Pygmalion:%20Act%20V%20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Pygmalion Act V Author: Kate Liu Last modified by: user Created Date: 12/19/2005 1:13:04 PM Document presentation format: (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pygmalion:%20Act%20V%20

Pygmalion Act V the Postscript
  • Two Kinds of Transformation
  • And More

  • Act V
  • Two Transformations
  • Creator/Creature vs. Self-Made Woman
  • Elizas Relapses Class Issues
  • Higgins and Elizas Battle of Will
  • Postscript Conclusion
  • Romance, Elizas decision Higgins
  • Consequences Elizas and Freddys marriage and
    families, their residence and livelihood, their
  • Clara
  • Summary

Next Week
Housekeeping First
  • 1) 11/19 1230-130 technical meeting Stage
    Managers, costumes/cosmetics, Props, Lighting and
    Sound crews to go get the training or be familiar
    with the place.
  • 2) Cast
  • 3) 12/10 (Thurs) 900 1200/1230. Hegel (all
    but costumes)
  • 4) 12/16 (Wed) 100 - 330 dress rehearsal
    (sandwiches prepared)
  • 5) 12/17 (Thurs) 800 - 1230 (the theatre will
    be open for you at 800)(dumplings and
    potstickers as lunch)

Group B Pygmalion Act 4
Freddy ?
Group A Pygmalion Act 5 Elizas Choice
Cast Crew
  • Be quiet, walk and speak softly unless it is your
    time to perform.
  • Handle the props carefully fine will be imposed
    should they be damaged
  • 12/17 -- One person at least from each small
    group to help clean the place

11/19 Class Discussion Questions
On Act V Postscript Post your group responses
before class
  • Group A . Mr. Doolittle (pp. 89-93) --what do
    you think about his transformation? Is it funny?
    Ironical? What does it say about Mr. Higgins
    and the issue of morality in Victorian society?
  • -- And about Mr. Doolittle? Do you agree with
    him that taking the money and being intimidated
    by middle-class morality is the only choice he
  • 2) How is he a contrast to Eliza? (re. money,
    class status and marriage)
  • Group B Elizas transformation In what ways do
    Higgins, Mrs. Pearce, Pickering and Mrs. Higgins
    help Eliza get a better life?
  • What does she achieve by herself?

11/19 Class Discussion Questions
On Act V Postscript Post your group responses
before class
  • Group C. The difference between a lady and a
    flower girl is not how she behaves, but how's
    she's treated. Do you agree?
  • Does Eliza have a relapse (to low-class
    manners) when she sees her father? (99)
  • Group D. Battle of Will What do they each
    insist on and see as goals of their lives in Act
    5? How do they change their tactics to win the
  • Higgins changes Acts IV V show Higgins
    undergoing changes regarding his views of and
    relation to Eliza. Where are the turning points
    and are there traces of his affection for her?

11/19 Class Discussion Questions
On Act V Postscript Post your group responses
before class
  • Group E The Ending -- What do you think about
    the ending of Act 5? Is it possible for Eliza
    and Higgins to get married?
  • Compare this ending with the endings
  • -- suggested by the Postscript
  • -- of the film versions of Pygmalion (1938 and
    1973 BBC version) and My Fair Lady?
  • Group F In what ways does the Sequel revise
    Pygmalion as a romance? Or deny that it is a
    romance? -- What are the reasons added here
    against Elizas staying with Higgins as a soul
  • -- Why  does it also introduce the changes of

  • A. 1) Mr. Doolittle (pp. 89-93) --what do you
    think about his transformation? Is it funny?
    Ironical? What does it say about Mr. Higgins and
    the issue of morality in Victorian society?
  • -- And about Mr. Doolittle? Do you agree with
    him that taking the money and being intimidated
    by middle-class morality is the only choice he
  • 2) How is he a contrast to Eliza? (re. money,
    class status and marriage)

