Title: Carkhuff
1Carkhuffs Conceptual Framework Implementation in
Washington State Public Schools
- 1993 to Present
- Prepared
- by
- Nancy Vernon
2September 1993
- Terry Bergeson hired as the Executive Director of
the Commission on Student Learning
3October 1993
- Bergeson Introduces the Carkhuff Conceptual
Framework to the Commission on Student Learning
(CSL) Subject Advisory Committee Meeting at the
SEATAC Holiday Inn. - Photo obtained from Carkhuff.com
4January 1994
- Terry Bergeson writes to Robert Carkhuff for
assistance in finalizing the Essential Academic
Learning Requirements.
5June 1995
- Terry Bergeson, through the Commission on Student
Learning, contracts with Robert Carkhuff - Contract Number C0552-35
- Carkhuff Institute of Human Technology
6January 1997
Terry Bergeson begins her elected position as
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
7Bergeson Hires Carkhuff Followers
- Andrew Griffin
Shirley McCune - OSPI Cabinet Member OSPI
Cabinet Member
8(No Transcript)
9May 1997
- Carkhuff conceptual framework is presented for
statewide dissemination through the CSL final
product Building a Better Future trainers manual
(over 300 pages).
10Building a Better Future
- Commission on Student Learning Manual Announces
Carkhuff model as the Pedagogy for Teaching and
Learning for meeting State Standards - This manual would not have been written without
the undaunting direction and wisdom of Terry
Bergeson, the models of learning by Dr. Robert
Carkhuff (Commission on Student Learning, 1997)
11(No Transcript)
12Building a Better Future
- The purpose of this training is to help teachers
develop a frameworka deductive model for
thinking and decision-making as they relate to
their learners, develop the Essential Academic
Learning Requirements and deliver instruction in
their classroom. - Activities includeintroduction to the lesson
delivery process the ROPES model. - (Commission on Student Learning, 1997)
13June 1997
- The Bergeson Administration contracts with Robert
Carkhuff for 25,000 - Contract Number C101-1
- Carkhuff Thinking Systems
14Contract Duties
- To provide the Superintendent of Public
Instruction with leadership assistance in
developing a stratagic (sic) plan for educational
restructuring.consultation on strategies and
programs to implement change efforts outlined in
Carkhuff writing and materials provide design
for professional development modules for OSPI
staff and Washington educators and provide
strategies for organizational development and
increasing agency effectiveness. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
15January 1998
- Bergeson Administration admits the Carkhuff
Conceptual Framework is education reform. - The Carkhuff conceptual framework and materials
were used by the states Commission on Student
Learning to plan and implement education reform. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
16January 1998
17August 1998
- Bergeson Administration receives federal grant
R215R980003Linking Educational Reform and
Educational TechnologyAugust 1998 to August
20005 million. - Funds are used to award Carkhuff Thinking System
contracts. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
18October 1998
- The Bergeson Administration contracts with Robert
Carkhuff for 400,000 - Contract Number C102A-2
- Carkhuff Thinking Systems
19Contract Duties
- To conceptualize and develop educational
materials for students and educators on the
skills requirements for the twenty-first century,
i.e., relating, representing, and reasoning. - Theses materials will extend current teaching and
learning toward the development of higher-order
information processing and thinking skills within
the framework provided by the Washington
essential academic learning requirements. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
20Contract Duties
- Conceptualize and develop the curriculum
resources. Analyze existing literature and
knowledge and conceptualize the essential
information processing and thinking skills that
will be required by the changed environment of
the twenty-first century. - Develop curriculum framework for effective
teaching and learning of the required skills in
the areas of relating, representing, and
reasoning within the Washington essential
academic learning requirements. - Develop paper and online resources for students
and educators to support their teaching and
learning of the skills and processes. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
21Contract C102A-2
- Contract Documents Admit to Experiment
- Information related to thinking skills and to
their integration in curriculum is just beginning
to be available to educators. Research in three
areascognitive psychology, information theory,
and brain researchhas provided much important
information that is seldom provided in
educational practice knowledge. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
22Contract C102A-2
- While this information has not been analyzed,
synthesized, and developed for use in student
teaching and learning, it will provide the
critical skills that will prepare students for
the requirements of the twenty-first century. It
is the knowledge and pedagogy that will assist
Washington students to achieve Goals 3 and 4 of
educational reform. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
23Contract C102A-2
- Contacts with Carkhuff Thinking Systems personnel
emerged as the strongest work on skills for the
twenty-first century and process-based education. - Carkhuff thinking systems is to provide
development of student and teacher products. - The grant award expressly incorporated the grant
application which expressly identified Carkhuff
Thinking Systems as a subcontractor for 400,000
worth of contracted services. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
24(No Transcript)
25March 1999
- The Bergeson Administration publishes for
statewide dissemination a Carkhuff Thinking
Systems prepared booklet entitled The New 3Rs
Skills for the 21st Century.
