Title: Case studies
1Case studies
- Subjects measured with Arteriograph
2- The scope of the Arteriograph
- Screening asymptomatic, apparently healthy
subjects - It makes possible to detect atherosclerosis in an
early phase - Evaluating the efficiency of applied therapy
- Follow-up
- Comparison
3- Screening asymptomatic, apparently healthy
4The data show low risk the subject is presumed
to be healthy, no intervention is needed
(according to guidelines) !!!
However, according to arterial stiffness
evaluation with Arteriograph...
5- Examination
- High cholesterol level (7,30 mmol/l) was
determined - Conclusion
- By screening a low-risk, apparently healthy
subject with Arteriograph risk of endothel
disfunction could be showed - Therefore the screening of asymptomatic subject
with Arteriograph is needed and important !!!
6However according to arterial stiffness
evaluation with Arteriograph...
7- Examination
- Carotid Ultrasound positive (plaque)
- Conclusion
- By screening an apparently healthy subject with
Arteriograph high CV risk could be showed - Further examination (CUS) confirmed the necessity
of treatment
8- Evaluating the efficiency
- of applied therapy
9First example
Treated (ß-blocker) hypertensive subject
Abnormal Aix, high central blood pressure
(Increased peripheral vasoconstriction!)
Use a ß-blocker, with vasodilation effect !!!
10First example
The same subject with modified therapy
ß-blocker with vasodilation effect
Normal Aix, normal central blood pressure !!!
11Second example
Treated (ß-blocker) hypertensive subject
Abnormal Aix, high central blood pressure
(Increased peripheral vasoconstriction!)
What are we supposed to do??? Rethink the
treatment!!! (Change therapy!)
12Second example
The suggested new medicine is a CCB
Normal Aix, improved central systolic blood
pressure !!!
13- Conclusion
- When treating a hypertensive subject, it is very
important to lower - besides the peripheral BP -
the central blood pressure as well !!! - The Arteriograph gives important hemodynamical
parameters by which the effect of an
anti-hypertensive drug can be evaluated
14A study ???
Post-MI, post-PTCA subject
- Which one is good prognosis
- high Aix, or
- low Aix
- ????????????