Life in extreme environments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life in extreme environments


Physical extremes (T, p, radiation, gravity, vacuum) and geochemical extremes ... an extreme environment (remember August BC fires, recent Vancouver draught) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Life in extreme environments

Life in extreme environments
  • MBB323 Guest Lecture
  • September 24, 2003
  • Dr. I.V. Kovalyova
  • SBB 8146

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Living on the edge?
  • Physical extremes (T, p, radiation, gravity,
    vacuum) and geochemical extremes (desiccation,
    salinity, pH, oxygen species, redox potential,
    concentration of heavy metals, etc)
  • Also, biological extremes (nutritional extremes,
    population density, infection, etc.)
  • Taxonomic range spans all three domains of life
    (Archaea, Bacteria, and eukaryotes)

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Examples of extreme ecosystems
  • Hotsprings and geysers (hot water and steam, low
    pH, noxious elements such as mercury, arsenic)
    martian lakes?
  • Deep sea high p, cold T, except in the vicinity
    of hydrothermal vents (400?C, high p, pH3-8,
    unusual chemistry) prebiotic chemistry
    compatible to that thought relevant to the origin
    of life
  • The closest organism to the common ancestor on
    the tree of life is a thermophile
  • Hypersaline environments salt flats, evaporation
    ponds, natural lakes (Great Salt Lake) and
    dead-sea hypersaline basins dominated by
    halophilic archaea, including square bacteria D.
  • Evaporite deposits bacteria get trapped in fluid
    inclusions of growing NaCl and other crystals and
    can survive for millions of years
  • Deserts extremely dry, cold, or hot (dry valleys
    of Antarctica, Atacama Desert)
  • Ice, permafrost and snow
  • Atmosphere (panspermia?)
  • Space
  • Other planets

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Extreme Life Briefing
  • Hottest 235 F (113?C) Pyrolobus fumarii (Volcano
    Island, Italy)
  • Coldest 5 F (-15?C) Cryptoendoliths (Antarctica)
  • Highest Radiation (5 MRad, or 5000x what kills
    humans) Deinococcus radiodurans
  • Deepest 3.2 km underground
  • Acid pH 0.0 (most life is at least factor of
    100,000 less acidic) pH 5-8
  • Basic pH 11.0 (most life is at least factor of
    1000 less basic) pH 5-8
  • Longest in space 6 years Bacillus subtilis (NASA
  • High Pressure (1200 times atmospheric)
  • Saltiest 30 salt, or 9 times human blood
    saltiness. Haloarcula

  • Our anthropocentric definition of extreme
  • To maintain chemistry in an aqueous environment
    (life as we know it), cells need certain
    temperatures (thermodynamic principles), pH and
    solutes, control over biomolecules and electric
    currents regulation, ability to repair damage,
    etc. etc.
  • Think of desiccation, radiation, increased
    pressure, reactive oxygen species for example
    these and other extreme conditions are able to
    effectively damage and destroy biomolecules

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Tolerance vs loving
  • Are organisms in such environments subsisting and
    merely getting by or are they really thriving?
  • Is an organism an extremophile under all
    conditions or does it have the ability to adapt?
    What about stages of growth? (think of
    sporulation which is when organisms are far more
    resistant to environmental extremes)

Life as we know (?) it
  • Liquid water is required for life on Earth
  • An input of energy is required for life on Earth
  • Control of the energy flow is required for life
    on Earth
  • Life is based on organic chemistry, therefore
    such chemistry must be allowed to operate (redox
    chemistry is universal)

  • Low T - ice crystals induce structural
    devastation unless you have anti-freeze proteins
  • High T denaturation of biomolecules (proteins
    and nucleic acids), increase the fluidity of
  • T influences solubility of gases in water and is
    therefore important for aquatic organisms
    requiring O2 or CO2
  • Range from lt15?C to gt80?C
  • Most hyperthermophilic organisms are archaea
    Pyrolobus fumarii growing at the highest known
    temperatures of up to 113?C
  • Hyperthermophilic enzymes actually have an even
    higher temperature optimum, i.e. 142?C for
  • Upper limit for eukaryotes is 60?C (protozoa,
    algae, fungi), 50?C (mosses), 48?C (vascular
    plants), fish (40?C) (low solubility of O2 at
    high temperature!!!)
  • Can preserve microbes and cell lines at -196?C,
    but the lowest temperature for active microbial
    metabolism is -18?C

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  • we exist under 1 atmosphere101kPa1.013bar and
  • our aquatic ancestors evolved under hydrostatic
  • Hydrostatic pressure increases at a rate of 10.5
    kPa per metre depth, compared with 22.6 kPa per
    metre for lithostatic pressure
  • Pressure decreases with altitude at 10km above
    sea level, atmospheric pressure is almost ¼ of
    that at sea level
  • The boiling point of water increases with
    pressure, so water at the bottom of the ocean
    remain liquid at 400?C
  • So, increased pressure can increase the optimal
    temperature for microbial growth!

