Tilapia to Trout Hot to Cold - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tilapia to Trout Hot to Cold


Tilapia to Trout Hot to Cold Aquaponics Symbiotic environment for fish, bacteria, and plants. Brand new 2,500 year old farming method From China s rice fields ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: cold | hot | tilapia | trout | wormery


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tilapia to Trout Hot to Cold

Tilapia to TroutHot to Cold
Aquaponics Symbiotic environment for fish,
bacteria, and plants. Brand new 2,500 year old
farming methodFrom Chinas rice fields and Koi
Carp to the Aztecs floating gardens and flowers
Purdue University Extension Service http//www.
Aquaponics Information Google Aquaponics and
get over 3 million hits (July 2013). This may be
life saving information in a crisis.Grow boxes
of 4 x 12 x 14 or a 50 gallon drum cut in half
for fish, with one fish for four plants, can
produce vegetables for a family of four. This
could be an interesting career. Already, people
are self-acclaiming as Experts and charging for
classes helping others to start their home
aquaponics systems.
Disney WorldEpcot Orlando
Main sump tank
Slow solids filter and additional sump tank
April 2013
New 1891 (Nickola Tesla) lighting for better
plant growth with Inda lights.
Symbiotic triangle fish-bacteria-plants
IBC module holds 750 liters of water 90-100
Hobby Fish tank and desk top grow bedOne fish
for four plants
Aquaponics Module One 2,000 liter (70 cu ft)
fish tank and three grow beds (280 plants) or
one long grow bed
Aquaponics Hobby Desk grow bed
Nile tilapia are stocked at 0.29 fish/gallon (77
fish/m3) and red tilapia are stocked at 0.58
fish/gallon (154 fish/m3) 1 cu ft 7.48 gallons
Portable Farms PowerPoint Presentation http//www.
table-farms-aquaponics-system/ The IBC of
Aquaponics, a free 38 MB pdf file eText and
PicturesPioneer Backyard Aquaponics, Perth,
Australia, (San Diego latitude, down under) has
excellent video for converting IBC container to a
fish tank and one grow bed as well as other good
instructional videos, a magazine, and long-term
forum. www.backyardaquaponics.com/videos
Aquaponics Indoor, decorative hobby modules,
herbs but no edible fish
Dallas, TX Vertical barrel, apartment size
aquaponics with fish tank below grow bed. Note
PCP pipe below grow bed with two 90 degree elbows
to improve efficiency of the Bell Siphon. Below
Two, small decorative, indoor systems.
A small, indoor, decorative aquaponics system can
teach beginners.
Porch Module Natural sun (cover tank fish do
not need sun) two grow beds
Net keeps fish in birds, cats, and kids out.
Graphic of Module Parts
Grow tray or grow bed
Fish Tank
Swirl filter and Settling tank
Portable Farms diagram
Filters remove particles from nutrient water
before grow bedsA small (IBC) system with a
normally populated fish tank and grow beds with
worms probably does not need particle filters.
Use gravity to deliver water to grow beds to
reduce wear of water pumps.
Swirl Filter
Radial Filter
Exit to grow bed
Rest screen on intake pipe
Angle inlet slow swirl
Inlet from fish tank
Drain solids to fertilize ground plants.
Swirl filter
Simple, radial filter particles settle to bottom
Improved Concept Swirl filter
(Left to right) Radial filter gravity removes
heavier, large particles. Using an inverted water
bottle eases filter cleaning. Swirl Filter
Water enters the filter container part way down
from top. A screen above entry pipe will reduce
particles entering cleaned water going to grow
bed. Fish tank water enters from an elbow to
power the slow swirl. Solids gravitate towards
the center and sink to the bottom. These
particles at the bottom are drained for a rich
fertilizer for ground plants. Bio-Filters
Bio-filters increase processing of the nitrites
and nitrates. Bacteria are critical in the
symbiotic relationship fish, bacteria, and
plants. Search for DIY filters on the web.
