Title: Jordan Goodman
1HAWC A Wide-Field Gamma-Ray Telescope
- Jordan A. Goodman
- University of Maryland
2HAWC Budget
- Total Project 9.1M
- Hardware/Construction Cost 7.4M
- This dominated by the tank subsystem 4.6M
- The remaining 2.8M is half site infrastructure
- The Mexican contribution will 1.5M mostly
covering the site infrastructure costs - In addition, this budget includes US project
Management and technical support (1.7M)
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15Existing Milagro Components
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20Contingency (DoE rules from D0 rebaseline)
0 on items that have been completed, about
10-15 on items that have been ordered, but not
delivered (this accommodates change orders,
delivery costs, etc.), about 15-45 on items
that can be readily estimated based on quotes for
a detailed design, about 45-65 on items for
which a detailed conceptual design exists, but
which may vary due to scope changes such as
channel count, and about 65-85 on items for
which there does not yet exist a detailed
conceptual design, but which is an item required
for the Project.
21Contingency Calculation
- Tanks -
- 25 (we have a bid)
- Instrumentation
- 15 (we have significant experience and built in
some contingency) - Computing
- 10 contingency as most computation is in later
years where costs typically drop significantly - Site Infrastructure (excluding water)
- 25 Our estimate is based on a LANL engineering
design where US labor rate was used so there is
internal contingency - 25 On other estimates come from LMT experience
- The road/electrical is being done for 83k less
than estimated - Water
- Add cost of local well to total with 25
contingency - Use cost of piped water system as a source of
contingency funds
23Contingency (continued)
- How would we handle a 25 tank contingency
(1.16M) - Several possibilities (all assuming other
contingency is full used) - Get more money
- 15 supplement from NSF in last year
- Ask the Mexicans
- Get other groups to join
- Reduce number of tanks - _at_ 5k/tank we would
have to cut back to 650 tanks - This means twice as long to 5?
- Could populate 250 tanks with two tubes for
better low energy sensitivity - Or deploy 170 outriggers we already have for
better high energy sensitivity - Go to smaller tanks - 3.7m tanks are available
from many vendors at 4k (before bulk pricing)
24MRI Proposal
- MRI development proposal from Maryland
- Proposal is 2M development proposal
- 30 Match required
- 450k funding from Maryland
- 150k Mexican contribution
- HAWC core array of 256 counters
- Mostly complete (installation, electronics, etc)
- No personnel
- Proposal is competing on campus
25MRI Proposal
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27MRI Proposal
28MRI Proposal
29MRI Proposal
- Significantly better than Milagro
- Probably move some outriggers (100)
- Can be built in 2 years
30HAWC Org Chart
External Advisory Committee
Executive Committee J. Goodman A.
Carramiñana B. Dingus M. Gonzalez
US Funding Agencies
Mexican Funding Agencies
Institutional Reps
Construction Manager, Working Groups heads
Facilities Working Group
Analysis Working Group
Members of the Collaboration
31Institutional Responsibilities
Project management MD, INAOE Data Man. Software
MD, UNAM Construct Management LANL BUAP,
INAOE Electronics MSU, UTAH, UNAM Calibration
Monitoring UNM, LANL, BUAP
32Project Management
- Collaboration Spokespeople
- During construction they will be Jordan Goodman
and Alberto Carramiñana, the PIs - When the project begins operations, two
spokespeople will be elected by the collaboration
to staggered two-year terms. - Institutional Representatives Board
- a representative from each institution
- This board will make decisions such as
collaboration membership and authorship of
papers. - Project Management Board
- Role will be directing construction and operation
of HAWC. - The two spokespeople, the US construction manager
(Brenda Dingus), and the analysis coordinator
(Magda González).
33Project Management
- Maryland will manage all NSF construction and
operations funds (a role we had in Milagro) - Jordan Goodman will be PI
- Subcontracts from Maryland will fund construction
activities at other US institutions - DoE funds will flow through Los Alamos
- Brenda Dingus will be PI
- The Mexican contribution from CONACyT will be
managed by the lead institutions in Mexico
(INAOE, UNAM and BUAP) - Alberto Carramiñana will be PI
- He will coordinate Mexican funding
34HAWC Operations Costs
- Milagro Ops budget was 800k/yr (560k to UMD)
- 260k went to Los Alamos through Maryland
- Scott and Michael were paid through UCI UCSC
240k - Of the remaining 300k a significant amount went
to computing and data archiving - Some went to filters and maintenance
- Los Alamos contributed significantly
- Electricity etc
- We anticipate that HAWC will cost the NSF
approximately the same to operate as there will
be Mexican technical support and monetary support
(like LANL did for Milagro)
35Personnel at Site During Initial Construction
- From US (4 FTE)
- Brenda Dingus (project manager) 50
- Michael Schneider (project engineer) 50
- Scott DeLay (engineer) 25
- Jordan Goodman 25
- Andy Smith 25
- Gus Sinnis 10
- One postdoc, one/two students 100
- Other Scientists (10-15) as needed
- From Mexico (5 FTE)
- Three technicians 100
- Two faculty 50 each
- Four faculty 25 each