Drawing and the GDI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Drawing and the GDI


Combining varying intensities of red, green, and blue creates a color ... e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Plum, pntList) Slide 45. Polygon Illustration. Slide 46 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: gdi | drawing | plum | red


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Drawing and the GDI

Chapter 12
  • Drawing and the GDI

  • Understand the GDI
  • Understand color and the Color structure
  • Define lines, rectangles, text, and polygons
  • Draw images to a graphical device
  • Understand the different graphical
  • Send graphical output to a printer
  • Create bar and pie charts

Introducing the GDI
  • The Graphical Device Interface (GDI) provides
    the means by which Windows displays
  • Text
  • Lines
  • Rectangles
  • Complex shapes, such as polygons
  • GDI draws to the screen or to printers
  • GDI renders images such as bitmaps
  • GDI performs typography

Services Provided by the GDI
  • Services provided by the GDI are divided into
    four categories
  • GDI supplies classes to draw simple shapes, such
    as lines and rectangles, or more complex shapes,
    such as polygons and curves
  • GDI allows a developer to display bitmaps and
    other types of images
  • GDI allows a developer to display text of
    varying fonts
  • GDI performs transformations

GDI Namespaces and Classes
  • Members of the System.Drawing namespace define
    the shapes that you can draw, and how those
    shapes are outlined or filled
  • Members of the System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace
    extend the features of the System.Drawing
  • Not supported by Windows 98
  • The System.Graphics class serves two purposes
  • Its members are used to draw shapes, such as
    lines and rectangles, draw images, and perform
  • An instance of the Graphics class provides a
    reference to the drawing surface itself

Understanding Color and the Color Structure
  • Combining varying intensities of red, green, and
    blue creates a color
  • The term RGB refers to the three colors (red,
    green, and blue) used to create a color
  • Each RGB value ranges from 0 to 255
  • If the value is 0, then the color is off
  • If the value is 255, then the color is applied at
    full intensity

Color and the Color Structure
  • System.Drawing.Color structure
  • Properties
  • The A property returns the alpha component of the
  • One purpose of the alpha component is to control
  • The R property returns the red component of the
  • The G property returns the green component of the
  • The B property returns the blue component of the
  • The Color structure supplies several named colors
  • Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.Green, etc.

Color and the Color Structure
  • Methods
  • The overloaded shared FromArgb method creates a
    color based on R, G, B, and alpha values
  • Examples
  • Dim colCurrent As Color
  • Color is white
  • colCurrent Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)
  • Color is blue
  • colCurrent Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255)

Drawing Lines
  • A straight line is drawn between two points using
    a pen
  • Pens are of two types
  • Cosmetic pens draw solid lines
  • Lines may have a different thickness
  • Default is 1 pixel
  • Geometric pens allow creation of custom lines
    with custom endpoints

Defining a Point (1)
  • A straight line is drawn from a starting point to
    an ending point
  • The Point structure defines a position on a
    graphical output device having x and y coordinate
  • Constructor syntax
  • Public Sub New(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As _

Defining a Point (2)
  • The x argument defines the horizontal distance
    from the left edge of the graphical device to the
  • The y argument defines the vertical distance from
    the top of the graphical device to the point
  • Example to create a point at the origin
    (upper-left) corner of the form
  • Dim pntCurrent As New Point(0, 0)

Defining a Pen
  • Pens define the color and thickness of a line, or
    the border surrounding other shapes
  • Properties
  • The Color property defines the color of the pen
  • The DashStyle property contains the value of a
    DashStyle enumeration member
  • The EndCap property defines the shape of the cap
    appearing at the end of the line
  • The StartCap property defines the shape of the
    cap appearing at the beginning of a line

Pen Constructor
  • The Pen constructor creates a new pen
  • Pen has a color and an optional width
  • Public Sub New(color As Color)
  • Public Sub New(color As Color, width As Width)
  • The color argument contains an existing color
  • The optional width argument defines the width of
    the line
  • Default width is 1 pixel