Higgins Role in Mr. Doolittles Changes
  1. the most original moralist at present in England
    (a silly joke)? Wannafeller
  2. Dustman! Oh no, sir a gentleman.
  3. Ruined me. Destroyed my happiness. Tied me up
    and delivered me into the hands of middle class
    morality (91)

you, Enry Iggins(90).
Mr. Doolittles Changes
  • His changes (pp. 89-93) tied to middleclass
    morality and intimidated.
  • money regular pension of 3000 a year on the
    condition of giving up to 6 speeches a year for
    the Moral Reform World League. ? to have to
    perform what he preaches
  • money? seen as a benefactor of relatives and
    patient of doctors (92)
  • Used to "put the touch" on anyone for drinking
    money ? Now everyone (50 relatives) comes to
    him, demanding favors and monetary support.
  • Used to be shoved around (or shut of??) by
    doctors and solicitors ? Now the center of their
  • language 'Ill have to learn to speak middle
    class language from you, instead of speaking
    proper English. Thats where youll come in and
    I daresay thats what you done it for.'
  • marriage Has to get married. (100)

Mr. Doolittles Changes (2) Related Issues
  • A. Creator Henry Higgins is not careful about
    the changes he may bring to others
  • B. Mr. Doolittles Education? Not really.
  • 1. No choice given the choice between the
    Skilly of the workhouse and the Char Bydis of the
    middle class (Scylla and Charybdis an Italian
    rock and a whirlpool nearby) Money is still
    attractive for him as an undeserving poor,
    since going to the workhouse (???????) is the
    only alternative.
  • 2. Money still selfish
  • Creates a sense of burden, too. (expected to be
    respectable and to support others.)
  • Cares about Eliza only in terms of middle class
    morality(95) does not want to support her.
  • C. Social Morality superficial, promoted through
    making speeches?

Mr. Doolittle vs. Elizaboth dis-classed
Act V-2. Creator/Creature vs. Self-Made Woman
  • B.
  • In what ways do Higgins, Mrs. Pearce, Pickering
    and Mrs. Higgins help Eliza get a better life?
  • What does she achieve by herself?

From Romance to Social Realism Whether as
Pygmalion story or that of self-made woman,
Elizas story cannot be a complete success
Creators or Helpers?
  • Higgins creator who is careless about the other
    consequences of his creatures (Mr. Doolittle
    and Eliza)
  • Act IV HIGGINS looking at her in cool
    wonder The creature IS nervous, after all.
  • LIZA gives a suffocated scream of fury, and
    instinctively darts her nails at his face!!
  • after throwing the ring at the fireplace
    HIGGINS. Hit you! You infamous creature, how dare
    you accuse me of such a thing?
  • Act V before Eliza appears Pickering, Let us
    put on our best Sunday manners for this creature
    that we picked out of the mud. (95)
  • Higgins I tell you I have created this thing out
    of the squashed cabbage leaves of Covent Garden
    and now she pretends to play the fine lady with
    me. (97)

Creators or Helpers?

Pickering Yes in her self-respect (courteous manners, preventing sexual exploitation) -- sequel offers financial support No -- gets carried away by experiment and then its success -- not know what to do but calling the police -- suspects E of buying D clothes -- does not understand E asks Eliza back, but on Higgins side
Mrs. Pearce Yes in manners (language, table manners and dressing) ? No -- limited (glad to get help can only say You dont think sir.)
Mrs. Higgins Yes In speaking for Eliza (Act III V) and offering a space for negotiation. (94-96) No --proposing to have her father take care of Eliza the last ambiguous remark I'm afraid youve spoiled that girl, Henry.
Elizas Self-Transformation
  • after the romance miraculous transformation
  • Asserting herself (since Act 4 esp. 96-99)
  • Fighting back in their battle of wills
  • sequel Making a wise choice of the weak
  • sequel Continuous self-improvement through
    going to classes
  • But sequel
  • She still needs financial support
  • She is still attracted to Higgins.
  • She is limited in receiving education. (122-23)
  • (bookkeeping, shorthand Calligraphy, typing,
    economics) ? the London School Kew Gardens ?
    there own way was the best

C. Class Issues
  • The difference between a lady and a flower girl
    is not how she behaves, but how's she's treated.
    Do you agree?
  • Does Eliza have a relapse (to low-class
    manners) when she sees her father? (99)

4-1. The difference between a lady and a flower
girl is not how she behaves, but how's she's
  • Yes and No.
  • Yes Ones social identity is relational. We
    cannot insists on a certain identity unless we
    are recognized as such by others, or through some
  • No Since social identity is relational, we need
    to produce signs and send out messages expressive
    of this identity.

