Title: EPA Environmental Protection Agency
1EPA Environmental Protection Agency
- Agency that protects human health and Natural
Environment - Formed on December 2, 1970
- Formed by President Nixon
- Formed to restore natural environment condition
- Environmental Issues in 1970
- The National Environmental Protection Act
- The Clean Air Act
- The Federal Water Pollution Act
- Present Environmental Issues
- Acid Deposition
- Ozone Depletion
- Hazardous Wastes
- Consists of 17,964 Employees (2005)
- Annual Budget 7.3 billion (2007)
- Agency Executive
- Administrator Stephen L. Johnson
- Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock
5EPA Offices
- Administration and Resources
- Air and Radiation
- Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
- Environmental Information
- Environmental Justice
- Chief Financial Officer
- General Counsel
- Inspector General
- International Affairs
- Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
- Research and Development
- Solid Waste and Emergency Response
- Water
6EPA Regulations Categories
Environmental JusticeExtractionFederal
FacilitiesFishingFood Quality
ForestFurnitureGarment/ Textiles Healthcare/
Hospitals Import / Export International Affairs
Leather MercuryMetalsMinerals/ MinesOceanOil
Spills Paper
Particulate MatterPesticides Petroleum Pharmaceu
Solid Waste TiresToxic Substances
TransportationTribesUnderground Storage
Tanks Universal WasteWasteWetlands
- Acid RainAgricultureAirAutomotive Industry
Beaches - Cars, Trucks, and Other Motorized
ChangeComputers/ ElectronicsConstructionCooper
ative ConservationCoral Reef Protection - Drinking WaterDry Cleaning
- EnergyEnforcement
7EPA Regulations
- Air/Acid Rain
- The Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD)
- Drinking Water
- National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
(NPDWRs) - Pesticides
- Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act
8EPA Regulations
- The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
- Established in October 21, 1976
- The Solid Waste Program
- The Hazardous Waste Program
- The Underground Storage Tanks
9How to write Regulations through EPA?
- Receive Commencement Approval
- Analyze the problem
- Identify options
- Publish a Proposal
- Review Public comments
- Issues Regulation
- Analyze our regulation
10How to get involved with EPA ?!
- Comment on regulation
- Read agendas and plans
- Get daily updates on regulations
- Access EPAs Docket Centers
- Collects information related to regulation
- Visit www.epa.gov
- http//cdsupply.net/Portals/3/EPA_logo.png
- www.epa.gov
- www.winkipedia.com
- http//www.epa.gov/lawsregs/envtopics/index.html
- Questions ?!!