Defining a Pen (Example)
  • Create a new one pixel wide red pen
  • Dim penCurrent As New Pen(Color.Red)
  • Create a red pen three pixels wide
  • Dim penCurrentWide As New Pen(Color.Red, 3)
  • Explicitly dispose of all custom pens by calling
    the Dispose method
  • penCurrent.Dispose()
  • penCurrentWide.Dispose()

The Graphics Class
  • The Graphics class supplies methods to clear a
    drawing surface, and to draw all shapes to an
    output device (window or printer)
  • Properties
  • DpiX and DpiY properties return the horizontal
    and vertical resolution of the graphics device

The Graphics Class Methods (1)
  • The Clear method clears the drawing surface and
    fills that surface with a background color
  • The DrawArc method draws an arc using a pen
  • The DrawEllipse method draws an ellipse bounded
    by a rectangle
  • The DrawImage and DrawImageScaled methods draw an
    image to the output device
  • The DrawLine method draws a line between two
    points using a pen
  • The DrawLines method draws a series of connected

The Graphics Class Methods (2)
  • The DrawPie method draws a pie shape
  • The DrawPolygon method draws an outline of a
    polygon using a pen
  • The DrawRectangle method draws a bordered
    rectangle using a pen
  • The DrawString method represents the GDIs
    typography capabilities
  • Draws filled and outlined text
  • The FillPie method fills a pie slice with a brush
  • The FillPolygon method fills a polygon with a
  • The FillRectangle method fills a rectangle with a

The Graphics Class Methods (3)
  • The Flush method forces all graphical requests to
    be processed
  • The RotateTransform method rotates images using
    an angle between 1 and 360 degrees
  • The ScaleTransform method zooms in and out of the
    graphics displayed on an output device
  • The TranslateTransform method changes the point
    that VB .NET considers the origin

Paint Event Handler
Drawing Lines (1)
  • Call the DrawLine method of the Graphics class to
    draw a line
  • The overloaded DrawLine method draws a straight
    line to an output device using an existing
    instance of the Pen class
  • Syntax
  • Overloads Public Sub DrawLine(ByVal pen As Pen,
  • pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point)
  • Overloads Public Sub DrawLine(ByVal pen As Pen,
  • x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer,
  • y2 As Integer)

Drawing Lines (2)
  • Dissection
  • The pen argument contains a reference to an
    existing pen
  • The pt1 and pt2 arguments reference existing
    Point structures
  • Points define the line's endpoints
  • The x1 and y1 arguments define the lines
    starting point
  • The x2 and y2 arguments define the lines

Drawing Lines (Example)
  • Create a pen and points
  • Dim penCurrent As New Pen(Color.Red)
  • Dim pntStart As New Point(0, 0)
  • Dim pntEnd As New Point(50, 50)
  • Draw equivalent lines
  • Graphics.DrawLine(penCurrent, pntStart, pntEnd)
  • Graphics.DrawLine(penCurrent, 0, 0, 50, 50)
  • Always dispose of custom pens
  • penCurrent.Dispose()

Drawing Rectangles
  • A rectangle consists of Point and Size structures
  • The Point structure defines the origin of the
  • The Size structure defines the rectangles height
    and width

Size Constructor
  • The Size constructor defines the size of a
    bounding rectangle
  • Public Sub New(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal _
  • height As Integer)
  • The width argument defines the width of the
  • The height argument defines the height of the
  • Values are measured in pixels

Size Constructor (Example)
  • Create a new instance of the Size structure that
    is roughly one inch square
  • Dim sizCurrent As New Size(72, 72)

Rectangle Constructor (1)
  • Create a rectangle using existing Point and Size
    structures or positional arguments
  • Overloads Public Sub New(ByVal location As
    Point, ByVal size As Size)
  • Overloads Public Sub New(ByVal x As Integer,
    ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer,
    ByVal height As Integer)

Rectangle Constructor (2)
  • The location argument contains an existing Point
  • The size argument contains an existing Size
  • The x and y arguments define the origin of the
  • The width and height arguments define the size of
    the rectangle

