Chapter 3 Describing Syntax and Semantics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3 Describing Syntax and Semantics


Recognizer Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) Context-free grammars. Recognizer Push-down automaton. Context-sensitive grammars ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 3 Describing Syntax and Semantics

Chapter 3 Describing Syntax and Semantics
  • CS 350 Programming Language Design
  • Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne

Chapter 3 Topics
  • Introduction
  • The General Problem of Describing Syntax
  • Formal Methods of Describing Syntax
  • Attribute Grammars
  • Describing the Meanings of Programs Dynamic

  • Who must use language definitions?
  • Language designers
  • Implementors
  • Programmers (the users of the language)
  • Syntax
  • The form or structure of the expressions,
    statements, and program units
  • Defines what is grammatically correct
  • Semantics
  • The meaning of the expressions, statements, and
    program units
  • Describing syntax is easier than describing

Some definitions
  • A sentence is a string of characters over some
  • A language is a set of valid sentences
  • The syntax rules of the language specify which
    strings of characters are valid sentences
  • A lexeme is the lowest level syntactic unit of a
  • For example sum, , 1234
  • A token is a category of lexemes
  • For example identifier, plus_op, int_literal
  • Each token may be described by separate syntax
  • Thus we may think of sentences as strings of
    lexemes rather than as strings of characters

Describing syntax
  • Syntax may be formally described using
    recognition or generation
  • Recognition involves a recognition device R
  • Given an input string, R either accepts the
    string as valid or rejects it
  • R is only used in trial-and-error mode
  • A recognizer is not effective in enumerating all
    sentences in a language
  • Languages are usually infinite
  • The syntax analyzer part of a compiler (parser)
    is a recognizer

Describing syntax
  • Generation
  • A language generator generates the sentences of a
  • A grammar is a language generator
  • One can determine if a string is a sentence by
    comparing it with the structure given by a

Formal methods for describing syntax
  • Noam Chomsky and John Backus independently
    developed similar formalisms in the 1950s
  • In the mid-1950s, Chomsky identified four classes
    of grammars for studying linguistics
  • Regular grammars
  • Recognizer Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)
  • Context-free grammars
  • Recognizer Push-down automaton
  • Context-sensitive grammars
  • Recognizer Linear-bounded automaton
  • Phrase structure grammars
  • Recognizer Turing machine
  • The first is useful for describing tokens
  • Most programming languages can be described by
    the second

Formal methods for describing syntax
  • Context-Free Grammar (CFG)
  • A language generator
  • Not powerful enough to describe syntax of natural
  • Defines a class of programming languages called
    context-free languages
  • Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
  • Presented in 1959 by John Backus to describe
    Algol 58
  • Notation was slightly improved by Peter Naur
  • BNF is equivalent to Chomskys context-free

Formal methods for describing syntax
  • A meta-language is a language used to describe
    another language
  • BNF is a meta-language for programming languages
  • In BNF . . .
  • A terminal symbol is used to represent a lexeme
    or a token
  • A nonterminal symbol is used to represent a
    syntactic class
  • A production rule defines one nonterminal symbol
    in terms of terminal symbols and other
    nonterminal symbols

Production rule example
  • The following production rule defines the
    syntactic class of a while statement
  • ltwhile_stmtgt ? while ( ltlogic_exprgt )
  • The syntactic class being defined is on the
    left-hand side of the arrow (LHS)
  • The text on the right-hand side (RHS) gives the
    definition of the LHS
  • The RHS above consists of 3 terminals (tokens)
    and 2 nonterminals (syntactic classes)
  • Terminals while, (, and )
  • Nonterminals ltlogic_exprgt and ltstmtgt

Formal methods for describing syntax
  • Nonterminal symbols may have multiple distinct
    definitions, as in . . .
  • ltif_stmtgt ? if ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt
  • ltif_stmtgt ? if ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt else
  • Alternative form
  • ltif_stmtgt ? if ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt
  • ? if ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt else ltstmtgt
  • More compactly, . . .
  • ltif_stmtgt ? if ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt if
    ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt else ltstmtgt
  • The vertical bar is read or

