Immediate Enrollment Under McKinney-Vento: Keeping Students Safe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Immediate Enrollment Under McKinney-Vento: Keeping Students Safe


Through it all, school is probably the only thing that has kept me going. I know that every day that I walk in those doors, I can stop thinking about my ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Immediate Enrollment Under McKinney-Vento: Keeping Students Safe

Immediate Enrollment Under McKinney-Vento
Keeping Students Safe
  • Through it all, school is probably the only
    thing that has kept me going. I know that every
    day that I walk in those doors, I can stop
    thinking about my problems for the next six hours
    and concentrate on what is most important to me.
    Without the support of my school system, I would
    not be as well off as I am today. School keeps me
    motivated to move on, and encourages me to find a
    better life for myself.
  • Carrie Arnold, LeTendre Scholar, 2002

Our Agenda Today
  • Schools can play a pivotal role in supporting the
    safety of children and youth experiencing
    homelessness, including runaway youth, youth who
    have been put out of their homes, abducted
    children and survivors of domestic violence.
  • This presentation will give an overview of
    homelessness, McKinney-Vento, and how we can make
    our school district a safe place.

Warm-Up Activity
  • Work with your colleagues to complete a monthly
  • Left side of the room budget for a 2-parent
    household with 2 school-aged children and 1
  • Right side of the room budget for a
    single-parent household with 2 school-aged
  • Try to cut costs as much as possible, while being

Warm-Up Activity (cont.)
  • What did you find?
  • How would your hypothetical family survive a
    serious illness, loss of job, car trouble, or any
    unexpected bill?
  • How could your hypothetical family save money to
    buy a home or have a cushion for unexpected

How many children and youth experience
  • Over 1.35 million children nationally
  • enrolled in school in our state/district
  • (roughly X (insert ) of all children and youth
    in state/district)
  • 10 of all children living in poverty
  • Over 40 of all children
  • who are homeless are
  • under the age of 5

Causes of Homelessness
  • Lack of affordable housing
  • Severe poverty
  • Health problems
  • Loss of job
  • Domestic violence
  • Natural and other disasters
  • Abuse/neglect (unaccompanied youth)

Unaccompanied Youth--Who Are They?
  • Definition a McKinney-Vento child or youth who
    is not in the physical custody of a parent or
  • Studies have found that 20-50 of unaccompanied
    youth were sexually abused in their homes 40-60
    were physically abused
  • Only about half of homeless youth are considered
    to have a chance of family reconciliation

Unaccompanied Youth--Who Are They? (cont.)
  • 20-40 of youth in homeless situations identify
    as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender
    (compared to 3-5 of adult population)
  • Homeless youth are six times more likely to be in
    foster care
  • 25-40 of youth who emancipate from foster care
    will end up homeless

McKinney-VentoHomeless Assistance Act
  • Reauthorized 2002 by NCLB (Title X, Part C)
  • Main themes
  • School stability
  • School access
  • Support for academic success
  • Child-centered, best interest decision making

EligibilityWho is Covered?
  • Children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate
    nighttime residence
  • Sharing the housing of others due to loss of
    housing, economic hardship, or similar reason
  • Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping
    grounds due to lack of adequate alternative
  • Living in emergency or transitional shelters

Eligibility Who is Covered? (cont.)
  • Awaiting foster care placement
  • Living in a public or private place not designed
    for humans to live
  • Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings,
    substandard housing, bus or train stations, or
    similar settings
  • Migratory children living in above
  • circumstances

Local HomelessEducation Liaisons
  • Every LEA must designate a liaison for students
    in homeless situations
  • Responsibilities
  • Ensure that children and youth in homeless
    situations are identified and enrolled in school,
    and have full opportunity to succeed in school
  • Link with educational services, including
    preschool and health services
  • Inform parents, guardians and youth of education,
    transportation and parent involvement
  • Post public notice of educational rights
  • Resolve disputes

McKinney-Vento ActKey Provisions
  • Immediate enrollment without documents attending
    classes and participating fully in school
  • School stability staying in the school of origin
    for the duration of homelessness and to end of
    year when permanently housed
  • Transportation to the school of origin
  • Eliminating barriers to enrollment and retention

McKinney-Vento ActKey Provisions
  • Unaccompanied youth immediate enrollment without
    legal guardian liaison support
  • Preschoolers connect with Head Start and other
    pre-K programs
  • No discrimination access to needed services and
  • Title I automatic eligibility and reservation of
  • Dispute resolution immediate enrollment written
    notice referral to liaison

Safety Issues
  • Survivors of domestic violence 20 of violent
    crime against women is committed by an intimate
  • Unaccompanied youth many parents are abusive,
    neglectful, or unable/unwilling to parent their
  • Possibility of child abduction
  • You can play a pivotal role in keeping children
    and youth safe!

Safety Strategies--Enrollment
  • Enroll children and youth experiencing
    homelessness immediately, as required by the
    McKinney-Vento Act. School is the safest place
    for children who are in danger!
  • Talk with parents, students and the previous
    school about potential dangers, and develop a
    safety plan together.
  • Talk to runaway youth about their home situation
    with care and sensitivity. Understand that youth
    may hesitate to admit that home is an unhealthy
    or dangerous environment for them.

Safety Strategies--Support
  • Refer unaccompanied youth and domestic violence
    survivors to counseling resources, including
    school counselors and social workers.
  • Provide a safe place and trained mentor at
    school for unaccompanied youth to access as

Safety Strategies--Privacy
  • Never share any information about a student with
    anyone who cannot prove they have the legal right
    to receive it.
  • Make everyone requesting any information about a
    student complete and sign an information request
    form, and maintain a record of all requests.
  • Always check the database and paper records to
    see if there is a protective order or other
    restriction to access to school records and

Safety Strategies--Get Help
  • Transfer school records through the State
    Coordinators Office if necessary to restrict
    information about where a student has enrolled in
  • If you suspect a child has been abducted or
    reported missing, contact the National Center for
    Missing and Exploited Children (
    m 1-800-THE-LOST).

Group Activity
  • Mrs. Williams arrives at school to enroll her
    daughter, Sandra. Mrs. Williams seems nervous
    and refuses to answer some of the enrollment
    questions. She says she does not have a
    permanent address right now. She also asks if
    the school has a security guard. Sandra just
    sits quietly with her mother.

Group Activity
  • Would you enroll Sandra? How would you handle
    the practicalities, like entering her in the
    database and requesting records?
  • What questions might you ask Mrs. Williams to
    learn about her situation and Sandras needs?
  • To whom might you refer Sandra?
  • To whom might you refer Mrs. Williams?

Local Resources
  • Liaison Name and Contact Info
  • State Coordinator Name and Contact Info
  • Other local resources (helpful websites,
    preschools, youth programs, shelters, housing,
    medical clinics, nonprofits, etc.)

National Resources
  • National Association for the Education of
    Homeless Children and Youth
  • http//
  • National Center on Homeless Education
  • http//
  • National Law Center on Homelessness Poverty
  • http//
  • National Network for Youth
  • http//

If you take onlyone thing with you
  • Enroll children and youth experiencing
    homelessness immediately!
  • If you turn away a child or youth, you may be
    sending them into a dangerous situation and
    breaking the law.
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