Solar Thermal Power Generation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Solar Thermal Power Generation


5000 trillion kWh solar radiation incident in a year over India ... operating range of molten nitrate salt, a mixture of 60% sodium nitrate and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Solar Thermal Power Generation

Solar Thermal Power Generation
  • Dr. Ashvini Kumar
  • Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
  • New Delhi 110 003

Solar Resource Availability in India
  • 5000 trillion kWh solar radiation incident in a
    year over India
  • Radiation data collected by India Meteorological
    Department and some other centres
  • Daily solar radiation 4 - 7 kWh per sq. m.
  • Most parts of the country receive solar radiation
    sufficient enough to effectively utilize solar
    energy systems
  • Typically, 2.0 hectare of open space is required
    for one mega watt solar power plant

Solar Radiation
  • Solar radiation is the radiant energy emitted by
    the sun, particularly electromagnetic energy.
  • About half of the radiation is in the visible
    part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Other half is mostly in the near-infrared part,
    with some in the ultraviolet part of the
  • The value of solar constant is 1367 W/m2.

Solar Thermal Power Generation
  • Has potential for decentralized as well as grid
    connected applications
  • Also referred to as CSP (concentrating solar
    power) technologies for power generation
  • Technology Options include
  • Parabolic Troughs
  • Central Receivers or Power towers
  • Paraboloid dish systems
  • Solar chimneys
  • Some experience is available in the country on
    parabolic trough and dish Stirling technology

Parabolic Trough Technology
  • Parabolic troughs focus the sun onto a line.
  • The parabolic troughs are used to track the sun
    and concentrate sunlight on to the thermally
    efficient receiver tubes placed in the trough
    focal line.
  • They are used to harvest the sun to give
    typically a temperature of up to 400 deg C.
  • Hot liquid is passed through a series of heat
    exchangers to generate steam, and to drive a
  • Rankine cycle configuration is used for power

  • Basic modular component is the solar collector
    assembly (SCA)
  • Each SCA is an independently tracking unit
  • Its main components are
  • Parabolic Trough solar Collectors
  • (parabolic reflectors, metal support structure
    and receiver tubes)
  • Tracking system
  • (Drive, sensors and controls)

Parabolic Trough TechnologyCharacteristics
  • Large thermal storage could be built to increase
    number of operating hours in a day
  • Could be hybridized with power generation from
    fossil fuels
  • Other alternatives for heat transfer fluid, such
    as water to produce DIRECT STEAM, and molten
    salts to produce higher temperatures are being
    tried out to increase the potential of the
    technology further.
  • The parabolic trough technology is commercially

  • In 1983, Southern California Edison signed an
    agreement with Luz International Limited to
    purchase power from Solar Electric generating
    Systems (SEGS).
  • This resulted in the installation of nine
    commercial level plants during 1983-91 in the
    California Mojave Desert, with total aggregate
    capacity of 354 MWe.
  • These plants have produced 11,000 GWh and more
    than 1.7 billion revenue over the last 22 years.
    The plants are still working.
  • 1 MW capacity plant based on organic Rankine
    cycle with Pantene as the HTF, heated to 300 oC,
    at Saugaro, Arizona came up in 2006.
  • In July 2007, another plant Nevada Solar One of
    64 MWe capacity has been commissioned in USA.
  • In November 2008, Andasol 1 (50 MW) plant

Power block of the SEGS parabolic trough power
plant at Kramer Junction, US.
Naveda Solar Power Plant
Commercial solar power plant after about 15
years Commissioned in July 2007
Capacity 64 MW Cost 250 M (Rs.1200 crores)
3.9 M/MW kWh 13 cent Schott vacuum
steel and glass receiver Liquid heating
Characteristics of SEGS Plants
Developmental IssuesReceivers
  • Typically, it is 70 mm OD SS tube with cermet
    solar selective coating surrounded by 115 mm OD
    anti-reflective (both sides) evacuated glass tube
  • Glass-to-metal seal to achieve vacuum and metal
    bellows to allow differing thermal expansion are
  • Vacuum 10- 4 torr (0.013 Pa)
  • Getters, the metallic compounds, are installed in
    the vacuum space to absorb hydrogen and other
    gases which may permeate
  • The following main reasons of failure are
  • Glass-to-metal seal failures due to insufficient
  • Hydrogen release related failures
  • Bowing

Developmental Issues Receivers (contd.)
The following selective coatings are already
Target Development of selective surfaces with e
lt 0.10 and temperature stability at gt 600 C.
Developmental IssuesReflectors
  • Presently, 4 mm thick glass mirror panels
    manufactured by Flabeg are used. Float glass
    with low iron content is used to produce
    parabolic shape.
  • Present mirrors are back surface silver coated
    mirrors. Solar weighted specular reflectivity is
    93.5. Each panel is approximately 2 m2 in area.
  • Performance has been good and high reflectivity
    levels could be maintained, bur suffer from

