Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design & Analysis of Microarray Studies for Diagnostic & Prognostic Classification Richard Simon, D.Sc. Chief, Biometric Research Branch National Cancer Institute – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Design

Design Analysis of Microarray Studies for
Diagnostic Prognostic Classification
  • Richard Simon, D.Sc.
  • Chief, Biometric Research Branch
  • National Cancer Institute
  • http//

  • http//
  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Reprints Technical Reports
  • BRB-ArrayTools software
  • BRB-ArrayTools Data Archive
  • Sample Size Planning for Targeted Clinical Trials

Simon R, Korn E, McShane L, Radmacher M, Wright
G, Zhao Y. Design and analysis of DNA microarray
investigations, Springer-Verlag, 2003. Radmacher
MD, McShane LM, Simon R. A paradigm for class
prediction using gene expression profiles.
Journal of Computational Biology 9505-511,
2002. Simon R, Radmacher MD, Dobbin K, McShane
LM. Pitfalls in the analysis of DNA microarray
data. Journal of the National Cancer Institute
9514-18, 2003. Dobbin K, Simon R. Comparison of
microarray designs for class comparison and class
discovery, Bioinformatics 181462-69, 2002
19803-810, 2003 212430-37, 2005 212803-4,
2005. Dobbin K and Simon R. Sample size
determination in microarray experiments for class
comparison and prognostic classification.
Biostatistics 627-38, 2005. Dobbin K, Shih J,
Simon R. Questions and answers on design of
dual-label microarrays for identifying
differentially expressed genes. Journal of the
National Cancer Institute 951362-69,
2003. Wright G, Simon R. A random variance model
for detection of differential gene expression in
small microarray experiments. Bioinformatics
192448-55, 2003. Korn EL, Troendle JF, McShane
LM, Simon R.Controlling the number of false
discoveries. Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference 124379-08, 2004. Molinaro A, Simon R,
Pfeiffer R. Prediction error estimation A
comparison of resampling methods. Bioinformatics
Simon R. Using DNA microarrays for diagnostic
and prognostic prediction. Expert Review of
Molecular Diagnostics, 3(5) 587-595, 2003. Simon
R. Diagnostic and prognostic prediction using
gene expression profiles in high dimensional
microarray data. British Journal of Cancer
891599-1604, 2003. Simon R and Maitnourim A.
Evaluating the efficiency of targeted designs for
randomized clinical trials. Clinical Cancer
Research 106759-63, 2004. Maitnourim A and
Simon R. On the efficiency of targeted clinical
trials. Statistics in Medicine 24329-339,
2005. Simon R. When is a genomic classifier
ready for prime time? Nature Clinical Practice
Oncology 14-5, 2004. Simon R. An agenda for
Clinical Trials clinical trials in the genomic
era. Clinical Trials 1468-470, 2004. Simon R.
Development and Validation of Therapeutically
Relevant Multi-gene Biomarker Classifiers.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
97866-867, 2005. Simon R. A roadmap for
developing and validating therapeutically
relevant genomic classifiers. Journal of Clinical
Oncology (In Press). Freidlin B and Simon R.
Adaptive signature design. Clinical Cancer
Research (In Press). Simon R. Validation of
pharmacogenomic biomarker classifiers for
treatment selection. Disease Markers (In Press).
Simon R. Guidelines for the design of clinical
studies for development and validation of
therapeutically relevant biomarkers and biomarker
classification systems. In Biomarkers in Breast
Cancer, Hayes DF and Gasparini G, Humana Press
(In Press).
  • That microarray investigations should be
    unstructured data-mining adventures without clear

  • Good microarray studies have clear objectives,
    but not generally gene specific mechanistic
  • Design and analysis methods should be tailored to
    study objectives

Good Microarray Studies Have Clear Objectives
  • Class Comparison
  • Find genes whose expression differs among
    predetermined classes
  • Class Prediction
  • Prediction of predetermined class (phenotype)
    using information from gene expression profile
  • Class Discovery
  • Discover clusters of specimens having similar
    expression profiles
  • Discover clusters of genes having similar
    expression profiles