Formal methods for describing syntax
  • The nonterminal symbol being defined on the LHS
    may appear on the RHS
  • Such a production rule is recursive
  • Example
  • Lists can be described using recursion

ltidentifier_listgt ? identifier ?
identifier , ltidentifier_listgt
Formal methods for describing syntax
  • A grammar G ( T, N, P, S ), where
  • T is a finite set of terminal symbols
  • N is a finite set of nonterminal symbols
  • P is a finite nonempty set of production rules
  • S is a start symbol representing a complete
  • The start symbol is typically named ltprogramgt
  • Generation of a sentence is called a derivation
  • Beginning with the start symbol, a derivation
    applies production rules repeatedly until a
    complete sentence is generated (all terminal

Formal methods for describing syntax
  • An example grammar
  • Any nonterminal appearing on the RHS of a
    production rule needs to be defined with a
    production rule (and thus appear on the LHS)
  • In the grammar, integer is a token representing
    any integer lexeme

ltprogramgt ? ltstmtsgt ltstmtsgt ? ltstmtgt
ltstmtgt ltstmtsgt ltstmtgt ? ltvargt
ltexprgt ltvargt ? a b c d
ltexprgt ? lttermgt lttermgt lttermgt -
lttermgt lttermgt ? ltvargt integer
Formal methods for describing syntax
  • An example derivation
  • The symbol gt is read derives

ltprogramgt gt ltstmtsgt gt ltstmtgt
gt ltvargt ltexprgt gt a
ltexprgt gt a lttermgt
lttermgt gt a ltvargt
lttermgt gt a b lttermgt
gt a b integer
  • Every string of symbols in the derivation is
    called a sentential form
  • Including ltprogramgt
  • A sentence is a sentential form that has only
    terminal symbols
  • A leftmost derivation is one in which the
    leftmost nonterminal in each sentential form is
    the one that is expanded next
  • A derivation may be leftmost or rightmost or
  • Derivation order has no effect on the language
    generated by a grammar

Parse Tree
  • A parse tree is a hierarchical representation of
    a derivation
  • Each internal node is labeled with a nonterminal
    symbol and each leaf is labeled with a terminal
  • A grammar is ambiguous if and only if it
    generates a sentential form that has two or more
    distinct parse trees



Ambiguous grammar example
ltexprgt ? ltexprgt ltopgt ltexprgt int ltopgt ?


  • The compiler decides what code to generate based
    on the structure of the parse tree
  • The parse tree indicates precedence the operators
  • Does it mean ( int int ) int or int (
    int int )
  • Ambiguity cannot be tolerated
  • In the case of operator precedence, ambiguity can
    be avoided by having separate nonterminals for
    operators of different precedence

A non-ambiguous grammar
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt lttermgt lttermgt
  • lttermgt ? lttermgt int int

Derivation ltexprgt gt ltexprgt lttermgt
gt lttermgt lttermgt gt int lttermgt
gt int lttermgt int gt int int


Associativity of operators
  • Operator associativity can also be indicated by a
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt ltexprgt int
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt int int (unambiguous)
  • Example a parse tree using the unambiguous
  • The unambiguous grammar is
  • left recursive and produces
  • a parse tree in which the order
  • of addition is left associative
  • Addition is performed in a
  • left-to-right manner



Dangling-else problem
  • Consider the grammar
  • ltstmtgt ? ltif_stmtgt
  • ltif_stmtgt ? if ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt
  • ? if ltlogic_exprgt then ltstmtgt else ltstmtgt
  • This grammar is ambiguous since
  • if ltlogic_exprgt then if ltlogic_exprgt then
    ltstmtgt else ltstmtgt
  • has distinct parse trees represented by
  • and

if ltlogic_exprgt then if ltlogic_exprgt then
ltstmtgt else ltstmtgt
if ltlogic_exprgt then if ltlogic_exprgt then
ltstmtgt else ltstmtgt
Dangling-else problem
  • Most languages match each else with the nearest
    preceding elseless if
  • The ambiguity can be eliminated by developing a
    grammar that distinguishes elseless ifs from ifs
    with else clauses
  • See text, page 131

Extended BNF (denoted EBNF)
  • Three abbreviations are added for convenience
  • Optional parts on the RHS of a production rule
    can be placed in brackets
  • ltoptionalgt
  • Braces on the RHS indicate that the enclosed part
    may be repeated 0 or more times
  • ltrepeatedgt
  • When a single element must be chosen from a
    group, the options are placed in parentheses and
    separated by vertical bars
  • ( a b c )

