Title: Lectures on String Theory
1Lectures on String Theory
Music of the Spheres
Jan Pieter van der Schaar
2Outline of the series
- Why do we need string theory
- What is string theory
- Latest developments
stands for Mystery
- Approximate nature of string theory
- D-branes and black holes
- Dualities and M-theory
3Summary last week
- String vibration modes correspond to particles
- Strings require ten space-time dimensions
- Our understanding is only approximate
- Heterotic SO(32) closed superstrings
- Heterotic E8 x E8 closed superstrings
- Type I open and closed superstrings
- Type IIA closed superstrings
- Type IIB closed superstrings
4Interacting strings
- Only approximately known through tube diagrams
- Strength of interactions determined by the string
coupling and only when this number is smaller
than 1 can we use our approximate description in
terms of tube diagrams - Strong string interactions roughly correspond to
strong gravity, in which case the tube diagram
approximation is no longer under control
Many interesting questions we would like to
answer involve strong string coupling at some
point, for instance selecting the space-time
stage, understanding black holes etc.
5String theory vs. quantum field theory
From QFT we can deduce the consecutive series of
approximations in terms of Feynman diagrams, but
in principle we can study (some aspects of)
strongly coupled QFT
String theory only defined in terms of tube
diagrams providing us with a consecutive series
of approximations
String Theory
6Superstrings and the correspondence principle
- If the length scales under consideration are much
larger than the string length a point-particle
description should be a good approximation - At low energies we therefore approximately obtain
supersymmetric quantum field theories including
gravity supergravity
string length corrections
10-33 cm
7Introducing D-branes
- D stands for Dirichlet a mathematician
- A surface on which open strings end Dirichlet
boundary conditions - Think of it as an open string soap-bubble
(membrane) - Embedded in a closed string theory
- They have charge Q, mass M and p extended
directions - No force between N parallel D-branes !
- We can use our string tube diagram
approximation when gravity is weak, so when the
mass M of the D-brane is small
J. Polchinski
8Black hole physics
- Created when nothing can stop the gravitational
attraction - Space-time singularity, black hole horizon
surrounding the no escape zone (Schwarzschild
radius) - Elementary particles uncertainty in position is
usually larger than its Schwarzschild radius - No longer true when Planck scale energies are
involved! - Black holes have mass, charge and can rotate, but
thats it
Sun 3 km Electron 10-55 cm
J. Wheeler Black holes have no hair
9Black hole quantum physics
S. Hawking
- Black holes emit black body Hawking radiation
(tiny) - Can be assigned a temperature and entropy
- Entropy is a measure of disorder or randomness
- We lack a microscopic understanding
BH (Sun) TH 0.00000001 K BH (Electron) TH
1052 K Entropy BH (Sun) 1077 Entropy Universe
10Black p-brane solutions
- Extended generalizations of black hole solutions
- Classical solutions of supergravity General
Relativity plus generalized electromagnetic
fields - Sources have a mass M, a charge Q and p extended
directions (p0 black hole) heavy objects - What do they correspond to in string theory?
Also known as Pea brains
Point-particle 0-brane
String 1-brane
Membrane 2-brane
11From D-branes to black holes
- D-brane picture valid at weak gravitational
coupling small of D-branes - A black hole appears at strong gravitational
coupling large of D-branes - Understanding of black holes in terms of D-branes
and open strings!
Q, M
Q, M
Suggests that the information loss problem is a
result of our incomplete understanding of black
holes in the D-brane picture there is no problem!
12String dualities
- Strings are very useful objects to consider at
weak coupling - We like strings because they can deal with
graviton exchange - Degrees of freedom can change e.g. consider
water and ice - Something similar happens in string theory at
strong coupling new (weakly coupled) degrees of
freedom can be used in an approximate description - This phenomenon is generally called a duality
- Particle/wave duality
- Strong/weak coupling duality (electric/magnetic)
E. Witten
A dream come true!
Second Superstring Revolution (1995)
13The hidden eleventh dimension
- Highest dimension for supergravity theories
- Gives a ten-dimensional supergravity (IIA) when
wrapped on a circle and the radius turns out to
be related to the string coupling ! - Small string coupling 10 dimensions
- Strong string coupling 11 dimensions
- Strings turn into Membranes
M. Duff P.K. Townsend E. Bergshoeff E.
14What is M-theory?
- Membrane, Mystery, Mother, Magic,
Eleven dimensions
String theory
P.K. Townsend Pea brain democracy!
15What about experiments?
Principle of Science the test of all knowledge
is experiment
- Never say never, we are working on it
- One ongoing single big experiment is very
promising (in my humble opinion)
Our universe
16Summary of todays lecture
- String theory, using D-branes, has given us some
clues about the constituents of some black holes - Five superstring theories are approximate corners
of a more fundamental structure called M-theory - We do not yet know what M-theory is
- Involves membranes, eleven dimensions and more
E. Witten Understanding what M- theory really
is would transform our understanding of nature at
least as radically as occurred in any of the
major scientific upheavals in the past
- The internet in general, but in particular
- www.particleadventure.org
- www.superstringtheory.com
- The highly recommended book
- The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
- The SMP crew
- David Gerdes, Carol Rabuck
- Demos Angela Plagemann, Mark Kennedy, Warren
Smith - Sponsor
- Dr. M. Lois Tiffany
Thanks Everybody!