Three backyard modules
Montage Pictures of three IBC backyard modules
(lower right - 1,2,3). Note fish tank and grow
bed are covered with black plastic to shut out
sun to eliminate algae growth (A B). Top 14
inches of IBC metal and plastic cut off for
grow bed. IBC is rectangular, so turning top
piece 90º lets it sit firmly on top of fish tank
with wood pieces for support on metal IBC frame
(B). Bottom left two pictures of submersible pool
pump to pump fish tank nutrients up into gravel
media plant bed or filtration tanks. Full grow
beds and water in fish tanks are very heavy. Be
sure the ground or floor can support the module
weight. Pumping of nutrient water is not
recommended if possible to use gravity.
Using cattle panels elevated with posts and wood
strips will reduce cost if less than 14 feet wide.
Dark area for fish
Cheap 13 feet long, cattle panel greenhouse
three panels are slightly elevated to level unit.
Several soft tie down straps across plastic cover
will reduce wind abrasion damage.
Simple, Cheap, Home Greenhouse
Install vents at both ends.
Take care to bend cattle panel with smooth side
out to lengthen life of plastic cover.
Install door at ground level.
Insert home building plastic moisture barrier
below unit before building.
Remove blocks on ends of each side to ventilate
structure. Add insect and rodent screening.
CcQTUO1o http//www.youtube.com/wa
Cattle Panel 4.33 x 16
Even cheaper and easierEliminate blocks. Put
three old telephone poles per side. Attach and
level a 2 x 4 with a 1 x 2 nailed to it to
support the cattle panels 30-48 inches above
floor level for wider greenhouse with head room.
See next slide.
Before installing cattle panels, level cattle
panel supports (2x6 side strips and 1x2s (A) 3-4
feet above floor for 13 feet wide greenhouse with
about 8 feet head room from floor to peak and to
level green house. You will have less dirt
Four covered commercial modules temperature,
humidity, and insect control.
Exhaust vent
Fresh air vent
Duckweed, high protein (27-43) for fish food
Duckweed Lemna minor Araceae LemnoideaeData
(Good Source of nutrient information).Fresh Main
analysis Unit AvgSD Min
MaxNb Dry matter - as fed 6.31
64.7 7.93 Crude protein DM
27.22 624.93 0.34 Crude fibre DM
15.81 NDF DM 44.31
333.95 24 ADF DM
15.8 12.41 9.12 Lignin
DM 3.21 Ether extract DM
2.21 Ash DM 12.52
89.51 6.34 Gross energy MJ/kg DM 18.0
Air Lift Pumps (Glenn
Martinez, Hawaii)Dig a well or reservoir that
is sealed at the bottom. We find 4 to eight feet
is great.It takes 1/2 psi per foot of depth to
get the air lift started. After the air is
displacing the water, the water is lighter and it
takes less air. A 5 psi pump is the strongest we
have ever used - 5 psi will inject air into the
system at a depth of 10 feet.Dig the well four
feet deep, pump the water up 8 feet, add another
air injector. At the top, you MUST have an
air/water separator to get the value of the pump.
If a 1/1/4 inch riser (in a 2 inch well head) we
have a reducer 2 inches
Air line with compressed air

Air output
LegendHm Total heightH2 Height water
liftHs Submergence
to 3 inches. Extend the three inch pipe up to
three feet. Have the 1 1/4 inch riser enter the
three inch pipe up above the exit point so the
water falls down in the three inch pipe and exits
out the tee fitting. The three inch just allows
air to throw the water to the side so it does not
fall back into the 1 1/4 riser. Note to lift 1
foot you need between 2 to 3 feet of submergence
(below the surface), and the maximum lift will
be half the submerged length of the tube.