Extended BNF examples
  • Brackets
  • ltproc_callgt ? ident ( ltexpr_listgt )
  • Generates myProcedure and myProcedure( a, b, c
  • Braces
  • ltidentifier_listgt ? ident , ident
  • Generates Larry, Curly, Moe
  • Choice among options
  • lttermgt ? int ( - ) int
  • Generates 5 7 and 5 - 7

BNF and EBNF example
  • BNF
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt lttermgt
  • ? ltexprgt - lttermgt
  • ? lttermgt
  • lttermgt ? lttermgt ltfactorgt
  • ? lttermgt / ltfactorgt
  • ? ltfactorgt
  • EBNF
  • ltexprgt ? lttermgt ( - ) lttermgt
  • lttermgt ? ltfactorgt ( / ) ltfactorgt

Extended BNF
  • EBNF uses metasymbols , , , (, ), , and
  • When metasymbols are also terminal symbols in the
    language being defined, instances that are
    terminal symbols must be quoted
  • ltproc_callgt ? ident ( ltexpr_listgt )
  • When regular BNF indicates that an operator is
    left associative, the corresponding EBNF does not
  • BNF ltsumgt ? ltsumgt int
  • EBNF ltsumgt ? int int
  • This must be overcome during syntax analysis

Extended BNF
  • Sometimes a superscript is used as an
    additional metasymbol to indicate one or more
  • Example The production rules
  • ltcompound_stmtgt ? begin ltstmtgt ltstmtgt end
  • and
  • ltcompound_stmtgt ? begin ltstmtgt end
  • are equivalent

BNF homework assignment
  • Announced in class

Attribute grammars
  • Context-free grammars (CFGs) cannot describe all
    of the syntax of programming languages
  • Typical example a variable must be declared
    before it can be referenced
  • Something like this is called a
    context-sensitive constraint
  • Text refers to it as static semantics

Attribute grammars
  • Static semantics refers to the legal form of a
  • This is actually syntax rather than semantics
  • The term semantics is used because the syntax
    check is done during syntax analysis rather than
    during parsing
  • The term static is used because the analysis
    required to check the constraint can be done at
    compile time

Attribute grammars (AGs)
  • An attribute grammar is an extension to a CFG
  • Concept developed by Donald Knuth in 1968
  • The additional AG features describe static
  • These features carry some semantic info along
    through parse trees
  • Additional features
  • Attributes
  • Can be assigned values like variables
  • Attribute computation functions
  • Specify how attribute values are calculated
  • Predicate functions
  • Do the checking

Attribute grammars defined
  • Definition An attribute grammar is a
    context-free grammar G (T, N, P, S) with the
    following additions
  • For each grammar symbol X there is a set A(X) of
  • Some of these are synthesized
  • These pass information up the parse tree
  • The remaining attributes are inherited
  • These pass information down the parse tree
  • Each production rule has a set of attribute
    computation functions that define certain
    attributes for the nonterminals in the rule
  • Each production rule has a (possibly empty) set
    of predicate functions to check for attribute

Attribute grammars defined
  • Let X0 ? X1 ... Xn be a rule
  • Synthesized attributes are computed with
    functions of the form
  • S(X0) f(A(X1), ... , A(Xn))
  • S(X0) depends only X0s child nodes
  • Inherited attributes for symbols Xj on the RHS
    are computed with function of the form
  • I(Xj) f(A(X0), ... , A(Xn))
  • I(Xj) depends on Xj s parent as well as its

Attribute grammars defined
  • Initially, there are synthesized intrinsic
    attributes on the leaves
  • When all attributes of a parse tree have been
    computed, the parse tree is fully attributed
  • Predicate functions for X0 ? X1 ... Xn are
    Boolean functions defined over the attribute set
  • A(X0), ... , A(Xn)
  • For a program to be correct, every predicate
    function for every production rule must be true
  • Any false predicate function value indicates a
    violation of the static semantics of the language

Attribute grammars
  • Example expressions of the form id id
  • id's can be either int_type or real_type
  • types of the two id's must be the same
  • type of the expression must match it's expected
  • BNF
  • ltassigngt ? ltvargt ltexprgt
  • ltexprgt ? ltvargt ltvargt
  • ltvargt ? id
  • Attributes
  • actual_type
  • Synthesized for ltvargt and ltexprgt
  • Intrinsic for id
  • expected_type
  • Inherited for ltexprgt from ltvargt in ltassigngt ?
    ltvargt ltexprgt