Rectangle Constructor (Example)
  • Create Point and Size structures
  • Dim pntCurrent As New Point(0, 0)
  • Dim sizCurrent As New Size(100, 100)
  • Create a new rectangle using existing Point and
    Size structures
  • Dim recCurrent As New Rectangle(pntCurrent, _
  • sizCurrent)
  • Create a new rectangle using x and y coordinates
    along with the width and height
  • Dim recCurrent1 As New Rectangle(0, 0, _
  • 100, 100)

Filling the Region of a Rectangle
  • Brushes fill a rectangle or other shape
  • Four types of brushes are supported
  • A SolidBrush fills a shape with a solid color
  • A HatchBrush has a foreground and background
  • Foreground color specifies the color of the
    horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines drawn on
    the background
  • A LinearGradientBrush defines a brush with two
  • Colors painted in the shape are varied from the
    starting color to the ending color
  • A TextureBrush fills a shape with an image

Solid Brush (Example 1)
  • Create a SolidBrush instance
  • Dim sbCurrent As New SolidBrush(Color.Red)
  • Create a Rectangle
  • Dim recCurrent As New Rectangle(1, 1, 100,
  • Fill the Rectangle
  • e.Graphics.FillRectangle(sbCurrent,
  • Explicitly destroy all custom brushes
  • sbCurrent.Dispose()

Solid Brush (Example 2)
  • Create a rectangle
  • Dim recCurrent As New Rectangle( _
  • 1, 1, 100, 100)
  • Fill a rectangle with a named brush
  • No need to destroy named brushes
  • e.Graphics.FillRectangle( _
  • Brushes.Red, recCurrent)

HatchBrush Constructor
  • A HatchBrush fills a region with a pattern
    instead of a solid color
  • Arguments define the foreground and optional
    background colors
  • Public Sub New HatchBrush(hatchstyle As
    HatchStyle, forecolor As Color)
  • Public Sub New HatchBrush(hatchstyle As
    HatchStyle, forecolor As Color, backcolor As
  • The hatchstyle argument specifies the type of
    HatchBrush to use
  • The forecolor and backcolor arguments specify the
    color of the hatch pattern and the background
    color, respectively

HatchBrush (Example)
  • Create a HatchBrush using a Cross style
  • Dim hbCurrent As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Cross,
  • Color.Red)
  • Define the rectangle
  • Dim recCurrent As New Rectangle(5, 5, 100, 100)
  • Fill the rectangle using the HatchBrush
  • e.Graphics.FillRectangle(hbCurrent, recCurrent)
  • Dispose of the HatchBrush
  • hbCurrent.Dispose()

Filling Shapes with a LinearGradientBrush
  • The LinearGradientBrush class defines a brush
    used to fill a shape
  • Code example
  • Dim recLGB As New Rectangle(10, 10, _
  • Me.ClientSize.Width 20, 235)
  • Dim lgbRectangle As New LinearGradientBrush(recLG
    B, _
  • Color.AliceBlue, Color.SteelBlue, _
  • LinearGradientMode.Horizontal)
  • e.Graphics.FillRectangle(lgbRectangle, recLGB)
  • lgbRectangle.Dispose()

Painting an Imagewith a TextureBrush
  • A TextureBrush fills a shape with an image
  • Example
  • Dim imgCurrent As Image
  • imgCurrent _ Image.FromFile("..\..\Data\CourseL
  • Dim tbCurrent As New TextureBrush(imgCurrent)
  • e.Graphics.FillRectangle(tbCurrent, 1, 1, 200,

Drawing Text (Introduction)
  • Drawing text involves
  • Creating a font with the overloaded Font
  • Calling the DrawString method to paint a string
    having a particular font

Font Constructor
  • The Font constructor creates a new instance of
    the Font class having a particular typeface, font
    characteristics, and size
  • Public Sub New(ByVal familyName As String, ByVal
    emSize As Single, ByVal style As FontStyle)
  • The familyName argument defines the font family,
    such as Arial or Tahoma, used to create the
  • The emSize argument defines the font size
  • The style argument specifies font attributes such
    as boldface or underlining

Drawing Text (Example)
  • Create a new 14-point bold Arial font
  • Dim fntCurrent As New Font("Arial", _
  • 14, FontStyle.Bold)

