Title: Contract Invoice Processing Flowchart
1Related SOP Invoice Processing Procedures for
Contracts SOP August 12, 2005 (jlg)
OA procurement technician event
Contract Invoice Processing Flowchart, Page 1 of
2 For a text description of this process, as
well as additional information, see the Invoice
Processing Procedures for Contracts SOP.
OA contract specialist event
Project officer event
OFM event
Prompt payment window
Five working days
Invoice received in central OA bin.
Procurement technician stamps all copies with
date and signature stamps for contracting officer
and project officer, two times a day.
Attach invoice transmittal sheet. Deliver two
copies to the project officer.
Project officer reviews invoice.
Sign and return one copy to the OA bin.
Forward original invoice to contract specialist
with transmittal sheet.
Contract specialist tracks invoice dates.
Send reminder to project officer for any invoice
not returned within five days.
Improper invoice. Complete Form NIH-2522 within
seven days.
Return invoice and form to contractor for
resubmission. Send copy of form to project
officer, contracting officer, and file.
Do not enter invoice in ADB.
Contract specialist proper or improper invoice?
Proper invoice. Must be approved for payment in
ADB within ten days.
(Continued on next page.)
2Related SOP Invoice Processing Procedures for
Contracts SOP
OA procurement technician event
Contract Invoice Processing Flowchart, Page 2 of
2 For a text description of this process, as
well as additional information, see the Invoice
Processing Procedures for Contracts SOP.
OA contract specialist event
Project officer event
OFM event
Prompt payment window
(Continued from previous page.)
To suspend, enter whole amount and suspended
amount in ADB.
Send Form NIH-2522 to contractor, project
officer, OA branch chief, and contracting officer.
Notify OFM by email. CC contracting officer and
OA branch chief.
Proper invoice pay in full or suspension?
Approve invoice in ADB. If project officer
signature is pending, approve provisional payment
in ADB.
Sign the review stamp and transmittal sheet.
To pay in full, enter full invoice amount in ADB.
Ten working days
Enter original invoice in spreadsheets and file
original with signatures.
OFM may need up to 14 days to pay, which counts
toward the 30 day prompt payment window.
If OA branch chief hasnt approved in ADB within
16 days from invoice receipt, the contract
specialist writes a memo through the branch chief
to the program director.
Day 31 Interest penalty begins. OA branch chief