The attribute grammar
  • Syntax rule ltexprgt ? ltvargt1 ltvargt2
  • Attribute computation functon
  • ltexprgt.actual_type ? ltvargt1.actual_type
  • Predicates
  • ltvargt1.actual_type ltvargt2.actual_type
  • ltexprgt.expected_type ltexprgt.actual_type
  • Syntax rule ltvargt ? id
  • Attribute computation functon
  • ltvargt.actual_type ? lookup (id.type)

Attribute grammars
  • In what order are attribute values computed?
  • If all attributes were inherited, the tree could
    be decorated in top-down order
  • If all attributes were synthesized, the tree
    could be decorated in bottom-up order
  • In many cases, both kinds of attributes are used,
    and it is some combination of top-down and
    bottom-up that must be used
  • Complex problem in general
  • May require construction of a dependency graph
    showing all attribute dependencies

Computation of attributes
  • For the generated expression sum increment
  • ltexprgt.expected_type ? inherited from parent
  • ltvargt1.actual_type ? lookup (sum.type)
  • ltvargt2.actual_type ? lookup (increment.type)
  • ltvargt1.actual_type ? ltvargt2.actual_type
  • ltexprgt.actual_type ? ltvargt1.actual_type
  • ltexprgt.actual_type ? ltexprgt.expected_type

  • The meaning of expressions, statements, and
    program units is known as dynamic semantics
  • We consider three methods of describing dynamic
  • Operational semantics
  • Axiomatic semantics
  • Denotational semantics

Operational semantics
  • Operational semantics describes the meaning of a
    language statement by executing the statement on
    a machine, either real or simulated
  • The meaning of the statement is defined by the
    observed change in the state of the machine
  • i.e., the change in memory, registers, etc.

Operational semantics
  • The best approach is to use an idealized,
    low-level virtual computer, implemented as a
    software simulation
  • Then, build a translator to translate source code
    to the machine code of the idealized computer
  • The state changes in the virtual machine brought
    about by executing the code that results from
    translating a given statement defines the meaning
    of the statement
  • In effect, this describes the meaning of a
    high-level language statement in terms of the
    statements of a simpler, low-level language

Operational semantics example
  • The C statement for ( expr1 expr2 expr3 )
  • is equivalent to
  • The human reader can informally be considered to
    be the virtual computer
  • Evaluation of operational semantics
  • Good if used informally (language manuals, etc.)
  • Based on lower-level languages, not mathematics
    and logic

expr1 loop if expr2 0 goto out
exp3 goto
loop out
Operational semantics homework
  • Assigned in class

Axiomatic semantics
  • Based on formal logic (predicate calculus)
  • Original purpose formal program verification
  • Each statement in a program is both preceded by
    and followed by an assertion about program
  • Assertions are also known as predicates
  • Assertions will be written with braces to
    distinguish them from program statements

Axiomatic semantics
  • A precondition is an assertion immediately before
    a statement that describes the relationships and
    constraints among variables that are true at that
    point in execution
  • A postcondition is an assertion immediately
    following a statement that describes the
    situation at that point
  • Our point of view is to compute the preconditions
    for a given statement from the corresponding
  • It is also possible to set things up in the
    opposite direction
  • A weakest precondition is the least restrictive
    precondition that will guarantee the validity of
    the associated postcondition

Axiomatic semantics
  • Notation P S Q
  • P is the preconditon
  • S is a statement
  • Q is the postcondition
  • Example
  • Find the weakest precondition P for P a b
    1 a gt 1
  • One possible precondition b gt 10
  • Weakest precondition b gt 0

Axiomatic semantics
  • If the weakest precondition can be computed for
    each statement in a program, then a correctness
    proof can be constructed for the program
  • Start by using the desired result as the
    postcondition of the last statement and work
  • The resulting precondition of the first statement
    defines the conditions under which the program
    will compute the desired result
  • If this precondition is the same as the program
    specification, the program is correct

Axiomatic semantics
  • Weakest preconditions can be computed using an
    axiom or using an inference rule
  • An axiom is a logical statement assumed to be
  • An inference rule is a method of inferring the
    truth of one assertion on the basis of the values
    of other assertions
  • Each statement type in the language must have an
    axiom or an inference rule
  • We consider assignments, sequences, selection,
    and loops