Class Comparison and Class Prediction
  • Not clustering problems
  • Global similarity measures generally used for
    clustering arrays may not distinguish classes
  • Dont control multiplicity or for distinguishing
    data used for classifier development from data
    used for classifier evaluation
  • Supervised methods
  • Requires multiple biological samples from each

Levels of Replication
  • Technical replicates
  • RNA sample divided into multiple aliquots and
  • Biological replicates
  • Multiple subjects
  • Replication of the tissue culture experiment

  • Biological conclusions generally require
    independent biological replicates. The power of
    statistical methods for microarray data depends
    on the number of biological replicates.
  • Technical replicates are useful insurance to
    ensure that at least one good quality array of
    each specimen will be obtained.

Class Prediction
  • Predict which tumors will respond to a particular
  • Predict which patients will relapse after a
    particular treatment

  • Class prediction methods usually have gene
    selection as a component
  • The criteria for gene selection for class
    prediction and for class comparison are different
  • For class comparison false discovery rate is
  • For class prediction, predictive accuracy is

Clarity of Objectives is Important
  • Patient selection
  • Many microarray studies developing classifiers
    are not therapeutically relevant
  • Analysis methods
  • Many microarray studies use cluster analysis
    inappropriately or misleadingly

Microarray Platforms for Developing Predictive
  • Single label arrays
  • Affymetrix GeneChips
  • Dual label arrays using common reference design
  • Dye swaps are unnecessary

Common Reference Design
Array 1
Array 2
Array 3
Array 4
Ai ith specimen from class A
Bi ith specimen from class B
R aliquot from reference pool
  • The reference generally serves to control
    variation in the size of corresponding spots on
    different arrays and variation in sample
    distribution over the slide.
  • The reference provides a relative measure of
    expression for a given gene in a given sample
    that is less variable than an absolute measure.
  • The reference is not the object of comparison.
  • The relative measure of expression will be
    compared among biologically independent samples
    from different classes.

(No Transcript)
  • For two color microarrays, each sample of
    interest should be labeled once with Cy3 and once
    with Cy5 in dye-swap pairs of arrays.

Dye Bias
  • Average differences among dyes in label
    concentration, labeling efficiency, photon
    emission efficiency and photon detection are
    corrected by normalization procedures
  • Gene specific dye bias may not be corrected by

  • Dye swap technical replicates of the same two rna
    samples are rarely necessary.
  • Using a common reference design, dye swap arrays
    are not necessary for valid comparisons of
    classes since specimens labeled with different
    dyes are never compared.
  • For two-label direct comparison designs for
    comparing two classes, it is more efficient to
    balance the dye-class assignments for independent
    biological specimens than to do dye swap
    technical replicates

Balanced Block Design
Array 1
Array 2
Array 3
Array 4
Ai ith specimen from class A
Bi ith specimen from class B
  • Detailed comparisons of the effectiveness of
  • Dobbin K, Simon R. Comparison of microarray
    designs for class comparison and class discovery.
    Bioinformatics 181462-9, 2002
  • Dobbin K, Shih J, Simon R. Statistical design of
    reverse dye microarrays. Bioinformatics
    19803-10, 2003
  • Dobbin K, Simon R. Questions and answers on the
    design of dual-label microarrays for identifying
    differentially expressed genes, JNCI
    951362-1369, 2003

  • Common reference designs are very effective for
    many microarray studies. They are robust, permit
    comparisons among separate experiments, and
    permit many types of comparisons and analyses to
    be performed.
  • For simple two class comparison problems,
    balanced block designs require many fewer arrays
    than common reference designs.
  • Efficiency decreases for more than two classes
  • Are more difficult to apply to more complicated
    class comparison problems.
  • They are not appropriate for class discovery or
    class prediction.
  • Loop designs are less robust, and dominated by
    either common reference designs or balanced block
    designs, and are not suitable for class
    prediction or class discovery.

