Title: Centrifugal Pump Research in Twente
1Centrifugal Pump Research in Twente
- dr.ir. Niels P. KruytEngineering Fluid
Dynamics, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Twente
Holland Pomp Groep, Hengelo, 24/04/07
2Group Engineering Fluid Dynamics(prof. Harry
- Rotating-flow machines
- centrifugal pumps
- wind turbines
- Aero-acoustics
- Aerodynamics, gas dynamics and flows with
phase-transitions - Thin-film flows
- Fluid-structure interaction and aero-elasticity
- Bio-physical flows
- Why is fluid dynamics important for centrifugal
pump design? - What is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)?
- Centrifugal pump research in Twente
- inverse-design methods
- optimization methods
4Characteristics of centrifugal pumps
5Flow field performance
6Basics of pump design/analysis
- One-dimensional flow model
- Euler pump relation
- Slip factor is empirical
- Hydraulic efficiency is empirical
7Need for knowledge of flow field
- Performance characteristics from first principles
- Insight into flow provides pointers for improved
design - Flow field
- pressure
- velocity
- loss
8What is Computational Fluid Dynamics?
- Determination of flow
- Analytical impossible
- Experiments expensive
- Numerical CFD(computer test-rig)
9Benefits of CFD for pump design
- Improved designs
- More reliable design methods
- Cheaper design process
10Components of CFD
- Model formulation
- geometry
- flow model
- boundary conditions
- Numerical solution
- grid/mesh generation
- discretisation of governing equations
- solution of discretised equations
- Interpretation
11Selection of modelled geometry
- Single channel of impeller
- Full pump impeller volute/diffusor
- steady
- unsteady
- Leakage-flow region
- Piping system / pump intake
- Single stage vs. multi-stage
12Turbulent flow
13Flow models
- Stream-surface methods
- Potential-flow model
- Euler-flow model
- RANS-based models
- Large-eddy simulations (LES)
- Direct Navier-Stokes simulations (DNS)
Increasing complexity
14Sources of errors in CFD-predictions
- Modelling errors
- Geometrical uncertainties
- Limited validity of adopted flow model
- Uncertain boundary conditions
- Numerical errors
- Discretisation error due to finite grid-size
- Lack of convergence in iterative solution process
- Insufficient mesh/grid quality
- User/programmer errors
15Choice of flow model
Around design point
- Importance of fluid dynamics for centrifugal pump
design - Components of CFD
- Research in Twente
- inverse-design methods (with R.W. Westra)
- optimization methods (with R.W. Westra)
17Performance prediction with potential-flow model
van Esch Kruyt (2001)
18Inverse-design method
- Previous method
- Specify geometry compute performance
- Inverse-design method
- Specify performance compute geometry
19Objective inverse-design method
- Specify
- design conditions (Q, H, O)
- meridional plane
- blade loading
- Obtain
- blade angles
20Meridional plane
- Hub and shroud contours specified
- Positions of leading and trailing edge specified
- Number of blades also specified
21Blade loading
- Euler equation (1D)
- Mean-swirl distribution
22Example of inverse-design method
Westra et al. (2005)
23Review inverse-design method
- Obtain desired head
- Obtain correct incidence
- Fairly rapid method
- Very sensitive to prescribed mean-swirl
- Single duty
- No blade thickness
- Constraints to design can not be incorporated
24Optimization methods
- Improve existing pump design
- variations in geometry
- select best geometry
- Also suited to obtaining new design
25Components of optimization methods
- Cost function
- objectives
- multi-point
- Parametrization of the geometry
- Optimization algorithm
- Differential Evolution
26Cost function
- Multi-objective
- head
- cavitation characteristics
- losses
- ΒΌ
- Multi-point
- evaluated at various flowrates, qi
- different weights are employed
27Cost function head (fH)
- A target head is set Hd
- Geometries that do not meet the target head get a
penalty to the cost function
28Cost function NPSHi (fk)
- Cavitation (inception) characteristics
- Cavitation number
29Cost function losses (f?)
- Power loss estimated from inviscid velocities
- Hydraulic power
- Loss coefficient ?
Blade angles
Shroud contour
- 13 parameters
- blade angles (10)
- meridional shroud curve (2)
- number of blades (1)
31Weight factors for cost function
32Example of use optimization method
- Selection of impeller for test facility
- Starting point impeller with 7 blades
- New impeller must be for experimental facility
few blades (4-6)
33Convergence historyDifferential Evolution
Foriginal 1.69
Foptimum 1.35
30.0 bad meshes
34Optimized design
- Original (blue) and optimized (red) blades and
meridional shroud curve
35Optimized impeller
36Optimized design head
37Optimized design losses
38Optimized design NPSHinc
39Review optimization methods
- Improve existing designs and obtain new designs
- Multi-point method
- Constraints can be incorporated easily
- Easily extended
- additional objectives
- additional geometrical parameters
- Long computing time
40Test facility(under construction)
- Validation of developed methods
- Measurement of velocities
- Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
- Pressures
- Fluid dynamics is important to centrifugal pump
design - CFD is a powerful tool
- many pitfalls present
- CFD does not replace a smart designer
- Recent developments in Twente
- inverse-design methods
- optimization methods
42Future work
- Improvement of inverse-design method
- other blade loadings
- incorporate blade thickness
- Improvement of optimization method
- cavitation model
- increase computational speed
- Validation using test facility
- Thank you for your attention!
- Niels KruytEngineering Fluid Dynamics,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE
EnschedeTel 053-489 2528n.p.kruyt_at_utwente.nlww