Superstring Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Superstring Theory


all the other forces have quantum theories. we know spacetime is ... Kip Thorne, 'Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy', 1994. String Theory ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Superstring Theory

Superstring Theory
  • Paul J. Thomas
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • UW-Eau Claire

What is String Theory?
  • We want a unified theory of all forces.
  • We want a quantum theory of gravity.
  • Why?
  • all the other forces have quantum theories.
  • we know spacetime is quantized for small

The Planck Length
  • The smallest length for which classical
    space-time (e.g. General Relativity) will work.
  • 1.6 ?10-35 m 10-20 ? proton diameter.
  • On this scale, space-time is turbulent, with
    spontaneous creation and destruction of many
    virtual particles.

Spacetime Foam
Kip Thorne, Black Holes and Time Warps
Einsteins Outrageous Legacy, 1994
String Theory
  • General Relativity fails really badly when point
    particles interact.
  • So lets consider matter to be made up of tiny
    loops of matter, a Planck length long.

?10-35 m?
String Theory
  • This solves the problems!
  • Oh, and we need 10 dimensions of spacetime to
    make the math work (or 11, or 26).
  • But all but 4 of these can be curled up tight
    inside the Planck length

Why Superstrings?
  • Original string theory only worked for bosons
    (e.g. photons and mesons), not fermions (e.g.
    electrons and protons).
  • Theory needed to be combined with Supersymmetry.

Six-dimensional Calabi-Yau shapes at each point
in spacetime
What is Supersymmetry?
  • A unified theory for the strong, weak and
    electromagnetic forces.
  • Predictions
  • electromagnetic and weak forces merge to form one
    force at 1015 K (confirmed).
  • electroweak force merges into strong force at
    1028 K.

More Supersymmetry Predictions
  • Fermions
  • spin ½ particles
  • e.g. protons, neutrons, electrons, quark
  • make up matter
  • Bosons
  • spin 0,1,2 particles
  • e.g. photons, mesons, gluons, W particles
  • virtual particles for forces
  • Every known particle should have a superpartner
    with spin ½.

  • So a quark (spin ½) should have a squark partner,
    (spin 1).
  • A photon (spin 1) should have a photino partner
    (spin 1½).

(No Transcript)
What is M-Theory?
  • M-Theory is the most current name for superstring
  • Nobody is willing to say what M stands for!
  • It could mean
  • Membrane (an n-dimensional surface)
  • Manifold (a set of Membranes)
  • Mystery
  • Mother of all theories

I know! You want the full story
  • My theme here will be to suggest that we should
    somehow study D-branes with N ? , with tachyon
    condensation to annihilate most of the branes and
    reduce to something more manageable. To motivate
    this, I will consider two concrete questions that
    seem to require taking the number of D-branes to
    be infinite. One question is the relation of Type
    IIA superstrings to K-theory the other is the
    inclusion of a topologically non-trivial NS
    three-form field H in the K-theory classification
    of RR charges and fields.
  • Ed Witten, Overview of K-Theory Applied To
    Strings, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A16 (2001) 693-706.

Alright! Where can I go next?
  • Try
  • Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe
  • http//

Is there any hope we can test this?
  • At Fermilab, Maria Spiropulu hopes to see
    particles disappearing into an extra dimension.
    In some experiments, a proton and antiproton may
    collide, producing a graviton, which mediates the
    gravitational force. The graviton may sail off
    our universal "brane" into the fifth dimension,
    leaving behind a tremor in our ordinary reality.
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