Title: How the National Agreement Supports KP Strategy
1How the National Agreement Supports KP Strategy
Strategy 2012 National Agreement Summary Provisions
Transforming Care Delivery Continued support for UBT development and assessment commitment for 85 percent of teams to achieve high performance by 2016
Solving for Affordability Formula to limit future liability for post-retiree health care costs Education on cost and appropriate use of employee health benefits Total Health education and incentives to enhance employee wellness and control costs of care UBTs increasingly taking on projects that remove costs from the system
Growing Membership Increased union collaboration in targeting and engaging key union-affiliated accounts Internal communication on employees role in enhancing member experience and retention
Enabling Performance though People Joint workforce planning and development strategies Implementation of hard-to-fill positions plan of 2011 Funding for educational trusts and joint prioritization of training needs and criteria Across-the-board wage increases reflect the difference in performance between California regions and those outside of California (3 percent annually in CA 2 percent annually in Regions Outside California)
Total Health Increase employee participation in Total Health efforts, with a commitment to attain industry-leading reductions in smoking rates, cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and BMI averages increase understanding of how to reduce incidence and severity of chronic disease
For more information, see an overview of the 2012
National Agreement