The DrawString Method (1)
  • Call the DrawString method of the Graphics class
    to display text on the drawing surface
  • The overloaded DrawString method draws a string
    to a graphical output device using a brush
  • Overloads Public Sub DrawString(ByVal s As
    String, ByVal font As Font, ByVal brush As Brush,
    ByVal point As PointF)
  • Overloads Public Sub DrawString(ByVal s As
    String, ByVal font As Font, ByVal brush As Brush,
    layoutrectangle As RectangleF)

The DrawString Method (2)
  • The first argument s contains the string to be
  • The font argument contains an instance of the
    Font class representing the font to be drawn
  • The point argument contains a Point structure
    defining the origin of the drawn string
  • The string is drawn using brush as the brush
  • The layoutrectangle argument contains a bounding
    rectangle in which the string will be drawn

The DrawString Method (Example)
  • Draw a string at the origin using a named Red
  • e.Graphics.DrawString("This is a string.", _
  • fntCurrent, Brushes.Red, 0, 0)

Complex Shapes
  • Three or more points may be connected together to
    form a polygon
  • Outlined polygons or filled polygons are
  • Ellipses are created by defining a bounding
  • The center of the ellipse is the center of the
    bounding rectangle
  • Ellipses may be outlined or filled
  • An arc represents a portion of an ellipse
  • A pie is created using that part of an ellipse
    formed by an arc

Drawing and Filling Polygons
  • The Graphics class supplies methods to draw a
    polygon outline using a pen (DrawPolygon), and to
    fill a polygon using a brush (FillPolygon)
  • The DrawPolygon method accepts two arguments
  • A pen
  • An array of Point structures

Creating Polygons (Example)
  • Create an array of points
  • Dim pnt1 As New Point(100, 100)
  • Dim pnt2 As New Point(150, 200)
  • Dim pnt3 As New Point(50, 200)
  • Dim pntList() As Point pnt1, pnt2, pnt3
  • Draw the polygon using a pen
  • e.Graphics.DrawPolygon(Pens.Black, pntList)
  • Fill the polygon using a brush
  • e.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Plum, pntList)

Polygon Illustration
Drawing and Filling Ellipses
  • Drawing an ellipse involves defining a bounding
  • The shape of the bounding rectangle defines the
    shape of the ellipse
  • Call the DrawEllipse method of the Graphics class
    to draw an outline of the ellipse using a pen
  • Call the FillEllipse method to fill the ellipse
    with a brush

Drawing and Filling Ellipses (Illustration)
Drawing and Filling Arcs
  • The process is similar to creating an ellipse
  • Define the bounding rectangle and ellipse
  • Define the starting angle
  • Define the sweep angle
  • Example create a 90 degree arc

Dim recArc As New Rectangle(5, 5, 100,
100) e.Graphics.DrawArc(Pens.Red, recArc, 0, 90)
Drawing Arcs
Drawing Images (Overview)
  • The overloaded DrawImage method draws an image to
    a graphical device
  • Drawing an image requires that you
  • First load the image into memory
  • Once an image has been loaded into memory, draw
    it to a graphics surface by calling the DrawImage
    method of the Graphics class

Drawing Images (Syntax)
  • Overloads Public Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As _
  • Image, ByVal point As Point)
  • Overloads Public Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As _
  • Image, ByVal rect As Rectangle)
  • First overloaded method accepts two arguments
  • The image to draw and a Point structure
  • Image is drawn using the point as the origin
  • Size of the drawn image is the same as the size
    of the underlying image
  • Second overloaded method also accepts two
  • The image to draw and a bounding rectangle

Drawing Images (Example)
  • Create a point and rectangle
  • Dim imgCurrent As Image
  • Dim pntImage As New Point(0, 0)
  • Dim recImage As New Rectangle(40, 40, 80, 160)
  • Load image
  • imgCurrent Image.FromFile("C\image.bmp")
  • Draw image at point and in rectangle
  • e.Graphics.DrawImage(imgCurrent, pntImage)
  • e.Graphics.DrawImage(imgCurrent, recImage)