Elizas Relapse?
  • A. Eliza
  • When seeing her father a natural response, which
    shows that one cannot forget ones mother tongue
  • (p. 108) Enry Iggins used consciously as a
    means of getting even or fighting back. (compared
    with her grammar correction on pp. 105, 106)
  • Mr. Doolittle
  • The father Enry Iggins (90, 95) -- just a sign
    of anger.

D. Higgins and Elizas Battle of Will
  • D. Battle of Will What do they each insist on
    and see as goals of their lives? How do they
    change their tactics to win the debate?
  • Higgins changes Acts IV V show Higgins
    undergoing changes regarding his views of and
    relation to Eliza. Where are the turning points
    and are there traces of his affection for her?
  • E. Ending What do you think about the ending of
    Act V? Would you be happy with it as the plays
    ending (without the sequel)?

First Battle in Act II
2nd Battle in Act IV
Their Battle of Wills in Act V
Higgins Eliza
0. (96) As possessive as a god (97) Does not trust Elizas improvement (relapse) 1. real education (97-98) cares about manners, proper language and respect
Asks her to go back. 3. (after the interruption of Doolittle) equality 1 (102) The same manner to everyone 2. terms? usage as a maid (102)
5. Independence/arrogance Can do without anyone. with humility I shall miss you. 4. attention equal treatment(103) Will not be passed over. Wants a sense of importance and respect.
6. equality 2 care for humanity, refutes Elizas plea as commercialism Offers fellowship and to adopt her, but refuses to change. 7. kindness Eliza (104-05) Complains about the trouble he causes, not being noticed. Still wants a little kindness. -- (106) Thinks of Freddy as a solution. Be natural, be friendly.
9 (the life of the gutter vs. the life of a scientist and lady) recognition ad equality 3Amazed at Elizas improvement in the mind. Three old bachelors together. 8. Independence marry Freddy strike back Threatens to assist the Hungarian or to use the knowledge he teaches her.
"By George, Eliza, I said I'd make a woman of
you and I have"
Summary Higgins and Elizas Differences
  • turning points
  • Act IV
  • 1) After E throws slippers at his face, H gets to
    understand Elizas concern
  • 2) H -- angered when Eliza separates her
    possession from his and returns him the ring
  • Act V
  • 1) H -- nervous upon finding her gone (still sees
    her as something from the mud
  • 2) H offers equal manners offers good
  • 4) E wants tenderness attention
  • 5) E fights back marriage to Freddy her
    livelihood as a phonetics teacher or assistant to
  • Higgins unwilling to marry, to change his (lack
    of) manners or his treatment of Eliza as a

Higgins and Eliza Traces of Their Mutual
  • (IV) never thought of her leaving angered
  • Higgins nervousness (in a state) when finding
    Eliza gone.
  • To Doolittle Have you found Eliza? (91)
  • Gets angry at the thought of Dolittles getting
    her back (93)
  • the moment he sees her Get up and come home
    and dont be a fool. (96)
  • Elizas
  • (103)I know you didknow she could leave, you
    brute. You wanted to get rid of me.
  • Her pleas for kindness.(105)
  • (109) As she is leaving Mrs. Higgins' house, she
    still offers advice disdainfully to Higgins'
    about his gloves, ties, cheese, and calls to
    remind Mrs. Pearce about the ham.

