the
RSA algorithm, Alice first converts the plaintext
into a string of digits, as described earlier.
Call this number P.
72Encoding using RSA
- Next, Alice raises P to the eB power and takes
the remainder mod nB. She then sends the result,
C, to Bob. Since only Bob knows the decoding key
dB, only he can read the message.
73Decoding using RSA
- Once Bob receives the message C, he raises C to
the dB power and reduces mod nB. - Since eBdB ??1 mod nB, this second exponentiation
returns P from C. - The decoding is completed by converting this
string of digits back into characters.
74The RSA Algorithm
- The fact that only Bob knows dB means that only
Bob can read the message. This takes care of
confidentiality. What about the other three
facets of data transfer?
75Authenticity and Non-Repudiation
76Authenticity and Non-Repudiation in RSA
- To guarantee authenticity and non-repudiation,
Alice takes the string of digits P and does one
of the following - If nAltnB, she raises P to dA and reduces mod nA.
She then raises the result to eB and reduces mod
77Authenticity and Non-Repudiation in RSA
- If nBltnA, she raises P to eB and reduces mod nB.
She then raises the result to dA and reduces mod
nA. - This gives the ciphertext C, which she sends to
78Authenticity and Non-Repudiation in RSA
- To perform the decryption, Bob takes the
ciphertext C and does one of the following - If nBltnA, he raises C to eA and reduces mod nA.
He then raises the result to dB and reduces mod
79Authenticity and Non-Repudiation in RSA
- If nAltnB, he raises C to dB and reduces mod nB.
He then raises the result to eA and reduces mod
nA. - This gives the plaintext P. The decoding is
completed by converting this string of digits
back into characters.
80Authenticity and Non-Repudiation in RSA
- The key fact here is that Alice has used her
private key dA in the encryption process. Since
Bob knows Alices public key eA, he can use
Alices public key as well as his own private
deciphering key to get a readable message which
he knows only Alice could have sent.
81Integrity in RSA
82Integrity in RSA
- In order to ensure that a coded message hasnt
been tampered with in transmission, one uses a
hash function.
83Hash Functions
- Roughly speaking, a hash function is an easily
computable map fx-gth from a very long input x to
a much shorter output h that has the property
that f is one-to-one. - That is, two different plaintext messages go to
two different hash values.
84Integrity in RSA
- If part of Alices signature consists of the hash
value hf(x), where x is the entire text of her
message, then Bob can verify not only that the
message was really sent by Alice, but also that
it wasnt tampered with during transmission.
85Next Time . . .
- In the next lecture, we will look at a second
type of public key cryptography based on the use
of the group of points on an elliptic curve.
This is (appropriately enough) known as elliptic
curve cryptography.
86Thanks for Attending