What We Will Not Discuss Today
  • Image analysis
  • Normalization
  • Clustering methods
  • Class comparison
  • SAM and other methods of gene finding
  • FDR (false discovery rate) and methods for
    controlling the number of false positive genes

Simple Procedures
  • If each gene is tested for significance at level
    ? and there are k genes, then the expected number
    of false discoveries is k ? .
  • To control E(FD) ? u
  • Conduct each of k tests at level ? u/k
  • Bonferroni control of familywise error (FWE) rate
    at level 0.05
  • Conduct each of k tests at level 0.05/k
  • At least 95 confident that FD 0

False Discovery Rate (FDR)
  • FDR Expected proportion of false discoveries
    among the tests declared significant
  • Studied by Benjamini and Hochberg (1995)

Not rejected Rejected Total
True null hypotheses 890 10 False discoveries 900
False null hypotheses 10 90 True discoveries 100
100 1000
Controlling the Expected False Discovery Rate
  • Compare classes separately by gene and compute
    significance levels pi
  • Rank genes in order of significance
  • p(1) lt p(2) lt ... lt p(k)
  • Find largest index i for which
  • p(i)k / i ? FDR
  • Consider genes with the ith smallest p values
    as statistically significant

Problems With Simple Procedures
  • Bonferroni control of FWE is very conservative
  • p values based on normal theory are not accurate
    at extremes quantiles
  • Difficult to achieve extreme quantiles for
    permutation p values of individual genes
  • Controlling expected number or proportion of
    false discoveries may not provide adequate
    control because distributions of FD and FDP may
    have large variances
  • Multiple comparisons are controlled by adjustment
    of univariate (single gene) p values and so may
    not take advantage of correlation among genes

Additional Procedures
  • SAM - Significance Analysis of Microarrays
  • Tusher et al., PNAS, 2001
  • Estimate FDR
  • Statistical properties unclear
  • Empirical Bayes
  • Efron et al., JASA, 2001
  • Related to FDR
  • Ad hoc aspects
  • Multivariate permutation tests
  • Korn et al., 2001 (http//
  • Control number or proportion of false discoveries
  • Can specify confidence level of control

Multivariate Permutation Procedures(Korn et al.,
  • Allows statements like
  • FD Procedure We are 95 confident that the
    (actual) number of false discoveries is no
    greater than 5.
  • FDP Procedure We are 95 confident that the
    (actual) proportion of false discoveries does not
    exceed .10.

Class Prediction Model
  • Given a sample with an expression profile vector
    x of log-ratios or log signals and unknown class.
  • Predict which class the sample belongs to
  • The class prediction model is a function f which
    maps from the set of vectors x to the set of
    class labels 1,2 (if there are two classes).
  • f generally utilizes only some of the components
    of x (i.e. only some of the genes)
  • Specifying the model f involves specifying some
    parameters (e.g. regression coefficients) by
    fitting the model to the data (learning the data).

Problems With Many Diagnostic/Prognostic Marker
  • Are not reproducible
  • Retrospective non-focused analysis
  • Multiplicity problems
  • Inter-laboratory assay variation
  • Have no impact
  • Not therapeutically relevant questions
  • Not therapeutically relevant group of patients
  • Black box predictors

Components of Class Prediction
  • Feature (gene) selection
  • Which genes will be included in the model
  • Select model type
  • E.g. Diagonal linear discriminant analysis,
  • Fitting parameters (regression coefficients) for
  • Selecting value of tuning parameters

Do Not Confuse Statistical Methods Appropriate
for Class Comparison with Those Appropriate for
Class Prediction
  • Demonstrating statistical significance of
    prognostic factors is not the same as
    demonstrating predictive accuracy.
  • Demonstrating goodness of fit of a model to the
    data used to develop it is not a demonstration
    of predictive accuracy.
  • Statisticians are used to inference, not
  • Most statistical methods were not developed for
    pgtgtn prediction problems

Feature Selection
  • Genes that are differentially expressed among the
    classes at a significance level ? (e.g. 0.01)
  • The ? level is selected only to control the
    number of genes in the model

t-test Comparisons of Gene Expression
  • xjN(?j1 , ?j2) for class 1
  • xjN(?j2 , ?j2) for class 2
  • H0j ?j1 ?j2

Estimation of Within-Class Variance
  • Estimate separately for each gene
  • Limited degrees of freedom
  • Gene list dominated by genes with small fold
    changes and small variances
  • Assume all genes have same variance
  • Poor assumption
  • Random (hierarchical) variance model
  • Wright G.W. and Simon R. Bioinformatics192448-245
  • Inverse gamma distribution of residual variances
  • Results in exact F (or t) distribution of test
    statistics with increased degrees of freedom for
    error variance
  • For any normal linear model