Elizas and Higgins ambiguous expressions(1)
the same to all 103-104
  • (103) LIZA. I dont care how you treat me. I dont
    mind your swearing at me. I dont mind a black
    eye Ive had one before this. But standing up
    and facing him I wont be passed over.
  • HIGGINS Then get out of my way for I won't stop
    for you. You talk about me as if I were a motor
  • LIZA So you are a motor bus all bounce and go,
    and no consideration for anyone. But I can do
    without you Don't think I can't.
  • HIGGINS I know you can. I told you you could.
  • LIZA. You wanted to get rid of me.
  • HIGGINS Liar
  • LIZA. Thank you.
  • HIGGINS. You never asked yourself, I suppose,
    whether I could do without you. She sits down
    with dignity.
  • LIZA earnestly Don't you try to get round me.
    You'll HAVE to do without me.
  • HIGGINS arrogant I can do without anybodyI
    shall miss you, Eliza (103)

Eliza beating about the bushes, or striving for
equality? (2) fellowship104-106
  • HIGGINS Making life means making trouble.
  • LIZA I'm no preacher I don't notice things like
    that. I notice that you don't notice me.
  • HIGGINS jumping up and walking about
    intolerantly Eliza Youre an idiot. I waste the
    treasures of my Miltonic mind by spreading them
    before you. So you can come back or go to the
    devil Which you please.
  • LIZA What am I to come back for?
  • HIGGINS bouncing up on his knees on the ottoman
    and leaning over it to her For the fun of it.
    That's why I took you on.
  • LIZA with averted face And you may throw me out
    tomorrow if I don't do everything you want me to?
  • HIGGINS Yes and you may walk out tomorrow if I
    don't do everything YOU want me to.
  • LIZA And live with my stepmother?
  • HIGGINS Yes, or sell flowers.
  • LIZA Oh! if I only COULD go back to my flower
    basket! ? Freddy
  • LIZA much troubled I want a little kindness.

H That's just how I feel.
Higgins Changes
Ambiguities in their Relationship (2)
  • Higgins theoretical, professional, but
  • Cannot live without her shocked whenever E
    mentions separation and marriage does try to get
    her back.
  • (103) Recognizes her values I cant turn your
    soul on. Leave me those feelings and you can
    take away the voice and the face. They are not
  • Changes (from seeing her as a guttersnipe to an
    intellectual equal).
  • Other signs the ring, his efforts on her and
    spreading his mind before her.
  • The last two remarks (109-10)

Pickering! Nonsense she's going to marry Freddy.
Ha ha! Freddy! Freddy!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! ! !! He
roars with laughter as the play ends. ...
Are there chances for their getting married
  • at the end of Act V?
  • No, unless
  • Higgins is willing to change himself and be
    loving, or
  • Eliza is willing to stay unmarried and inferior
    to him.
  • See Notes (1)


  • Elizas Education vs. Mr. Dolittles
  • The Themes of Pygmalion vs. Self-Made Woman
  • Class Relations Language The use of coarse
    language as relapse or strategy
  • (Small talk as a sign of trendiness
  • correct English as a sign of foreignness)
  • 4. The battle of will between Higgins and Eliza

Task for All
1. Comment on a Saying (next slide) 2. SM Crew
What did you do last week? -- Write on the
board. 3. Suggestions for the performing group
you observe
Performers Audience Time
Group D Pygmalion Act 1 The Rain that Leads to Everything Group A 1110-1108
Group C Pygmalion Act 2 The Presumptuous Requests Group D 1108-1116
Group F Pygmalion Act 2 Enchanted Group C 1116-1124
Group E Pygmalion Act 3 Social Climbing Trial Group F 1124-1132
Group B Pygmalion Act 4 Money or Dignity? Group E 1132-1140
Group A Pygmalion Act 5 Elizas Choice Group B 1140-1148
Do you agree? Discuss it in the context of the
play, and as a saying
  1. Women I find that the moment I let a woman make
    friends with me, she becomes jealous, exacting,
    suspicious, and a damned nuisance. I find that
    the moment I let myself make friends with a
    woman, I become selfish and tyrannical. Women
    upset everything.
  2. Manners Higgins The great secret, Eliza, is
    not having bad manners or good manners or any
    other particular sort of manners, but having the
    same manner for all human souls in short,
    behaving as if you were in Heaven, where there
    are no third-class carriages, and one soul is as
    good as another. (1236)
  3. Manners Peoples saying what they think
    they ought to think is bad enough, Lord knows
    but what they really think would break up the
    whole show. . . . We are all savages . . .
    (Act 3)
  4. Life What is life but a series of inspired
    follies? (Act 2) rhetorical questions
  5. Life If you cant appreciate what youve got,
    youd better get what you can appreciate. (Act 5)
    sententia (????,?? see Notes)
  6. Weak vs. Strong Accordingly, it is a truth
    everywhere in evidence that strong people,
    masculine or feminine, not only do not marry
    stronger people, but do not show any preference
    for them in selecting their friends. (Sequel p.

