Title: U'S' Environmental Protection Agency National Decontamination Team NDT
1U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyNational
Decontamination Team (NDT)
- Resources, progress, and the future.
Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid
Waste and Emergency Response Office of Emergency
Management National Decontamination Team
2NDT is an organizationwithin EPA
3NDTs Mission
- NDT is a scientific and technical resource to
coordinate, communicate and deliver
decontamination expertise to local, state,
national and international agencies. - NDT supports and responds to terrorist events,
catastrophic industrial accidents, and natural
disasters. - NDT provides a unique combination of skills for
planning, research, policy development,
implementing decontamination to protect human
health, the environment, and national security.
4NDT Objectives
- Ensure safety of responders
- Minimize impact to the public
- Reduce recovery time
- Reduce or eliminate long-term risks
- Minimize costs
5Who we are
- National Decontamination Team (NDT) is a team of
technical specialists who - provide decontamination expertise related to
biological, chemical, and radiological (CBR)
agents - identify technologies to decontaminate buildings,
building contents, agriculture, and public
6NDT technical specialties
- Engineering
- Structural
- Nuclear
- Industrial Hygiene
- Hazardous Shipping and Disposal
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Analytical Chemistry
- Health Physics
- Toxicology
- Medical Doctors
7NDT maintains a fleet of response vehicles
8and emergency response equipment
9at its Erlanger, Kentuckyresponse facility
10NDT has a field-deployable robot to monitor
hazardous environments
Hazardous Environment Robotic Observer HERO
11NDT is developing mobile laboratories Portable
High-throughput Integrated Laboratory Information
Systems (PHILIS)
12NDT has even developed an airborne chemical
surveillance unit
Airborne Spectral Photometric Environmental
Collection Technology (ASPECT)
13ASPECT Deployments and Responses
ASPECT Statistics 41 Emergency Responses 6 DHS
SEAR Deployments 9 DHS NSSE Deployments 4
FEMA Activations 12 Special Projects
LEGEND Responses Deployments Special Projects
14Activating an Emergency Response
- Responders can activate EPAs emergency response
community by contacting the National Response
Center - 800 424 8802
- Calls to the National Response Center will
activate the Federal government's response
15Mission Provide resources
- Web-based resources
- Online portfolio of decontamination (decon)
methods for select chemical, biological, and
radiological (CBR) agents - U.S. EPA Emergency Management Portal Website
16Mission Training
- An important part of NDTs mission is training.
NDT participates in a number of training and
emergency simulation exercises, including - Department of Homeland Security Top Officials
(TOPOFF) 4 Exercise - Spills of National Significance (SONS) Exercise
- Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Decontamination
17TOPOFF 4 Training Exercise simulation
18Mission Technical Assistance
- In addition to training for hypothetical
incidents, NDT responds to actual sites with
non-traditional contaminants. In 2007, NDT
participated in - Helena Chemical Removal Action
- Anthrax Incidents in Danbury, CT and NYC
- Others
19Structural integrity inspection of roof at Helena
Chemical site
20Collecting samples at Danbury Anthrax site
- EPA established NDT to provide equipment,
resources, training, and technical assistance for
biological, chemical, and radiological incidents.
22EPAs 10 Regions
23EPA 24-hr Emergency Contact
24NDT Office (513) 487-2420)NDT 24-HR Beeper (800)
25Portable High-throughputIntegrated Laboratory
Identification System (PHILIS)
- Mobile laboratory system capable of preparing and
analyzing over one hundred samples daily for
CWAs and TICs. Soil, water, wipe and air
samples. - Goal rapid deployment, up and running within 6
hours of setup, generator powered, 4 day supplies - To be deployed at 3 locations NJ, KY and CO
- NJ PHILIS is currently being setup
- KY PHILIS (PHILBERT) to be delivered end of March
- CO PHILIS to be setup in 2008
- PHILIS will use EPA modified methods for CWA
analysis as per SAM document
26NJ PHILIS Mobile Lab
27KY PHILIS Mobile Lab
28CO PHILIS Mobile Lab
29Standardized Analytical Methods for
Environmental Restoration following Homeland
Security Events
SAM v 3.1 undergoing validation for CWAs and
their breakdown products. Compilation of existing
30SAM v 3.1
- Chemical Methods
- 122 analytes, 5 matrices
- Pathogen Methods
- 36 analytes (6 BSL-4 Agents), 4 matrices, 2 types
(identification and viability) - Radiochemical Methods
- 18 analytes, 5 matrices, (gross and confirmatory)
- Biotoxin Methods
- 17 analytes, 5 matrices
- http//www.epa.gov/nhsrc/pubs/reportSAM030107.pdf
31Companion Sample Collection Information Document
- Standard sample collection methods to accompany
the SAM document - Currently under review
- Completed for various agents, sampling media and
sample matrices - Chemical, Radiochemical, Pathogens and Biotoxins
Agents - Air, Aqueous/Liquid, Drinking Water, Non-aqueous
Liquid, Organic Solids, Solid, Soil and Wipe
32Airborne Spectral Photometric Environmental
Collection Technology
- AeroCommander Platform
- Base of Operation Waxahachie, Texas
- IFR/GPS Equipped
- High Quality Filtered Power
- STC Camera Holes in the floor
- Crew Two Pilots, One Operator, All
Commercial/ATP Rated - Speeds
- Data Collection at 100 kts
- Cruise at 180 200 kts
- Range/Aloft Time
- Range 1100 NM
- Aloft Time 4 6 hours
- Service Altitude
- Data Collection at 2000 Ft AGL
- Cruise at 20000 Ft (with Supplemental Oxygen)
- IR Line Scanner
- Hi-speed FTIR spectrometer
- Gamma spectrometer
- Digital Imager
- All data GPS referenced
33ASPECT Passive IR Line Scanner Concept
Radiance Difference Between Background Ground
Surface and Gas Permits Classes of Compounds to
be Imaged
Radiance of Gas
Ground Surface Radiance
34Chemical Response Products
Base Map
Aerial Image
IR Plume Image
Chemical ID Information
Radiological Spectra
A single pass of the aircraft produces a data set
that permits mapping, aerial photography,
Infrared imaging, chemical identification and
radiological detection. These products can be
generated in under 3 minutes and forwarded to the
Incident Commander.
- ASPECT is the Nations ONLY 24/7 airborne
emergency response chemical/radiological plume
mapping. - ASPECT is activated by a phone request through
respective EPA emergency response regional
offices, EPA OSC,FEMA. - The Los Alamos National Laboratory, Chemistry
Division provides technical support. - Tim Curry (POC) 816-718-4281
- Mark Thomas (POC) 816-718-4271
36- Questions
- Praise
- Gratitudities