Title: Spin injection and detection in Cu spin valve structures
1Spin injection and detection in Cu spin valve
Samir Garzon Richard Webb
Center for Superconductivity Research Department
of Physics University of Maryland
Spintronic applications
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spectroscopic tool to study
- symmetry properties of unconventional
superconductors - excitations in the quantum Hall regime
- spin-charge separation in non-Fermi liquids
Johnson and Silsbee, PRL 55, 1790 (1985)
pioneered field spin injection
1 Vasko et. al, PRL 78, 1134 (1997)
4 Chan et. al, PRL 83, 3258 (1999)
2 Ngai et. al, APL 84, 1907 (2004)
5 Si et. al, PRL 81, 3191 (1998)
3 MacDonald et. al, PRL 83, 3262 (1999)
6 Balents et. al, PRL 85, 3464 (2000)
Spin transport in Cu wires
4Our research
- Produce and detect spin-polarized currents
- Find spin relaxation length and understand the
mechanisms that are responsible
- Study a nonlocal geometry different from that
used for GMR and MTJ applications
- Gain understanding of interfacial spin transport
- Understand the high temperature behavior of spin
injection and detection
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
9Time scales
Spin Transport in Cu wires
10Spin relaxation mechanisms
(nonmagnetic metals)
Spin Transport in Cu wires
11Spin relaxation mechanisms
(nonmagnetic metals)
magnetic materials magnons interfaces surface
magnons enhanced magnetic scattering
Spin Transport in Cu wires
12Spin transport F-N junction
Spin Transport in Cu wires
13Spin valves
Spin Transport in Cu wires
14Spin valves
Spin Transport in Cu wires
15TMR vs Nonlocal Geometry
Spin Transport in Cu wires
16Nonlocal Geometry
As opposed to TMR, in the absence of spin effects
Spin Transport in Cu wires
17Nonlocal Geometry
As opposed to TMR, in the absence of spin effects
Spin Transport in Cu wires
18Sample fabrication
- 2 levels of standard
- e-beam lithography
- ion-milling
- thermal evaporation
- lift-off
1st level Co Al2O3 tunnel barrier 2nd level Cu
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
20Spin transport
electrochemical potential
Spin Transport in Cu wires
21Spin transport
Spin Transport in Cu wires
22Spin transport
Spin Transport in Cu wires
23Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
24Spin transport in Cu wires
where lN is the spin diffusion length
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
26Characteristic switching
Spin transport in Cu wires
27Hanle effect (spin precession)
Spin transport in Cu wires
28Temperature dependence
Spin transport in Cu wires
29Temperature dependence
Spin transport in Cu wires
Spin transport in Cu wires
31T dependence analysis
Previous experiments could only measure RA since
RTMR included a large offset not related to spin
Spin transport in Cu wires
32T dependence analysis
samir what about temp dep of D?
Spin transport in Cu wires
33T dependence fit
Spin transport in Cu wires
34T dependence PA, PS
Spin transport in Cu wires
35T dependence PA, PS
Spin transport in Cu wires
36Can we explain this?
Spin transport in Cu wires
37Can we explain this?
interface spin-flip scattering
Spin transport in Cu wires
38Physical meaning
Spin transport in Cu wires
39Temperature dependence conclusions
- Temperature dependent measurements reveal a new
component of the nonlocal resistance.
- Data analysis shows that the new component can
be fit well with a model related to temperature
activation with T1227 K (surface magnons?,
enhanced magnetic scattering?).
- The existence of the new signal is explained by
extending the previous model to include interface
spin-flip scattering.
- A physical interpration of the new defined
quantities PS and PA is given. Ps gives
information on the differential spin-flip
scattering at the detector, while PA describes
the differential spin conserving transport.
- The different character of injector and detector
is clear in the nonlocal geometry.
Spin transport in Cu wires
40Cross checks temperature dependence
Spin transport in Cu wires
41Cross checks length dependence
Spin transport in Cu wires
42Conclusions (overview)
- Performed comprehensive spin injection and
detection experiments in Cu-Co spin valves.
- Measured spin precession in Cu and extracted the
spin diffusion length and the current spin
polarization P.
- Spin diffusion length measurements are
consistent with each other and with previous
- Found a temperature dependent symmetric
component in the nonlocal resistance RS that is
consistent with the hypothesis of interface
spin-flip scattering.
- Made various cross checks to make sure RS did
not come from capacitive leakage, electrostatic
geometric effects, and heating combined with
thermoelectric effect.
Spin transport in Cu wires
43Further work
- Study the microscopic origin of interfacial
spin-flip scattering.
- Nonlocal measurements with MgO tunnel barriers,
which has been shown to enhance the
magnetoresistance in MTJ, should be used for
- For device applications, high frequency
measurements of spin injection and detection
might be of importance.
- A direct measurement of the spin polarization
and relaxation lengths, not requiring a transport
model for data interpration can be useful (MFM).
- Use electron statistics such as shot noise to
further study interfacial spin transport, even in
the absence of charge current.
Spin transport in Cu wires
44Experimental setup
osc. out
ref. in
osc. out
sig. out
Spin transport in Cu wires
45Cross checks Geometric effects
Spin transport in Cu wires
46Cross checks heating and Seebeck effect
Spin transport in Cu wires
47Why heating and Seebeck effect?
Spin transport in Cu wires
48Current leakage?
Spin transport in Cu wires
49Time scales
Spin Transport in Cu wires
50What does small B mean?
(typical time interval between spin changing
Spin Transport in Cu wires
51Conductivity mismatch
Spin Transport in Cu wires