  • the Sequel and
  • Conclusion

11/28 Class Discussion Questions
  • Group F In what ways does the Sequel revise
    Pygmalion as a romance? Or deny that it is a
    romance? -- What are the reasons added here
    against Elizas staying with Higgins as a soul
  • -- Why  does it also introduce the changes of

The Sequel
  • Romance, Elizas decision Higgins
  • Consequences Elizas and Freddys marriage and
    families, their residence and livelihood, their
  • Clara
  • ? Do you agree with Shaw?

1-1. Conventions of Romance Denied
  • 1. Our imaginations have been enfeebled by their
    dependence on the ready-mades and reach-me-downs
    (made for nobody in particular) of the ragshop in
    which Romance keeps its stock of "happy endings"
    to misfit all stories.
  • 2. Elizas transformation Not an uncommon story.
  • 3. Does the hero have to marry the heroine? (Do
    the married couple live happily ever after?)
  • 4. Eliza and Freddys marriage and their shop.

1-2. Factors in Elizas Decisionto Leave Higgins
  • Elizas Status
  • (111) Her decision depends on whether she is
    really free to choose. She is, since she is
    young and pretty.
  • Eliza's instinct tells her not to marry Higgins.
    It does not tell her to give him up. What does
    this mean?
  • Higgins
  • His love of his Mother
  • Typical of an imaginative boy with an
    intelligent and graceful mother. (112) Oedipus
    Complex according to Freud
  • Leads to a disengagement of his affections, his
    sense of beauty, and his idealism from his
    specifically sexual impulses
  • b. His interest in Milton and the Universal
    Alphabet (113)

1-2. Factors in Elizas Choice of Freddy
  • 2. Higgins 113
  • her resentment of Higgins's domineering
  • her mistrust of his coaxing cleverness in getting
    round her and evading her wrath when he had gone
    too far with his impetuous bullying.
  • (113) Eliza and Freddy
  • He is a gentleman
  • He is weak, thus attracted to Eliza as a strong
  • (conclusion 115 Will she look forward to a
    lifetime of fetching Higgins's slippers or to a
    lifetime of Freddy fetching hers? Unless
    Freddy is biologically repulsive to her . . .)
  • Do you agree with Elizas or with Shaws

Do you want to marry one that is weaker than you,
or stronger? (ref. p. 114)
  • When a lion meets another with a louder roar "the
    first lion thinks the last a bore." The man or
    woman who feels strong enough for two, seeks for
    every other quality in a partner than strength.
  • weak people want to marry strong people who do
    not frighten them too much and this often leads
    them to make the mistake we describe
    metaphorically as "biting off more than they can

1-2. Factors in Elizas Decision
  • Kates personal views
  • Agree-- strength not the most important factor
  • 1. There is a lot to consider in choosing ones
    spouse. (Besides love, personality, career,
    class, family, pattern of relationship, sexual
    attraction, money, ones age and the choices
  • 2. Eliza should not stay with one who is
    domineering and refusing to change.
  • Disagree
  • Does the strong one really want to marry a weak
    one? Or maybe there is attraction of two who are
    congenial to but different from each other.
  • Strong vs. Weak as binary opposition Why are
    there just these two choices for Eliza? Couldnt
    she work and wait a bit? (But at that time
    staying single may not be a choice for her.)
  • Why is there only description of Elizas secret
    affection for Higgins (124), but not the other
    way around?

Higgins Secret Affection
  • For his mother? (Oedipal attachment to his
  • For Pickering?
  • There is no absolute difference between
    homosexuality and homosociality at the time when
    sex was a taboo and homosexuality, a crime.

