Title: Teen%20Pregnancy
1Teen Pregnancy
2What do you think?
- How many teens out of 10 will get pregnant at
least once before the turn 20? - What percentage of teen mothers do not graduate
high school? - What percentage of teen mothers earn a college
- There are nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies a year.
- About 25 of teen moms have a second child within
24 months of their first baby. - The U.S. has one of the highest teen pregnancy
rates in the western industrialized world.
Birth Rates Per 1000 girls Ages 15 - 19
Switzerland 4
Germany 9
Canada 14
United Kingdom 25
United States 34
4U.S. Teen Birth Rates Per 1000
Highest Lowest
Mississippi 55 New Hampshire 15
New Mexico 53 Massachusetts 17
Arkansas 52 Vermont 18
Texas 52 Connecticut 19
Oklahoma 50 New Jersey 20
5Why are teens getting pregnant?
- 82 of all teen pregnancies are unintended
- Inconsistent or incorrect use of contraception
6Health risks of teen pregnancy
- Lack of prenatal care
- Unhealthy habits of mother
- High blood pressure anemia
- Higher rate of premature birth
- Low birth weight
7Having a teen parent can be hard on the child
- Lower academic achievement
- Abuse or neglect
- The daughters of young teen mothers are 3 times
more likely to become teen mothers themselves. - The sons of teen mothers are twice as likely to
end up in prison.
8Financial responsibility
- Children who live apart from their fathers are 5
times more likely to be poor than children with
both parents at home. - More than 50 of all mothers on welfare had their
first child as a teenager. - In fact, two-thirds of families begun by a young,
unmarried mother are poor.
9How much does it cost?
- How much do you think it costs to support a child
through pregnancy until their first birthday?
10What does it cost? Assignment
Pregnancy Needs Internet Source Price Per Item Number Needed Total Cost
Maternity Wardrobe- a complete outfit target.com 50.00 x 5 250.00
Maternity Underwear target.com 20.00 x 5 100.00
Maternity bra target.com 42.00 x 3 126.00
Comfortable, safe, shoes target.com 20.00 x 1 20.00
DrVitaOne Daily Prenatal Vitamin www.mothernature.com 17.00 x 2 34.00
Pregnancy Needs Subtotal 530.00
Delivery Needs Internet Source Price Per Item Number Needed Total Cost
Hospital Delivery http//children.costhelper.com/baby-delivery.html x 1 9,700.00
(vaginal delivery with no complications)
Prenatal and Postnatal Doctor Visits 150.00 x 14 2,100.00
Delivery Needs Subtotal 11,800.00
Internet Source Price Per Item Number Needed Total Cost
Sleeping Needs
Bassinet toysrus.com 45.00 x1 45.00
Crib x 1
Baby blanket x 5
Crib Sheet x 2
- Cost of having a baby assignment