Artificial Intelligence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence CS105 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence
  • CS105

Team Meeting Time (10 minutes)
  • Find yourself a team
  • Find your team leader
  • Talk about topics and responsibilities

  • Attempt to understand and mimic human
  • Turing Test
  • State of the art AI
  • Looked at techniques for representing knowledge
    for intelligent problem solving
  • Semantic networks and trees

Expert systems
  • Knowledge based system that uses specialized set
    of information to solve problems
  • Doctors, Plumbers, Gardeners, Dentist
  • Specific problem domain
  • Applications are specific
  • Example the troubleshoot in your windows
  • Rule-based system Based on a set of if-then or
    logical rules
  • Rules form the knowledge base
  • Inference engine determines which rules to be
    followed, tries to derive answers from a
    knowledge base

Expert systems
  • MYCIN Has the patient recently had
    symptoms of persistent headache or other abnormal
    neurologic symptoms(dizziness, lethargy etc)?
  • HUMAN Yes
  • MYCIN The CSF cultures will be considered to be
    associated with meningitis. Please give the date
    on which clinical evidence(symptoms, signs or lab
    tests) of meningitis first appeared. Please enter
    CSF finding. Is meningitis a hospital-acquired
  • HUMAN Why?
  • MYCIN This will aid in determining the
    organisms (other than those seen on cultures or
    smears) which might be causing the infection. It
    has already been established that
  • 1. The infection which requires therapy is
    meningitis, and
  • 2. organisms were not seen on the stain of the
    pending CSF culture, and
  • 3. the type of infection is bacterial, and
  • 4. neurosurgery is not one of the relevant
    items from the history of this
  • patient, and
  • 5. the age of this patient is greater than ten
    days, therefore, if
  • 6. the infection was acquired while the
    patient was hospitalized then there is
  • evidence that the organisms (other than
    those seen on cultures or smears)
  • which might be causing the infection are e.
    coli (75), staphylococcus-coag
  • pos (3), pseudomonas-aeruginosa (5).

Recognizing images
  • Intelligent machines (Computer Vision)

Pattern recognition
  • Techniques that classify data (patterns) in an
    attempt to understand the data and take actions
    based on that understanding
  • A priori knowledge Previous knowledge that does
    not get modified with new experiences
  • Statistical information extracted from the
  • Example Face recognition system understanding

A priori or statistical information based?
Classifying data
Some equation
Linear Classifier A technique that uses an
objects feature(s) to classify which group it
belongs to
Positive or negative?
Can this be classified?
Natural language processing
  • Branch of AI concerned with interactions and
    human languages
  • Natural Language Set of languages that humans
    use to communicate
  • This problem is of strong equivalence
  • Ability to comprehend languages, extensive
    knowledge about the outside world and being able
    to manipulate it
  • Voice recognition recognizing human words
  • Natural language comprehension interpreting
    human communication
  • Voice synthesis recreating human speech

Voice synthesis
  • Artificial production of human speech
  • A system used for this purpose is called a speech
  • How do you synthesize speech?
  • Phonemes The set of fundamental sounds made in
    any given natural language
  • /K/ in Kit and sKill
  • Select appropriate phonemes to generate sound of
    a word, the pitch might be tweaked by the
    computer depending on context
  • Recorded speech
  • Same words have to be recorded multiple times at
    different pitches

Voice recognition
  • Sounds each person make is unique
  • Vocal tracts cavity in animals where sound that
    is produced at the sound source is filtered
  • Systems have to be trained for vocabulary sets
  • Acoustic modeling Statistical models of sounds
  • Audio recording of speech and text transcriptions
  • Language modeling capture the properties of a
    language, and to predict the next word in a
    speech sequence

Natural language comprehension
  • Most challenging aspect!
  • Natural language is ambiguous multiple
  • Understanding requires real world knowledge and
    syntactic structure of sentences
  • Examples
  • Time flies like an arrow
  • The pen is in the box
  • The box is in the pen
  • George My aunt is in the hospital. I went to see
    her today and, took her flowers.
  • Computer George, thats terrible!

Natural language comprehension
  • Lexical ambiguity Words have multiple meaning
  • Time flies like an arrow
  • Syntactic ambiguity Sentences have more than one
  • The pen is in the box
  • The box is in the pen
  • George My aunt is in the hospital. I went to see
    her today and, took her flowers.
  • Computer George, thats terrible!
  • Referential ambiguity Ambiguity created when
    pronouns could be applied to multiple object
  • Ally hit Georgia and then she started bleeding
  • Who started bleeding? Ally, Georgia or someone

Natural language comprehension
  • Systems must have these common components
  • Lexicon vocabulary, word and expressions
  • Parser Text analyzer, inbuilt grammar rules, to
    form an internal representation of the text
  • Semantic theory study of meaning and
    relationships between words, phrases
  • Logical inference Process of drawing conclusions
    based on rules applied depending on observations
    or statistical models

How do we process information?
FRONTAL LOBE Behavior Problem Solving Planning Att
ention Abstract Thinking Judgment Inhibition
PARIETAL LOBE Touch Sensory combination and
comprehension Number area
TEMPORAL LOBE Audition Language
CEREBELLUM Balance, Posture Cardio, Respiratory
  • Brain is made up of neurons
  • An electrically excitable cell that processes and
    transmits information by electrical and chemical
  • An excited neuron conducts a strong signal and
    vice versa
  • A series of excited neurons form a strong pathway
  • A neuron receives multiple inputs from other
  • Assigns a weight on each signal based on its
  • If enough signals are weak-gt inhibited state or
    vice versa

Artificial neural networks
  • A mathematical model inspired by the structure
    and/or functional aspects of biological neural

Artificial Neuron or Node Inputs 1 or 0
If effective weight of each neuron is above a
certain threshold, output is 1
Receives many inputs Assigned a numeric weight
Artificial neural networks
  • Training The process of adjusting the weights
    and threshold values
  • Series of comparisons to desired results

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Artificial neural networks
  • You can train a neural network to do anything
  • No inherent meaning to the weights Making it
  • Applications
  • Pattern recognition
  • Classification
  • Modeling how are brain works
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