The Other Social Factors Still the Same?
  • Class grouping becomes less visible, and the
    boundaries, more fluid
  • Language not necessarily a class marker
  • Professional Skills should be useful

2. Consequences
  • Money
  • Freddy no money, no job.
  • Doolittle not willing to offer support.
  • Honeymoon would have been penniless without Ps
  • Uses the gift of 500 pounds for a long time
    keeps getting supported by the two bachelors
  • Residence
  • Considers living with the two bachelors, but
    decides against it
  • Occupation
  • Opens a flower shop with the support of
    Pickering. (117)
  • Finally earning money.
  • Education (122) (to write, shorthands and
    polytechnic (??) class
  • Not really helpful.

Elizas Relation with Higgins after her marriage
  • Still meddles with Wimpole Streets housekeeping
    still nagging
  • Still jealous of other women
  • Cannot become a professional phonetician (no
    right to meddle with his knowledge).
  • her secret wish to be alone on a "desert island"
    with Higgins to seduce him.

3. Clara
  • 1. a pusher who pushes the air in the wrong
    direction, not welcome by the class she wants to
    join? goes to join the artist group
  • 2. changed under the influence of Elizas
    transformation, H. G. Wells and the novelist
    Galsworthy to realize the vanity and unimportance
    of her class
  • 3. works at a furniture store.

4. Conclusion
  1. Pygmalion Romance
  2. Comedy of Manners -- Language and the Other
    Social Markers//Appearance vs. Reality
  3. Manners Pronunciation, Handwriting, Dress,
    manners, interest,
  4. Marriage and Family
  5. Morality Class-bound? Prudery made fun of.
  6. Class Differences Social Mobility
  7. The ways upper class is presented useless or
  8. The background Shaw offers (in Act I and the
    Sequel) of social climbing
  9. Elizas, Doolittles and Claras different kinds
    of changes
  10. Scientific Creation, Education Human Concern
  11. Professionalism (with Ideals) Higgins vs.
  12. The Roles of Money
  13. Lady as Self-Made, or result of others Respect

Conclusion (2)
  • 5. Other Possible Readings (For your reference
  • -- Higgins as one suffering from Aspergers
    syndrome (a kind of autism) (Weintraub)
  • --Aspergen has difficulties in social
    interaction, lacks empathy, or has difficulties
    with it, has trouble with social role-taking and
    has unusual responses to the environment similar
    to those in autism. --can achieve success in
    some specialized academic subjects. E.g.
    computer programmers, dentists, scientists.
  • -- examples
  • of Higgins insensitivity to Elizas feelings Act
  • of his rude social behavior, lack of manners
    Acts I III
  • of his exclusive interest in languages and

Notes Between Scylla and Charybdis
  • In a position where avoidance of one danger expose
    s one to another danger.

Image source/
Notes Act V Rhetoric (ref. http//www.virtualsa
  • Pickering this chap has a certain natural gift
    of rhetoric.  Observe the rhythm of his native
    woodnotes wild.  "I'm willing to tell you I'm
    wanting to tell you I'm waiting to tell you." 
    Sentimental rhetoric! 
  • figurative language metaphor, personification
  • others repetition parallelism (Several parts
    of a sentence or several sentences are expressed
    similarly to show that the ideas in the parts or
    sentences are equal in importance.)
  • reverse parallelism He labors without
    complaining and without bragging rests. (He
    labors without complaining and rests without

Notes Act V Rhetoric (2)
  • sententia (quoting a maxim or wise saying to
    apply a general truth to the situation
    concluding or summing foregoing material by
    offering a single, pithy statement of general
    wisdom)  e.g. But, of course, to understand all
    is to forgive all.
  • Oxymoron Eliza deliciously low

Notes (1) Sequel
  • H. G. Wells (who influences Clara) a socialist
    and Utopia novelist (work The Time Machine)
  • Passionate concern for society led Wells to join
    the socialist Fabian Society in London, but he
    soon quarreled with the society's leaders, among
    them George Bernard Shaw.
  • Kew Gardens (p. 122 Combination of London School
    and Kew Gardens) -- the Royal Botanic Gardens
  • Nell Gwynne (1650-1687)-- who originally sold
    oranges in the precincts of the Drury Lane
  • -- became an actress at the age of only fifteen
  • -- became the mistress of King Charles II,
  • from 1670 until his death, and
  • thus popular to the public.