Feature Selection
  • Small subset of genes which together give most
    accurate predictions
  • Combinatorial optimization algorithms
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Little evidence that complex feature selection is
    useful in microarray problems
  • Failure to compare to simpler methods
  • Some published complex methods for selecting
    combinations of features do not appear to have
    been properly evaluated

Linear Classifiers for Two Classes
Linear Classifiers for Two Classes
  • Fisher linear discriminant analysis
  • Requires estimating correlations among all genes
    selected for model
  • y vector of class labels
  • Diagonal linear discriminant analysis (DLDA)
    assumes features are uncorrelated
  • Naïve Bayes classifier
  • Compound covariate predictor (Radmacher) and
    Golubs method are similar to DLDA in that they
    can be viewed as weighted voting of univariate

Linear Classifiers for Two Classes
  • Compound covariate predictor
  • Instead of for DLDA

Linear Classifiers for Two Classes
  • Support vector machines with inner product kernel
    are linear classifiers with weights determined to
    separate the classes with a hyperplain that
    minimizes the length of the weight vector

Support Vector Machine
  • Perceptrons are neural networks with no hidden
    layer and linear transfer functions between input
  • Number of input nodes equals number of genes
  • Number of output nodes equals number of classes
    minus 1
  • Number of inputs may be major principal
    components of genes or major principal components
    of informative genes
  • Perceptrons are linear classifiers

Naïve Bayes Classifier
  • Expression profiles for class j assumed normal
    with mean vector mj and diagonal covariance
    matrix D
  • Likelihood of expression profile vector x is l(x
    mj ,D)
  • Posterior probability of class j for case with
    expression profile vector x is proportional to pj
    l(x mj ,D)

Compound Covariate Bayes Classifier
  • Compound covariate y ?tixi
  • Sum over the genes selected as differentially
  • xi the expression level of the ith selected gene
    for the case whose class is to be predicted
  • ti the t statistic for testing differential
    expression for the ith gene
  • Proceed as for the naïve Bayes classifier but
    using the single compound covariate as predictive
  • GW Wright et al. PNAS 2005.

When pgtgtn The Linear Model is Too Complex
  • It is always possible to find a set of features
    and a weight vector for which the classification
    error on the training set is zero.
  • Why consider more complex models?

  • Complex classification algorithms such as neural
    networks perform better than simpler methods for
    class prediction.

  • Artificial intelligence sells to journal
    reviewers and peers who cannot distinguish hype
    from substance when it comes to microarray data
  • Comparative studies have shown that simpler
    methods work as well or better for microarray
    problems because they avoid overfitting the data.

Other Simple Methods
  • Nearest neighbor classification
  • Nearest k-neighbors
  • Nearest centroid classification
  • Shrunken centroid classification

Nearest Neighbor Classifier
  • To classify a sample in the validation set as
    being in outcome class 1 or outcome class 2,
    determine which sample in the training set its
    gene expression profile is most similar to.
  • Similarity measure used is based on genes
    selected as being univariately differentially
    expressed between the classes
  • Correlation similarity or Euclidean distance
    generally used
  • Classify the sample as being in the same class as
    its nearest neighbor in the training set

Other Methods
  • Neural networks
  • Top-scoring pairs
  • CART
  • Random Forrest
  • Genetic algorithm based classification

Apparent Dimension Reduction Based Methods
  • Principal component regression
  • Supervised principal component regression
  • Partial least squares
  • Stepwise logistic regression

When There Are More Than 2 Classes
  • Nearest neighbor type methods
  • Decision tree of binary classifiers

Decision Tree of Binary Classifiers
  • Partition the set of classes 1,2,,K into two
    disjoint subsets S1 and S2
  • Develop a binary classifier for distinguishing
    the composite classes S1 and S2
  • Compute the cross-validated classification error
    for distinguishing S1 and S2
  • Repeat the above steps for all possible
    partitions in order to find the partition S1and
    S2 for which the cross-validated classification
    error is minimized
  • If S1and S2 are not singleton sets, then repeat
    all of the above steps separately for the classes
    in S1and S2 to optimally partition each of them

(No Transcript)
Evaluating a Classifier
  • Prediction is difficult, especially the future.
  • Neils Bohr
  • Fit of a model to the same data used to develop
    it is no evidence of prediction accuracy for
    independent data.

