Title: Simple vs. Compound Mark Hierarchical Marking Menus
1Simple vs. Compound Mark Hierarchical Marking
- Shengdong Zhao, Ravin Balakrishnan
2Compound Mark Technique
3Compound Mark Technique
4Compound Mark Technique
5Compound Mark Technique
6Compound Mark Technique
7Compound Mark Technique
- Seamless novice to expert transition
- Seamless novice to expert transition
- 3.5 x faster than linear menus
- Seamless novice to expert transition
- 3.5 x faster than linear menus
- Scale invariance
11Limitations Error Rate
- Breadth/depth/speed/accuracy trade-off
- Kurtenbach and Buxton, 1993
12Limitations Error Rate
- Breadth/depth/speed/accuracy trade-off
- Kurtenbach and Buxton, 1993
13Limitations Error Rate
- Breadth/depth/speed/accuracy trade-off
- Kurtenbach and Buxton, 1993
14Limitations Error Rate
- Breadth/depth/speed/accuracy trade-off
- Kurtenbach and Buxton, 1993
15Limitations Ambiguous Marks
16Limitations Ambiguous Marks
17Limitations Ambiguous Marks
compass8-3 22 ambiguous compass4-4 57
18Limitations Physical Space
19Compound Mark Technique
20Simple Mark Technique
21Simple Mark Technique
22Simple Mark Technique
23Simple Mark Technique
24Simple Mark Technique
25Simple Mark Technique
26Simple Mark Technique
27Compound vs. Simple
Compound Mark Technique Simple Mark Technique
Breadth vs. Depth Compass4max. depth 4 Compass8max. depth 2 Possibly more depth
Ambiguity Yes NO
Space usage Grows quadratically Theoretical constant
Physical Motion Single zig-zag stroke Multiple simple strokes
28Compound vs. Simple
Compound Mark Technique Simple Mark Technique
Breadth vs. Depth Compass4max. depth 4 Compass8max. depth 2 Possibly more depth
Ambiguity Yes NO
Space usage Grows quadratically Theoretical constant
Physical Motion Single zig-zag stroke Multiple simple strokes
29Compound vs. Simple
Compound Mark Technique Simple Mark Technique
Breadth vs. Depth Compass4max. depth 4 Compass8max. depth 2 Possibly more depth
Ambiguity Yes NO
Space usage Grows quadratically Theoretical constant
Physical Motion Single zig-zag stroke Multiple simple strokes
30Compound vs. Simple
Compound Mark Technique Simple Mark Technique
Breadth vs. Depth Compass4max. depth 4 Compass8max. depth 2 Possibly more depth
Ambiguity Yes NO
Space usage Grows quadratically Theoretical constant
Physical Motion Single zig-zag stroke Multiple simple strokes
31Research Issues
Speed and accuracy
Hierarchy depth
Input footprint
Spatial overlap
Timeout threshold
32Experimental Setup
33Input Footprint
1.25 x 1.25
3.5 x 4.25
7.8 x 8.8
34Experimental Design
35Experimental Design
36Experimental Design
- 12 participants x
- 2 techniques (compound, simple) x
37Experimental Design
- 12 participants x
- 2 techniques (compound, simple) x
- 3 input footprint (small, medium, large) x
38Experimental Design
- 12 participants x
- 2 techniques (compound, simple) x
- 3 input footprint (small, medium, large) x
- 4 layouts (compass4-2, 4-3 , 8-2 , 8-3)
39Experimental Design
- 12 participants x
- 2 techniques (compound, simple) x
- 3 input footprint (small, medium, large) x
- 4 layouts (compass4-2, 4-3 , 8-2 , 8-3)
- 9216 menu selections in total.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
4,2 4,3 8,2 8,3 4,2 4,3 8,2 8,3 4,2 4,3
8,2 8,3
Menu Layout (breadth, depth)
Overall Compound (80) vs. Simple (93)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Off On Mix Off On Mix Off On Mix Off On Mix Off On
Mix Off On Mix
Level 2 Level 3 Level 2 Level 3 Level 2
Level 3
4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0
Time (in second)
4,2 4,3 8,2 8,3 4,2 4,3 8,2 8,3 4,2 4,3
8,2 8,3
Menu Layout (breadth, depth)
Off On Mix Off On Mix Off On Mix Off On Mix Off On
Mix Off On Mix
5 4 3 2 1 0
Time (in second)
Level 2 Level 3 Level 2 Level 3 Level 2
Level 3
44Input Space Usage
45Results Summary
- Faster, more accurate
- Increased hierarchy depth
- Mark direction no effect on accuracy
- Unaffected by input footprint
- Space efficient
- Timeout threshold 2s upper bound
46Menu Transition Alternatives
47Backtracking Alternatives
48Future Directions
- Novice to expert transition
- Mode errors
- Mark Chignell, Michael McGuffin,
- Jingnan Yang, Xiao Wu, Faye Baron, Rick Bodner
- Experiment participants
- Members of DGP and MIE lab
- UIST Reviewers
51Formula for Calculating Ambiguity
- Let B be the branching factor of the menu (e.g.,
4, 8) - Let D be the depth of the menu (i.e., number of
levels) - Then, the total number of leaf nodes BD
- Number of leaf nodes with unambiguous marks
- (number of marks with maximal number D-1
inflections) - (number of marks with no inflections at all)
- B(B-1)(D-1) B
- Example calculations
- compass8-2 layout 8(71) 8 64 (i.e., all
leaves) - compass4-4 layout 4(33) 4 112 (43 of all
leaves) - compass8-3 layout 8(72) 8 400 (78 of
all leaves)
52Drawing Time
Reaction Time
53Drawing Time
Reaction Time
54Experimental Setup