Notes (2) Shaws Emotional Life
  • Bernard Shaw a Brief Biography
  • Parents Shaw (26 July 1856  2 November 1950) 
  • -- His father was a failed corn-merchant, with a
    drinking problem and a squint (which Oscar
    Wilde's father, a leading Dublin surgeon, tried
    unsuccessfully to correct) his mother was a
    professional singer, the sole disciple of
    Vandeleur Lee, a voice teacher claiming to have a
    unique and original approach to singing.
  • -- When Shaw was just short of his 16th birthday,
    his mother left her husband and son and moved
    with Vandeleur Lee to London, where the two set
    up a household, along with Shaw's older sister
    Lucy (who later became a successful music hall
    singer). Shaw remained in Dublin with his father,
    completing his schooling (which he hated
    passionately), and working as a clerk for an
    estate office (which he hated just as much as
  • -- In 1876 (age 20), Shaw left Dublin and his
    father and moved to London, moving in with his
    mother's menage. There he lived off of his mother
    and sister while pursuing a career in journalism
    and writing. 
  • In 1898, after a serious illness, Shaw resigned
    as theatre critic, and moved out of his mother's
    house (where he was still living) to marry
    Charlotte Payne-Townsend, an Irish woman of
    independent means. Their marriage (quite possibly
    sexually unconsummated) lasted until Charlotte's
    death in 1943.

Notes (3)
  • Weintraub, Rodelle. Bernard Shaw's Henry
    Higgins a classic aspergen. English Literature
    in Transition 1880-1920, Fall 2006 v49 i4
  • Shaws ambiguities about love
  • Wife Charlotte Payne-Townshend
  • Lover Mrs. Pat Mrs. Patrick Campbell  (met Shaw
    in 1897, 2nd marriage in 1914)
  • Theater Talk Life and work of playwright George
    Bernard Shaw
  • 1000- discussion of Shaws personal life and
    then Pygmalion

1912 -? Her 2nd marriage
1989 - 1943
Next Week
  • Next two weeks memorizing the lines, blocking.
    Recording your lines. (see next slide) group
    leaders 4 more weekly reports (due 11/23, 11/30,
    12/7, 12/14)
  • Poetry I Lyric and Tone Identity and Daily
  • Reading and Paraphrase theme meanings
  • Every group short performance Group A W.
    Carlos Williams This is just to say (p. 797)
  • Group B Chasin, Helen The Word Plum (p.
    828)Group C Brooks, Gwendolyn We Real Cool (p
    720)Group D Hayden, Robert Those Winter
    Sundays (p 783) Group E Frost, Robert
    Stopping by Woods (p1091)Group F Dickinson,
    Emily Im Nobody! Who Are You?

Mini Play Contest Tentative Schedule
Play Cast Crew
10/22 General Introd Job Division starts Group Leaders
10/29 Act I and Act II. (pp. 11-37) Production Plan Casting Text Chosen
11/5 Act II III (pp. 38-71) Line reading Script Ready (11/6 the latest)
11/12 Act III-IV (pp. 71-87 Act V) Rehearsal w/ script Script Confirmed
11/19 Act V and Postscript Rehearsal w/ script Technical Meeting Costume/PROP deadline
11/26 Mini Play PreparationPoetry I Lyric and Tone Rehearsal w/out script Set and Prop Costumes
12/3 Poetry II Diction Figurative Language1  blocking Subtitles produced
12/10 Mini Play Contest Rehearsal (1) Advisor Hegel Tsai Dress Rehearsal 12/16 (100-330)
12/17 Performance Day
Performance Record 11/19
A(10, 1) B(2, 7) C(3, 9) D(4, 11) E(5, 8) F(6, 12)
2- Reading
3. Theme Plot
4. Major Character
5. Character
6. Team Work


See you next time!!!
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