Pressure (continued)
  • Pressure also changes volume changes
  • Pressure compresses packing of lipids resulting
    in decreased membrane fluidity
  • If a chemical reaction increases in volume, it
    will be inhibited by an increase in pressure
  • Sudden pressure can be lethal diving!
  • So, amazingly, the worlds deepest sea floor at
    almost 11 km (the Mariana trench) harbors
    organisms that can grow at standard temperature
    and pressure as well as obligatory piezophilic
    species (can grow at 70-80 MPa, but not below 50
  • Change in g include changes in biomass
    production, an increase in conjugation and
    changes in membrane permeability (launch
    vehicles, International Space Station, the Moon,

How do organisms respond to pressure?
  • Pressure-sensing has been analyzed among
    barophile branch bacteria by searching for genes
    activated by high pressure
  • A pressure-regulated operon contained genes
    homologous to those encoding Omps (outer membrane
    proteins), ToxR and ToxS environmental sensor
    proteins (pH, temperature, osmolarity) in other
    organisms as well as proteins of unknown function
  • Evidence indicates that pressure-sensing depends
    on the physical state of the cytoplasmic membrane

  • Particles (neutrons, electrons, proteins, ?
    particles and heavy ions) or electromagnetic
    waves (? rays, UV, Vis, IR, microwave, radiowave)
  • Importance in medicine high UV and ionizing
  • High levels range from decreased motility to
    inhibition of metabolism, damage to nucleic
    acids, damage through the production of reactive
    oxygen species
  • Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand ionizing
    radiation up to 20 kGy of ? rays and UV up to
    1000 J m-2
  • This resistance is though to be a by-product of
    resistance to extreme desiccation
  • Other organisms Rubrobacter species and the
    green algae Dunaliella bardawil

  • Liquid water essential solvent for life
  • High melting and boiling points with a wide
    temperature range over which it remains liquid,
    dipole character O-H hydrogen bonds
  • Water limitation constitute an extreme
    environment (remember August BC fires, recent
    Vancouver draught)
  • Organisms can tolerate extreme desiccation by
    entering a state with little intracellular water
    and no metabolic activity called anhydrobiosis
  • Bacteria, yeast, fungi, plants, insects,
    tardigrades, mycophagous nematodes, shrimp

  • pH -log H
  • Physiological pH7 (again, very biased)
  • Proteins denature at low pH
  • Acidophiles and alkaliphiles
  • Ferroplasma acidarmanus has been described
    growing at pH0 in acid mine drainage in Iron
    Mountain California H2SO4, high Cu, As, Cd, Zn
  • If pH is low, H are hard to come by, therefore
    life can be energetically difficult (recall ATP
    synthases and proton gradient)

  • Aerobic (O2-based) metabolism is far more
    efficient than anaerobic but oxidative damage can
    be very serious (ageing, cancer, etc.)
  • Photochemical production of H2O2 by UV within
    cells (endogenous) and in aquatic systems
  • Mitochondrial respiration, cytochrome metabolism
    of hydroperoxides, oxidative bursts used to fight
    pathogens in animals and plants
  • The presence of oxygen can enhance
    radiation-induced DNA damage

  • Keep external environment out (heavy
    metal-resistant bacteria use an efflux pump, some
    acidophiles keep their cytoplasms neutral by
    active pumping of H out)
  • Research has focused on nucleic acids, membrane
    lipids, and proteins
  • DNA, RNA, lipid, proteins structure linked to
    function vulnerability to high T, radiation,
    oxidative damage, desiccation

  • Membranes adjust their membrane compositions when
    temperatures are shifted to maintain optimal
    membrane fluidity
  • Proteins in response to T increase ion-pair
    content, form higher-order oligomers, decrease
    flexibility, decrease the length of surface loops
    that connect elements of secondary structure,
    anti-freeze proteins in cold-water fish, optimize
    electrostatic and electrophobic interactions
  • DNA monovalent and divalent salts enhance the
    stability of nucleic acids, GC content (A-T vs
  • In response to radiation production of
    antioxidants, detoxifying enzymes, repair
  • In response to pH and salinity osmotic balance
    via ionic fluxes

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  • Extremophiles are organisms capable of thriving
    at extreme physical and chemical conditions
  • A number of molecular mechanisms have been
    discovered that enable extremophiles to function
    properly at extreme conditions, but the research
    is still very new and exciting
  • Humans can benefit from extremophiles through
    biotechnology and bioremediation
  • Understanding how extremophiles function is
    useful for tracing evolutionary processes and
    even predicting them elsewhere, life on other
    planets (Europa, Mars, etc.)

Suggested readings and web links
  • Rossi M, Ciaramella M, Cannio R, Pisani FM,
    Moracci M, Bartolucci S. (2003) Extremophiles
    2002. J Bacteriol. 185(13)3683-9.
  • Rothschild, LJ and Mancinelli, RL (2001) Life in
    extreme environments. Nature, 409 1092-1101 (and
    references therein).
  • de la Torre JR, Goebel BM, Friedmann EI, Pace NR.
    (2003) Microbial diversity of cryptoendolithic
    communities from the McMurdo Dry Valleys,
    Antarctica. Appl Environ Microbiol.
  • Harris JK, Kelley ST, Spiegelman GB, Pace NR.
    (2003) The genetic core of the universal
    ancestor. Genome Res. 13(3)407-12.
  • DeLong EF, Pace NR. (2001) Environmental
    diversity of bacteria and archaea. Syst Biol.
  • Pace NR (2001) The universal nature of
    biochemistry. (2001) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
  • NASA Astrobiology Institute http//nai.arc.nasa.go
  • Astrobiology web on Extremophiles
  • Queens Astrobiology Club
  • http//
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