Backyard Aquaponics forumCut the top of the 1
1/4 inch riser and insert two-two inches of flat
plastic (cut from a five gallon bucket) such that
the water sprays to the side and falls down.I
pump 24 feet high with 300 gallons per hour with
two 150 watt air pumps. Generally, I use two 60
watt pumps for a 150 gallon per hour flow. Note
I am pumping very dirty water that would never
pass through a mechanical submersible pond pump
for very long. I am using much less
electricity.Video http//www.youtube.com/watch?
Diffuser Air PumpThis unit used to
test small bubble diffuser for volume of water
and energy required as well as using flexible
tubing, which is cheaper and convenient for
aquaponics growers. Other growers suggest lift
pipes be smaller than three inches. Also, deeper
submergence increases lift (head).http//www.alab

The diffuser small air bubbles enter from
outside the pipe. A 17 funnel was added to
guide bubbles into the lift tube.
4.5 Lift Pipe
Air diffuser below 17 funnel
Top of unit
Geyser Pump A geyser pump is an improved airlift
pump, powered by compressed air, that raises a
fluid, often dirty, by forcing large,
intermittent air bubbles that raise the
fluid. 50. Air supply. 52. Air inlet port. 58.
Liquid supply. 60,62. air supply lines. 64.
upper end of air tank 86. 66,82. Air ports. 70.
Upper air inlet of u-shaped elbow 74. 76
Air outlet. 84. Fluid intake. 65. Riser tube.
88. Displaced liquid. 90. Pump outlet. L
Liquid LL Liquid level. VVV Vessel G Gravel
or solidsH Head S Submergence
U.S. Open Source Patent
Suction force of Geyser Pump 4.3 psi _at_ 10
feet Suction Force of Air Lift Pump 0.3
psi _at_ 10 feet 14 Times as great
Principle of Geyser PumpUnlike
an airlift pump, the air bubble is produced in a
chamber outside the pump riser. Air is supplied
to an airtight dome with the pump riser extending
through its center. Inside this dome is a second,
smaller, inverted air dome, with the pump riser
also extending through its center. An entrance is
provided to the riser pipe capable of allowing a
bubble greater than the diameter of the pipe to
enter. As air is applied to the large dome,
pressure inside the dome increases until it is
greater than the pressure of the column of water
in the pump riser. When this condition is met, a
large bubble is released from the air dome into
the pump riser within 1/5 second. This large
bubble ejects the water in the riser, geyser
fashion. By producing the bubble outside the
riser, it is possible to control the rate it is
produced. Controlling how quickly the bubble is
formed controls how often a bubble is released
into the riser. Geyser Pumps can operate with a
flow rate as low as 1 gal min (4 l/min). A 3-inch
airlift pump cannot operate with a flow rate much
less than 35 gals / min. Geyser Pumps use less
air than airlift pumps.
Affnans Bell Siphon
Pythagorean Cup The Brand New 2,500 Year Old
Bell Siphon no snorkel
Trellis for vine plants (tomatoes, beans)
Bell Siphon
Credit for The Pythagorean Cup goes to Pythagoras
of Samos. It allows the user to fill the cup
with wine up to a certain level. If the user
fills the cup only to that level, the imbiber may
enjoy a drink in peace. If the imbiber exhibits
gluttony, the cup spills its entire contents out
the bottom. Wikepedia
14 Grow Bed-Media Levels Affnan, Malaysia
Recommend top of stand pipe be 2 below top of
Growbed Media Height
Affnans URL Good Information
Texas IBC Module Price - 450 20
shippingIBC tank and frame cut, trellis added,
no sales tax. From near Houston.Sight unseen,
is IBC plastic tank new? If used, was it only
food grade?
Inda Gro Lamps Inda-Gro Induction lamps are
High Output Fluorescent lamps known as Electrode
less Fluorescent Discharge Lamps or EFDL. Unlike
conventional lamps that require screw in sockets
or pins to power up the lamps, the EFDL induction
lamp does not rely on a socket or pin connection.