26The New 3Rs Skills for the 21st Century
- We believe that these powerful ideas and powerful
skills will project all our citizens to
increasing levels of prosperity. - We wont be surprised when other States in the US
begin their own New 3Rs initiatives and wont be
surprised by international interest upon the
State of Washington for its pioneering efforts in
leading a New 3Rs movement. - (Bergeson, 1999).
27The New 3Rs Skills for the 21st Century
- Bergeson Announces the Launch of the Experiment
- After decades of research, a new direction for
education has been discovered. Its called the
New 3Rs Relating, Representing and
ReasoningBasic Skills for the 21st Century. - Thanks to Dr. Robert R. Carkhuff and his research
and development team we in the State of
Washington are honored and excited to launch the
New 3Rs. - (Bergeson, 1999)
28The New 3Rs Skills for the 21st Century
- New 3Rs Relating, Representing and Reasoning
skills are assessed through the WASL
accountability system. - (Carkhuff Thinking Systems, 1999)
29June 1999
- Bergeson Administration receives federal grant
R215R990023Education for the 21st CenturyJune
1999 to May 20003 million - Funds are used for development and dissemination
of Carkhuff Conceptual Framework. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1999)
30May 2000
- The Bergeson Administration contracts with Robert
Carkhuff for 667,500 - Contract Number C120-486
- Carkhuff Thinking Systems
31Contract Duties
- Organize and facilitate experts and educators in
the mapping of the elementary, secondary areas of
reading, writing, communication, mathematics, and
science and prepare them within a context
suitable to imputing on the WEB. - The design, preparation of materials, and
facilitation of five state seminars on
Possibilities Schools for policy makers and
decision-makers. - Development of a Web enabled interactive
professional development content for principals,
teachers, students, and parents. This
development should include a minimum of five
modules for each group, including the mapped
curriculum materials for teachers and
administrators. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2000)
32Carkhuff Contracts
- State of Washington Admits to Carkhuff contracts
in February 2006 letter. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2006)
- Robert Carkhuff co-authors a book entitled The
New Science of Possibilities The Processing
Science. - The book discusses the State of Washington public
education system as participating in a
revolutionary educational design (Carkhuff,
2000, p.232). - Carkhuff discusses in detail the steps the state
superintendent (Dr. Terry Bergeson and her design
team, Andrew Griffin, Shirley McCune and Carkhuff
Thinking Systems) took in developing and
implementing the Possibilities Schools.
34(No Transcript)
35January 2000
- Bergeson Administration Cabinet Member, Shirley
McCune, who is also the Carkhuff Contract agency
supervisor, co-authors a book with Robert
Carkhuff entitled Possibilities Schools. - The book is a product of OSPI federal grant
monies awarded to develop the LINKS Learning
website and Carkhuff products and framework. - Numerous other publications were co-authored
under contract, which include co-authorship with
Andrew Griffin, Shirley McCune and Terry
36(No Transcript)
37January 2000
- Bergeson Administration purchases over 74,000
dollars worth of Robert Carkhuff authored and
published books for statewide dissemination.
(Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2000) - The New Science of Possibilities The Processing
Science is one of the books purchased for
38June 2000
- Bergeson receives federal grant
R303K000037Possibilities SchoolsJune 2000 to
May 20012.775 million. - Funds are used for further development and
dissemination of Carkhuff Conceptual Framework. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2000)
39February 2001
- Bergeson Administration pilots the Carkhuff
conceptual framework ROPES model through the
Possibilities Schools institutes facilitated by
OSPI funded Unity Project. - Robert Carkhuff facilitated the training of
teachers, parents and other educators. - The Unity Project is directed by Andrew Griffin,
Possibilities Schools design team member and
longtime friend and associate of Robert Carkhuff.
40July 2001
- Bergeson Administration receives federal grant
R303K010044Development of Mathematics and
Science Web-Based Learning Resources for Middle
and High School Teachers and StudentsJuly 2001
to July 20031.275 million - Funds are used for further development and
dissemination of Carkhuff Conceptual Framework. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2001)
41September 2001
- Bergeson Administration publishes a document
titled Unity Project. - The publication notes, Possibilities Sites
(Possibilities Schools are now called
Possibilities Sites) Schools selected to
participate in the project.Unity Project draws
heavily from the work of Carkhuffs Human
Resource Development I and II and related works
(Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2001).
- Bergeson Administration develops with federal
grants the LINKS Learning website and continues
to this day to host and maintain the development
of the website. - LINKS Learning advances the Carkhuff Conceptual
Framework materials and ideas. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2001)
- Bergeson Administration creates 16 videos of
elementary school teachers demonstrating reading
components that are complimented by the
Administrations development of Reading LINKS
training manuals advancing the Robert Carkhuff
ROPES model as the guiding structure for the
training modules. - The seven training modules and participant
materials are designed in accordance with the
Carkhuff Conceptual Framework that requires
students and teachers to practice the skill of
higher-order thinking through the ROPES method,
which is a therapeutic process requiring a
participant to engage in client-centered based
psychotherapy. - The videos and manuals are accessible through the
OSPI maintained website LINKS and educators are
directed from the OSPI website to LINKS when
seeking resources for students and professional
44(No Transcript)
45LINKS Learning Manuals
- The Facilitators Manual States
- The manuals are written using an advanced
organizer known as ROPES. It stands for Review,
Overview, Presentation, Engagement and Practice,
and Summary. Each section has a purpose to the
overall training session and content of the
manual. Go over the ROPES structure with the
participants, pointing out the purpose each
section serves in helping them learn new
material. - Be sure to credit Dr. Robert Carkhuff for its
development. - ROPES a guiding structure for learning.
- (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, Comprehension Manual, p.iii)
46LINKS Learning Manuals
- The Facilitators Manual States
- The LINKS training modules use the ROPES model as
a framework for instruction. - The ROPES framework provides a lesson design
known to promote the acquisition and retention of
new learnings. The following lesson design will
help guide you as well as your participants. - Dr. Robert Carkhuff designed the ROPES model.