Target Development of reflectors with reduced
weight, cost and fragility, while maintaining
high solar transmittance values.
Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR)
  • Similar to parabolic trough technology
  • Has the advantage of lower production costs
  • Require least amount of land per MW
    capacity among all solar technologies
  • Developed to address the stiffness and wind
    loading challenges faced by the parabolic troughs
  • Parabolic trough is sliced into individually
    tracking strips of mirrors and installed near the

Linear Fresnel Reflector Technology
  • Requires less structural rigidity, and
    incorporates less robust tracker gears and motors
    than parabolic troughs
  • The individually tracking mirror strips, however,
    shade adjacent mirrors during times of low-angle
    light, making it less efficient and generate
    lower temperatures of about 280 to 350 C.
  • 1-axis tracking is used, and one tracker motor
    typically drives an entire set of mirror slices.
    The mirror slices are slightly curved and
    typically use low-iron silvered glass.

Linear Fresnel Reflector Technology
Preheats water for the coal fired power
plant. (2850C 70 bar steam)
Liddel power station, NSW, Australia
Linear Fresnel Reflector Technology
  • M/s AUSRA company has signed a deal with Pacific
    Gas Electric to build a 177 MW plant in San
    Luis Obispo by 2010.
  • Expected cost of electricity generation in US is
    US 0.10/kWh for an installed capital cost of
    US 3250/kW
  • The planned capacity utilization factor is 54
    with a special thermal storage.

Direct Steam Generation
  • Has the potential to reduce the overall cost
  • Does not face the limitations of the thermal oil
  • No realistic storage option exists presently.
  • Initial studies indicate about 10 reduction in
    the solar portion of levelized cost of energy
  • Faces serious challenges for safety and
    maintenance as large solar field is pressurized

Central Receiver Systems
  • These systems also use fields of mirrors to
    reflect the suns radiation to the top of a tower
  • These contains a medium which heats up to very
    high temperatures (600 0C)
  • Medium could be molten salt or saturated steam.
  • The usable operating range of molten nitrate
    salt, a mixture of 60 sodium nitrate and 40
    potassium nitrate, matches with that of Rankine

Solar two Plant at California
  • Molten salt as heat sink allowing it to run for
    24 hrs.
  • Used 108 heliostats of 95 m2 each 1818
    heliostats of 39 m2 each.
  • Overall peak conversion eff 13.5
  • Receiver eff 88, Rankine cycle eff34, thermal
    storage system eff 97

Experimental Central Receiver System at the
European Research Center, Plataforma Solar
deAlmería in Spain
11-MW Power Plant for Southern Spain (PS 10)
  • Annual radiation level
  • 2063 kWh/sqm
  • 90-m-high tower
  • 624 heliostats (121 m² each)
  • Volumetric wire-mesh
  • receiver with tubular panels (680 C)
  • Glass-metal heliostats
  • Saturated steam cavity receiver producing steam
    at 40 bar and 250ºC
  • Saturated water-steam heat storage (15 MWh) for
    50 minutes of plant operation at 50 load.

Decentralized Tower Systems
  • eSolar is developing a tower technology based on
    decentralized towers and small heliostats
  • It allows reduced wind loading and inexpensive
    control system for heliostats reducing cost
  • Can be installed in modular fashion and therefore
    in different sizes

Paraboloid Dish Systems
  • These systems use series of mirrors arranged in a
    concave plate to focus light onto a point
  • Usually, a Stirling external combustion engine is
    placed at the focal point for collecting heat to
    drive pistons by continually expanding and
    condensing hydrogen gas
  • With gas turbine, Brayton cycle may also be used.

SES Solar-Dish Engine
  • 88 facets are used in solar dish
  • 1800 RPM 25 kWe engine
  • Announced capacity is over 1700 MW

Solar-Dish Engine
  • Infinia Corporation, USA has developed 3 kW
    capacity free piston Stirling Engine along with a
    small solar dish
  • System is under testing and commercialization
  • Shortly will be tested in India also.

Solar Thermal Power Projects Existing
MNRE Demonstration Programme
  • Demonstration Programme on Grid Interactive Solar
    Power Generation is being launched
  • A provision is made to provide generation based
    incentive of a maximum of Rs. 12/kWh and Rs. 10
    /kWh for the electricity generated and fed to the
    grid through photovoltaic and solar thermal
    routes, respectively.
  • The capacity of the plant should be greater than
    1 MW.
  • Maximum cumulative capacity of 10 MW can be set
    up in one State.
  • One developer is eligible to set up up to 5 MW
    cumulative capacity.
  • The States, who have declared policy for solar
    power will get priority.
  • Total target capacity of the demonstration
    programme is 50 MW up to a period ending March

Indian Solar Dish
  • A large area solar dish of 160 m2 area has been
    developed and installed for milk pasteurization
    at Latur by IIT Bombay to provide heat at 160 deg
  • Automatic tracking system is used normal window
    glass has been used for reflector.
  • Design of the dish has been upgraded for use in
    power projects. Aperture area is now 169 m2 .

Thank you !
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