Instead EFDL efficiencies derive from being
powered by a High Frequency Electromagnetic Field
no pins, sockets or ballasts to operate the
lamp. More energy is converted into usable plant
light, not wasted due to the high temperatures
and escaping gas. Induction lamps were introduced
and patented in 1891 by Nikola Tesla. Induction
lamps, while expensive, are prized for their
High Lumens per watt, Low Temperatures, Crisp
Color, Long Lamp Life, and Low Lumen Depreciation
for life.200 Watts-Covers 48"x48"
1891 - Nickola Tesla patent
10 Year warranty
IBC Modular Systemhttp//search.yahoo.com/search
pe2buttonfrush-mailn Scroll down to the three
videos. The one on the left is a step-by-step
guide to conversion of an IBC container into the
grow box for plants and the fish tank. When
marking the grow box (for the plants) cut at
sufficient height to have at least 14 depth
inside (12 for the plant media and two
additional inches so the water will never
overflow the grow box). The siphon starts when
the flooding water is two inches below the media
surface to maintain two inch dry area at the top
of the media to avoid algae and mold damage to
the plants.All three videos are good,
especially when learning before expanding the
number of modules when filters will be needed
with large numbers of fish for commercial
production. In addition, after viewing the three
videos, many more videos appear for your
information.Negatives? Yes! Remember what it
was like to have kids? Fish, like kids, need
daily attention of eating consistency, water pH,
water temperature, ammonia level, bacteria
levels, air and water pumps working, and etc.
If you are still interested, Google
Aquaponics. If you are using Yahoo, only a
limited number of hits occur, approximately
1,150,000. However, Google found over 3.8
million (July 2013) hits, more information than
you want to know. Use Advanced Search to limit
hits. Be ready for spamming, lots and lots of
spamming. But the knowledge is out there, free
for the taking.
Backyard Aquaponics, Perth, Australia
Latitude equivalent to San Diego, CA One of the
best sources of information on the web.
In The BeginningOne
of the first aquaponics companies in the world!
We remember the days when there was only one or
two websites about aquaponics, when there were no
online discussion forums, when you could not buy
a book or DVD on the subject, and the word
aquaponics raised eyebrows because nobody had any
idea what it was. So, we started an online forum,
then we wrote the first book on aquaponics,
produced the first DVD on the subject, and opened
the first retail aquaponics display centre in the
world. Then of course we began publishing the
Backyard Aquaponics Magazine, the first glossy
aquaponics periodical available. Our book, The
IBC of Aquaponics (38 MB), is a free, pdf
download and Fayes video of converting an IBC to
a fish tank and grow bed has inspired thousands
of viewers. The ForumThe Backyard Aquaponics
forum was started in 2006, its the original
aquaponics forum that created interest in
aquaponics online. Since then there have been
dozens of new forums and communities started,
some have come and gone, some still remain. The
Backyard Aquaponics Forum is free, and always
will be. It is a place to learn and to share.
Please come and visit the forum, sign up, and
become a member. You will join a friendly,
interesting, and diversified community of people
from around the world with a wealth of experience
in different areas of aquaponics. The
MagazineWe began producing the Backyard
Aquaponics Magazine in 2007. The magazine is
filled with interesting facts about aquaponics as
well as systems, fish species, review articles
on almost every aspect of aquaponics that you
can imagine.
Backyard AquaponicsPerth, Australia This is the
cover of the 37 MB Backyard Aquaponics book
available as a free pdf download at
BackyardAquaponics.com A link to Fayes video
showing the easy step-by-step conversion of an
IBC container into a fish tank-grow bed module
that is easily expandable http//www.youtube.com
/watch?vWYFM7J_TpTU Or http//www.backyardaquapo
nics.com/videos/ More downloads of text
material, videos, and links to other aquaponic
sites and information are at www.backyardaquaponi

These top two renderings were made with free 3-D
Sketch-Up software.