Evaluating a Classifier
  • Fit of a model to the same data used to develop
    it is no evidence of prediction accuracy for
    independent data
  • Goodness of fit vs prediction accuracy
  • Demonstrating statistical significance of
    prognostic factors is not the same as
    demonstrating predictive accuracy
  • Demonstrating stability of identification of gene
    predictors is not necessary for demonstrating
    predictive accuracy

Evaluating a Classifier
  • The classification algorithm includes the
    following parts
  • Determining what type of classifier to use
  • Gene selection
  • Fitting parameters
  • Optimizing with regard to tuning parameters
  • If a re-sampling method such as cross-validation
    is to be used to estimate predictive error of a
    classifier, all aspects of the classification
    algorithm must be repeated for each training set
    and the accuracy of the resulting classifier
    scored on the corresponding validation set

Split-Sample Evaluation
  • Training-set
  • Used to select features, select model type,
    determine parameters and cut-off thresholds
  • Test-set
  • Withheld until a single model is fully specified
    using the training-set.
  • Fully specified model is applied to the
    expression profiles in the test-set to predict
    class labels.
  • Number of errors is counted
  • Ideally test set data is from different centers
    than the training data and assayed at a different

Leave-one-out Cross Validation
  • Omit sample 1
  • Develop multivariate classifier from scratch on
    training set with sample 1 omitted
  • Predict class for sample 1 and record whether
    prediction is correct

Leave-one-out Cross Validation
  • Repeat analysis for training sets with each
    single sample omitted one at a time
  • e number of misclassifications determined by
  • Subdivide e for estimation of sensitivity and

  • Cross validation is only valid if the test set is
    not used in any way in the development of the
    model. Using the complete set of samples to
    select genes violates this assumption and
    invalidates cross-validation.
  • With proper cross-validation, the model must be
    developed from scratch for each leave-one-out
    training set. This means that feature selection
    must be repeated for each leave-one-out training
  • The cross-validated estimate of misclassification
    error is an estimate of the prediction error for
    model fit using specified algorithm to full
  • If you use cross-validation estimates of
    prediction error for a set of algorithms indexed
    by a tuning parameter and select the algorithm
    with the smallest cv error estimate, you do not
    have a valid estimate of the prediction error for
    the selected model

Prediction on Simulated Null Data
  • Generation of Gene Expression Profiles
  • 14 specimens (Pi is the expression profile for
    specimen i)
  • Log-ratio measurements on 6000 genes
  • Pi MVN(0, I6000)
  • Can we distinguish between the first 7 specimens
    (Class 1) and the last 7 (Class 2)?
  • Prediction Method
  • Compound covariate prediction (discussed later)
  • Compound covariate built from the log-ratios of
    the 10 most differentially expressed genes.

(No Transcript)
Invalid Criticisms of Cross-Validation
  • You can always find a set of features that will
    provide perfect prediction for the training and
    test sets.
  • For complex models, there may be many sets of
    features that provide zero training errors.
  • A modeling strategy that either selects among
    those sets or aggregates among those models, will
    have a generalization error which will be validly
    estimated by cross-validation.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Simulated Data40 cases, 10 genes selected from
Method Estimate Std Deviation
True .078
Resubstitution .007 .016
LOOCV .092 .115
10-fold CV .118 .120
5-fold CV .161 .127
Split sample 1-1 .345 .185
Split sample 2-1 .205 .184
.632 bootstrap .274 .084
Method Bias Std Deviation MSE
LOOCV -.019 .072 .008
10-fold CV -.007 .063 .006
5-fold CV .004 .07 .007
Split 1-1 .037 .117 .018
Split 2-1 .001 .119 .017
.632 bootstrap -.006 .049 .004
Simulated Data40 cases
Method Estimate Std Deviation
True .078
10-fold .118 .120
Repeated 10-fold .116 .109
5-fold .161 .127
Repeated 5-fold .159 .114
Split 1-1 .345 .185
Repeated split 1-1 .371 .065
Permutation Distribution of Cross-validated
Misclassification Rate of a Multivariate
  • Randomly permute class labels and repeat the
    entire cross-validation
  • Re-do for all (or 1000) random permutations of
    class labels
  • Permutation p value is fraction of random
    permutations that gave as few misclassifications
    as e in the real data

