Title: Kirlian Photography
1Kirlian Photography
- Using the GDV camera
- (Gas Discharge Visualization) as a tool to
monitor the development of consciousness.
- Through out history devices have been invented
that give us a greater understanding of
ourselves. For instance the x-ray, microscope and
CT scanner have all allowed us to gain a deeper
understanding of our reality. Until now, our own
human energy field or aura has remained a
mystery. The GDV camera allows us to now see the
effect of our own thoughts, lifestyle, health,
and environment and their effect on our
3The Technique
- All ten fingers are placed on a small glass
screen, one by one, from thumb to little finger,
right then left hand. An ultra high frequency
current is then discharged. The result is a glow
around all ten fingers. At the end, a Human
Energy field (HEF) is formed around a
computerized picture of the body. To give us an
overall picture.
4What are we looking for?
- The aura is like looking at a flower. It should
be uniform, bright, with minimal gaps around the
body and symmetrical. In a person whos healthy
and harmonious within themselves ( Mind, Body,
Spirit), we would see this. The opposite is
found in an individual who is in a state of
distress( disharmony in mind, body or spirit)
Distress in any one of these three areas will
have an impact on the individual. Two
participants of a recent AuraGDV Seminar were
chosen and a pre and post seminar picture was
taken with very impressive results.
5Before the AuraGDV Seminar
6In Brief
The above two GDV auras are in a state of
disharmony lots of gaps around the body and weak
glow around the head.
7After the AuraGDV Seminar
8Post results
As you can see the whole aura of the two people
have become more complete. Notice around the head
area. This shows an increase in hemispheric
activity of both left and right hemispheres of
the brain. The high glow around the head is the
result of an expansion of consciousness with near
equal activation of both hemispheres, Very
impressive. The whole aura around both
individuals has reached a state of harmony.
9More great before results!
10In Brief
These two individuals Coralea on the left and
Janet on the right show a decrease of activity
around the head, with Janet having a complete
block, noticed with no glow at all. Coraleas
aura around the head is very low and tight around
the head
11After Pictures
12After Pictures in brief
As you can see Coralea on the left has had a huge
increase in brain activity with a heightened
awareness, as the glow around the head has
increased, the aura around her body as also
become more dense and uniform, noticed by the
consistency of colour. Janet on the right now has
a wonderful glow around the head in which before
there was none. Both individuals reported an
increase in their own perceived happiness and
13Before on leftAfter on right
14After results in brief
As you can see, the before picture on left has a
weak glow around the head, a state of disharmony.
As you can see the picture on the right now has
complete glow around the head. This means an
increase hemispheric activity, which means that
the logic side (Left Brain) and creative side
(Right Side) are communicating with each other
more effectively. Which results in a more
balanced/harmonious individual.
- The results you have just seen are from two
individuals Julie on the left and Desley on the
right, before and after the Albury AuraGDV
Seminar. Both have never had any experience in
any areas of self development or have been to a
AuraGDV Seminar previously. So they were like a
blank canvas. Both felt fantastic with a new felt
awareness and perspective. The aura around the
heads of both individuals are a testament to this
feeling, it was real and not imagined! I have
never seen such a change in an individual in such
a short time. You would be happy with this with
twelve months of trial and error meditation let
alone in four days!
16What This Means
- This AuraGDV Seminar will have a very definite
positive effect on the individuals mind, body and
spirit. This means that new possibilities open up
in a person and they gain access to a higher
level of functioning particularly in regard to
the mind. Of interest is that approx 90 of
graduates from previous AuraGDV Seminars all
looked like the After pictures! This shows that
the change is very lasting and positive!
17In Summary
- The GDV camera is a potent tool for self change,
it gives objective evidence. This technology
assists the development of the individual in all
areas of mind body and spirit. This AuraGDV
Seminar is such a tool and allows the mind to
disregard previous self limitations and reach new
levels of understanding about our own Self
18About myself
My name is Mathew Shields. I have been studying
Kirlian photography, consciousness, the many and
varied techniques of meditation, yoga and modern
science in regard to the mind for ten years now.
This has led me to meet interesting and
enlightened individuals. I currently work as a
registered nurse. Running these AuraGDV Seminars
has been life changing. The everyday
synchronicities could run to a script! Previously
I have been a very positive and healthy
individual anyway. I now have a constant feeling
of unseen help and a very tangible guidance that
is with me. The energy levels to me are just an
extra. My website can be found at
For years I have been an avid theorist and
reader. This AuraGDV Seminar has put all of this
information together and given me a type of map
that gives direction and structure and a
destination. Instead of reading and hearing about
wonderful and interesting experiences I now have
them on a very regular basis. For this I am