- (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, Fluency Manual pdf. p.227)
47Carkhuffs ROPES Model Peer Reviewed
- Dr. Michael J. Lambert and Dr. Steven S. DeJulio
(1977) presented a peer review of Robert
Carkhuffs research in psychological counseling
through the process of administering
psychotherapeutic approaches to teaching a skill
through laypersons. - The peer review was presented at the Seventh
Annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy
Research, San Diego, in June 1976 and published
in the Counseling Psychologist, Vol. 6, No. 4,
- Lambert and DeJulio focus on the studies Carkhuff
claims to support his client-centered theory
application in education, relations between
nations and family relationships through the
fundamental change in emphasis from therapist
attitudes to a technology of tightly shaped
therapist interpersonal skills taught in a
systematic training program (Lambert DeJulio,
1977). - The review makes note of the numerous flaws
existing within the 30 cited studies offered by
Carkhuff and others. Lambert and DeJulio make
note of several studies cited by Carkhuff that
were not published, obtainable or provided by
Carkhuff when requested. - Lambert and DeJulio came to the same conclusion
as a previous peer review conducted by Hefele and
Hurst (1972). Both reviews concluded, There is
no solid published evidence to allow us to
conclude whether any of the ratings reported are
reliable, let alone valid (Lambert DeJulio,
1977). - Lambert and DeJulio (1977) further conclude, It
seems fair to say that the value of Carkhuffs
Human Relations Development is yet to be
empirically established.
49Bergeson Administration Makes False Claims about
Carkhuff Research
- OSPI Claims
- Dr. Carkhuff has received wide acclaim both
nationally and internationally. - The Social Science Index identified him as one of
the 100 most important social scientists. Three
of his books, the tow volumes of Helping and
Human Relations, and the Development of Human
Resources, have been identified as the most cited
books over the past 30 years. - His contributions to counseling, interpersonal
skills, education, management, and organizational
development are well known and used. - Utilizing the Carkhuff Thinking Systems expertise
and development will meet a critical need in the
attainment of Washingtons educational reform.
(See slide 24) - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 1998)
50ROPES Model used for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- In 1992, three authors (Nemec, P., McNamara, S.
and Walsh, D.) who have been instructors in the
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialization
Graduate Programs at Boston Universitys Sargent
College presented a paper in the Psychosocial
Rehabilitation Journal, 1992, 16(1), pages 13-25,
entitled Direct Skills Teaching. - The paper discusses the use of Carkhuffs ROPES
model in mastering a given skill to be learned.
Nemec et al. argue, Skills are purposeful
behaviors that must be performed at a required
level to succeed in a particular
environmentSkill development, then, relates to
increasing the frequency with which the skill is
performed accurately in the correct
circumstances. - In demonstrating the processes used in skill
building for clients Nemec et al. present
Carkhuffs ROPES model as a format to providing
an opportunity to explore the clients
understanding of the skill.
51Other Studies
- Numerous other writings exist connecting
Carkhuffs ROPES model of learning to the field
of Psychotherapy and Psychological
Rehabilitation. - Those writings and studies can be presented as
further documentation supporting the argument
that the Carkhuff conceptual framework is
designed for use in the medical field of
Psychology. - However, the medical profession of Psychology has
dismissed the Carkhuff conceptual framework as an
unproven model lacking empirical data to support
Carkhuffs theory or claims.
52January 2004
- Bergeson Administration introduces Carkhuffs
ROPES model at the annual OSPI January Conference - PowerPoint Presentation and Training
- Research and Resources Transforming Reading
Instruction in Grades K-6 - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2004)
53January 2005
- OSPI presents the K-12 Reading Model
Implementation Guide, which promotes LINKS
Learning reading manuals and informs educators
plans for training to be available through all
Educational Service Districts and Reading First
are underway (Office of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction, 2005, p.77). - OSPI incorporates the advancement of the ROPES
model through the professional development model
SAILS, which stands for Standards, Assessment,
Instruction Interventions, Leadership,
School-wide Commitment and is being disseminated
statewide as a professional development model.