Gene-Expression Profiles in Hereditary Breast
  • Breast tumors studied
  • 7 BRCA1 tumors
  • 8 BRCA2 tumors
  • 7 sporadic tumors
  • Log-ratios measurements of 3226 genes for each
    tumor after initial data filtering

RESEARCH QUESTION Can we distinguish BRCA1 from
BRCA1 cancers and BRCA2 from BRCA2 cancers
based solely on their gene expression profiles?
Classification of BRCA2 Germline Mutations
Classification Method LOOCV Prediction Error
Compound Covariate Predictor 14
Fisher LDA 36
Diagonal LDA 14
1-Nearest Neighbor 9
3-Nearest Neighbor 23
Support Vector Machine (linear kernel) 18
Classification Tree 45
Common Problems With Internal Classifier
  • Pre-selection of genes using entire dataset
  • Failure to consider optimization of tuning
    parameter part of classification algorithm
  • Varma Simon, BMC Bioinformatics 2006
  • Erroneous use of predicted class in regression

Incomplete (incorrect) Cross-Validation
  • Publications are using all the data to select
    genes and then cross-validating only the
    parameter estimation component of model
  • Highly biased
  • Many published complex methods which make strong
    claims based on incorrect cross-validation.
  • Frequently seen in complex feature set selection
  • Some software encourages inappropriate

Incomplete (incorrect) Cross-Validation
  • Let M(b,D) denote a classification model
    developed on a set of data D where the model is
    of a particular type that is parameterized by a
    scalar b.
  • Use cross-validation to estimate the
    classification error of M(b,D) for a grid of
    values of b Err(b).
  • Select the value of b that minimizes Err(b).
  • Caution Err(b) is a biased estimate of the
    prediction error of M(b,D).
  • This error is made in some commonly used methods

Complete (correct) Cross-Validation
  • Construct a learning set D as a subset of the
    full set S of cases.
  • Use cross-validation restricted to D in order to
    estimate the classification error of M(b,D) for a
    grid of values of b Err(b).
  • Select the value of b that minimizes Err(b).
  • Use the mode M(b,D) to predict for the cases in
    S but not in D (S-D) and compute the error rate
    in S-D
  • Repeat this full procedure for different learning
    sets D1 , D2 and average the error rates of the
    models M(bi,Di) over the corresponding
    validation sets S-Di

Does an Expression Profile Classifier Predict
More Accurately Than Standard Prognostic
  • Not an issue of which variables are significant
    after adjusting for which others or which are
    independent predictors
  • Predictive accuracy and inference are different
  • The two classifiers can be compared by ROC
    analysis as functions of the threshold for
  • The predictiveness of the expression profile
    classifier can be evaluated within levels of the
    classifier based on standard prognostic variables

Does an Expression Profile Classifier Predict
More Accurately Than Standard Prognostic
  • Some publications fit logistic model to standard
    covariates and the cross-validated predictions of
    expression profile classifiers
  • This is valid only with split-sample analysis
    because the cross-validated predictions are not

External Validation
  • Should address clinical utility, not just
    predictive accuracy
  • Therapeutic relevance
  • Should incorporate all sources of variability
    likely to be seen in broad clinical application
  • Expression profile assay distributed over time
    and space
  • Real world tissue handling
  • Patients selected from different centers than
    those used for developing the classifier

Survival Risk Group Prediction
  • Evaluate individual genes by fitting single
    variable proportional hazards regression models
    to log signal or log ratio for gene
  • Select genes based on p-value threshold for
    single gene PH regressions
  • Compute first k principal components of the
    selected genes
  • Fit PH regression model with the k pcs as
    predictors. Let b1 , , bk denote the estimated
    regression coefficients
  • To predict for case with expression profile
    vector x, compute the k supervised pcs y1 , ,
    yk and the predictive index ? b1 y1 bk yk