Assignment statements
  • Let xE be a generic assignment statement
  • An axiom giving the precondition is sufficient in
    this case
  • Q x ? E x E Q
  • Here the weakest precondition P is given by Q x ?
  • In other words, P is the same as Q with all
    instances of x replaced by expression E
  • For example, consider a a b 3 a gt 10
  • Replace all instance of a in a gt10 by ab-3
  • This gives ab-3gt10, or bgt13-a
  • So, Q x ? E is bgt13-a

Inference rules
  • The general form of an inference rule is
  • This states that if S1, S2, S3, , and Sn are
    true, then the truth of S can be inferred

S1, S2, S3, , Sn S
The Rule of Consequence
  • Here, gt means implies
  • This says that a postcondition can always be
    weakened and a precondition can always be
  • Thus in the earlier example
  • the postcondition agt10 can be weakened to
  • the precondition bgt13-a can be strengthened
  • bgt15-a

Sequence statements
  • Since a precondition for a sequence depends on
    the statements in the sequence, the weakest
    precondition cannot be described by an axiom
  • An inference rule is needed for sequences
  • Consider the sequence S1S2 of two statements
    with preconditions and postconditions as follows
  • P1 S1 P2
  • P2 S2 P3
  • The inference rule is

Sequence statements example
  • Consider the following sequence and postcondition
  • y 3x 1 x y 3 x lt 10
  • The weakest precondition for x y 3 is
    y lt 7
  • Since this is the postcondition for y 3x 1,
    the weakest precondition for the sequence is
    x lt 2

Selection statements
  • Consider only if-then-else statements
  • The inference rule is
  • Example if ( x gt 0 ) then y y - 5 else y y
    3 y gt 0
  • The precondition for S2 is x lt 0 and y gt -3
  • The precondition for S1 is x gt 0 and y gt 5
  • What is P ?
  • Note that y gt 5 gt y gt -3
  • By the rule of consequence, P is y gt 5

B and P S1 Q , (not B) and P S2 Q
P if B then S1 else S2 Q
  • We consider a logical pretest (while) loop
  • P while B do S end Q
  • Computing the weakest precondition is more
    difficult than for a sequence because the number
    of iterations is not predetermined
  • An assertion called a loop invariant must be
  • A loop invariant corresponds to finding the
    inductive hypothesis when proving a mathematical
    theorem using induction

  • The inference rule is
  • where I is the loop invariant
  • The loop invariant must satisfy each of the
  • P gt I (the loop invariant must be
    true initially)
  • I and B S I (I is not changed by
    the body of the loop)
  • (I and (not B)) gt Q (if I is true and B is
    false, Q is implied)
  • The loop terminates (this can be difficult to

I and B S I I while B do S end I
and (not B)
  • Consider the loop P while y ltgt x do y y
    1 end y x
  • An appropriate loop invariant is I y lt x
  • Let P yltx be the precondition for the while
  • Then
  • P gt I is true
  • y lt x and y ltgt x y y 1 y lt x
  • implies y lt x y y 1 y lt x ,
  • which implies I and B S I
  • (I and (not B)) gt Q is true because
  • y lt x and not (y ltgt x) implies y x ,
    which is just Q
  • The loop terminates since P guarantees that
    initially y lt x

  • The loop invariant I is a weakened version of the
    loop postcondition, and it is also a
  • I must be weak enough to be satisfied prior to
    the beginning of the loop
  • When combined with the loop exit condition, I
    must be strong enough to force the truth of the

Axiomatic semantics
  • Evaluation of axiomatic semantics
  • Developing axioms or inference rules for all of
    the statements in a language can be difficult
  • Axiomatic semantics is . . .
  • a good tool for correctness proofs
  • an excellent framework for reasoning about
  • Axiomatic semantics is not as useful for language
    users and compiler writers

Axiomatic semantics homework
  • Assigned in class

Denotational semantics
  • Denotational semantics
  • Is the most rigorous, widely known method for
    describing the meaning of programs
  • Based on recursive function theory
  • Fundamental concept
  • Define a mathematical object for each language
  • The mathematical objects can be rigorously
    defined and manipulated
  • Define functions that map instances of the
    language entities onto instances of the
    corresponding mathematical objects