54Summer 2005
- Bergeson Administration introduces Carkhuffs
ROPES Model at OSPI Summer Institutes - PowerPoint Presentation and Training
- Closing the Reading Achievement Gap Implementing
Reading Links K-6 - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2005)
55January 2006
- Bergeson Administration introduces Carkhuffs
ROPES model at OSPI January Conference - PowerPoint Presentation and Training
- Reading Links Research-based Components of a
Reading Program K-6. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2006)
56Summer 2006
- Bergeson Administration creates 10th grade summer
school Instructional Support Modules in reading,
writing and mathematics. - Each subjects instructional modules align with
the Carkhuff conceptual framework of ROPES and
incorporates within the lessons the repeated
skill practice of higher-order thinking through
tell-show-do process. - The skill steps tell-show-do are a systematic
process nested within the teaching and learning
ROPES model. OSPI notes on their website that the
Instructional Support Modules are based on the
GLEs and the WASL targets. They are designed for
both summer school and extended learning
opportunities (Office of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction, 2006). - The WASL and support modules follow the ROPES
teaching, learning and scoring process of
higher-order thinking skills level.
57Carkhuff Defines ROPES
- Reviewing the content involves using tell-show-do
teaching methods to diagnose the contingency
skills. Then the learners will know what they
can and cannot do. The learners can explore
where they are in relation to the new learning
tasks. - Overviewing the content involves using
tell-show-do teaching methods to teach the
potential skill applications. The learners will
know when to use the skill. They can understand
where they are in relation to where they want to
be with the learning tasks. - (Carkhuff R.R, The Skilled Teacher, p.117)
- Presenting the content involves using
tell-show-do teaching methods to teach the skill
steps. Then the learners will know how to do the
skill. They can act to get from where they are
to where they want to be with the learning tasks. - Exercising the content involves using repeat and
apply teaching methods as well as tell-show-do
teaching methods to practice the skill. This
reinforces the learners acting to achieve their
learning goals. - (Carkhuff R.R, The Skilled Teacher, p.117)
- Summarizing the content involves using
tell-show-do teaching methods to provide the
learners with an opportunity to demonstrate what
they have learned. Thus, the learners have
another chance to experientially engage the
skill. They can complete their acting to achieve
their learning goals. - (Carkhuff R.R, The Skilled Teacher, p.117)
60Teaching, Learning and Scoring ProcessROPES/WASL
Grade Skill Review Overview Presentation Exercise Summarize
4th Tell (Relate) 0 1 2 3 4
7th Tell-Show (Represent) 0 1 2 3 4
10th Tell-Show-Do (Reason) 0 1 2 3 4
61October 2006
- The Bergeson Administration continues to collect
identifiable data through WASL testing to
facilitate an investigation of Carkhuffs
conceptual framework of teaching a skill through
repeated practices for diagnosing a students
thinking processes and to rehabilitate students
who demonstrate through tell-show-do skills steps
a limited ability to attend to learning materials
and teacher instruction. - The criteria deciding a students ability to
attend and higher-order think is solely based on
Carkhuff processing theory, which is an unproven
science that has been peer-reviewed by the
psychology community and determined to be
seriously flawed and lacking empirical data to
support further use in the professional field of
Psychology or implementation into the education
62CFR Title 45, Section 46
- The federal guidelines protecting human subjects
from experimental investigations. - b) Unless otherwise required by department or
agency heads, research activities in which the
only involvement of human subjects will be in one
or more of the following categories are exempt
from this policy - (2) Research involving the use of educational
tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude,
achievement), survey procedures, interview
procedures or observation of public behavior,
unless - (i) information obtained is recorded in such a
manner that human subjects can be identified,
directly or through identifiers linked to the
subjects and (ii) any disclosure of the human
subjects' responses outside the research could
reasonably place the subjects at risk of criminal
or civil liability or be damaging to the
subjects' financial standing, employability, or
63WASL Assessment
- The skill being taught, repeatedly practiced and
assessed is the skill of higher-order thinking. - Students must demonstrate their thinking level
through tell-show-do skill steps. - The subject material is a means to accessing the
thinking processes of a student and training a
student to higher-order think through repeated
practice and drill (tell-show-do). - Higher-order thinking is the only skill, through
a demonstration of telling, showing and doing
that is scored on the 10th grade WASL for all
64WASL Assessment
- A students content knowledge and ability to
recall his or her knowledge is not being
assessed, a students academic knowledge and
understanding merely serves as a diagnostic tool
to accessing a students higher-order thinking
skill level. - Students who do not perform at a level that
supports the Carkhuff ROPES model desired outcome
are subjected to repeated training in the ROPES
model and repeated WASL testing or denied their
High School Diploma. - Students are identifiable by name and a WASL
identification number. - WASL and its reform is funded by state and
federal dollars.