Survival Risk Group Prediction
  • LOOCV loop
  • Create training set by omitting ith case
  • Develop supervised pc PH model for training set
  • Compute cross-validated predictive index for ith
    case using PH model developed for training set
  • Compute predictive risk percentile of predictive
    index for ith case among predictive indices for
    cases in the training set

Survival Risk Group Prediction
  • Plot Kaplan Meier survival curves for cases with
    cross-validated risk percentiles above 50 and
    for cases with cross-validated risk percentiles
    below 50
  • Or for however many risk groups and thresholds is
  • Compute log-rank statistic comparing the
    cross-validated Kaplan Meier curves

Survival Risk Group Prediction
  • Repeat the entire procedure for all (or large
    number) of permutations of survival times and
    censoring indicators to generate the null
    distribution of the log-rank statistic
  • The usual chi-square null distribution is not
    valid because the cross-validated risk
    percentiles are correlated among cases
  • Evaluate statistical significance of the
    association of survival and expression profiles
    by referring the log-rank statistic for the
    unpermuted data to the permutation null

Survival Risk Group Prediction
  • Other approaches to survival risk group
    prediction have been published
  • The supervised pc method is implemented in
  • BRB-ArrayTools also provides for comparing the
    risk group classifier based on expression
    profiles to one based on standard covariates and
    one based on a combination of both types of

Sample Size Planning References
  • K Dobbin, R Simon. Sample size determination in
    microarray experiments for class comparison and
    prognostic classification. Biostatistics 627-38,
  • K Dobbin, R Simon. Sample size planning for
    developing classifiers using high dimensional DNA
    microarray data. Biostatistics (In Press)

Sample Size Planning
  • GOAL Identify genes differentially expressed in
    a comparison of two pre-defined classes of
    specimens on dual-label arrays using reference
    design or single label arrays
  • Compare classes separately by gene with
    adjustment for multiple comparisons
  • Approximate expression levels (log ratio or log
    signal) as normally distributed
  • Determine number of samples n/2 per class to give
    power 1-? for detecting mean difference ? at
    level ?

Comparing 2 equal size classes
  • n 4?2(z?/2 z?)2/?2
  • where ? mean log-ratio difference between
  • ? within class standard deviation of
    biological replicates
  • z?/2, z? standard normal percentiles
  • Choose ?? small, e.g. ?? .001
  • Use percentiles of t distribution for improved

Total Number of Samples for Two Class Comparison
? ? ? ? Samples Per Class
0.001 0.05 1 (2-fold) 0.5 human tissue 13
0.25 transgenic mice 6 (t approximation)
Dual Label Arrays With Reference DesignPools of
k Biological Samples

  • m number of technical reps per sample
  • k number of samples per pool
  • n total number of arrays
  • ? mean difference between classes in log signal
  • ?2 biological variance within class
  • ?2 technical variance
  • ? significance level e.g. 0.001
  • 1-? power
  • z normal percentiles (use t percentiles for
    better accuracy)

Number of samples pooled per array Number of arrays required Number of samples required
1 25 25
2 17 34
3 14 42
4 13 52
?0.001, ?0.05, ?1, ?22?20.25, ?2/?24
?0.001 ?0.05 ?1 ?22?20.25, ?2/?24
m technical reps n arrays required samples required
1 25 25
2 42 21
3 60 20
4 76 19
Number of Events Needed to Detect Gene Specific
Effects on Survival
  • ? standard deviation in log2 ratios for each
  • ? hazard ratio (gt1) corresponding to 2-fold
    change in gene expression
  • ? 1/N for 1 expected false positive gene
    identified per N genes examined
  • ? 0.05 for 5 false negative rate

Number of Events Required to Detect Gene Specific
Effects on Survival ?0.001,?0.05
Hazard Ratio ? ? Events Required
2 0.5 26
1.5 0.5 76
Sample Size Planning for Classifier Development
  • The expected value (over training sets) of the
    probability of correct classification PCC(n)
    should be within ? of the maximum achievable