Denotational semantics
  • As is the case with operational semantics, the
    meaning of a language construct is defined in
    terms of the state changes
  • In denotational semantics, state is defined in
    terms of the various mathematical objects
  • State is defined only in terms of the values of
    the program's variables
  • The value of a variable is an instance of an
    appropriate mathematical object

Denotational semantics
  • The state s of a program consists of the values
    of all its current variables
  • s lti1, v1gt, lti2, v2gt, , ltin, vngt
  • Here, ik is a variable and vk is the associated
  • Each vk is a mathematical object
  • Most semantics mapping functions for program
    constructs map states to states
  • The state change defines the meaning of the
    program construct
  • Expression statements (among others) map states
    to values

Denotational semantics
  • Let VARMAP be a function that, when given a
    variable name and a state, returns the current
    value of the variable
  • VARMAP(ik, s) vk
  • Any variable can have the special value undef
  • i.e., currently undefined

Denotational semantics example
  • The syntax of decimal numbers is described by the
    EBNF grammar
  • ltdec_numgt ? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • ? ltdec_numgt (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • The denotational semantics of decimal numbers
    involves a semantic function that maps decimal
    numbers as strings of symbols into numeric values
    (mathematical objects)

Semantic function for decimal numbers
  • Mdec('0') 0, Mdec ('1') 1, , Mdec ('9') 9
  • Mdec (ltdec_numgt '0') 10 Mdec (ltdec_numgt)
  • Mdec (ltdec_numgt '1) 10 Mdec (ltdec_numgt) 1
  • Mdec (ltdec_numgt '9') 10 Mdec (ltdec_numgt) 9

Denotational semantics of expressions
  • Assume expressions consist of decimal integer
    literals, variables, or binary expressions having
    one arithmetic operator and two operands, each of
    which can only be a variable or integer literal
  • The value of an expression is an integer
  • The value of an expression is error if it
    involves an undef value
  • Thus, expressions map onto Z ? error

ltexprgt ? ltdec_numgt ltvargt ltbinary_exprgt ltbinary
_exprgt ? ltleft_exprgt ltoperatorgt
ltright_exprgt ltleft_exprgt ? ltdec_numgt
ltvargt ltright_exprgt ? ltdec_numgt ltvargt ltoperatorgt
Semantic function for expressions
Me(ltexprgt, s) ? case ltexprgt of
ltdec_numgt gt Mdec(ltdec_numgt) ltvargt gt
if VARMAP(ltvargt, s) undef
then error else VARMAP(ltvargt, s)
ltbinary_exprgt gt if
(Me(ltbinary_exprgt.ltleft_exprgt, s) undef
or Me(ltbinary_exprgt.ltright_exprgt, s)
undef) then error else if
(ltbinary_exprgt.ltoperatorgt then
Me(ltbinary_exprgt.ltleft_exprgt, s)
Me(ltbinary_exprgt.ltright_exprgt, s) else
Me(ltbinary_exprgt.ltleft_exprgt, s)
Me(ltbinary_exprgt.ltright_exprgt, s) end case
  • An expression is mapped to a value

Denotational semantics of assignments
  • Assignment statements map states to states

Ma(x E, s) ? if Me(E, s) error then
error else s
lti1,v1gt,lti2,v2gt,...,ltin,vngt, where,
for j 1, 2, ..., n, vj
VARMAP(ij, s) when ij ltgt x and vj
Me( E, s) when ij x
Denotational semantics of logical pretest loops
  • Logical pretest
  • loops map states
  • to states
  • Assume Msl maps
  • a statement list to
  • a state
  • Assume Mb maps
  • a Boolean expression
  • to a Boolean value
  • or to error

Ml( while B do L end, s ) ? if Mb(B, s)
undef then error else if Mb(B, s)
false then s else if Msl(L, s)
error then error else
Ml(while B do L end, Msl(L, s) )
Denotational semantics of loops
  • The meaning of the loop is the value of the
    program variables after the statements in the
    loop have been executed the prescribed number of
    times (assuming there have been no errors)
  • In essence, the loop has been converted from
    iteration to recursion, where the recursive
    control is mathematically defined by other
    recursive state mapping functions
  • Recursion, when compared to iteration, is easier
    to describe with mathematical rigor

Denotational semantics
  • Evaluation of denotational semantics
  • Can be used to determine meaning of complete
    programs in a given language
  • Provides a rigorous way to think about programs
  • Can be an aid to language design
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