65WASL Assessment
- A 10th grade student must demonstrate the ability
to tell-show-do in order to pass the WASL. - A 7th grade student must demonstrate the ability
to tell-show in order to pass the WASL. - A 4th grade student must demonstrate the ability
to tell in order to pass the WASL.
66WASL Assessment
- The criteria or conditions qualifying a students
correct tell-show-do thinking is determined by
the State of Washington (See WASL items
Annotations, Rubrics and Anchor Sets). - Example WASL 10th Grade 2003 Released Items
- WASL question to reading selection
- In your own words, summarize the selection. Be
sure to include three main points in your
summary. (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 2003, p.67-68)
67Two-Point Response
- Deep sea explorers have found eight ships
ranging in age that have sunk in the
Mediterranean Sea. These ships have never been
touch by people since they sunk until now with
our latest in deep sea exploration equiptment.
Five of the ships are Roman and give looks at
their building materials for lodging. (Office of
the Superintendent of Public Instruction, p.67)
68Annotation Reason for 2-Point Score
- This student response earns two points. The
student includes one main point from the
selection by saying, Deep sea explorers have
found eight ships ranging in age that have sunk
in the Mediterranean Sea. The student includes a
second main point from the selection by saying,
These ships have never been touch by people
since they sunk until now with our latest in deep
sea exploration equiptment. The student includes
a third main point from the selection by saying,
Five of the ships are Roman and give looks at
their building materials for lodging. (Office of
the Superintendent of Public Instruction, p.67)
69One-Point Response
- Thanks to new-age underwater exploration
techniques and devices, deep-sea exploration is
more thorough and effective. Devices like the
Navys NR-1 nuclear deep-sea explorer can explore
some of the deepest depths of the ocean. We can
explore in more detail too. The devices used can
show us where a ship from the Renaissance has
decayed. (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, p.68)
70Annotation Reason for 1-Point Score
- This student response earns one point. The
student includes one main point from the
selection by saying, Thanks to new-age
underwater exploration techniques and devices,
deep-sea exploration is more thorough and
effective. The rest of the student response
provides more details that elaborate on the same
point, but the student does not provide any other
main point from the selection. (Office of the
Superintendent of Public Instruction, p.68)
- The 2-point response was not written using
correct spelling, grammar or sentence structure
or was the response clearly stated or understood. - The 2-point response provided three points from
the text demonstrating tell-show-do. - Tell- Deep sea explorers have found eight ships
ranging in age that have sunk in the
Mediterranean Sea. - Show-Three examples from reading selection.
- Do-Completed task as instructed.
- The 1-point response was well written, correct
spelling, grammar and sentence structure. The
student summarized and offered supporting
evidence to demonstrate clear understanding and
comprehension of reading selection, and nicely
summarized in his or her own words. - Tell- Thanks to new-age underwater exploration
techniques and devices, deep-sea exploration is
more thorough and effective. - Show-Did not select three main points from
reading selection. Student did not show he or she
connected with the learning material (reading
selection). This is the area that demonstrates a
students attending skills to learning material,
according the Carkhuff framework. - Do-Did not follow instructions. The instructions
did not clearly state main points must come from
reading selection, but the conditions set by the
State require supporting statements to be taken
from the reading selection. If a student does
not demonstrate his or her show skill through the
reading content material he or she has not
attended to the learning material.
