Title: Ecosystem Biodiversity
1Ecosystem Biodiversity
2A food chain
- A food chain would not be sustainable to an
ecosystem because if one animal became extinct,
the animal that ate it would not have anything to
eat. Also, if an animal became extinct, the
animal that it ate would not be eaten, so it
would be overpopulated by that animal.
3Ex if the mouse (secondary consumer) became
extinct in this food chain, the snake would
become extinct and the owl would also become
extinct because it fed off of the snake, which
became extinct because it fed off of the mice.
Also, the grasshopper would overpopulate because
nothing would eat it.
4Example of a food web
5In this food web, if the salamander (secondary
consumer) became extinct, the bald eagle would
eat the trout and the snake would eat the frog.
Also the dragonfly would get eaten by the trout
and frog and the mayfly would get eaten by the
frog and trout. So, in a food web, if an animal
became extinct, (a salamander) the animal that
ate it (bald eagle and snake) would eat something
else and the animal the extinct animal ate
(dragonfly and mayfly) would get eaten by
something else.
6So, in a food chain (not biodiverse) the
ecosystem would not be as sustainable as a food
web. A food web is biodiverse because it has a
variety of plants and animals.
Food chain
Food web
8If the salamander becomes extinct,
The other animals do not get extinct or
overpopulated because of a sustainable ecosystem.