Probability Model
  • Two classes
  • Log expression or log ratio MVN in each class
    with common covariance matrix
  • m differentially expressed genes
  • p-m noise genes
  • Expression of differentially expressed genes are
    independent of expression for noise genes
  • All differentially expressed genes have same
    inter-class mean difference 2?
  • Common variance for differentially expressed
    genes and for noise genes

  • Feature selection based on univariate t-tests for
    differential expression at significance level ?
  • Simple linear classifier with equal weights
    (except for sign) for all selected genes. Power
    for selecting each of the informative genes that
    are differentially expressed by mean difference
    2? is 1-?(n)

  • For 2 classes of equal prevalence, let ?1 denote
    the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix
    of informative genes. Then

(No Transcript)
Sample size as a function of effect size
(log-base 2 fold-change between classes divided
by standard deviation). Two different tolerances
shown, . Each class is equally represented in the
population. 22000 genes on an array.
(No Transcript)
Optimal significance level cutoffs for gene
selection. 50 differentially expressed genes out
of 22,000 genes on the microarrays
2d/s n10 n30 n50
1 0.167 0.003 0.00068
1.25 0.085 0.0011 0.00035
1.5 0.045 0.00063 0.00016
1.75 0.026 0.00036 0.00006
2 0.015 0.0002 0.00002
?0.05, p22,000 genes, gene standard deviation
Distance 2d Fold change Sample size n PCC(n), m1 PCCworst(n) m1, pmin0.25 PCC(n), m5 PCCworst(n) m5, pmin0.25 Adjusted sample size
0.75 1.68 106 0.64 0.34 0.82 0.70 212
1.125 2.18 58 0.72 0.45 0.93 0.87 116
1.5 2.83 38 0.80 0.52 0.98 0.95 76
1.875 3.67 28 0.85 0.63 0.99 0.96 56
a) Power example with 60 samples, 2d/s1/0.71
effect size for differentially expressed genes,
alpha 0.001 cutoffs for gene selection. As the
proportion in the under-represented class gets
smaller, the power to identify differentially
expressed genes decreases.
b) PCC(60) as a function of the proportion in the
under-represented class. Parameter settings same
as a), with 10 differentially expressed genes
among 22,000 total genes. If the proportion in
the under-represented class is small (e.g.,
lt20), then the PCC(60) can decline significantly.
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Integrated software package using Excel-based
    user interface but state-of-the art analysis
    methods programmed in R, Java Fortran
  • Publicly available for non-commercial use

Selected Features of BRB-ArrayTools
  • Multivariate permutation tests for class
    comparison to control number and proportion of
    false discoveries with specified confidence level
  • Permits blocking by another variable, pairing of
    data, averaging of technical replicates
  • SAM
  • Fortran implementation 7X faster than R versions
  • Extensive annotation for identified genes
  • Internal annotation of NetAffx, Source, Gene
    Ontology, Pathway information
  • Links to annotations in genomic databases
  • Find genes correlated with quantitative factor
    while controlling number of proportion of false
  • Find genes correlated with censored survival
    while controlling number or proportion of false
  • Analysis of variance
  • Time course analysis
  • Log intensities for non-reference designs
  • Mixed models

Selected Features of BRB-ArrayTools
  • Gene enhancement analysis.
  • Find Gene Ontology groups and signaling pathways
    that are differentially expressed among classes
  • Class prediction
  • DLDA, CCP, Nearest Neighbor, Nearest Centroid,
    Shrunken Centroids, SVM, Random Forests
  • Complete LOOCV, k-fold CV, repeated k-fold,
    .632 bootstrap
  • permutation significance of cross-validated
    error rate

Selected Features of BRB-ArrayTools
  • Clustering tools for class discovery with
    reproducibility statistics on clusters
  • Internal access to Eisens Cluster and Treeview
  • Visualization tools including rotating 3D
    principal components plot exportable to
    Powerpoint with rotation controls
  • Extensible via R plug-in feature
  • Tutorials and datasets

  • Kevin Dobbin
  • Michael Radmacher
  • Sudhir Varma
  • Yingdong Zhao
  • BRB-ArrayTools Development Team
  • Amy Lam
  • Ming-Chung Li
  • Supriya Menezes
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