73Conditions Set by State
- A 2-point response accurately summarizes the
selection by including three main points from the
selection OR provides a summarizing statement and
two main points from the selection. - Text-based points may include, but are not
limited to, the following categories - A. Robert Ballards discovery of ships in the
Mediterranean off Sicily - B. Location details of the discoveries
- Depth of 2,500 feet
- 100 miles north of Tunis
- Scattered over 20 square miles
- C. New technology used to find the ships and
artifacts - D. Condition of the ships/untouched/worms/looters/
torn on rocks - E. Historical significance what was found on the
ships/studying or significance of ancient Roman
trade routes/more history than all the museums
of the world - Example Robert Ballard discovered sunken Roman
ships. They used new technology to find the
ships. They found artifacts like granite columns
. (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, p.66)
74Conditions Set by State
- A 1-point response partially summarizes the
selection by including one or two main points
from the selection OR provides a summarizing
statement and one main point from the selection
OR provides a summarizing statement. - (Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, p.66)
- The current Washington Assessment of Student
Learning is a diagnostic tool for scoring a
students attending and responding skills,
through telling, showing and doing. These skills
are defined by Carkhuff as the first two steps in
our interpersonal skills development of the
learning process (Carkhuff Berenson, 1981, p.
161). - A students ability to attend and respond
according to the Washington State criteria, which
is framed in accordance with Carkhuffs
interpersonal skills diagnostic theory and
implemented through the ROPES model (pedagogy) is
scored on the WASL. Students must attend to their
learning material in order to demonstrate their
higher-order thinking skill level.
- Bergeson, T. (1994). Letter to Robert Carkhuff.
Olympia, WA State of Washington. - Bigelow, M. (1998). Letter to office of financial
management. Olympia, WA State of Washington. - Buechel, M. (2006). Letter to Nancy Vernon.
Olympia, WA State of Washington. - Carkhuff, R. R. Berenson B.C. (2000). The new
science of possibilities The processing science.
Amherst, MA Possibilities Publishing. - Carkhuff, R.R. McCune, S.D. (2000).
Possibilities schools. Amherst, MA Possibilities
- Carkhuff, R.R. Berenson, D.H. (1981). The
skilled teacher. Amherst, MA Human Resource
Development Press, Inc. - Carkhuff Thinking Systems. (1999). The new 3Rs
Skills for the 21st century. Olympia, WA State
of Washington. - Commission on Student Learning. (1997). Building
a better future. Olympia, WA State of
Washington. - Commission on Student Learning, (1993).
Commission on student learning subject advisory
committee meeting minutes. Olympia, WA State of
- Griffin, A. (2006). Letter to Executive Ethics
Board. Olympia, WA State of Washington. - Lambert, M.J. DeJulio, S.S. Outcome research
in Carkhuffs human resource development training
programs Where is the donut? The Counseling
Psychologist. 1977, 6(4). - Nemec, P. B., McNamara, S. Walsh, D. Direct
skills teaching. Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Philosophy, Process, and Technology, 172-190.
Reprinted with revisions from Psychosocial
Rehabilitation Journal, 1992, 16(1), 13-25. - Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. (2003). WASL 10th Grade 2003
Released Items. Olympia, WA State of Washington.
- Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. (1997). Contract number C101-1
Carkhuff thinking systems. Olympia, WA State of
Washington. - Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. (1998). Linking educational reform
and educational technology grant application.
Olympia, WA State of Washington. - Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. (1998). Contract number C102A-2
Carkhuff thinking systems. Olympia, WA State of
Washington. - Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. (1999). Education for the 21st
century grant application. Olympia, WA State
of Washington.
- Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. (2000). Contract number C120-486
Carkhuff thinking systems. Olympia, WA State of
Washington. - Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. (2000). Purchase orders. Olympia,
WA State of Washington. - Office of the Superintendent of Public
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application. Olympia, WA State of Washington. - Office of the Superintendent of Public
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