Australia Backyard Aquaponics IBC Renderings
and photo
Expanded IBC Modular system
Large Home IBC System
Commercial Modular IBC System
Burying water tanks (fish, holding, and sump
tanks) reduces temp shock change risk and lowers
cost of temperature control.
(No Transcript)
Symbiotic Triangle fish. bacteria, and plants
pH Scale
Ammonia Toxicity Ammonia is toxic to fish at
certain levels and with an aquaponic system you
must be careful that your fish are not
adversely affected by high ammonia levels. The
toxicity level depends on several different
factors pH, temperature, and the particular
fish species you grow. As temperature and pH
increases, ammonia becomes much more toxic to
Electric Wind Turbines Horizontal and Vertical
Wind-solar is ideal combination. Cloudy days are
windy and sunny days are not.
Aluminum blind slats 3.5 wide
e Air Release10-15 of D
Heavy duty, truck 12 volt alternator 130, 160,
200 amps
Set of large bicycle wheels
Solar panel to supplement wind power
Windy Large bicycle wheel with thick metal
vertical blind slats for windmill vanes to turn
large heavy truck alternator (highest amperage
that windmill can turn in light wind) to charge
battery pack. Power can be increased by extending
vanes beyond bicycle rim. Installing a solar
panel will provide extra power (200-300 watts)
during the day. Low wind Consider a three
vane, Savonius vertical wind power generator
because of high torque at slow speed. It is less
efficient but produces high torque and V-belt
pulley turns alternator. An aquaponics module
requires little electricity but power is critical
for water and air pumps. Another benefit Install
12 volt home system for emergency lights or
convert to 110 volts and use large battery pack.
Vertical Wind Turbine for Electricity
Three Vane Wind Turbine

Use three vanes, not two.
Measurement e is the open space in center.
Sandia Labs determined 10 15 of D
(Diameter) is most efficient space to push the
next vane. (P)
Three Vane System
2.5 ft
Bicycle wheels support vanes
Three vanes for easier self-starting. Top and
Bottom sealed with flat circle of plastic or
metal. Light weight desired for easier levitation.
4 feet
Robinson - 1856
Levitation rings of rare earth magnets.
Battery Pack
Three vanes made from 4x10 sheet aluminum or
fiberglass. Each vane 4 high x 3 4 wide.
Heavy duty truck or bus alternator
V-Belt Pulleys
Modern-3 cup
Plastic Spacing Strips (4) for Coil
Cut line for mounting coil Test over size holes
with grommet at each hole of metal or plastic
Spacing Strips.
Aluminum Condensing Coil (No copper, as it kills
fish.) Wrap one inch 6063 aluminum tubing around
a cylinder to form coil to connect cold air inlet
and cool air return to 12v auto A/C unit powered
by battery pack.
2 Centers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Two holes for coil connections
Cut top to attach coil (sealed).
Coil placement
Cut Four Plastic Spacing Strips.
Hole to send cooled, dry air to home or
Hole for ball valve and water drain pipe
World Humidity Maps http//www.intellicast.com/Gl
Malaria Map
Aquaponics Better Health Quality Food and
Fewer Mosquitoes Excerpt
from the Hawaiian blog An additional
benefit of farming aquaponically that we noticed
after our first system was operational for
six months was that the mosquitoes on our
seven-acre (2.8 hectares) farm had COMPLETELY
disappeared! We live in Hawaii, where there
are as many mosquitoes as any other tropical
area, even during a drought, when the soil
was dusty and dry and there was no standing water
visible anywhere, there were still clouds of
mosquitoes at dawn and dusk.
When we built our first aquaponics system we
introduced a few mosquito fish (gambusia
affinis), and neon tetras into our system
water. They spread throughout the systems and
soon had become a self- sustaining
population numbering in the tens of thousands.
Six months later, we noticed there were no
mosquitoes around any longer. We are not certain
when the number went to zero, but it was during
that six month period. That was three years
ago. http//www.friendlyaquaponics.com/ (Cut and
(No Transcript)
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