Title: Top Quark Physics at the Tevatron
1Top Quark Physics at the Tevatron
- Kevin Lannon
- The Ohio State University
- For the CDF and DØ Collaborations
2Top Quark is Special
- Top is really massive
- Comparable to gold nucleus!
- In Standard Model Mass related to coupling to
Higgs - Special relationship between top and Higgs?
- Top quark decays very quickly (10-24 seconds)
- Decays before hadronization
- Momentum and spin transferred to decay product
- Tevatron is currently the only place in the world
to study top
3Tevatron Performance
- Tevatron status covered next session
- Quick summary
- Performance is great
- Thanks to the accelerator division!
- Integrated luminosity critical for top physics
- Most analyses statistically limited
- Total for Run II (per experiment)
- Delivered 2.8 fb-1
- Recorded to tape 2.5 fb-1 (gt 20 x Run I!)
- Results for summer conferences will use Jan-Feb
of this year
4CDF and DØ Detectors
- General purpose detectors capable of many
different physics measurements - Top physics uses almost all detector systems
5Top Quark Production at Tevatron
- QCD pair production
- ?NLO 6.7 pb (for mTop 175 GeV)
- First observed at Tevatron in 1995
6SM Top Quark Decays
- Lepton Jets Relatively clean with manageable
backgrounds - Dilepton Cleanest but lowest statistics
- All Hadronic Large branching fraction but
formidable backgrounds
7Top Quark Physics is Rich
, production mechanism
8Top Production Cross Section
- Important indirect test of many top quark
properties - NLO calculation 6.7 pb with 13 uncertainty
- Looking for excess of events with top-like
9Cross Section Summary
- Similar experimental and theoretical uncertainty
- Working on Tevatron combination
CDF Run II Preliminary
10Why Measure the Top Mass?
- Its the most striking feature of the top quark!
- Consistency of mass and cross section ? Standard
Model Top? - Related to the Higgs mass through radiative
corrections to the W mass - Provides indirect constraint on Higgs mass
- Consistency test when combined with limits from
direct searches
?MW ? M2top
?MW ? ln MHiggs
11Measuring the Top Mass is Challenging
What a theorist sees
What an experimentalist sees
- Measure jets, not partons
- Calibrate the energy scale
- Associating jet with correct parton
- Extra jets add confusion
12Results Lepton Jets Channel
- Exceeding original Run II expectations because of
in-situ jet energy scale calibration
13Tevatron Combination
- Many more measurements than can be discussed here
- Combine for better precision
- Best individual measurement 1.5
- Combination 1.1 uncertainty!
14Searches for Resonant Production
- Look for bump in invariant mass distribution ?
New particle that decays to top pairs - Uses many of the same techniques as top mass
analyses - No evidence for resonance
- Updates planned for 2 fb-1
15The Search for Single Top
- Standard Model
- Rate ? Vtb2
- Background for other searches (Higgs)
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Sensitive to a 4th generation
- Sensitive to new particles or interactions
- W, H, FCNC
- Main challenge Backgrounds
- Signal to background ratio 1/20 in best
channels - Expect single top signal smaller than background
16The Search for Single Top
- Standard Model
- Rate ? Vtb2
- Shares many common issues with Higgs searches
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Sensitive to a 4th generation
- Sensitive to new particles or interactions
- W, H, FCNC
- Main challenge Backgrounds
- Signal to background ratio 1/20 in best
channels - Expected single top signal smaller than
background uncertainties
17Multivariate Analysis Techniques
18Multivariate Analysis Techniques
- Both CDF and DØ used multiple multivariate
techniques (Six separate analyses) - Boosted decision trees (DØ), matrix elements
(CDF, DØ), multivariate likelihood (CDF), neural
network (CDF), Bayesian neural network (DØ) - Can combine results for greater sensitivity
19Single Top Results
Matrix Element
20All Single Top Results
21More Top Properties
- See public webpages for CDF and DØ
- http//www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/new/top/top.html
- http//www-d0.fnal.gov/Run2Physics/top/top_public_
- Very exciting times in top physics at the
Tevatron - Top mass uncertainty 1.1!
- Aiming for 1 GeV uncertainty before end of Run II
- Already have evidence for single top production
gt 3?! - Pushing for 5? observation
- Cross section Uncertainty comparable to theory
- Just beginning to gain sensitivity to many other
top quark properties - Great place to search for new physics!
- Stayed tuned for new results this summer and
Published so far. 6 more submitted. Other
analyses in progress.