Title: Body axes in mammals
1Lecture 4
- Body axes in mammals
- Germ layer specification in Xenopus
2(No Transcript)
3The early embryo forms two populations of cells
16-cell stage
Inner cells make ICM Outer cells make
trophectoderm (TE) Does relative position
determine their fate?
4Early sources of polarizing information--1
Polar bodies (animal pole)
- animal-vegetal axis at right angles to
embryonic-abembryonic axis
Fig 3.13
5Early sources of polarizing information--2
blastomere that inherits sperm entry point will
divide first
blastomere that divides first will give rise to
mark one blastomere with dye (NOT by injection!)
Piotrowska, K. and Zernicka-Goetz, M. (2001).
Role for sperm in spatial patterning of the early
mouse embryo. Nature 409 , 517-521.
6but pattern can be re-specified if positions
Fig 3.12
Conclusion at 8-cell stage cells are not
determined to become ICM or TE
7When do cells become determined to ICM or TE?
16-cell stage
- Ziomek and Johnson 1982
- all-outer or all-inner aggregates develop
normally - By 32-cell stage, no regulation
8determination, again
9more terms
- potency range of fates a cell can generate
- totipotency--all fates
- pluripotency--many fates
- multipotency
- during development
- cells become more determined
- potency becomes restricted to final fate
10Regulation in mouse embryos
- Combine two 8-cell embryos into one 16-cell
embryo - aggregation chimera (with 4 parents)
- Cell division slows so that blastocyst is normal
size - Very rare examples of human chimeras (XX-- XY)
formed by fusion?
Fig 3.24
11Making transgenic mice requires embryonic stem
cell chimeras
- ES cells derived from ICM, retain totipotency in
vitro - Manipulate DNA in culture (gene knockouts,
insertions) - Inject mutated ES cells into host blastocyst
- injection chimera
- ES cells can contribute to germline
Box 3C
12Regulation and body axes
- Early embryonic pattern may use asymmetries of
oocyte, sperm entry fate mapping implies some
consistency - But regulation means cells are not determined to
particular germ layers or body regions (up to
E4.5) - Patterns can self-organize
13When do body axes of embryo develop?
First molecular differences along body axis
First overt sign of body axes
Fig 2.22
14The first molecular markers of antero-posterior
- Distal VE cells express Hex
- Move to one side, future anterior
- Proximal ectoderm cells express Brachyury
- Move towards future posterior
Fig 3.14
15How is symmetry of egg cylinder broken?
- Signals from uterine wall? (but cant be in
mammala that implant after gastrulation) - Gravity?
- Stochastic?
- Mammalian epiblast 600 cells
- Chick blastodisc 60,000 cells
- If twinning is less likely, may not need external
- monozygotic (MZ) versus dizygotic (DZ)
- natural clone
- MZ twins rare in mammals (except armadillo)
- 1 in 400 live human births
- 5x more common after IVF
- most twin fetuses die and are resorbed
- prone to congenital abnormalities
- 10 are mirror-image (left-right asymmetry)
173 kinds of monozygotic twin
dichorionic diamniotic 30
monochorionic diamniotic 70
monochorionic monoamniotic 1
- time of splitting deduced from structure of
extra-embryonic membranes - Chorion diverges earlier, from trophectoderm
- Amnion derived later, from extra-embryonic part
of ICM - illustrates regulation in morula, blastocyst,
epiblast stages
- Oocyte has animal-vegetal axis that correlates
with axis at blastocyst stage - chimeras show that oocyte polarity can be
overridden - First pattern is specification of inner and
outer cells as ICM and TE. - Earliest markers of body axis are asymmetries
within extra-embryonic tissue, of unknown origin - Signals set up the anteroposterior axis of the
19Review axis formation
- What is symmetry-breaking step?
- How does embryo use this to set up body axes?
- Frog sperm ? cortical rotation ? Nieuwkoop
center ? Spemann organizer - Chick blastodisc tilt ? PMZ ? primitive streak
- Nieuwkoop center and PMZ are both dorsal-midline
signaling centers that initiate gastrulation - Mouse asymmetric signals from extra-embryonic
endoderm in anterior and posterior
20Origin and specification of germ layers
- Three early embryonic tissues endoderm,
mesoderm, ectoderm - How are they made different?
- How does their topology arise (gastrulation)
- How are they patterned w.r.t the body axis
21Fate mapping tells us where things come from in
normal development
Mark cell at early stageand look later to see
what it made
22Fate map of frog blastula
- Composite, based on many cell marking experiments
- Normal cell mixing limits resolution
- Fate map does not tell us if cells specified or
determined to these fates--need to do isolation
or transplant experiments
Fig 3.18
23Tissues formed from explants in culture
Fig 3.25
- animal cells make epidermis, but not neurons
- marginal cells make only most dorsal and ventral
fates - Vegetal explants make large yolky cells, sort
of endoderm?
24compare fate and specification
cf Fig 3.28
fate map--describes normal development, based on
cell marking
specification map--describes cell behavior in
isolation (in vitro)
25How are germ layers specified?
- are determinants localized along An-Vg axis?
- VegT -- behaves as localized endodermal
determinant - Determinants for ectoderm not known
- Mesoderm is different
En En En En En En
26Mesoderm induction in vitro
Fig 3.25
- Nieuwkoop (1960s)
- Dale and Slack (1980s, using fluorescent labels)
- Analyze properties of induction in vitro
27Does induction require cell-cell contact?
- Place micropore filter between vegetal and animal
explants - Mesoderm induction occurs normally
28What is the range of the inductive signal?
Animal cap
4 cells 80 mm
Vegetal base
- Block cell movement, division in animal cap
(cytochalasin--inhibits actin) - Long-range diffusion or relay of short-range
- Property of receiving cells
- Animal cap cells competent 4-11 hours after
fertilization - Induction requires at least 2 hours contact
- 5 hours gives full induction of mesoderm
specific genes (e.g. Brachyury)
Scale bar about 500 mm
30Can single cells be induced?
- No need a critical mass of gt100 cells
- The community effect
- May be mediated by embryonic FGF (eFGF)
signaling between induced cells
Fig 3.26
31Timing of mesoderm gene expression set by
internal clock, not time of induction
- Blocking protein synthesis has no effect on
timing of competence or response to induction
Fig 3.27
32Tentative model
- Mesoderm fate requires an inductive signal from
vegetal cells to animal cells - Signal is diffusible, spreads over several cell
diameters - Caveat explant experiments are artificial (in
vitro, not in vivo) - Vegetal cells normally contact marginal zone (MZ)
cells by the time MZ can be dissected its
already specified - Data show inductive signals sufficient, but are
they necessary? - Need to find the signals and inhibit them in vivo.