Title: The Hittites
1The Hittites the Beginning of the Iron Age
2Hittite Empire
3The Hittites were the first society to make tools
and weapons out of iron. They were responsible
for starting the new age called the Iron Age.
4Hattusas - Capital of the Hittites Lions Gate
5Hittite Chariots Warriors
They also used horses in their wars. The first
horses were small, and the Hittites figured out
how to breed larger ones. Soldiers who fight on
horses were called cavalry.
6- They were able to build a large empire because of
their military strength. Between 1400 BC and
1200 BC, they ruled over most of the Fertile
7The people lived in cities fortified by thick
stone walls. They build palaces and temples.
Outside the cities, farmers grew food for
everyone. Their empire fell apart around 1200 BC.
8A Balance of Power 1200 B. C. E.
9The Assyrian Empire
10Now, the Assyrians and the Chaldeans conquered
the Jews. Assyrians ruled the Fertile Crescent
for 300 years. Their armies were strong with iron
weapons, foot soldiers with giant shields,
archers and a cavalry and horse driven chariots.
They were cruel warriors.
11The Assyrian Empire
12Assyrian cities were the centers of commerce,
which is the buying, selling and transportation
of products. The first major city they built was
called Assur, which was located on the Tigris
13The streets were laid out in blocks, just as our
are in Chicago. Some cities even had aqueducts
which are large stone canals which brought water
from mountain streams.
14Later, the Assyrians built a capital city called
Ninevah. Traders came from all over the world to
Ninevah. This ancient city had parks and a zoo.
15Assyrian Military Power
Assyrian soldiers carrying away the enemys gods.
16Assyrian War Bulletin 1500 600 BC
I destroyed, I demolished, I burned. I took
their warriors prisoner and impaled them on
stakes before their cities. flayed the nobles,
as many as had rebelled, and spread their skins
out on the piles of dead corpses
17many of the captives I burned in a fire. Many I
took alive from some I cut off their hands to
the write, from other I cut off their noses, ears
and fingers I put out the eyes of many of the
18The Chaldeans conquered the Assyrians around 605
BC and the most famous ruler was King
Nebuchadnezzar. He was the king when the kingdom
of Judah was conquered and he destroyed the
beautiful temple Solomon built.
19Jewish Captives 8c BCE
20He also was famous for creating the Hanging
Gardens of Babylon for his favorite wife. This
was one of the seven wonders of the Ancient
21Hanging Gardensof Babylon?
22Babylon under the Chaldeans
23Nebuchadnezzar IIs Babylon
24Ishtar Gate a gate to the inner city of Babylon
25(No Transcript)
26The Phoenicians Transmitters of Civilizations
27The Phoenicians were famous because they spread
their culture and civilization as traders
28Phoenician Sea Routes around the Mediterranean Sea
29A Phoenician Bireme Ship
30Phoenicia was made up of different city-states,
which are cities that govern themselves and the
surrounding countryside. They made their living
as sailors and learned to navigate the seas at
night using the North Star.
31Phoenicians are famous also for founding
Carthage, which was the center of a great trading
32Carthage Phoenicias Mightiest Colony
33Their purple dye was famous. It was a secret
recipe. They used a gland found in snails that
had a substance that turned purple when it was in
the light. This purple was so valued it became
the color of royalty.
34They mainly traded lumber from trees known as the
cedars of Lebanon and dye.
35Snails used for The Royal Purple Dye
36Finally, the greatest contribution the
Phoenicians made to civilization was the alphabet.
37They had invented a system in which each letter
was based on a single sound. By 1500 BC, the
alphabet had 22 letters but no vowels. Later,
the Greeks added vowels. According to your
history book, this is one of the greatest
inventions in world history.
38Phoenician Alphabet
39Phoenician City of ByblosHome of the Alphabet
40The Persian Empire
41The Persian Empire
42The first Persians were nomads who settled in
Iran. The founder of the Persian Empire was
called Cyrus the great.
43Cyrus the Great
- A tolerant ruler ? he allowed different
cultures within his empire to keep their own
institutions. - The Greeks called him a Law-Giver.
- The Jews called him the anointed of the
Lord, because in 537, he allowed over 40,000 to
return to Palestine.
580 529 B. C. E.
44He was called great because he was able to
conquer and rule people without making enemies.
He conquered the Lydians who lived in Turkey and
who also minted the first coins. He also
conquered the Chaldeans and ended the Jewish
captivity in Babylon. The Phoenicians welcomed
him too.
45Cyrus the great was killed in battle in 529 BC.
Cyrus the Great allowed the Hebrew exiles to
resettle and rebuild Jerusalem, earning him an
honored place in Judaism.
46Darius I is known as Persias greatest leader.
He became king around 521 BC.
47 Darius I (the Great) (526 485 B. C. E.)
- Built Persepolis.
- He extended the Persian Empire to the
Indus River in northern India. - Built a canal in Egypt.
- Established a tax-collecting system.
48Persepolis Capital of the Persian Empire
49(No Transcript)
51The People of Persepolis
52The Persian Empire is famous for creating the
first pony express. Daruis had built a long
highway that was 1677 miles long. Along the
highways were 111 stations where fresh horses and
riders waited to continue the journey. The road
was guarded and also provided food and shelter
for travelers.
53Darius the Great
- He divided the empire into districts or
provinces called SATRAPIES. Each province was
governed by a Persian noble who had a lot of
power. - Built the great Royal Road system which greatly
improved communication. - Established a complex postal system.
- Created a network of spies called the Kings
eyes and ears. They were government agents who
checked on the rulers of his satrapies so that
they would not try to conquer him.
54Persian Royal Road
55Persian Archers Soldiers
56Xerxes was the next king of Persia. He was the
son of Darius I, but not as capable as his
father. The last king of Persia Daruis III was
defeated by Alexander the great and that ended
the empire.