Graphical Transformations (World Transformation)
  • By default a form's origin is the upper-left
    corner of the form
  • The mapping of world coordinates to page
    coordinates is called world transformation
  • Call the TranslateTransform method to change the

World Transformation (Illustration)
World Transformation (Example)
  • Make the center of the form the origin
  • e.Graphics.TranslateTransform( _
  • ToSingle(Me.ClientSize.Width / 2), _
  • ToSingle(Me.ClientSize.Height / 2))

Graphical Transformations (Page Transformations)
  • GDI performs a page transformation converting
    page coordinates into device coordinates
  • Use to change unit of measure from pixels to
    something else
  • Example change unit of measure to inches
  • e.Graphics.PageUnit GraphicsUnit.Inch
  • e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 0, 1)

Graphical Transformations (Graphical Rotation)
  • Graphics are rotated about the forms originwhen
    the RotateTransform method of the Graphics class
    is called
  • Examples
  • Rotate 90 degrees
  • e.Graphics.RotateTransform(90)
  • Rotate 180 degrees
  • e.Graphics.RotateTransform(190)

Graphical Transformations (Scaling Graphics)
  • Scaling allows you to change the magnification of
    the graphics drawn about the form
  • Zoom in
  • e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(2, 2)
  • Zoom out
  • e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(0.5, 0.5)

Drawing to a Printer
  • VB .NET supplies several related classes that
    support the printing process
  • The PageSettings class defines page orientation
    and page margins
  • The PrinterSettings class allows you to define
    settings for the printer itself, and to select a
  • The PrintDialog class works similarly to the
    OpenFileDialog or the SaveFileDialog classes
  • It allows the user to select print options

The PrintDocument Class (1)
  • Allows drawing operations to be performed to a
    printer or PrintPreviewDialog
  • Properties
  • The DefaultPageSettings property references an
    object of type PageSettings
  • The DocumentName property contains the name of
    the document
  • The PrinterSettings property allows you to define
    which printer will be used to print the document
  • Set the HasMorePages property to False when
    printing is complete
  • Set the HasMorePages property to True to print
    another page

The PrintDocument Class (2)
  • Methods
  • Calling the Print method begins the printing
  • Events
  • The BeginPrint event fires just before printing
  • The EndPrint event fires after printing completes
  • The PrintPage event fires after the BeginPrint
  • Perform printing operations in this event handler

The PrintDialog Control (1)
  • Allows the user to select print options
  • Does not cause printing to commence
  • Properties
  • The AllowSomePages property enables the radio
    buttons in the Print range section allowing the
    user to select which pages to print
  • The AllowSelection property enables the Selection
    radio button allowing the user to print the
  • The All button is always enabled
  • The PrinterSettings property references a
    PrinterSettings object

The PrintDialog Control (2)
  • Methods
  • The ShowDialog method displays the PrintDialog
  • The method returns a value of type DialogResult

PrintDialog Control (Example)
  • Create an instance of the PrinterSettings class
  • Dim psImage As New PrinterSettings()
  • Dim dlgResult As DialogResult
  • Associate PrinterSettings with PrintDialog
  • dlgImage.PrinterSettings psImage
  • dlgResult dlgImage.ShowDialog()
  • Display PrintDialog control instance
  • If dlgResult DialogResult.OK Then
  • ' Statements to print output
  • EndIf

The PrinterSettings Class (1)
  • Purpose is to configure the printer
  • Properties (1)
  • The Copies property contains the number of copies
    to print
  • The FromPage property contains the starting page
    to print
  • The ToPage property contains the ending page to
  • The IsValid property examines the value of the
    PrinterName property to determine whether the
    printer is a valid printer
  • The PrinterName property contains the name of the
    printer to use
  • The Boolean PrintToFile property, if True, causes
    the document to be printed to a file. If False
    (the default), then the document is printed to
    the selected printer

The PrintPreviewDialog and PrintPreview Controls
  • The PrintPreviewDialog and PrintPreview controls
    allow you to preview a document before printing
  • The PrintPreviewDialog control previews the
    document in a separate dialog box
  • The PrintPreview control previews the document
    inside the visible region of the control instance
    appearing on the form
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